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Yeah, this one really seems to use religion as a vehicle for some pretty narcissistic behavior. Between the Ukranian orphan bullshit, the post about how flip flops are her "rope sandals", and the whining about how no one helps her....this idiot has a serious martyr complex. Since she appears to be married to someone as batshit as she is, I really hope for her kid's sake that she has not alienated her entire family.

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Oh god, that picture of the worn out shoes on her blog! And she says they were the ones in better shape, so I can only imagine the other ones don't have soles at all.

She says every pair of shoes for the kids "comes out of our grocery money", so they are clearly living on a very small budget. It's sad that her choices are shoes OR food.

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Except she was NOT a Ukranian orphan. She said that because her parents put her special snowflake self in daycare in the United States. Because that's exactly the same thing. :roll:

WHAT THE FUCK??????? HOLY SHIT!!! GAH - ok well there goes my sympathy. My husband just said she DOES have a very fertile imagination - maybe she developed that in day care :lol: Well hell.

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Oh my god oh my god, now just flipping out - she actually compares being in day care so that her mother could FEED her compares to being a Ukrainian orphan?? Yeah lady, your husband DID marry a very damaged person. Go meet some actual people who were Ukranian orphans - the ones that survived.

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She's a narcissist (I won't go into it here, but look up 'narcissistic personality disorder' on Wikipedia; she exhibits almost every symptom) with a huge martyr complex. I think she's also prone to pretty severe anxiety. I read her post about how she became pro-life... I think she also has a lot of guilt because she had sex with a couple of guys before her husband, she used birth control, etc. Her whole reason for stopping birth control was because she would feel embarrassed confessing it to a priest. I think once she realized that she could use this religion to feed her need for attention and validation, she just ran with it.

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