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Lori Alexander on STDs and promoting absistence

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Michael Douglas recently stated that his throat cancer may have been from the HPV virus. On Good Morning America, a pediatrician said that all pre-teens should get the vaccine for the HPV virus since every body is sexually active in their twenties...

This drives me CRAZY!!! They just can't say it...They refuse to speak truth but instead give people an out for bad behavior. Instead of practicing abstinence until marriage, just take a shot so you can fool around as much as you want without consequences.

I don't see how a vaccine can prevent all the sexually transmitted diseases one can get from oral sex or intercourse. They are lying to us! They think a vaccine or a condom will prevent all disease. Why are they so afraid to say the obvious...You won't get a sexually transmitted disease if both spouses have stayed pure until marriage. Monogamy is safe. It is God's protection for us.

They think young people are incapable of monogamy. They think it is normal to sow rebellious seeds and fool around with numerous people before marriage. They don't believe if you teach children as they grow up the importance of saving themselves for marriage they can actually follow through.

They think we are no more than animals. They believe we have come from monkeys and we can live as we please since there is no Judge. They don't believe in a Creator who gave us a guidebook to follow that admonishes us to flee sexual immorality because when you are sexually immoral, you are reaping the consequences in your own body.

They still promote free sex even though they know the consequences are deadly. Many young people are, unfortunately, falling for their lies. They don't see the amazing benefits of purity until marriage. They don't realize that doing things God's ways reaps amazing blessings.

Teach your children early and often of God's ways. Don't let them hear the ridiculous lies of society. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and wants nothing more than to destroy your precious children. They aren't animals. They can be self-disciplined and self-controlled. They really can.

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Yes, by all means. Teach your children how to walk a tight rope and they will never fall. No need for any pesky nets.

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There is something I don't understand about the "HPV shot is bad because kids shouldn't be having sex before marriage anyway" argument. Christianity encourages conversion, there are a lot of people who become Christians after a life of non-Christian activities, including premarital sex. What if a young woman who has been Christian since birth and is a virgin until marriage falls in love with a young man who became a Christian later in life? He's celibate now, but he wasn't before, and he could have gotten HPV. If this scenario is possible, why would parents be against the vaccine as a preventative measure? Or would her parents demand that she only marry a virgin? In that case, isn't it creating a class of Christians who are "not as good" as other Christians? And doesn't that interfere with the idea of forgiveness, which is important in Christianity?

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Dear Lori:

Staying "pure" UNTIL marriage is not enough. Husbands who stray during the marriage can exhibit no symptoms, but transmit it to their wives, who can die if they do not get diagnosed early enough via Pap smear. Your argument would have more internal logic if you didn't ALSO recommend that wives stay with husbands who stray, without mentioning a word about insisting on comprehensive STD testing, using condoms or refusing sex.


Is cervical cancer also supposed to be some sort of biblical threat for women who don't satisfy their men? (Note: men cheat for many reasons - it's just in Lori and Pat Robertson's mind that it is all the fault of the cheated-on wife.)

BTW, my daughter got the shot because if I can reduce the chances of her dying of any type of cancer, I will. Even if I could control her behavior forever (which I can't), I cannot guarantee that she will never be with anyone who has ever had any other sexual experience, and I prefer not to enforce my will with death threats.

I will also teach my daughter to drive safely - but will still insist that she buckle up, and the car will have air bags.

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This sounds remarkable similar to my sister's reaction when my mom mentioned that both my son and daughter received the HPV vaccine. Thankfully I care more about my children potentially getting cancer than I do about my sisters thoughts and feelings.

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Um...there's not a vaccine for all STDs. Just one meant to prevent four strains of HPV, but the ones that have the highest risk of causing cancer. There are actually lots of strains of HPV. Most of them go away on their own though and don't cause issues. It's the strains least likely to just go away that the vaccine prevents. There's no magic pill or shot that can cure everything. At least not right now. Some STDs can be cured if caught early.

Moving on to the monogamy. Lori tells women to stay with cheating husbands all the time. So much for "purity". She is probably obligated to have sex with him too, if he wants it, after he cheated on her and she knows he did. Yeah, that would not happen. I do believe that marriage is a commitment of many things to another and that includes having me as their one and only sex partner. Adultery is bad because it's a commitment/contract breech. It's a betrayal of trust. That's why it's seen so negatively. And yes, it can bring STDs into the relationship. If I caught or discovered my future husband had been cheating on me, there'd be no sex. I don't want diseases. And condoms actually do prevent most STDs, including most HPV, though it can be on the outside of the condom area. But I still would refuse if my spouse had cheated on me.

No, we can control ourselves, but I still don't get how men are required to wait for marriage, but yet can't control themselves around attractive women and must rape her and need sex all the time the day they sign a contract that says they are married or they will leave you because they don't have control. So which is it? Can men have self-control when it comes to sex or not? Make up your mind already. :pull-hair:

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I don't see how a vaccine can prevent all the sexually transmitted diseases one can get from oral sex or intercourse. They are lying to us! They think a vaccine or a condom will prevent all disease.

