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Sparkling Adventures in Child Neglect: Vive La France

happy atheist

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One thing about the clitoris is that researchers are not exactly sure why we have one. It doesn't seem to be sexually selected, because tons of women happily have sex and babies without having an orgasm to complete the deed. They're doing studies now and ideas are being bandied about but there's nothing concrete.

Wouldn't the penis be enough reason? There's only so much alteration you can do from the base model to make a male. Maybe the genes for clitoris/penis are so touchy and similar that change is pretty difficult. Sexual organs are very very conservative, for obvious reasons. It just makes sense that if having a sufficiently sized/shaped penis is vital to reproductive success you can support a lot of wasted energy in growing a large clitoris even if you're not going to be male. Also, maybe the clitoris is responsible for stronger bonding, or more extra-pair mating in the female.

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Back to Lauren: if she's in Nimbin, then there's a bushfire in Lismore county area in the Nightcap National Park, 10km to the north east of her. At least that area is better than further south. Bushfires in Australia are bad early this season, after a very warm winter. This one is reported as under control though.

She posted a photo of Grafton (South) if she's heading further south (to see her dad) there are massive bushfires around Sydney. Hope she stays clear.

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That's the authentic version of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "I can't hear you".

If only it was authentically in English! :lol:

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Wouldn't the penis be enough reason? There's only so much alteration you can do from the base model to make a male. Maybe the genes for clitoris/penis are so touchy and similar that change is pretty difficult. Sexual organs are very very conservative, for obvious reasons. It just makes sense that if having a sufficiently sized/shaped penis is vital to reproductive success you can support a lot of wasted energy in growing a large clitoris even if you're not going to be male.

Yeah, have to agree here re the clitoris being a rudimentary penis - ie derived from the same origins. I guess, technically, that we have a clitoris for much the same reason that men have nipples.

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The Sparkling One has two new blog posts up. I found this part especially interesting:

After looking at the new developments, I wonder about the significance of the house burning down, especially in light of it being the location of David’s and my wedding in August 1997. I came from a culture which espoused one-husband/one-wife for life, and if, instead, I had been surrounded by a culture that allowed and encouraged unhealthy relationships to end, would my life be different now?

I cannot change the past, but I can affect the future by first modelling a healthy transition through future relationships and also allowing my children to do the same. I can offer others the freedom to quit.

I no longer believe that the duration of a relationship is a measure of its success. Instead, I believe that if we approach each relationship as an opportunity for personal growth into greater godliness and consciously reflect upon it as that — at the glorious beginning, when it gets hard, at even as the intimacy disintegrates — we will never be unsuccessful in a relationship.

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The Sparkling One has two new blog posts up. I found this part especially interesting:

The tl;dr version of everything Lauren says or writes is: if I feel like doing something, that makes it the right/best/authentic thing to do.

She is the Queen of Rationalization, that one.

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That latest post just seems like an especially huge FU to David, plus a possible set up for Marcus to be talked about on the blog. She can talk about the sparkling authenticity of their relationship and then, when they break up, she can talk about the sparkling authenticity of the break up. Never mind if her girls become attached to Marcus because they are looking for a father figure, since their's was suddenly ripped from their lives. All that matters is that Sparkles had a properly authentic relationship.

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She actually slotted in a couple of other blogs too, previous to visiting Helena. One is about circus fest and the other about a campground. Neither mention the presence of the mysterious Marcus.

So now she's alluding to her desire to leave David before Elijah's death, and acting like she's oh so wise. She makes me laugh at the way she has these insights, as though she's the first person to think of them.

I can imagine her sitting down and gathering her little congregation and giving lectures on life, like some kind of self styled guru.

Lauren is a follower. Of any body, really.

I think she saw Hellenas birthing blog, and decided to do it better. She met some home schoolers, but had to go one step further and un school.

Trouble is, she's shit at these things. She gains a little bit of info, then acts as though she's an expert.

I'm totally fascinated by her story though.

I wish she would address the questions people ask her on her blog.

And why skip the whole Europe trip on her blog, I wonder?

Not a word of gratitude to the people who looked after her kids while she was away, either.

I do agree that's she's most likely bonking Marcus. And she's paving the way to let the world know, and setting up the story for when he gets sick of her, so she can crap on about what a wonderful learning experience it was for the girls.

Except it won't be, it will be traumatic for them, to lose someone else they're close to.

Lauren is such a self centred wanker.

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Left to free range, the girls love playing in and around the busy camp ground

None of her girls are old enough to "free range" in a completely unfamiliar environment with only a person or two that they know! I would rant more but my phone is being irritating!

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The Sparkling One has two new blog posts up. I found this part especially interesting:

I picked up on that too. Quite a convenient 'out' of her marriage and a transition into a new relationship.

