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Dear Smuggar...


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I know we had a thread regarding the Duggars, but I decided to create this thread specifically for mr. super awesome husband except not!


Dear Smuggar,

I am the same age you and in a committed relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years like how you've been with Anna for almost 4 years. After looking at all your Instagram pictures, I just have one thing to say to you-Thank you. Yes, thank you. Thank you for making me appreciate what my boyfriend does for a living even more since, compared to you, he's working very hard at his consulting job, to the point of most likely getting promoted this year. How your wife can handle you for this long amazes me especially with all the times you have failed as being a provider for your family. You put on this front that courtship is and how amazing your marriage is yet you fail to acknowledge all those older couples who chose a different route and have had a respectful and loving marriage. No offense, but I think my boyfriend could teach you a thing or two on how a relationship works because clearly you don't know a damn thing. By the way, you shouldn't talk shit about government workers (such as road crews) on how "lazy" they are when you brag about taking a month off from work to do jack shit. All you do is sit on your fucking ass and take pictures of others doing your job for you-explain to me how that is considering "working hard"? Just because you're JB's son, chose the courtship path, and was home schooled, doesn't make you God. All you're spewing to others is how much of a lazy fuck you are because you get paid to parade around in front of cameras on how stupid you are--hey, remember that moment when you drank sweet tea right before your dentist appointment?! Let me guess..because your wife didn't remind you jack shit, its okay for you to be immature and do whatever the hell you want and blame shit on others when you make a mistake?! You're 24 years old, married, with 2 cute children-grow the fuck up and start setting a GOOD example for your children. I'm seriously praying that your stupid show gets cancelled just so you understand the meaning of "working hard" and struggling to make ends meet. You act like you're an A list celebrity and that you can live the high life, yet you fail to see how much of a douche you sound like bragging about your "sudden fame." Seriously, grow the fuck up. My own boyfriend could do circles around your lazy ass with his work ethics. If you continue with this asshat personality, I hope your children end up living a liberal life and use you as one of their reasoning to leave the cult. As I stated-You're not God, so shut the hell up with your marriage advice. I would much rather go to a couple who have been married for 30+ years and chose a dating route with lots of "baggage."



I agree with everything you just said. He doesn't appreciate what he has -- and has no real clue what it means to work hard, to struggle, to have to be a genuine grown up and not depend on Mommy and Daddy -- let's face it, without Boob and Mullet, nobody gives a hoot.

My own soon-to-be fiance` just turned 24. We own our cars. We just bought our first home. We are paying for our entire wedding ourselves. I am finishing my last year of law school [and I'M A GIRL, NOOOOES!] and he has already been working for 2 years as a computer programmer and analyst, already making 60k a year. [not bragging, just comparing] We clip coupons, we scrimp, we save, we do without. We work our collective behinds off to take care of each other, even when we really, REALLY wish we could take time off. Even if we had a decent amount of money socked away, I can't fathom either of us just sitting and doing NOTHING - even if it was for a damned good reason, like an illness. We'd be fixing the house, painting, gardening, doing something productive that would benefit our life together.

Also, this whole "ooohh, I'm SOTIRED from my campaign work!"... Yeah, cry me a river. :violin: I saw him give one speech. Once. In which he butchered the English language and suggested homosexuals stop being told they're allowed to live their lives. He rode around on his bloated behind in their little van. Talk to me when you do REAL campaign work, the kind that lasts from dawn till 4am in a stuffy office.

I thank heavens that I have the man that I do. He makes me grateful every day. And Smuggar makes me even more grateful for him. But sadder for the women in that situation who have to sit and slobber over idiots like this.


Amen, Reems! He's got no right insulting road workers when he does nothing but gain weight from eating tons and not exercising. Some people have medical issues, but he's not one of them. He's a stupid prat who thinks he's god, the precious first some who thinks he can do no wrong. Moron.


I think it was on Recovering Grace where I read that in this lifestyle, it's set up or works out, rather, that sons often grow up with a sense of entitlement. In the piece I'm thinking of, the young woman talked about how she and her sisters had to take care of all the chores while waiting on their brother(s) hand and foot. It's absolutely disgusting and I thought of Josh Duggar immediately. I think the situation in the Duggar house is/was quite similar.


Wait. Insulting road workers? You have got to be kidding me! I know a lot of men who are road workers, and they don't sit around on their asses all day. It's hard grueling work, which I don't think for one second Josh could do. These are the people that fix roadways so that you can drive safely. Oh but wait, you don't drive safely, you're taking pictures while driving.


Josh Duggar wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit him in the face.