No, actually, Lori (Alexander who is a monster) "we" don't say these things. We say you can reduce your risk of HPV related squamous cell carcinoma by getting the HPV vaccine and you can reduce your risk of other STDs by using a condom properly and consistently. We are not lying. There is wealth of excellent clinical data to back up these assertions. We are scientists, we state facts. We do no make overarching ridiculous claims, but as that is your MO I guess you don't understand restraint and statements based on facts!

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Am I just tired, or did Lori get high before she wrote that? It was even more rambly than usual. I like how in the 3rd paragraph, she goes from "I don't see how..." to "They're lying to us!" Normally when you don't understand something, you look it up. When Lori doesn't understand something, she develops a conspiracy theory.

Maybe doctors refuse to "say it" because it's their job to give people healthcare for the lifestyle they choose (or, in the case of minors, healthcare that gives them the best chance of staying healthy). Not sit there and tell people that if they didn't have sex/walk barefoot on the beach/vacation in South America/ride their bike/send their kid to school, they wouldn't need HPV vaccines/tetanus shots/malaria medication/stitches/headlice shampoo.

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Again with Satan being prince of the air! Is she buddies with xtra gay and Dede? Or is the air prince a thing? Because if it is, it totally explains this cold I caught. I breathed in Satan, and he's living in my lungs!

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wow. its not to prevent disease, it's a free sex shot. I should tell my fiance about this.

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This drives me CRAZY!!! They just can't say it...They refuse to speak truth but instead give people an out for bad behavior. Instead of practicing abstinence until marriage, just take a shot so you can fool around as much as you want without consequences.

Just because you get a shot to prevent HPV doesn't mean you can "fool around with no consequences." There are plenty of consequences outside of HPV. Furthermore, the HPV virus can remain in the body for many years without symptoms, so someone who was sexually abused during childhood might contract it, or someone who had extramarital sex before converting to Christianity might have it and not even realize it.

Ugh, how does this woman manage to get up in the morning and turn her computer on? She's seriously too stupid to live.

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An HPV shot means one thinks they can fool around all they want just like having a fire alarm means I'm going to set up a charcoal grill in my kitchen tonight.

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I really think that a lot of issues fundies have with the HPV vaccine stem from the fact that it primarily protects women. Sure a few men may get penile cancers from HPV but the majority of HPV related carcinomas are cervical. Remember, women must be punished for their sexual sins. I wonder if the tune will change as we see more head and neck cancers related to HPV (which affect men and women equally)

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I also just popped over to her page and noticed that Michael Douglas "contacted" HPV. Like he called it on the phone. She is an absolute moron.

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I would love to put Lori in a room with patients who are dying excruciatingly painful deaths from HPV-related cancers for an afternoon.

Real fucking compassionate.

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When the vaccine came out, the issues I had with it had nothing to do with sex, though I was fundy lite. I just wasn't sure there'd been enough long term testing, and I think that was one of the main reasons people were concerned. By the time I have kids, this will likely all be moot, and I'll revisit the issue. In all liklihood they will be getting it. But that's so far into the future a better shot might've come out by then, so who knows.

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And what about rape? I am getting my daughter the shot because of that risk, God forbid.

Well, they will only be allowed around Christian boys, and everybody knows Christians don't rape.

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Now she's quoting the quack Dr. Mercola and ranting about vaccines in general and all we need are fruits and veggies and sunshine....

I need a break from the stupid.

No, vaccines do NOT cause autism, but that particular bit of misinformation has not only been used to inflict lots of needless guilt on parents but has also led to a drop in immunization rates.

Google "whooping cough deaths". Or read this: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/hea ... le4436946/. Or do some research on how smallpox was eliminated. Or do some research on polio - how vaccines have dramatically decreased the incidence of the disease, but how Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan (areas where there has been resistance to vaccination efforts) still have cases of the disease.

Also, what kind of an answer is it to say that you'll continue to preach the truth despite "what-ifs"? What truth? Did I miss the part of the bible where is says "thou shalt not vaccinate"?

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Wow. She didn't even try to address all the points you brought up, about cheating spouses and forgiveness.

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Remind me again...how many affairs did Lori's pal Sunshine's husband have?

: ) Right in the kisser.

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Hang on, let me see if I understand Lori Logic:

I would simply continue to build up my immune system and eat as healthy as possible since there is no guarantee that a vaccination can prevent disease. They have been proven to cause cancer, autism, and many other scary diseases. Our bodies have amazing abilities to heal itself of disease if given healthy food, sleep, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. People put way too much trust in vaccinations to prevent disease. I would rather trust the powerful immune system the Lord gave me.

Now remind me, did Lori use healthy food, sleep, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise to remove that brain tumor she had a month or so back? Because I could have sworn she had it surgically removed. Wonder why her body didn't just heal itself...hmmm.

I'd also love for her to cite the sources that prove vaccines cause cancer, autism, and other "scary diseases". :roll:

In reply to all your "what ifs," I will still always teach truth, God's truths and His ways because they are always best and the safest way to live.

Cause you know what God says about vaccines....oh, that's right. God didn't say anything about vaccines. (psst....hey Lori. Just because you think it, doesn't mean god said it. Your brain is vile and feeble...it can't be trusted). :doh:

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I've said this before in other Lori related threads, but does anyone else find it very odd that a daughter of a retired pathologist would spout out a lot of shit regarding vaccines.

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