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Its amusing to me that she is trying to claim she has written these articles on her blog now, when she can BARELY construct English sentences here and on her pages and other blogs.

MissMichelle official

Standing up for what I believe in is not wrong. I am not prefect but I am not a stalker or anything. I am just a child of the Lord who loves me for me.

Sentence structure is terrible, as is the grammar and spelling on all of her posts.

Its pretty clear the articles she has posted on "Weekly Letters from God" are not hers.

I actually googled the first one, and apparently it was taken directly from a book, called "E-Mail from God for Teens - By Claire Cloninger and Curt Cloninger"

Lets have a look shall we:


NOWHERE does she mention its not hers, where it came from nor says she got permission. That, my dear, IS copyright infringement.

Honey, stop lying, deceiving and calling others out on things YOU are infact guilty of. You're a hypocrite.

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She's definitely not prefect. I don't know anyone who would appoint her prefect over anything!

I also missed the fun when it went down here on FJ, but laughed out loud several times reading through it afterwards. Great stuff!

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The next time you talk to your crack internet lawyer you might want to ask him for the legal definition of the bolded part. Me thinks it doesn't mean what you think it means :lol:

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The next time you talk to your crack internet lawyer you might want to ask him for the legal definition of the bolded part. Me thinks it doesn't mean what you think it means :lol:

Oh Miss Michelle! How adorable! Did anyone ever take the time to introduce you to a dictionary? You can google various dictionaries on the Internet, any of them will do. Psst: confidential information, by its very nature, would never, ever, ever be posted up on a PUBLIC website for the whole world to see. That nullifies (we can wait for you to look up the word "nullify" if you need to, there is no shame in that, ok, done now?) the whole purpose of confidentiality. If you want materials that you write to be personal and private, then do not put them up on the Internet in a setting that is not private.

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Guys, she won't listen to you! Because:

MissMichelle official

The only person that i listen to is jesus. His feelings for me are what matter not yours!

I think He feels you're as much of a hypocrite, as we do.


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so basically she's trying to say even the government or fbi can't utilize her profile information even if they wanted to? how does she get such special treatment? and no one can take any action against her, because she said so?

damn, she's high and mighty!

how is it personal and legally priviledged if it's on the internet? will i go blind if i read it? i know my eyes will bleed but will i actually go blind? as in helen keller blind?

Oh Miss Michelle! How adorable! Did anyone ever take the time to introduce you to a dictionary? You can google various dictionaries on the Internet, any of them will do. Psst: confidential information, by its very nature, would never, ever, ever be posted up on a PUBLIC website for the whole world to see. That nullifies (we can wait for you to look up the word "nullify" if you need to, there is no shame in that, ok, done now?) the whole purpose of confidentiality. If you want materials that you write to be personal and private, then do not put them up on the Internet in a setting that is not private.

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She's definitely not prefect. I don't know anyone who would appoint her prefect over anything!

I also missed the fun when it went down here on FJ, but laughed out loud several times reading through it afterwards. Great stuff!

I know 'prefect' has other meanings, but for me, I always think of Hermione and Ron. ;)

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OMG! She is going to blog and no one can stop her! And no one can share her blog or talk about it because that is a violation of her personal rights!


Quoting because I am pretty sure she will take it down soon.

From the header:


Her latest post:

Nothing gives you the right...

1. Nothing gives you the right to judge me on my blogs and youtube videos. Your opinion of me doesn't matter to me. The only person that matters to me is Jesus

2. Nothing gives you the right to tell me what i can't or can do on here. I am not doing anything wrong. This is something that I felt was important to me. If you don't like what I have to say or write then you don't have to comment on it or post it on either website.

Note: You may NOT share my blog on any site. It's a violates my personal rights.

Apparently her goal in blogging is to tell other people not to post or discuss her blog. :lol:

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Well, even after all this back-and-forth, somebody clearly hasn't learned anything.

BTW, Emmie, love the new location tag! :lol:

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Apparently she does not know that she cannot dictate US law with the simple act of blogging her wishes.

Michelle: We have the legal right to share your blog, without your permission, even if you ask us not to. We can also comment on it legally. When you blog, you are making the information public, and we can comment on it the same way we would comment on a movie or book. We do not have to message you anymore than I have to message the Disney Channel before saying Hannah Montana sucks. Bullying laws do not address sharing information that you choose to make public; I encourage you to look them up.

We have every legal right to judge you, and if our opinion did not matter then you would not care about us. Your personal rights do not include the right to act in a laughable way without other people laughing.

Please continue to make blogs and videos. I thought you and Baylee were as interesting as folding laundry until you started throwing epic tantrums.

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Apparently she does not know that she cannot dictate US law with the simple act of blogging her wishes.

Michelle: We have the legal right to share your blog, without your permission, even if you ask us not to. We can also comment on it legally. When you blog, you are making the information public, and we can comment on it the same way we would comment on a movie or book. We do not have to message you anymore than I have to message the Disney Channel before saying Hannah Montana sucks. Bullying laws do not address sharing information that you choose to make public; I encourage you to look them up.

We have every legal right to judge you, and if our opinion did not matter then you would not care about us. Your personal rights do not include the right to act in a laughable way without other people laughing.

Please continue to make blogs and videos. I thought you and Baylee were as interesting as folding laundry until you started throwing epic tantrums.

^ This

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^ This

But, but, but "it's a vlolates her personal rights!" hahahahahahahahah.... Ok, I have my laugh in for the evening. If she put in half as much time in learning basic English grammer and spelling as she did being butthurt, she would have some mad writing skills. Alas, I think that will never happen. Makes for some good entertainment though. Her blog is good for a game of "spot the error!"

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But, but, but "it's a vlolates her personal rights!" hahahahahahahahah.... Ok, I have my laugh in for the evening. If she put in half as much time in learning basic English grammer and spelling as she did being butthurt, she would have some mad writing skills. Alas, I think that will never happen. Makes for some good entertainment though. Her blog is good for a game of "spot the error!"

Hola Kitten :D


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I couldn't help it.

I couldn't edit my post, but I wanted to add: Here is the domain (mytakeasme.blogspot.ca/2012/11/nothing-gives-you-right.html#comment-form). Lord knows I don't want to go to internet jail for not citing my source. I wonder if she's contacted her Twitter lawyer... she should get on that.

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snort, blowing chardonay out of her nose. There is no pretty way to paint this picture.

Yeah, it was a local late harvest Riesling here. Sweet and full of fruit, does not feel good in my nasal cavities.

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OMG! She is going to blog and no one can stop her! And no one can share her blog or talk about it because that is a violation of her personal rights!


Quoting because I am pretty sure she will take it down soon.

From the header:

Her latest post:

Apparently her goal in blogging is to tell other people not to post or discuss her blog. :lol:

She reminds me of this kid from a Simpsons ep:


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Yeah, it was a local late harvest Riesling here. Sweet and full of fruit, does not feel good in my nasal cavities.

I can inhale now. Blessed be.

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I'm confused, which is nothing new lately, but why does she keep saying we can't tell her what to do. What have we told her to do? I keep waiting for her to say: "Your not the boss of me" (your typo intentional)

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I'm confused, which is nothing new lately, but why does she keep saying we can't tell her what to do. What have we told her to do? I keep waiting for her to say: "Your not the boss of me" (your typo intentional)

Add to that "I know you am but what am I?!!???" and "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"

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Add to that "I know you am but what am I?!!???" and "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"

I think in this case it would be "im rubbar your glue..."

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