I love the posts in this thread. Josh is a spoiled douche bag who can't fucking admit that his daddy and mommy are the owners of the car lot. The Duggars travel around more than most families do and Josh is rarely at the car lot. RD is pretty much running it. I do think 19kac's days are numbered. I see them getting one more season and that will be it. 19KAC isn't a ratings juggernaut and the Duggar fanbase has decreased in the past year.

Josh Duggar wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit him in the face.

QFT. He's going to be in for a rude awakening when the TLC gravy train ends.


QFT. He's going to be in for a rude awakening when the TLC gravy train ends.

I cannot wait for that to happen.

I love the posts in this thread. Josh is a spoiled douche bag who can't fucking admit that his daddy and mommy are the owners of the car lot. The Duggars travel around more than most families do and Josh is rarely at the car lot. RD is pretty much running it. I do think 19kac's days are numbered. I see them getting one more season and that will be it. 19KAC isn't a ratings juggernaut and the Duggar fanbase has decreased in the past year.

Who is RD?


I cannot wait for that to happen.

I'd pay good money for Kathy Griffin to get hold of him for "My Life on the D List." Because that's where Smuggar is and belongs.


Who is RD?

RD is one of Josh's employees. He has appeared on the show a few times. He sometimes comments on Josh's twitter and I think he commented on instagram once.


I couldn't agree more with absolutely everything posted in this thread!

Josh is going to come crashing down to reality when the gravy train runs out. Then he'll go running back to Boob and Mullet with his tail between his legs.

I really do pity Anna and those 2 precious children.


I think he definitely hit a nerve in me last night while I was going through his Instagram pics and saw his comment regarding the road crew workers. He puts up this front on how much of a working man he is but the only time we actually see him "work" is during the show when we catch a couple minutes. Other than that, he sits on his ass and takes pictures of those doing his work. He's enjoying riding the TLC train, living the high life with all the money coming his way that he forgets that tv shows do not last forever. Some point, TLC will give the Duggars the boot and people will stop giving a damn about them and he'll realize then that all this laziness will end. My boyfriend got a job last year, 2 months after graduating from college, with a well known consulting company and he's working VERY hard that his senior managers are taking notice of it and are pushing for him to get promoted this year. The reason why he hasn't proposed to me yet is because he's looking out for our future and is making sure he can provide for me and give me the best in life, including when we decide to have a family. Mind you, my boyfriend is only 23 years old and is currently doing circle's around Smuggar's maturity. At some point in your life, you need to take a step back and realize what you have and grow the fuck up, If anything, Smuggar has done the opposite and shows how immature he is daily. Yes, he grew up in a sheltered life, and yes, he's enjoying things he never did while single, but that does not give him an excuse to act like a child. Besides being a husband, he is a father and with his children being so young, they're either going to pick up on his attitude and follow his path or see how much of an asshole he is and leave the compound when they're old enough. He's suppose to set a good example for his children on how to handle the real world but he can't even do that simple task. It irks me to the core when I see people ask him for marriage advice and how it can be successful because he should be the LAST person to go to for that. Seriously, how about those married couples who have been together for 50+ years, struggled at some point, and came into the relationship with loads of baggage? They managed to be together for 50+ years, still in love, so how is their marriage wrong compared to a young couple who decided to be chaperoned until marriage? He's a pathetic and sad human being walking on this earth and I cannot wait until he realizes the money train has come to the end and he'll have to get off his lazy ass and do something. Poor AssNugget, no more eating out and chugging down 10 sweet teas a day.

I think he definitely hit a nerve in me last night while I was going through his Instagram pics and saw his comment regarding the road crew workers. He puts up this front on how much of a working man he is but the only time we actually see him "work" is during the show when we catch a couple minutes. Other than that, he sits on his ass and takes pictures of those doing his work. He's enjoying riding the TLC train, living the high life with all the money coming his way that he forgets that tv shows do not last forever. Some point, TLC will give the Duggars the boot and people will stop giving a damn about them and he'll realize then that all this laziness will end. My boyfriend got a job last year, 2 months after graduating from college, with a well known consulting company and he's working VERY hard that his senior managers are taking notice of it and are pushing for him to get promoted this year. The reason why he hasn't proposed to me yet is because he's looking out for our future and is making sure he can provide for me and give me the best in life, including when we decide to have a family. Mind you, my boyfriend is only 23 years old and is currently doing circle's around Smuggar's maturity. At some point in your life, you need to take a step back and realize what you have and grow the fuck up, If anything, Smuggar has done the opposite and shows how immature he is daily. Yes, he grew up in a sheltered life, and yes, he's enjoying things he never did while single, but that does not give him an excuse to act like a child. Besides being a husband, he is a father and with his children being so young, they're either going to pick up on his attitude and follow his path or see how much of an asshole he is and leave the compound when they're old enough. He's suppose to set a good example for his children on how to handle the real world but he can't even do that simple task. It irks me to the core when I see people ask him for marriage advice and how it can be successful because he should be the LAST person to go to for that. Seriously, how about those married couples who have been together for 50+ years, struggled at some point, and came into the relationship with loads of baggage? They managed to be together for 50+ years, still in love, so how is their marriage wrong compared to a young couple who decided to be chaperoned until marriage? He's a pathetic and sad human being walking on this earth and I cannot wait until he realizes the money train has come to the end and he'll have to get off his lazy ass and do something. Poor AssNugget, no more eating out and chugging down 10 sweet teas a day.


