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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

RT @toddstarnes: Obama: "With rights come responsibilities." - he's justifying the destruction of our Constitution.

Please explain this to me, Josh. With a thesis statement, arguments, and cited evidence, if possible.

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Please explain this to me, Josh. With a thesis statement, arguments, and cited evidence, if possible.

Because that is not a giant leap. At all.

ETA: I mean Josh, not you GeoBQn. I too would be interested to see Josh actually intelligently argue this.

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I've said it before but ...

Most home schoolers operate at the level of a twelve year old. They haven't made the step that most people make in their early teens where they start to question the world around them and start to see the world in more than just black and white.

Joshie has made a step over this and is asking some questions. However, he is still operating at the level of a 15-16 year old and not an adult. When you look at his politics, have to compare them to the way a mid-teen thinks.

Oh, please. Let's not do this. How many homeschoolers do you know personally? And no, I don't mean "heard about " or "friend of a friend." And the Duggars don't count either.

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Oh, please. Let's not do this. How many homeschoolers do you know personally? And no, I don't mean "heard about " or "friend of a friend." And the Duggars don't count either.

^ I agree. I know many different homeschool families. Some have brilliant, curious, questioning children and some of them are "religious". However, I do know some stunted, immature homeschoolers and yes, most of these come from the fundy-lite crowd. I don't think you can make a statement about most homeschoolers operating at the level of a 12 yo but I can see why some unfortunate examples can make people think this.

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Please explain this to me, Josh. With a thesis statement, arguments, and cited evidence, if possible.

I'd settle for cited evidence from an unbiased source. Hell, maybe someone should send him a copy of the Spiderman movie. Very simple message in an easy-to-follow format :lol:

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I love the Arkansas Capitol. I got laid in the House Gallery once, back in the 80s when I was a state employee. No, no security cameras at that time.

I recently visited the Missouri statehouse recently and it is very similar to Arkansas'. Arkansas' is supposed to be a replica of the US Capitol building.

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Other nations are just mission fields and fun places to vacation. They're not real, like America. It was incorporated by God, after all.

I wonder at the real # of people in the US that share the thoughts of Smugs and his ilk...

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He has no empathy for the victims and their families. I suppose he thinks they're godless heathens.

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Radical agenda? You mean having laws that pretty much every other civilized nation has? Christ on a cracker, he's an idiot.

It will be a fun day on this thread when Josh decides to run for office and all his instagram pics are discovered. One can only hope John David doesn't get an instagram soon. :?

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I am to the point of wanting to bitch him out but I won't because it'll just boost his ego even more. He likes the attention, even if its in a negative light, and gets all happy when he pushes someone's button.

I will say this- smuggar you're a piece of shit and a sorry excuse for a human. The proposals are not violating our constitution, you dip shit. do you really think its ok for someone to own an ak-47 for protection purposes? Learn to read before you speak stupidity, asshole. I feel so sorry for your children to have such a lazy father like you. How about you focus on your job and being a provider than lazying around, thinking you know what the constitution is.

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Are there any crappy-looking state capitol buildings? I used to like the Wisconsin one, but now it has too many bad memories . . .

The Florida capitol building is the most phallic thing ever. It looks like a penis and balls. My husband says this is appropriate because "Florida is America's wang." We hated living there and thankfully have moved elsewhere :lol:

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You know what I think is interesting?

J&A didn't care a lick about guns until Sandy Hook. Then the Repub powers-that-be told them that gun rights were very very important and they should care very much and of course they're posting pictures about it regularly and going to gun shows and purchasing guns.

Josh the leader, my ass. He's a follower through and through.

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You know what I think is interesting?

J&A didn't care a lick about guns until Sandy Hook. Then the Repub powers-that-be told them that gun rights were very very important and they should care very much and of course they're posting pictures about it regularly and going to gun shows and purchasing guns.

Josh the leader, my ass. He's a follower through and through.

QFT! I doubt he's ever had an original thought. If my Photoshop skills were better, I'd put his face on a sheep. That's what he is.

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The Florida capitol building is the most phallic thing ever. It looks like a penis and balls. My husband says this is appropriate because "Florida is America's wang." We hated living there and thankfully have moved elsewhere :lol:

omg I just looked up the FL building, and yes it is incredibly fugly and phallic looking. So defrauding!!

Anyways, Josh is an asshat. Why does he think he's even relevant to anyone?

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Josh, you arent a leader or famous. The only reason people have heard of your existence is because you are the first of the eleventy billion humans which fell out of your mothers uterus.

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The Florida capitol building is the most phallic thing ever. It looks like a penis and balls. My husband says this is appropriate because "Florida is America's wang." We hated living there and thankfully have moved elsewhere :lol:

:lol: I just had to Google an image of that, and it really does look like that. Smuggar really is an asshole, as he doesn't give a shit for anyone but himself as shown by his lack of empathy for the Sandy Hook victims.

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ND's state capitol. Yikes. Id rather have a cock n' balls

I swear everyone on this board hates ND. But yeah, that is a really ugly building. I used to work in it.

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I swear everyone on this board hates ND. But yeah, that is a really ugly building. I used to work in it.

Oh, I'd LOVE to visit ND, just wouldn't want to go on a tour of it's government architecture.

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^ I agree. I know many different homeschool families. Some have brilliant, curious, questioning children and some of them are "religious". However, I do know some stunted, immature homeschoolers and yes, most of these come from the fundy-lite crowd. I don't think you can make a statement about most homeschoolers operating at the level of a 12 yo but I can see why some unfortunate examples can make people think this.

