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doug the TOOL has way too much free time


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the true story of cinderella wtf. trying to display your wit and talent eh. and the wink at the end creeped me out!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That is seriously the most toolish thing of all the tooldom. I have no words... I have nothing to screen cap and meme... I just... :shock: :shock: :shock:

Twin2... help!

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Nope. Not even 45 seconds. Stopped it after about 15. What's the point?

(after reflection)

If he keeps doing stuff like this and his followers imitate him, they'll pretty much have neutralized themselves!

Going back to give it a "like"!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

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AahMaahGaah. WTF was that? All that's missing is one of those little glint-on-a-tooth sparkle things with a k'ching noise (you know what i mean) to go with his appalling wink.

I can't help thinking it would have been much better if he wore fairy wings and a tiara though.

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It was funny 40+ years ago when my college boyfriend read it to me over the phone--but he wasn't a tool who thought it should be recorded for posterity.

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It was all so he could say "they pranced, and they pranced, and they pranced."

Do his interns sit around and come up with ideas they think will totally confuse the public, thereby throwing off the minions of the devil (us?) and distracting us so we don't make trouble for his real missions, like the space mission he loves so much? "Guys, let's have Doug Philips is a Tool recite a spoonerized super-fast Cinderella story because that will be so funny and awesome and dominion-mandated! Especially if he goofs up but winks smugly at the end! That will be part of our PLAN!"

Doug Philips is a Tool, improving the culture for Christ, one melodramatic nullity after another.

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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That is seriously the most toolish thing of all the tooldom. I have no words... I have nothing to screen cap and meme... I just... :shock: :shock: :shock:

Twin2... help!

I'm on it!!

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What was he doing in that? Was he speaking in gibberish? Was he talking fast and tripping over his words? Did he record it in real time and speed it up? And why in all high holy hell did he find a need to make that (well other than the fact he is a tool).

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What was he doing in that? Was he speaking in gibberish? Was he talking fast and tripping over his words? Did he record it in real time and speed it up? And why in all high holy hell did he find a need to make that (well other than the fact he is a tool).

And why post it on the Internet?

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And why post it on the Internet?

I think I just need to accept that there are some mysterious of the universe that are just not meant to be solved.

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Is there a gorilla in the corner?

That was 45 seconds that wasted my life and confused me. All I can conclude is that he just wanted to hear himself talk.

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I think that pic is definitive proof there is no such thing as intelligent design, unless the creator creates jackasses for his/her own amusement.

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I'm having a very hard time understanding him. The reason the "story in 1 minute" videos were popular is not to demonstrate how fast someone could talk. It was because the people who made the good ones condensed the story into amusing bits. I'm 10 seconds in and it sounded like he said Finn-dur-ella

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I'm having a very hard time understanding him. The reason the "story in 1 minute" videos were popular is not to demonstrate how fast someone could talk. It was because the people who made the good ones condensed the story into amusing bits. I'm 10 seconds in and it sounded like he said Finn-dur-ella

Yeah, it's a wacky "funny" version with sounds swapped around. Findurella gets a cumpkin poach and goes to the ball to prance with the dince, etc.

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I feel like I just watched someone talking in that ebil backward masking that they say is on all the rock-n-roll music. :shock:

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Yeah, it's a wacky "funny" version with sounds swapped around. Findurella gets a cumpkin poach and goes to the ball to prance with the dince, etc.

Ohhhh..... so that was meant to be funny.

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This OLD comedy routine, "Cinderella" told in spoonerisms, was performed and made popular by a bandleader/comedian named Jack Ross. It became a hit in 1962 - and yes, it was also performed on "Hee Haw."

Spoonerisms can be funny, if they're spoken slowly enough for the listener to get them. Spoonerize "I am a shining wit, for example. ;)

But fer Chrissake, Dougie - you sound like you're speaking in tongues here! Do you really want to take VF down that road??

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