If dating leads to divorce, when are JB and Michelle getting theirs? :roll:




I'd pay good money for Kathy Griffin to get hold of him for "My Life on the D List." Because that's where Smuggar is and belongs.

Smuggar and his family are more like Z list. Kathy Griffin and other D list celebs have more fans than Smuggar boy. Kathy is probably recognized more in public that Smuggy would.


RD is one of Josh's employees. He has appeared on the show a few times. He sometimes comments on Josh's twitter and I think he commented on instagram once.

RD posts on the instagram all the time. He's the car lot manager, ie. the one who actually WORKS. But he's apparently left for a vacaycay (well-deserved), leaving Smuggar the unappetizing notion of actually having to show up at the lot when it opens for the next week or so. What was he going to do if he was still working for Frothy? Would RD been forced to postpone his vacation? Since Smuggar was the Northwest Arkansas "campaign chairman," my educated guess would be yes. It must suck to work the lot while your "boss" brags about taking a month off from doing pretty much nothing to begin with.

When I was 24, I worked hard and played hard. I was between boyfriends and loved casual dates or going out with the girls; I wasn't ready for another serious relationship and didn't get married until I was 31. I also weighed about 100 lbs., a 1980's size 2, not even close to being overweight. Heck, if anything I saw some pictures of myself from that era not long ago and was amazed at how SKINNY I was. IOW, I think I was a pretty normal 20-something (if you discount the blonde/brown/pink/purple/green hair (only two colors, maybe 3 if I did a flash in front) at once. I should send a picture to Erin Bates. :dance:

When I was 24, I worked hard and played hard. I was between boyfriends and loved casual dates or going out with the girls; I wasn't ready for another serious relationship and didn't get married until I was 31. I also weighed about 100 lbs., a 1980's size 2, not even close to being overweight. Heck, if anything I saw some pictures of myself from that era not long ago and was amazed at how SKINNY I was. IOW, I think I was a pretty normal 20-something (if you discount the blonde/brown/pink/purple/green hair (only two colors, maybe 3 if I did a flash in front) at once. I should send a picture to Erin Bates. :dance:

Dang. Marm's a spinner! ;)


The guys standing around holding the shovels are doing more work then smugger has ever done.


Dear Smuggar, my FH and I bought a home and are both in graduate school. Despite being in our early 30s we both decided that we needed to create a stable life for our future children by enhancing our education. I am getting my masters in engineering and an MBA, and he's in accounting (and MBA in Finance). That's right, 2 people working on 4 degrees. You can't even manage to get a real high school diploma.

Hopefully your children will grow up and reject your lifestyle. After seeing you mistreat their mother for years and put the entire family in the poor house with your stupid spending habits they will, if they have any sense, go off and become educated and hard working adults. You may not have grown up with television so perhaps you aren't aware of this. But, television shows get cancelled. The network will have no further obligation to you after that and you'll have to make your own way in life. Shady used car dealers are a dime a dozen and your hard working employees could just set up shop next door and they will get your customers b/c they will work hard and show up. I truly hope that your growing obesity prevents you from procreating any further. Anna already has three children (you are the biggest and least mature).


It just annoys me to see the fans jump attack any critics and claim how good of a husband Smuggar is. Seriously?! Smuggar a good husband? I could name at least 5.5 million guys who make a better husband than he ever will. When I first saw him on the Duggar's first documentary, he was ok but then the second he became engaged, there were these cracks that started to show. I think he enjoys the negative attention because he knows it pisses us off. I think he purposely tries to strike a nerve in others because he can and sees no consequences in it. There will come a day when his actions will have severe consequences and when that day comes, I'm popping a bottle of champagne open and will sit there and watch the drama unfold and I will show no remorse for him. Karma is a bitch and what goes around will come around and bite you in the ass 1000x harder.


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