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The Double D Women


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Two words that describe the modern woman (or traditional woman, as the case may be). They either demand respect, independence, equality, careers, the vote, etc., OR they demand respect, men to protect and provide, to be a housewife, a pedestal, etc. They demand all these things because of course they deserve it all. Deserve is synonymous with entitled. Modern women and traditional women share in common their sense of entitlement. They have opposite means to reach the end, but the end is the same–obtaining the life they deserve or are entitled to. Nothing tells them they deserve such and such a life but their own hamster-driven reasoning and having that reasoning inflated by sisterhood sheeple. These are DD women.


It is fascinating to watch both groups think they have it all figured out–that they can get the life they want by a swift move of “I deserve, therefore, I demandâ€. The truth is it is a “quiet and meek†spirit that win’s not only the heart of God, but the heart of men. Of course if God and/or men are not your objective, act however you want. I maintain though, if there is any hope in getting women back to their proper role (and I seriously doubt this at times), then they have to take on the “quiet and meek†spirit. A woman with this demeanor does not think she is entitled to anything and therefore does not demand anything. What she gets in life are gifts bestowed upon her by men and God for being worthy. The gifts of staying at home is one such example. And lets not forget, staying at home is just that–a gift. It is not a “right†or something women can demand and impose upon men. If women truly lived life as a “quiet and meek†spirit, I don’t doubt men will then want to reward her pleasantness however they can


In other words women can't win anyway. We are evil no matter what we do or desire.






The person who wrote this is a woman, but that doesn't make it any less stupid and offensive

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Whenever I think I can't be repulsed by fundies/MRAs anymore, something like this comes along. What a CREEP! Because everything about his writing screams that if a woman even for as much as a minute isn't Quiet and Meek, he has every right to beat the crap out of her. Als he can't spell.

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In other words women can't win anyway. We are evil no matter what we do or desire.


Don't mind if I do. :dance:

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'Gifts'? Funny. As a modern woman I've figured out that nobody's giving anything away. So the only demands I make are 1) of myself...to figure out what I want and then go out and earn it and 2) my civil rights, which are because I'm human and no more than everyone, regardless of sex, is entitled to have.

If they want 'gifts', maybe the males should take on the 'quiet and meek' spirit thing for a while and see where it gets them.

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Whenever I think I can't be repulsed by fundies/MRAs anymore, something like this comes along. What a CREEP! Because everything about his writing screams that if a woman even for as much as a minute isn't Quiet and Meek, he has every right to beat the crap out of her. Als he can't spell.

Actually, it is a woman writing this stuff.

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In other words women can't win anyway. We are evil no matter what we do or desire.


I"m trying to figure this out. He's till whining about women "demanding" the vote? Apparently, women shouldn't expect not to work, but they shouldn't expect careers... so crap jobs for life if you are a woman?

The upside is that in real life, if I know someone like this, I don't realize it because they either keep this crap to themselves or he and I would have met, learned about the other person, and dropped seeing that other person, as we have nothing in common.

UPside, is, again, reading this kind of 'womenz is bad, umkay" kinds of blogs is that they scream of men who can't manage a relationship with women, and thus are less likely to be reproducing--these always read like the cries of someone who can't get a date, much less apartner.

THus, I am pretty darn sure I have a lot more sex than this guy ever has or ever will--demanding though I may be! :dance:

Edited as I see someone says this is a woman.

Again, no one I'll ever meet or hang with, most likely. But my thought is, why is she setting up strawmen to argue against, if she's not just a bitter man who can't get any? Because, frankly, the couples I know who chose careers for both are happy, the couples I know who have a SAHW are happy, and the ones with stay at home husbands-- also happy. And the people who are single are happily single--maybe especially the women!

And I stand by my "I get more sex than she" statement--- because I am betting I do! :dance: :dance:

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This jackass just needs to get laid already. Then again, I don't think a hooker would fuck him for a million dollars.

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In other words women can't win anyway. We are evil no matter what we do or desire.



The person who wrote this is a woman, but that doesn't make it any less stupid and offensive

Of course we deserve respect. Everyone deserves respect for their life choices (that don't involve harming someone else).

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Two words that describe the modern woman (or traditional woman, as the case may be). They either demand respect, independence, equality, careers, the vote, etc., OR they demand respect, men to protect and provide, to be a housewife, a pedestal, etc. They demand all these things because of course they deserve it all. Deserve is synonymous with entitled. Modern women and traditional women share in common their sense of entitlement. They have opposite means to reach the end, but the end is the same–obtaining the life they deserve or are entitled to. Nothing tells them they deserve such and such a life but their own hamster-driven reasoning and having that reasoning inflated by sisterhood sheeple. These are DD women.

