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OK, let's do this... Mitt Romney at the RNC. USA! USA!

Guest AudreyParker

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Now let's discuss Clint Eastwood's WTF "conversation" with Obama in which he told the president (sitting in an empty chair on the stage) to "go fuck himself" while not using the actual words. That was the weirdest shit I've ever seen at a convention and about the most low-rent.

I'm still shaking my head at the thought that it's a bad thing for the President to consider both sides of an issue...

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I don't understand how Mitt got one woman to marry him, let alone several.

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I'm still shaking my head at the thought that it's a bad thing for the President to consider both sides of an issue...

Everything's so polarized; Obama had to compromise to get through healthcare, something Bush43 never would have done. And of course, Obama gets slammed for signing a bill that was modeled on...ROMNEYCARE.

And here we have proof that Mittens can consider both sides of issues: abortion and women's rights (he didn't bother to mention his mother was pro-choice as he was once upon a time, he was liberal, then moderate before he was "always conservative," now he wants to gut something HE CREATED because a guy on the other side of the aisle ratified it on the national level. Loved how Mittens also slipped the "we need an AMERICAN as President" dig in there. And despite what that hall of delegates and Tea Partiers think, our President is, in fact, American.

At least Obama's been consistent about his beliefs, which trend toward the left, but he's actually had to come to the center to get ANYTHING done, and what's been accomplished has been like pulling fucking teeth because the RIGHT is always the side who refuses to bend.

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What's disturbing to me isn't the wankfest that these political national conventions usually become but that the Republican Party has a chance to showcase their strong point on issues, and a moderation of what was said during the primaries....and I feel they don't do a good job with that. In fact, with the rise of Tea Partiers, I feel the party is being pulled even more rightwards. What's worse, the culture war is front and center again, which deflects from the economy, foreign wars, health care reforms...Soon, even stalwart but moderate Republicans like my in-laws will feel like they have to vote Democrat to keep the crazies away from government. I feel Mitt is capable of being a moderate. He managed to govern Massachusetts, for God's sake! However, his party's continued push towards the Right, the incessant focus on abortion and gay marriage will only force people to run away the party. I wish Romney luck with reining in his party's crazier tendencies.

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Bob Newhart tweeted that Clint stole his schtick. Seriously.

:lol: :lol: :clap: :clap:

ETA - his reaction, and some others:

http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/mo ... -1.3940712

Some are very funny.

Oh, and I have to assume that someone has tweeted this on @invisible obama:

Before you sit in this seemingly-empty chair, you have to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?

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And Mittens, all the chick talk ain't gonna fly, especially when you go on about how being a SAHM is the most noble.profession.ever.

Chris Matthews is making some good points about the echoes of the Cold War in the speech.

I rolled my eyes when Mittens talked about Ann raised the five boys. I guess he forgot to mention the additional help she had and the fact that she never had to worry about money. I also laughed when he talked about women who have acheived high political power, all those women are non-Mormons. Again, Ann isn't Hilary Clinton.

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Are there any not crazy Republicans left? I don't remember them always being this bat shit insane.

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Are there any not crazy Republicans left? I don't remember them always being this bat shit insane.

I don't remember it ever being this bad before either. It's almost like 10% of the country is driving the political agenda of an entire party. (The 10% is mainly pulled out of thin air as an example only.)

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I find it amusing that the news keeps shying away from the fact that mittens family has a strong polygamy background. His grandfather lived in one of the mexico compounds. One of these days, this will have to get swept out from under the rug. I wonder what he will say then.

Colbert had on Jon Huntsman last night and he said that they shared a same grandfather down the line through pologamy... and obviously Mitt got the better hair from the maternal side.

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$22.50/hour is what not a lot of people make per hour.

$22.50 an hour would be minimum wage at this point, if minimum wage had kept pace with the salaries and bonuses of CEOs, CFOs, major business owners, capital hill politicians, cost of living, and inflation.

Overall reaction to the RNC. Live tweeting about it by LOLGOP and Steven Webber may it possible for me to stomach any of it, although, I did light my torch and had my pitchfork at the ready when I heard mittens say: "I will not raise taxes on the middle class like Obama will." Neither one can raise taxes on the middle class because there isn't one left.

My other reaction: Unless homos and unborn babies are going to solve our economic, social, environmental, energy crisis then please shut the fuck up because I don't want to hear about it.

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I don't remember it ever being this bad before either. It's almost like 10% of the country is driving the political agenda of an entire party. (The 10% is mainly pulled out of thin air as an example only.)

Regan, who everyone on the right adores, would never get elected in the current political climate. Sometimes, I feel like my country has gone crazy.

Part of the problem is that 9/11 and the economic crash frightened Americans badly. Some people want answers but they don't want complex answers to equally complex questions. They just want something simple that makes them feel good.

The Republicans hit a nerve with American patriotism. Lots of people want to hear that we're the best and brightest. It doesn't matter that other countries outperform us, that other countries have better health care. That is depressing.

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This. So much this.

A majority of people have been trained to not think critically about their world. Television, movies, novels, myths often inform us that every story has a beginning, middle, and end and by destorying the bad guy life all problems will be solved or fixed. It isn't just the Repubs that plug into this. The democrats do as well. Radical change is what is needed now. Not pat answers to complex problems. The Repubs have just been more obvious in agreeing with the media, who say the bad guy is either terrorists, immigrants, or the improvised/working poor/welfare recipients/single mothers.