Mummy22alyns, I'm not sure whether you actually wanted an answer or whether that was a rhetorical question but I'll answer anyway. Please don't take this as being nasty towards you. I just want to explain where I am coming from.

My nieces and nephews are all homeschooled 4 + 6 + two who have graduated = twelve. All my husbands adult cousins were homeschooled and they are now all homeschooling their children, so 6 + 2 + 3 + 4 + the four parents is another nineteen. Four of my close friends at church home school so 5 + 2 + 2 + 8 = another seventeen kids. I teach homeschool kids music lessons two days a week so that is another sixteen. (I also give music lessons to my friends kids so I actually teach directly 33 home schooled kids.) I have lost count of how many I have taught who have graduated and I am not going to add it up now. Oh, and lets not forget my mother-in-law and her sister were homeschooled back in the 1950s because their parents were missionaries. So, yeah, I like to think I actually know a few homeschoolers. They are all extremely religious. (I don't know any secular homeschoolers.) Religions include Coptic Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and Evangelical so we have the full spectrum.

I work in schools with children aged 8 - 18 so I see "normal" child development everyday. My observation about development stopping at twelve is based on what I see comparing my homeschool students and relatives to my school students and my own children.

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I'd just like to say that not everyone homeschools for religious reasons! I am not religious in the least. I was raised Catholic but have not practiced since I was 15. I have Big Issues with their views on things like gay marriage, etc.....not to even start on the whole pedophile thing. I will say my kids may not act older than 12, but my oldest IS 12, sooo.... ;0) And, FWIW, she just went back to a B&M middle school and has fit in perfectly well with her classmates.

We initially pulled my son out of public school to homeschool because of a disagreement with the school on his education or lack thereof. Then, we had to pull my oldest because she was being mercilessly bullied at school. The district we lived in at the time, they had 5th through 8th grade in the middle school. They were also very big on redshirting for their football team. She wasn't 10 when school started and there were some kids who I'm sure were at least 15 there. Now, they also have 4th graders at that school which makes me sick. We are now in a different district or she would not have been permitted to return to school.

We also pulled my other child because she also struggled in school and they refused to help her. Those 2 are still enrolled in an e-school and we're finally getting them the extra accommodations they so desperately need! I know people who were homeschooled and stunted. One was major fundie and I only know him because he married my best friend and has turned her into quite the helpmeet which depresses the hell out of me because I know she is SO much better than that! At the same time, my midwife is also pretty fundie, her kids all believe the earth is 6000 years old, but in social circumstances they're a pretty well-rounded group of kids. Comparing them to friend's hubby shows striking differences. That being said, there are many, many parents homeschooling their kids in the local homeschooling groups I'm in who do it for secular reasons. We have fellow pagans like me, Jewish families, agnostic, atheist, UU, etc. Of course there are some Christians as well, but we're an open group and they must be respectful of the fact that people are homeschooling for their kids' education, not because they can't let their speshul snowflakes associate with nonbelievers. There are history clubs and science fairs, Lego club, etc. There is a big meet up planned for a waterpark, and I would almost put money on the fact not one person from our group will be wearing Wholesomewear there.

The crazy fundie homeschoolers tend to stick to their sign away your soul to Jebus groups that won't admit us heathens anyway. Some of them send their kids to the e-school my kids attend. They are whacko and it takes every ounce of my being not to turn around and smack them when we have state testing days and they're drilling their kids questions on the Our Father the whole.damn.time. Seriously, I was about to turn around and tell the woman if her kid didn't know the damn prayer by now she was a lost cause and to give it up! Good lord, my kids only end up in church for their cousins' First Communions and Baptisms, and I think they probably had the damn thing memorized! Today, one of them went all, "Oh the horror, the Biology class has a unit on Evolution for a whole month! *gasp* I demanded the teacher let my speshul snowflake write a report on creationism instead." Thankfully, she got ripped to shreds and ended up deleting her comment on the e-school's FB page. She had quite a few people, even ones that said they were Christian, say that she was harming her kids by making them narrowminded, uneducated morons who wouldn't be able to think for themselves or make good arguments as to why they believed evolution was wrong since they were uninformed. Restored a little of my faith in humanity.

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Mummy22alyns, I'm not sure whether you actually wanted an answer or whether that was a rhetorical question but I'll answer anyway. Please don't take this as being nasty towards you. I just want to explain where I am coming from.

My nieces and nephews are all homeschooled 4 + 6 + two who have graduated = twelve. All my husbands adult cousins were homeschooled and they are now all homeschooling their children, so 6 + 2 + 3 + 4 + the four parents is another nineteen. Four of my close friends at church home school so 5 + 2 + 2 + 8 = another seventeen kids. I teach homeschool kids music lessons two days a week so that is another sixteen. (I also give music lessons to my friends kids so I actually teach directly 33 home schooled kids.) I have lost count of how many I have taught who have graduated and I am not going to add it up now. Oh, and lets not forget my mother-in-law and her sister were homeschooled back in the 1950s because their parents were missionaries. So, yeah, I like to think I actually know a few homeschoolers. They are all extremely religious. (I don't know any secular homeschoolers.) Religions include Coptic Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and Evangelical so we have the full spectrum.

I work in schools with children aged 8 - 18 so I see "normal" child development everyday. My observation about development stopping at twelve is based on what I see comparing my homeschool students and relatives to my school students and my own children.

LMAO, the one person who actually has come into contact with more than one homeschooler! :lol: Still, it's a rather close knit and insular group and, as you observed, all extremely religious - IMO, a more likely reason for their "stunted" development than homeschooling.

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