Well, if we're going to be at fault either way, then hell yes I will demand respect, independence, equality, and so forth.

The fact that a woman writes this makes it worse... I have news for you, honey, you aren't as special as you think you are.

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:lol: Double D ? All I could think of was that show where the women are fitted for the correct bras.

I love how they throw in demanding the right to vote :shock: Has anyone else noticed how this is creeping into the far right crazyland rhetoric lately ? I think it is an extremely clever tool in getting people to slowly question things that have been mainstream and a given right for a very long time.

They did it with birth control too --- throwing it out there as something fringe, in a list with other things that the more normal members of their target audience might have actual disagreement with (abortion, universal health care) - until now you have more mainstream teabaggers and conservatives speaking out against it. A few years ago could you have imagined anyone in mainstream society speaking out against birth control as a concept ?

( with obvious exemptions for religious beliefs of course )

Or Social Security - nobody who wasn't a complete fringe fanatic questioned social security for the elderly and disabled as a generally fair concept - until they started routinely throwing it in the same bucket with "welfare-queens" .

They are truly masterful at marketing to sway public opinion.

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When I first saw this topic I thought it would be a fundie rant about a woman's chest size.

As this woman feels, by my being female, I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't I had might as well demand to be treated like a human being. I want my right to vote, equal pay, and the right to be treated like a person and not an object.

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:lol: Double D ? All I could think of was that show where the women are fitted for the correct bras.

I love how they throw in demanding the right to vote :shock: Has anyone else noticed how this is creeping into the far right crazyland rhetoric lately ? I think it is an extremely clever tool in getting people to slowly question things that have been mainstream and a given right for a very long time.

They did it with birth control too --- throwing it out there as something fringe, in a list with other things that the more normal members of their target audience might have actual disagreement with (abortion, universal health care) - until now you have more mainstream teabaggers and conservatives speaking out against it. A few years ago could you have imagined anyone in mainstream society speaking out against birth control as a concept ?

( with obvious exemptions for religious beliefs of course )

Or Social Security - nobody who wasn't a complete fringe fanatic questioned social security for the elderly and disabled as a generally fair concept - until they started routinely throwing it in the same bucket with "welfare-queens" .

They are truly masterful at marketing to sway public opinion.

Yes, I've noticed it too. I believe the current trend is blaming the female vote for putting Obama back in office.

The birth control thing works me up because then we get into the issue of "entitled sluts wanting us to pay for bc", or when you point out that anything having to do with female reproductive health turns into politics bullshit.

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Yes, I've noticed it too. I believe the current trend is blaming the female vote for putting Obama back in office.

The birth control thing works me up because then we get into the issue of "entitled sluts wanting us to pay for bc", or when you point out that anything having to do with female reproductive health turns into politics bullshit.

I saw some charts, and without universal suffrage Obama would not have made it, but this includes men of color as well.

But of course, no one is going to blame men of color, so instead they will just attack and say men of color have been brainwash.

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Let's change the wording just slightly and see how this sounds...

Two words that describe the modern black (or traditional black, as the case may be). They either demand respect, independence, equality, careers, the vote, etc., OR they demand respect, whites to protect and provide, to be a servent, on a pedestal, etc. They demand all these things because of course they deserve it all. Deserve is synonymous with entitled. Modern blacks and traditional blacks share in common their sense of entitlement. They have opposite means to reach the end, but the end is the same–obtaining the life they deserve or are entitled to. Nothing tells them they deserve such and such a life but their own hamster-driven reasoning and having that reasoning inflated by blackhood sheeple. These are DD blacks.

It is fascinating to watch both groups think they have it all figured out–that they can get the life they want by a swift move of “I deserve, therefore, I demandâ€. The truth is it is a “quiet and meek†spirit that win’s not only the heart of God, but the heart of society. Of course if God and/or being in society are not your objective, act however you want. I maintain though, if there is any hope in getting blacks back to their proper role (and I seriously doubt this at times), then they have to take on the “quiet and meek†spirit. Blacks with this demeanor does not think they are entitled to anything and therefore does not demand anything. What they get in life are gifts bestowed upon her by whites and God for being worthy. The gifts of education are one such example. And lets not forget, getting an education is just that–a gift. It is not a “right†or something blacks can demand and impose upon whites. If blacks truly lived life as a “quiet and meek†spirit, I don’t doubt whites will then want to reward their pleasantness however they can.

Would this be tolerated?

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Let's change the wording just slightly and see how this sounds...

Two words that describe the modern black (or traditional black, as the case may be). They either demand respect, independence, equality, careers, the vote, etc., OR they demand respect, whites to protect and provide, to be a servent, on a pedestal, etc. They demand all these things because of course they deserve it all. Deserve is synonymous with entitled. Modern blacks and traditional blacks share in common their sense of entitlement. They have opposite means to reach the end, but the end is the same–obtaining the life they deserve or are entitled to. Nothing tells them they deserve such and such a life but their own hamster-driven reasoning and having that reasoning inflated by blackhood sheeple. These are DD blacks.

