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Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke A Slut


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There's a woman on Twitter who is actually DEFENDING Rush. She posted on Sleep Number's Twitter:


Here was my response to her:


How can any self-respecting woman support this douchelord?


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Which is why we need some type of universal coverage. Can you still get Darvocet? I only ask because in nursing school that's what we all were given for cramps but I haven't heard anyone in years mention being on it.

Sadly Darvocet is off the market now - some patients had cardiac problems. I am allergic to Vicodin so now I resort to Advil, heating pads and alcohol.

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This asshole never quits:

“So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal,” Limbaugh said on his radio show Thursday. “If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/h ... z1o4KnQdkp

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I think one (of possibly many) good thing that can come out of this is for women, perhaps young women especially, to realize that our rights as we have them, or believe we have them, are not guaranteed. It takes vigilance to maintain freedom. This is going to sound radical, but the patriarchy is not just going to just, once and for all, recognize women's rights (or minority rights) because it's the right thing to do. Their view is that there is a limited amount of power and they don't want to share any of it. In some ways, I think these may be the circumstances that galvanize women who would never otherwise become active to do so. At least that is my hope. :)

I hope so too.

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I hope so too.

I think all this anti-women legislation by the GOP is going to backfire on them. They keep trying to get all these shit bills in and women as well as many men (let's face it, it effects them too and I know many young men who respect women and would gladly fight such restricting measures as well) are not likely to stand for this. Rush can say what he wants, but no one has to listen to the racist, sexist pig.

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the problem is rush is eating this up. he thrives on controversy and this is so much of it he is having wet dreams for the first time in years. There is not much anyone can do it is classified as an entertainer.

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:clap: :clap: :clap:

Ms. Fluke has an extremely enviable resume; she is clearly an experienced advocate and leader. Who better to speak to legislators on behalf of women's health?

The idea that she is less credible because she is a feminist only disproves the right's point further. Especially when we consider this:


Yet, these are the same people who think a willfully ignorant, uneducated, half-term quitter like Sarah Palin would make a fabulous president. Then again, to be a conservative pundit these days you don't have to be thoughtful, smart, respectful, educated or have done your research. You just need a pulse.

And if Angela Morabito can call Ms. Fluke a skank, can I call Angela a cunt?

http://thecollegeconservative.com/2012/ ... ak-for-me/

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Actually this isn't accurate. If you attended a catholic college and use their student insurance plan, you may not get bcp coverage.

Right, only the employee plan at Georgetown covers birth control pills. Obama's plan doesn't address plans for college students, it only addresses empoyee heath plans. So Fluke and other students aren't affected by this proposed legislation because they are students, not employees.

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And if Angela Morabito can call Ms. Fluke a skank, can I call Angela a cunt?

http://thecollegeconservative.com/2012/ ... ak-for-me/

Many of the comments on there disturb me. It's all "how dare you ask me to pay for your lifestyle choice! You are violating my moral conscience as a Christian!" So sickening. Some guys on there are putting their two cents in, but other women and actually even men are going back at them with comments like "If I (women) have to keep my legs closed and not have sex, men need to keep their dicks in their pants and not have sex either." One guy actually said "If I got HIV, would you want to pay for my health care? It's a lifestyle choice." Me answer (did not comment): Absolutely. Crap happens and I would gladly help pay for it. No one should be denied treatment they need to stay healthy and alive." We are all obligated to pay for things we don't agree with. People who homeschool cannot refuse to pay property taxes for public education even if they morally opposed to it. Part of living in a free society is that everyone gets a chance and religion does not get to dictate other's lives. I wish insurance wasn't based on employers providing it. Would make all this a non-issue if states just provided it to everyone.

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Right, only the employee plan at Georgetown covers birth control pills. Obama's plan doesn't address plans for college students, it only addresses empoyee heath plans. So Fluke and other students aren't affected by this proposed legislation because they are students, not employees.

Actually student insurance would be impacted because all plans will be required to. But regardless I understood her to be discussing the importance of bcp coverage, not speaking as if she was unable to have it.

Of course if a student is on their parents insurance and the parents work for catholic "charities" then those students would also be screwed.

