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Stories by Raquel


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Is Josh a friend? Or a made-up character? The story of ferrets is just too strange and doesn't make much sense and this coming from someone who likes fantasy and scifi stories. You can have loads of ideas as a writer, but the point of good writing to put all those ideas together and made a story that's engaging and enjoyable to both you and the reader. Read it out loud and see if what you're writing sounds nice to the ear. Use exciting vocabulary, but don't over use the thesaurus either. Her writing isn't the most horrible I have read, but she has a lot to improve on as well. To start, she needs to read more and that doesn't include the Bible. It's how she is with most things. She's okay, but still amateur. If she wants to be great, she needs more education. She needs classes and lessons and more life experience.

From what I can tell Josh is real. He wrote the story with her.

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