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Lori Alexander on STDs and promoting absistence

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I would simply continue to build up my immune system and eat as healthy as possible since there is no guarantee that a vaccination can prevent disease. They have been proven to cause cancer, autism, and many other scary diseases. Our bodies have amazing abilities to heal itself of disease if given healthy food, sleep, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. People put way too much trust in vaccinations to prevent disease. I would rather trust the powerful immune system the Lord gave me.

Hmmm, let's see. All those folks who died of smallpox in the last couple of centuries. They had all organic food (no other option in those days), tons of sunshine, fresh air and exercise (again not much choice in those days). All those amazing god-fearing immune systems still sucummbed to a disease which now no longer exists due entirely to vaccination. I wonder what Lori would do if there ever was a terrorist related small pox outbreak. I'm kind of guessing she'll be first in line and she'll find some biblical verse that says god is good with vaccination in that particular circumstance.

She is an idiot and a monster

P.S. There is no credible data anywhere that vaccines cause autism, cancer or any other scary disease but they do prevent a whole bunch of them

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Ladies, if you're husband cheats on you God will take care to make sure you don't get a disease! Just more excuses to promote your sinful ways.

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Because the whole thing has to be seen to be believed.


You gave some counsel to women last month about winning back the hearts of husbands who stray. If I recall correctly, meeting the sexual needs of their husbands was part of your advice.


Would you advise these women to insist that their husbands use condoms if they have been straying? I didn't recall you ever approving of their use. If not, isn't there a chance that a Godly, faithful wife could still be infected with HPV and possibly die of cervical cancer if she didn't have regular Pap smears?

Also, are you suggesting that our daughters may never marry a man who is newly convicted in his Christian faith, or even a Christian man who is a widower? Since men generally don't show symptoms of HPV, such a man could expose his wife to the HPV virus without realizing it, and put her at risk.

Finally, just as Jesus is full of grace and forgives us even though we sin, shouldn't we have a similar feeling in our hearts towards our precious children? Obviously, we owe our children honesty and clear warnings about ALL of the possible consequences, but if they were to stumble, isn't it better to reduce the odds of death? Many have stumbled, repented and gone on to lead righteous lives.

Lori Alexander

I understand what you are saying but there are many side effects to this vaccine and all others...


I would simply continue to build up my immune system and eat as healthy as possible since there is no guarantee that a vaccination can prevent disease. They have been proven to cause cancer, autism, and many other scary diseases. Our bodies have amazing abilities to heal itself of disease if given healthy food, sleep, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. People put way too much trust in vaccinations to prevent disease. I would rather trust the powerful immune system the Lord gave me.

Lori Alexander

In reply to all your "what ifs," I will still always teach truth, God's truths and His ways because they are always best and the safest way to live.


Vaccinations don't cause autism. Andrew Wakefield and the Lancet paper have been debunked.

http://voices.washingtonpost.com/checkup/2011/01/... http://jpeds.com/content/JPEDSDeStefano

I, too, am wary of vaccinations, but the risks are exceptionally small for the vast majority of the population, even if they fail to prevent the disease (which they do most of the time).

I am interested in your thoughts on (2xx1xy1JD)'s questions regarding condoms (for instance, why not skip the vaccine and simply use one?), widowers, new believers, etc.

Lori Alexander

Many mothers disagree with these findings. Their children were perfectly healthy until they started receiving vaccinations. Autism use to be very rare. Now it is common...

Condoms aren't foolproof at all. They tear and the HIV virus can actually penetrate them. Besides telling children to use them is a joke. They are not fun at all! Widowers and new believers will have to seek wise guidance as to how to prevent possible disease. Like I said previously, I would simply do everything I could to keep my body as healthy as possible and I am not opposed to married couples using condoms if they choose to do so. Just be warned that they are not completely reliable.


I don't want to hijack (2xx1xy1JD)'s thread, but I do want to make a point of clarification: REPORTED autism has increased. As doctors understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorders, they've begun identifying more children and adults who may qualify. No evidence exists to suggest an actual increase of autism.

Lori Alexander

All I know is I didn't know anyone with autistic symptoms when I was growing up. No kids were on ridelin and most were very well behaved. The very few naughty ones were spanked by the principal and then they behaved.

Remember kids: condoms aren't fun, and autism and ADHD can be cured with spanking.

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I went to school in the 90s/00s and only a couple children were on a ADD meds that I recall and only a couple people had autism. Aspergers wasn't a known disease really. My state only had medical exemptions and still only has medical exemptions. Yet our autism rate is still relatively low overall, though almost everyone in the state is vaccinated and most are up to date or closely up to date on their vaccination rates. Autism has existed for a long time. Has Lori never seen Rainman?