Is there a reason you seem obsessed with discrediting fluke? I mean I would hope we all agree that being called a slut and being told to upload your sex videos to the Internet to rush can watch is wrong no matter what.

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Is there a reason you seem obsessed with discrediting fluke? I mean I would hope we all agree that being called a slut and being told to upload your sex videos to the Internet to rush can watch is wrong no matter what.

No, but some of what she said doesn't make a lot of sense. And were it not for Rush's stupid remarks no one would even remember her name or anything she said, it would be old news by now.

Lots of Catholic employers already have insurance that covers birth control pills, including Georgetown. Our local Catholic employers cover birth control pills. I don't know what % don't but a great many do.

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Many of the comments on there disturb me. It's all "how dare you ask me to pay for your lifestyle choice! You are violating my moral conscience as a Christian!" So sickening. Some guys on there are putting their two cents in, but other women and actually even men are going back at them with comments like "If I (women) have to keep my legs closed and not have sex, men need to keep their dicks in their pants and not have sex either." One guy actually said "If I got HIV, would you want to pay for my health care? It's a lifestyle choice." Me answer (did not comment): Absolutely. Crap happens and I would gladly help pay for it. No one should be denied treatment they need to stay healthy and alive." We are all obligated to pay for things we don't agree with. People who homeschool cannot refuse to pay property taxes for public education even if they morally opposed to it. Part of living in a free society is that everyone gets a chance and religion does not get to dictate other's lives. I wish insurance wasn't based on employers providing it. Would make all this a non-issue if states just provided it to everyone.

I noticed Barbara Curtis amongst the commenters. She is such a hateful, resentful woman. She makes me stabby.

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No, but some of what she said doesn't make a lot of sense. And were it not for Rush's stupid remarks no one would even remember her name or anything she said, it would be old news by now.

Lots of Catholic employers already have insurance that covers birth control pills, including Georgetown. Our local Catholic employers cover birth control pills. I don't know what % don't but a great many do.

What does it matter if what she said makes sense? How does that negate the broader impact of what he said and the implications of it? What does it matter if she was going to testify that the Flying Spaghetti Monster told her in a dream that Obama should give her special fairy birth control pills because she's a special snowflake made of sugar crystals? How does the validity of her comments have any bearing on RL's misogyny.

His comments were not merely "stupid." That is such a lame and dismissive words for the hate filled vitriol he spewed about her. If he were talking about you, your daughter, your niece, your sister would you simply say, "he said some stupid things but you know what, the girl doesn't even make sense so if Rush had been smart enough to be stupid no one would give a shit."

He wasn't smart enough to keep his misogyny under wraps. And I'm glad he didn't so everyone could see what a destructive and evil asshole he is. Further, it opens the door for the rest of the misogynists to open their mouths so we can better identify them and work against them. Also, perhaps it will mobilize women who haven't been paying attention to the fact that our rights as women are precarious and not guaranteed (I think I'm badly paraphrasing a more eloquent Austin or treemom - forgive me for stealing your thoughts) - my point is that we need to remember our Edmund Burke in regards to evil such as RL and the rest: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good {women/} men to do nothing. Dismissing him as merely "stupid" dismisses evil. Fuck that.

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I just cannot believe some of the things Sandra says in her testimony. Like this:

Law students aren't exactly dumb. There are plenty of Walgreen's, CVS', Targets in DC, probably even Walmart. Birth control pills are NOT very expensive, if you're willing to take generic less than $10/month, and about $20 if not generic. I know if I did not want to be pregnant I'd sure as hell find the $10 to $20/month to pay for the pill.

I think birth control pills should be covered, their low cost is a lot cheaper than a pregnancy and deliver, or an abortion. Until they are covered don't go saying stupid things like a law student can't afford the price. A high school girl might have trouble getting them but not an adult, esp one in law school.

Does anyone know, do most insurances cover Viagra?

I work for pharmacy insurance. I run test quotes several times a day for things like BC and, yes, even with insurance BC can be expensive. It depends on how the plan is written and what they cover. We deal in three month supply and I see prices well over $100 and more.

Oh and? When I see a plan that does not cover BC, I quietly run a test for viagra/cialis. Always covered. Always.

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No, but some of what she said doesn't make a lot of sense. And were it not for Rush's stupid remarks no one would even remember her name or anything she said, it would be old news by now.