I assume by 'culture...' she means the missionary culture in Africa. Because IMO that isn't the culture in Australia.

And yes...why is there still no mention of Europe.

OT ... Alice and Staria look genuinely happy in that photo, you never see Lauren and her kids looking that way.

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FTR I think it's perfectly reasonable to "quit" the marriage with David after he, allegedly, murdered their child. My problem is that she is so meticulous and calculating about how she goes about making it seem palatable to her perceived readers.

ETA: On second post from today: That looks like one pissed off mama 'roo.

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It appears to be.

It hard to know? They do have a tent which they sleep in sometimes. When Marcus travelled with them to Alice Springs, Lauren said he slept in "the" tent, rather than 'his' tent.

It could be just theirs set up. I tried to look at Alice's fb as she had pics on there, but she's changed her privacy settings now she's gone "underground" so my stalking produced no answers! :lol:

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Oh hang on, is there another tent hiding down the back in the gully?

Which, by the way, is a stupid and dangerous place to put a tent. Hello, haven't they heard of flash flooding?

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Oh hang on, is there another tent hiding down the back in the gully?

Which, by the way, is a stupid and dangerous place to put a tent. Hello, haven't they heard of flash flooding?

They must have seen plenty of dry river beds which have become raging torrents overnight in SA. Surely they would know?

Although Lauren does strike me as the type to park under the shade of a river red gum....

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I picked up on that too. Quite a convenient 'out' of her marriage and a transition into a new relationship.

I assume by 'culture...' she means the missionary culture in Africa. Because IMO that isn't the culture in Australia.

And yes...why is there still no mention of Europe.

OT ... Alice and Staria look genuinely happy in that photo, you never see Lauren and her kids looking that way.

Yes she's paving the way to introduce marcus as the new man about van.

I've always thought she and David were mentally ill and playing games in their relationshit but even until just now I thought there might be a tiny piece of lauren that was genuine. GONE!

It's interesting how she's "adapted" her theory of relationshits (and dress style? skirts = sex?) to fit a new man in her life.

And what "culture" is she speaking about?! She hasn't been a Christian for years! To say nothing of the fact that she and David rejected 'culture' well before Elijah was even born! Apparently she stuck by David? What The Fuck? Is this the same woman who compared her murdering husband to a man suffering from an aneurysm?

And the insinuation that all was not well in their relationshit? Would things have been different Lauren? gee I dont know. Things must have been really bad for you to keep knocking out babies year after year and isolating yourself in a van with man you weren't commited to.

David might have been the one who killed Elijah, but you were right there beside him.

I wonder if david's gonna recover now that there's a new man muscling in to play daddy I wonder?

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It hard to know? They do have a tent which they sleep in sometimes. When Marcus travelled with them to Alice Springs, Lauren said he slept in "the" tent, rather than 'his' tent.

It could be just theirs set up. I tried to look at Alice's fb as she had pics on there, but she's changed her privacy settings now she's gone "underground" so my stalking produced no answers! :lol:

Poor Alice, what a muppet, she won't be able to 'go underground' when satria eventually gets arrested for something because he's turned into a feral turd

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Is that Marcus's tent I spy in the Mann River post?

I wonder if he's mooching off her, new economy style, or if he's just a drifter...

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Is it too soon to put down bets that there's going to be a new baby about the van within 12 months? And do we think she'll start again with an "A" or continue with an "F" ?

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FTR I think it's perfectly reasonable to "quit" the marriage with David after he, allegedly, murdered their child. My problem is that she is so meticulous and calculating about how she goes about making it seem palatable to her perceived readers.

It is calculating - notice how she went off on her bonking tour of europe with her 'rubbing away the black' post left up on her blog to get sympathy and attention all the while she was having a holiday? and NOW all of a sudden, her relationship with david was never that great and maybe she should have left? and its her duty to show the girls how to move on and have new relationships? (I'm paraphrasing here) but it's what she is implying while marcus waits in the wings...

What a piece of work! I mean, I knew she was nuts - but this is even more nuts that I gave her credit for!

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We're so happy to once again be camping alongside our beautiful travelling friend Alice and her son Satria and to help her celebrate her fortieth birthday camping-style!

So Alice isn't too exhausted and weepy to celebrate her 40th birthday? again?! WHAT A LOSER! First she bitches about being dumped with laurens kids who stole her freedom, then they set up tent next to each other!

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We're so happy to once again be camping alongside our beautiful travelling friend Alice and her son Satria and to help her celebrate her fortieth birthday camping-style!

So Alice isn't too exhausted and weepy to celebrate her 40th birthday? again?! WHAT A LOSER! First she bitches about being dumped with laurens kids who stole her freedom, then they set up tent next to each other!

That was at circusfest, where they all met up following the Europe trip.

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