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I really don't get it. My mother was thrilled with what she heard from Romney last night. She was going on and on about the positive aspects of his Mormon faith. My mom is a Christian fundie-lite who believes that Mormons are not saved. Did she forget that somewhere? She would never vote for a Mormon in any other circumstances, but I guess it's okay because he's running for President? Same thing with the Duggars... as long as Santorum was in the race, Romney was public enemy #2 (behind Obama, of course), but now they are backing him fully. Like I said, I don't get it.

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$22.50 an hour would be minimum wage at this point, if minimum wage had kept pace with the salaries and bonuses of CEOs, CFOs, major business owners, capital hill politicians, cost of living, and inflation.

Overall reaction to the RNC. Live tweeting about it by LOLGOP and Steven Webber may it possible for me to stomach any of it, although, I did light my torch and had my pitchfork at the ready when I heard mittens say: "I will not raise taxes on the middle class like Obama will." Neither one can raise taxes on the middle class because there isn't one left.

My other reaction: Unless homos and unborn babies are going to solve our economic, social, environmental, energy crisis then please shut the fuck up because I don't want to hear about it.

Every day when I drive to work I see huge red billboards that say: Obama supports abortion and gay marriage. Do you? Vote republican. :roll:

Priorities, people.

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Every day when I drive to work I see huge red billboards that say: Obama supports abortion and gay marriage. Do you? Vote republican. :roll:

Priorities, people.

Exactly. Not to say that women's rights are not a priority when it comes to who you vote for especially since it is likely the next president will appoint two or three supreme court justices. Obama, is likely, to appoint a justice who is right of center. But the abortion, evolution/science/global climate change, gay marriage debate just seems like a smoke screen to keep attention away from the real problems and away to just get people to vote for whoever supports or doesn't support these issues, regardless of their stance on other issues. Ugh.

I wish I could have a billboard that says: do you believe in your right to be a human? Vote for Obama because he doesn't actually work to undermine your basic right to exist. Okay. Well that was entirely more clever in my mind, but the gist of the sentiment is there.

My favorite local billboard is a picture of Obama next to the ebil (communist) flag of China. Written underneath that is simply: Obamacare. It was bought by the local fundy radio station. I want to tell them that they should have put up a flag of a country like Sweden, Canada, or Norway because they are actually ebil socialist countries with universal healthcare and Obama is demonized because he is pushes a socialist agenda, not communism. But the billboard makes me laugh, so I don't want them to fix it.

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I rolled my eyes when Mittens talked about Ann raised the five boys. I guess he forgot to mention the additional help she had and the fact that she never had to worry about money. I also laughed when he talked about women who have acheived high political power, all those women are non-Mormons. Again, Ann isn't Hilary Clinton.

I am so sick of hearing this crap about how Ann raised 5 boys, blah blah blah. So what? Women (and men of course) all over the world have raised more children with less income and help than she has. My own grandmother raised 5 children by herself while working multiple jobs just to put food on the table. She was an amazing, strong, independent woman and the rock that held our family together. She passed away 4 years ago and is greatly missed by all of us. Ann Romney with her money and hired help couldn't hold a candle to her. Newsflash Romneys, the majority of Americans cannot afford to live the way you live. Many are just barely scraping by. So until you can come up with a reasonable solution to this problem, kindly STFU about gays and abortions and birth control.

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:lol: :lol: :clap: :clap:

ETA - his reaction, and some others:

http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/mo ... -1.3940712

Some are very funny.

Oh, and I have to assume that someone has tweeted this on @invisible obama:

Before you sit in this seemingly-empty chair, you have to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE George Takei's tweet!

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you guys know most of the USA chanting is the crowd shouting down protesters/dissenters, including the legitimately chosen Ron Paul delegates, right?

THAT is why you don't hear from moderate Republicans anymore, they've been driven into hiding by either "party discipline" or the extreme right or both.

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Regan, who everyone on the right adores, would never get elected in the current political climate. Sometimes, I feel like my country has gone crazy.

Part of the problem is that 9/11 and the economic crash frightened Americans badly. Some people want answers but they don't want complex answers to equally complex questions. They just want something simple that makes them feel good.

The Republicans hit a nerve with American patriotism. Lots of people want to hear that we're the best and brightest. It doesn't matter that other countries outperform us, that other countries have better health care. That is depressing.

Yeah, when I heard either Mittens or Rubio talk about "American Exceptionalism," I ROFLMAO.

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This was linked on the FJ FB page (Jon Stewar's take):

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/10/j ... okeswoman/

Basically, a Democratic PAC ran an ad featuring a former employee of a plant that Bain Capital supposedly bankrupted. This employee said that because he lost his job, his family lost their health insurance, and his wife died of cancer because of not being able to access care. One of Romney's press representatives suggested that if the woman had lived in MA under Romneycare, she would have been able to survive.

It was a very positive comment, suggesting that Romney actually cares enough about his citizens to make sure their needs are met. It was also one of the most truthful comments of the night, reminding everyone that Obamacare and Romneycare have a lot of similarities. But republicans are OUTRAGED over it. Not at Romney for creating the program, but at the young woman working for his campaign who reminded everyone that Romney championed socialized medicine first. Because if we ignore it and pretend it never happened, NO ONE WILL KNOW.

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