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Obama won because he gave poor people gifts


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"The President's campaign focused on giving targeted groups a big gift-so he made a big effort on small things," Romney told donors on a conference call, first reported by Maeve Reston of the L.A. Times. "Those small things, by the way, add up to trillions of dollars."

"Mitt tells donors the takers did him in," Axelrod wrote on Twitter, referencing Romney's remarks earlier this year disparaging 47 percent of Americans as self-perceived "victims" and government dependents.

http://news.yahoo.com/obama-offers-oliv ... itics.html

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Wouldn't that be Obama won?

The subject is too close at the moment. I was laid off day after election, the boys are incessant about eating, even mcd's isnt hiring etc.

Yet I still perceive us as people, not victims. Mittens, yet another family that is the 47% and does not beg nor vote for handouts.

I could make two months out of what he makes in an hour or two. Sorry. More beer.

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Did you mean Mitt?

I saw this story on ABC World News and they had sound clips of his conference call. It's like this guy doesn't know how to be a good sport about losing, and instead of looking at his campaign to see what they did wrong or what they could do differently, they just go around pointing fingers at others. I almost feel like I'm watching the SNL skit about the second debate again. :roll:

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My bad...I meant won, not lost. Clearly I shouldn't start new topics after drinking a few glasses of wine.

Eta: if one of the mods could edit the title, I would be most appreciative.

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Thanks Speaknow for posting this. The news outlet that reported this story on our local radio station was quite critical of Romney when they reported this story. They immediately referenced the 47% and mentioned how out of touch Romney is for even making this statement. We are seeing the real Romney now and thank heavens we've dodged a bullet. Romney mentioned that Obama was giving out free birth control. Whew reproductive rights of women would have suffered a big blow under a Romney administration.

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Glad we don't have a president that literally hates half the population.

I think these guys believe that poor people live like the middle class. They don't. Living on welfare isn't living...it's scraping by.

And us poor women, who are victims because we want to be fiscally responsible and not have more children than we can afford. But I suppose we should just keep our legs closed according to Mitt & friends, and if we are raped we have magical vaginas that can shut down a pregnancy.

And all those moochers in college, who are trying to gain marketable skills so they become productive members of society. Yep, those moochers who rack up debt in the tens of thousands so they can avoid being welfare moochers.

Is it just me or are we're these folks terrible at playing connect the dots?

I would like to add that as a taxpayer, I do expect some things in return for my investment in this country. But Mitt wouldn't know that....he had a millionaire daddy help him on his way up. Unfortunately most of us don't have millionaire daddy's and have to have the governments help to do certain things in life.

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Wasn't there this guy, who said a lot about how it's good to take care of the poor? Jesus, I think his name was. Not that Mitt or any modern Republican care what that guy said, even though they invoke his name like eleventy billion times.

Mitt Romney is both very ignorant and very rich to the point where he doesn't realize how it is for other people. You don't become president by saying you hate half the country.

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The GOP wants to blame everyone but themselves. They don't want to look at their campaign and see what THEY did wrong.

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After a defeat, a good sports team will sit and watch the films, talk about what happened and try to improve.

After a defeat, the Romney team sat and came up with ways the other side cheated, bribed, cajoled, etc to get votes. The idea that Romney lost because people disagreed with his views and ideas is ludicrous, it's much easier to believe they are still right about everything and American voters are racist (blacks only voted for Obama because he's black), dumb (they don't understand the financial perils of "Obamacare"), greedy (students voted for Obama because he promised to forgive their student loans and free birth control for horny co-eds), etc. They seem unable to comprehend things like Romney felt the auto industry bailout was wrong and said so in print, therefore auto workers didn't feel a vote for Romney would be in their best interest. Team Romney seems unable to see any negatives in their own positions, therefore the loss can't be on team Romney for a poor showing, it's on team Obama for bending the rules.

I am soooo tired of hearing the voters picked Santa Claus over Romney. Santa was on the ballot in Maryland and Obama won the state!

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I'm glad the anti-woman party lost the presidency, but they won a lot of other positions. And the winning margin (for Obama) was not nearly large enough to be comfortable. I'm glad Romney lost, but I'm concerned he was able to get so close. It's frightening.