Lots of Catholic employers already have insurance that covers birth control pills, including Georgetown. Our local Catholic employers cover birth control pills. I don't know what % don't but a great many do.

No, it doesn't make sense to you because you don't seem to understand her objective, or the full context. And the politically literate among us knew who Sandra Fluke was before Limbaugh ever mentioned her name. She was interviewed on numerous networks and written about in the press because she was not allowed to testify to the panel on men-only day. All that Limbaugh did was expose the ignorant masses to her name.

I had a feeling even before Limbaugh started spewing his sewage that we'll hear a lot more from this admirable young woman in the time to come.

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There was some very good discussion of Limbaugh on Democracy Now! yesterday, and the attack on womens' health rights, etc.

http://www.democracynow.org/2012/3/2/se ... ption_bill

The Limbaugh discussion starts at 17:45. 19 min if you don't want to hear his vile again. Terry O'Neil talks about how when she read it it just sounded like a joke but when she heard it she took it as a call for belligerent attacks on women. She talks about how calling young women sluts could increase violence towards women (b/c there are high incidents of violence against sex workers.) Willie Parker says he had a "sense of shame as a man" hearing Limbaugh's rhetoric. They then talk about the Virginia abortion law, etc.

This feminatzi has had enough of Limbaugh and is thinking about asking my dad (a listener of Limbaugh) what he thinks. But that might ignite WW3.

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No, it doesn't make sense to you because you don't seem to understand her objective, or the full context. And the politically literate among us knew who Sandra Fluke was before Limbaugh ever mentioned her name. She was interviewed on numerous networks and written about in the press because she was not allowed to testify to the panel on men-only day. All that Limbaugh did was expose the ignorant masses to her name.

I had a feeling even before Limbaugh started spewing his sewage that we'll hear a lot more from this admirable young woman in the time to come.

I knew who she was too, having seen it on TV. I just don't think she would have been the media story she is without Rush's vile name calling which led, in turn, to Obama calling her.

From her resume I think she'll become known for her work in human trafficking more than her this speech. And maybe this event will lead to Rush being off the air, which would be a good thing all in itself.

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Sandra Fluke must have hit a nerve on the right. There was nothing in her statement that should have created such bitterness toward her. It does seem as though there is a push by the right to uncover something negative about this young lady. Honestly, I don't know why this one woman is such a threat to them.

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And here is how Rush defends himself

They tried to get Fluke to testify. She was not allowed to testify because it was not about women at Georgetown who have so much sex they can't afford birth control. It was about Obama. The Democrats -- women -- on the committee said, "Well, this is outrageous. This is misogynistic, and this is discriminatory right here! They won't let a woman witness come testify." And it was never about that. So Pelosi arranges her own press conference for the woman. And the woman makes it clear, her name is Sandra Fluke, she's having so much sex she can't pay for it, and we should. She's having so much -- she gives the numbers. $3,000 worth of birth control pills worth of sex. She's paying anywhere from $35 to $50,000 a year to go to Georgetown, $20,000 for room and board, can't afford the $1,800 to $3,000 a year for birth control pills and wants us to pay for it.

I said, what does that make her? She wants taxpayers -- the Democrats want -- now want to create a welfare entitlement program where we provide birth control pills. Because pregnancy is an illness. Pregnancy is a women's health issue. So the woman comes forth with this, frankly, hilarious claim that she's having so much sex, and her buddies with her, that she can't afford it.

This issue really angers me. I've always tried to understand the opposite side's position and respect that not everyone agrees with me. However, I do not understand how any decent person could vote Republican in this election. I know that is radical and I have friends who are Republican but I don't understand how they aren't disgusted, sickened and outraged over the attack on women. And yes, it is an attack.

edited to fix quotes


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Sandra Fluke must have hit a nerve on the right. There was nothing in her statement that should have created such bitterness toward her. It does seem as though there is a push by the right to uncover something negative about this young lady. Honestly, I don't know why this one woman is such a threat to them.