The term autism started around 1910, but it wasn't until the late 80s that autism began to be treated as a social and behavior issue. It used to be in a group with schizophrenia until the 1960s. Lori doesn't know jackshit, but that's already obvious.

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Well, they will only be allowed around Christian boys, and everybody knows Christians don't rape.

Or, as fundies often say, if a girl is raped, it's her fault because she might have been wearing something defrauding, as men are incapable of self control.

ETA: Lori Alexander is a monster.

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I've said this before in other Lori related threads, but does anyone else find it very odd that a daughter of a retired pathologist would spout out a lot of shit regarding vaccines.

I don't find it that odd.. I know of plenty people that are anti-following-the-CDC-vaccine-schedule, and they have doctors that agree with or accept their choices. So, with that in mind, I don't think her Father being a pathologist would automatically mean he is pro-vax.

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Vaccines and condoms could fail, so I'm going to eat fruits and vegetables that definitely won't prevent chlamydia?

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There is something I don't understand about the "HPV shot is bad because kids shouldn't be having sex before marriage anyway" argument. Christianity encourages conversion, there are a lot of people who become Christians after a life of non-Christian activities, including premarital sex. What if a young woman who has been Christian since birth and is a virgin until marriage falls in love with a young man who became a Christian later in life? He's celibate now, but he wasn't before, and he could have gotten HPV. If this scenario is possible, why would parents be against the vaccine as a preventative measure? Or would her parents demand that she only marry a virgin? In that case, isn't it creating a class of Christians who are "not as good" as other Christians? And doesn't that interfere with the idea of forgiveness, which is important in Christianity?

Hi, welcome to my life ;)

Not quite this, exactly, but I can say w/ certainty that my husband is the only person I've had sex with.

I have HPV.

He had been 'sexually abstinent' for literally years and years before we met, but, really, that doesn't matter.

My daughter will be getting the shot, when the time comes.

Because, lets say I teach her the abstinence only plan (that's not the plan, but, pretend)--the HPV shot isn't carte blanch to go have sex--she'll be educated enough to know there are plenty, and I mean PLENTY of other diseases she could catch (and pregnancy to catch).

But it does mean that if made what fundies would call the 'mistake' of sex or if she's assaulted, her chances of getting HPV based cancers is lower.

(I'd get it for a son too, if I had one, same reasons)

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I am pretty lenient about SOME of the modified vaccination schedule arguments because of bodily autonomy and individual risk vs. benefit even though these people are being pricks for putting the immunocompromised at risk. BUT HPV is not a disease like Hep B that the average middle-class person is unlikely to encounter. Something like 80% of sexually active women have had HPV. Many are extremely healthy. A virus would not be a very badass pathogen if eating healthy would keep it from hurting me.

There is no guarantee that a vaccination can prevent disease, but there is a lot of evidence that they give you a good chance. There is a teeny chance that it will cause a significant negative reaction, infinitesimal if you have never reacted to a vaccine before.

There is no guarantee that eating healthy can prevent HPV, and there is no evidence that it helps at all. There is is a large chance that one will be exposed to HPV and a significant chance that it ill cause problems. There is no way to know how "strong" your immune system is and whether you will clear the virus.

WTF is her logic on risk vs. benefit here? That's how you know that she is just spouting off nonsense to back up her position of invincibility from moral superiority.

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I will still always teach truth, God's truths and His ways because they are always best and the safest way to live.

This is Lori's equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and going "lalalala" when she gets called out to explain her views. She uses this line a lot.

Lori is not merely a twat, she is a dumb and dangerous twat.

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Again with Satan being prince of the air! Is she buddies with xtra gay and Dede? Or is the air prince a thing?


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Vaccines and condoms could fail, so I'm going to eat fruits and vegetables that definitely won't prevent chlamydia?

Magical thinking is great, ain't it?

If I just eat one more carrot, I won't get the clap...

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Lol to Mrs Mac's comment. Clueless much?

I have a teenager (age 17) with Down syndrome .. mentally about eight. At his last yearly exam HE was handed a closed notebook. To the dismay of the front desk staff I opened the folder and found a consent form for my son to sign to receive this HPV vaccine. He cannot read or understand about this ... nor speak intelligibly. I handed the folder back and said he would not be signing their (sneaky) form.

Yes, they are closed folders. It's not about being "sneaky", it's about privacy so no one else around can see what's written on those forms. They were not hiding anything from you, so the front desk was probably more dismayed at you thinking they were being sneaky somehow. It's the forms they give everyone. Get over yourself.