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Damn it, I didn't get my gift.

Unless the Women for Obama bumper sticker counts.

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I didn't get a gift either. Will it come in the mail? Maybe I'm not poor enough? What is Romney's reason for the not poor that voted for Obama I wonder....

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I didn't get a gift either. Will it come in the mail? Maybe I'm not poor enough? What is Romney's reason for the not poor that voted for Obama I wonder....

Is it gonna be one of those gift bags like celebrities get at award shows? I've always wanted one of those. I'm Canadian, but it's probably somehow my fault Obama won, too, so I think I'm owed a gift. OBAMA IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I LIKE SAPPHIRES.

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We need jericho with his nuggets of wisdom to explain when the gifts will start arriving. Maybe a Christmas present? I like books! Or the Doctor Who series, please President Obama!

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Well I'm definitely poor enough and all I got were a few lousy text messages. If Obama thinks this is what I was expecting when I voted for him, he better think again. I would like several pounds of government subsidized lobster, 8 smart phones, a mansion, and probably just a personal check for about $100,000.

I also expect Abortions On Demand, mandatory evolution brainwashing, public school seminars on the ebils of christianity, and a constitutional amendment that forbids women from being homemakers, having long hair, or ever wearing skirts.


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Great letter from a straight, white, male on lessons the GOP should learn.


For example:

Science - One of the reasons my family is affluent is that my wife and I have a collective fifteen years of university education between us. I have a Masters degree in Science and Technology Policy, and my wife is a physician who holds degrees in medicine as well as cell and molecular biology. We are really quite unimpressed with Congressional representatives such as Todd Akin and Paul Broun who actually serve on the House science committee and who believe, respectively, that rape does not cause pregnancy and that evolution and astrophysics are lies straight from Satan’s butt cheeks. These are, sadly, only two of innumerable assaults that the Republican Party has made against hard science – with nothing to say of logic in general. Please understand the unbearable tension this might create between us and your candidates.

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If there was ever any doubt about who should have won the election (and in my mind there was not), that doubt has now been removed for good.

This is just an add-on to his 47% talk. Henceforth he should engage in these discussions in the privacy of one of his homes, with no hidden cameras or microphones present.

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I was especially disgusted by this quote from Romney from yesterday when he was speaking to his big donors:

"You can imagine for somebody making $25,000 or $30,000 or $35,000 a year, being told you’re now going to get free health care, particularly if you don’t have it, getting free health care worth, what, $10,000 per family, in perpetuity — I mean, this is huge."

Yes, asshole who has been massively benefiting from corporate welfare for a long time now, it is huge.

If you are making $25,000 to $35,000 a year you can't afford both food and a $10,000 a year policy. As food must come first, this means you aren't going to have health coverage which means if get diabetes or cancer, you are either going on full public assistance or you are going to die.

I'm so grateful that the American people saw through this sack of shit and his billionaire supporters who want more and more and are hell bent on stomping hard working people into the dust.

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I was especially disgusted by this quote from Romney from yesterday when he was speaking to his big donors:

"You can imagine for somebody making $25,000 or $30,000 or $35,000 a year, being told you’re now going to get free health care, particularly if you don’t have it, getting free health care worth, what, $10,000 per family, in perpetuity — I mean, this is huge."

Yes, asshole who has been massively benefiting from corporate welfare for a long time now, it is huge.

If you are making $25,000 to $35,000 a year you can't afford both food and a $10,000 a year policy. As food must come first, this means you aren't going to have health coverage which means if get diabetes or cancer, you are either going on full public assistance or you are going to die.

I'm so grateful that the American people saw through this sack of shit and his billionaire supporters who want more and more and are hell bent on stomping hard working people into the dust.

That man is just vile. I am so glad we dodged that bullet. Hey Mitt, here's an idea. Go take a look (not a photo-op, a real look) at the devastation caused by Hurrincane Sandy. Look at the many people who have lost everything, the people who don't have a warm house to go home to, whose children have no toys and are sleeping on cots in shelters. Now stop acting like my 4-year-old having a meltdown, be thankful for just how damn good you have it, and use some of your millions to help those people you entitled asshole.

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