1. She's a woman

2. She's intelligent and obviously unapologetic about it

3. She's ambitious and outspoken

4. She's a feminist and not submissive

5. She's liberal

6. She's a woman (it bears repeating as I think that's their biggest problem)

7. She seeks to challenge the right's intransigent thinking

8. She isn't ashamed of her sexuality or the need for contraceptives

In my book, every one of those traits are something to celebrate. Republicans, however, still want to cling to this ideal that never existed: strong, breadwinner, Father Knows Best; submissive, dependent, subservient wife at home; 2.5 kids who obey unquestioningly; a parent's authority over their children, whether it involved spanking or a plumbing pipe is unquestioned and unchallenged; a world where the white man is still at the top and uncontested; capitalism unfettered by government intervention; poor people in ghettos far away from their ordered, white world and their parasitic needs are met by a few committed do-gooders; everyone of value at church on Sunday; no teen pregnancy because there's no teen sex; girls who "go all the way" and/or get pregnant are shunned and exiled from polite society; all unwanted pregnancies are either embraced through a shotgun wedding or placed for adoption into a proper, two parent, heterosexual, Christian home and the adoptee is always grateful for their "parents'" generosity and never misbehave (this goes especially for those foreign, brown children); homosexuality doesn't exist or, if it does, is in the shadows and never really acted upon; no drugs (except Viagra); immigrants are subservient and/or non-existent; all liberals are organized to destroy the family and turn everyone into leather clad homosexuals having public orgies with children and animals; no one gets sick or has cancer or has any problems because they did everything RIGHT. Anyone who has illness, death, tragedy, mistakes, horror or pain brought it all on themselves in some way.

I think that's what the average white Republican thinks. I am not even talking about the dominionist fundies.

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She's having so much -- she gives the numbers. $3,000 worth of birth control pills worth of sex.

Does Rush not understand how birth control pills work? Does he not understand that you take one per day, every day? And that it doesn't matter how many times you have sex, you just take one pill per day? Or that if you don't have sex you still take a pill that day?

Obviously he's being willfully stupid about this. What a fucking asshole.

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Ok Rush if I pay for a male's viagra (which is purely for sexual reasons) then I want men to post their sex videos on the internet so I can get something for my money. Deal is a deal.

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I take birth control for one reason: I don't want to have children.

I don't think I have to apologize or come up with some "oh, I don't take it for birth control. I take it for a totally morally correct reason. I'm innocent of taking birth control just so I can have sex without getting pregnant" reason.

I am unmarried. I have sex. With a good friend. Who I'm not dating seriously. Who I shall never marry.

If I meet someone I want to date, I will probably have sex with that person. Maybe a few months, weeks, days or hours into our relationship. I might jump someone on the first date and forgo the movie after dinner to have him fuck me in the backseat of his car. Or, I may slowly date someone for months while we get to know each other seriously, meet each other's families before we go to bed together. Or maybe I'll just go down to the Corner Bar tonight and pick up two hot guys to bring them home for a threesome.

No matter what I choose from above, no matter how I decide when to have sex, with whom, after whatever period of time I determine is correct, I don't deserve to either have to forcibly give birth to a child I do not want and it does not make me a slut.

I own every sexual experience I've ever had. I'm proud to say that every time I've had sex, no matter the man or situation, I did so because I wanted to. It was my choice and it was a valid choice. I never had sex to get someone to like me or to prove anything. I like sex. I wanted to get laid. I had sex. The end. Any man who thinks one iota less of me because I enjoyed myself sexually, on my own terms, in a safe manner is not a man, not worth my time and is probably a worthless asshole.

Rush is a totally and completely worthless human being who adds nothing of value to the world. He is one of very few people whose death would produce nothing but joy from me. I admit that. I own it. I think the world would be better off without him. He can kiss my beautiful, sexually experienced ass.


BTW my "defense" of Rush's advertisers wasn't really a defense of them. I've heard a lot of these product placements on progressive radio, which for me indicates they really don't care about what platform they advertise on, for them it's about money.

If they defected Rush's show and he lost his platform, well, effing awesome. :)

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Does Rush not understand how birth control pills work? Does he not understand that you take one per day, every day? And that it doesn't matter how many times you have sex, you just take one pill per day? Or that if you don't have sex you still take a pill that day?

Obviously he's being willfully stupid about this. What a fucking asshole.

Is he maybe thinking of Plan B? Surely he couldn't be that stupid, could he?


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