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Wow. She didn't even try to address all the points you brought up, about cheating spouses and forgiveness.

Of course not, because that would require deviating from The Big Point She Wants To Make.

Her type of magical thinking--"Germs Will Know Where They're Supposed To Go Because Jesus"--makes me tired.

Back in the early days of AIDS recognition (early '80s), my dental hygienist and dentist started wearing gloves and face masks. I mentioned to the hygienist that I bet they all were getting sick less frequently because of these added precautions. She said it was true. We started talking about AIDS prevention, and she said, "It's annoying that most people in society and the government are treating HIV/AIDS like a social stigma and not like an infectious disease." At that time, I saw an interview with a straight HIV-positive hemophiliac who said he got more help and support from the gay community than from the hemophiliac community, "because the Red Cross was still treating AIDS as a 'gay disease,' instead of just a disease."

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: ) Right in the kisser.

Aww, poor Sunshine Mary. She thought she signed up for wedded bliss but instead she got wedded hiss. Usually I'm pretty compassionate towards people with cheating spouses but with Sunshine Mary I'll make an exception. I have no fucks to give.


On-topic: Lori Alexander is a fucking monster.

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When the vaccine came out, the issues I had with it had nothing to do with sex, though I was fundy lite. I just wasn't sure there'd been enough long term testing, and I think that was one of the main reasons people were concerned. By the time I have kids, this will likely all be moot, and I'll revisit the issue. In all liklihood they will be getting it. But that's so far into the future a better shot might've come out by then, so who knows.

This is why I haven't gotten the shot for my girls. I figured if I wait a bit longer, that if there are side effects, I'd know about them. It's a fairly new vaccine, so I wanted to be sure it's ok. Older girl (14) will be getting it this Summer. Younger girl (12) will get it when she quits saying that every boy she knows is a brainless wonder :) actually, I'm about 75% sure younger girl is gay. So she can get the shot when she shows any sexual interest at all toward either gender.

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Lori Alexander is a fucking monster is showing again her anti-vax attitude after finding she and her family have been eating tainted berries from Costco and getting offers for free vaccinations.


Yes, we did. We have been eating the tainted berries from Costco for the past several months. The funny thing is I didn't like the pomegranate seeds in it, so I would always pick them out. It turns out that the Hepatitis A is in the pomegranate seeds!

So we have gotten calls from Costco. We can come to Costco and get a free vaccination to prevent getting Hepatitis A. Yippee! Wait a minute. Shouldn't you investigate what is in the vaccination and the side effects before you run off to get the shot?

From everything I have read, the disease isn't that bad and a healthy body fights it off. Most people infected with the virus don't even get sick. The ingredients of the vaccines aren't good according to this article.

This is fun. Hepatitis A vaccine is made from infected human connective tissue cells. Not kidding. Not from just one guy, but rather each batch of vaccine is made from an infected mass of cells which had 1000 donors. (Pediatrics) Imagine that party. They are infected with hepatitis A virus, the causative vector presumed to be present in every case of hepatitis A disease.

The agents are filtered, and attenuated with aluminum, formaldehyde, and phenoxyethanol – a synonym for ethylene glycol – a component in antifreeze.

Now they are encouraging all young people to get the HPV vaccine. Have you studied the side effects of it? Dr. Mercola writes about it HERE.

They also recommend your children getting over 40 vaccinations before they are five years old. In the mean time, autism has risen to one in fifty children.

I am not telling you what to do. I just want you to research the facts thoroughly before just taking off and doing the recommended thing. I like how this one writer concluded his article in the one I posted above ~

Perhaps the darkest consequence of all the foregoing is that most of us have lost our confidence in the inner curative power of Nature {I would say God, instead} – the body’s inborn wisdom. A hundred media snippets a day, week after week, year after year, have undermined our ability to even consider the notion that 99.9% of infants may be perfect as they are. Or that their pure blood is the most sacred medium in the universe, the crucible in which the human genome itself was meant to be safeguarded and passed on from age to age. Or that the immune system can only develop to its full potential if left to its own devices, largely unknown to human science.

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Lori is tempting fate there....surely she should at least be concerned over the possibility of eating contaminated food...

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Has anyone brought up her "monkey" comment for the last time creationists. Science does not say we evolved from monkeys, but that we share a common ancestor with them.

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Lol to Mrs Mac's comment. Clueless much?

Yes, they are closed folders. It's not about being "sneaky", it's about privacy so no one else around can see what's written on those forms. They were not hiding anything from you, so the front desk was probably more dismayed at you thinking they were being sneaky somehow. It's the forms they give everyone. Get over yourself.

Why bother finding the most obvious explanation when you could uncover a conspiracy instead?

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