It is fascinating to watch both groups think they have it all figured out–that they can get the life they want by a swift move of “I deserve, therefore, I demandâ€. The truth is it is a “quiet and meek†spirit that win’s not only the heart of God, but the heart of society. Of course if God and/or being in society are not your objective, act however you want. I maintain though, if there is any hope in getting blacks back to their proper role (and I seriously doubt this at times), then they have to take on the “quiet and meek†spirit. Blacks with this demeanor does not think they are entitled to anything and therefore does not demand anything. What they get in life are gifts bestowed upon her by whites and God for being worthy. The gifts of education are one such example. And lets not forget, getting an education is just that–a gift. It is not a “right†or something blacks can demand and impose upon whites. If blacks truly lived life as a “quiet and meek†spirit, I don’t doubt whites will then want to reward their pleasantness however they can.

Would this be tolerated?

I wish I could give you all the likes in the world for that.

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Yes, I've noticed it too. I believe the current trend is blaming the female vote for putting Obama back in office.

The birth control thing works me up because then we get into the issue of "entitled sluts wanting us to pay for bc", or when you point out that anything having to do with female reproductive health turns into politics bullshit.

The entire Sandra Fluke/whore controversy stopped me in my proverbial tracks. It was unexpected and insane. For my part, I corrected every post on other sites that I found which tried to paint the issue as a bunch of spoiled women wanting to have tax payer funded sex. However, I was shocked at how willing people were to spread the lie that the issue was ever about sex. Birth control is a medicine and should be covered under insurance just like any other medication. The reasons that a woman takes birth control is between her and her doctor, not the public.

The right is becoming more and more like the Taliban

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Actually, it is a woman writing this stuff.

I think that one thing that being a long time forum member has taught me is that some of the most hateful antiwomen rhetoric comes from women.

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I think that one thing that being a long time forum member has taught me is that some of the most hateful antiwomen rhetoric comes from women.

Yes, it can be, I do wonder what works them up to this fury of women hate. I am not sure if it is self-hatred, I think most of these women see themselves as "above" other women.

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"If women truly lived life as a “quiet and meek†spirit, I don’t doubt men will then want to reward her pleasantness however they can."

Yes, my self-professed christian first husband rewarded my meekness & pleasantness by beating me, isolating me, stabbing me & on two occasions chasing me with a loaded shotgun.

I never realized how blessed I was. :evil:

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The entire Sandra Fluke/whore controversy stopped me in my proverbial tracks. It was unexpected and insane. For my part, I corrected every post on other sites that I found which tried to paint the issue as a bunch of spoiled women wanting to have tax payer funded sex. However, I was shocked at how willing people were to spread the lie that the issue was ever about sex. Birth control is a medicine and should be covered under insurance just like any other medication. The reasons that a woman takes birth control is between her and her doctor, not the public.

The right is becoming more and more like the Taliban

That, or if the right had a chance, they'd bring back the Magdalene Laundries in the US, and even come up with a non-Catholic version that is just as abusive.

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:lol: Double D ? All I could think of was that show where the women are fitted for the correct bras.

I love how they throw in demanding the right to vote :shock: Has anyone else noticed how this is creeping into the far right crazyland rhetoric lately ? I think it is an extremely clever tool in getting people to slowly question things that have been mainstream and a given right for a very long time.

They did it with birth control too --- throwing it out there as something fringe, in a list with other things that the more normal members of their target audience might have actual disagreement with (abortion, universal health care) - until now you have more mainstream teabaggers and conservatives speaking out against it. A few years ago could you have imagined anyone in mainstream society speaking out against birth control as a concept ?

( with obvious exemptions for religious beliefs of course )

Or Social Security - nobody who wasn't a complete fringe fanatic questioned social security for the elderly and disabled as a generally fair concept - until they started routinely throwing it in the same bucket with "welfare-queens" .

They are truly masterful at marketing to sway public opinion.

Haha, I was wondering if I was the only one who thought of bra size when I saw the thread title. I was thinking it was going to be about the "immodesty" of large-breasted women (speaking as one myself).

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"If women truly lived life as a “quiet and meek†spirit, I don’t doubt men will then want to reward her pleasantness however they can."

Yes, my self-professed christian first husband rewarded my meekness & pleasantness by beating me, isolating me, stabbing me & on two occasions chasing me with a loaded shotgun.

I never realized how blessed I was. :evil:

I am so sorry that happened to you.

But, it is stories like yours that show the stupid women just need to shut up and obey nonsense is false.

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