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Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke A Slut


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Just FYI, Carbonite and several of those other Rush-backers also advertise on progressive talk radio. At least, I have heard their commercials on AM1090 here in Seattle during the Stephanie Miller show and on Norman Goldman.

They're just businesses looking for customers. And the cash of a dumb Limpbaugh listener is just as green as anyone else's. I wouldn't take show sponsorship by companies as endorsement of that message; all they're trying to do is sell their products and make money.

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Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh drew sharp criticism from Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and others on Wednesday when he called Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University law student, a "slut" and a "prostitute" for publicly advocating that employers cover contraception in their health plans. But instead of apologizing for his offensive comments on his show Thursday, he geared up for round two.

Channeling Foster Friess, a main financial backer of former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), Limbaugh said that he would "happily buy [sandra Fluke] all the aspirin she wants" to put between her knees in lieu of contraception.

He then expanded his offer to the whole university:

"A Georgetown coed told Nancy Pelosi's hearing that the women in her law school program are having so much sex they're going broke, so you and I should have to pay for their birth control. So what would you call that? I called it what it is," he said. "So, I'm offering a compromise today: I will buy all of the women at Georgetown University as much aspirin to put between their knees as they want."

Limbaugh, of course, was referencing the controversial comment Friess made in February, when he referenced the "gals" in "his day" who put aspirin between their knees in lieu of using contraception.

Fluke's testimony in the hearing was not, as Limbaugh claimed, about the fact that she's "having so much sex she's going broke buying contraceptives." She told the story of her friend who had an ovary removed because the insurance company wouldn't cover the prescription birth control she needed to stop the growth of ovarian cysts.

Limbaugh concluded his sexist rant by insisting that if women want their contraception covered, they should post pornographic videos of themselves online. "So Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal," he said. "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which has raised a significant amount of money and gained support in the wake of the recent battles over birth control, circulated a petition on Thursday to ask Republican leaders to denounce Limbaugh's tirade.

“Rush Limbaugh has come to Republicans' defense in their war on women," said Jesse Ferguson, a spokesperson for the DCCC, "but now the real question is whether Republicans are willing to stand up to him and his repulsive attacks on women."

UPDATE: 3:45 p.m. -- More than 75 Democratic lawmakers signed a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Thursday expressing outrage over Limbaugh's comments.

"On his February 29, 2012 show, Mr. Limbaugh repeatedly used sexually charged, patently offensive, and obscene language to malign the character of this courageous young woman who has chosen to be the voice for many of her peers," the letter says. "This kind of direct attack on a private citizen is unacceptable. Mr. Limbaugh is as free as any American to speak his mind about the political and social issues of our time, but using his radio show as a means for blatantly insulting a hard-working American with obscene and indecent language because he disagrees with her personal choices is an abuse of the public airwaves."

UPDATE: 4:15 p.m. -- Sandra Fluke responded to Limbaugh's comments in a statement on Thursday.

"I thank the thousands of women and men, including members of Congress, Georgetown University students and faculty, and total strangers of all political stripes across the country who have offered kind words and support following recent egregious personal attacks," she said. "We are fortunate to live in a democracy where everyone is entitled to their own opinions regarding legitimate policy differences. Unfortunately, numerous commentators have gone far beyond the acceptable bounds of civil discourse. No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices. The millions of American women who have and will continue to speak out in support of women's health care and access to contraception prove that we will not be silenced."

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If anyone is looking for an alternative to Carbonite, one of Rush's sponsors (going way back), I use Crashplan for cloud backup and it works great. One reason I selected them several years ago over Carbonite was because of the latter's sponsorship of Rush.

Seconding crashplan here. It's much better than carbonite since it lets you back up external drives as well as internal. I have a 160gb internal drive, 1.5tb external, and two more 2tb externals all backed up to it. Works great and is only $50 a year.

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"A Georgetown coed told Nancy Pelosi's hearing that the women in her law school program are having so much sex they're going broke, so you and I should have to pay for their birth control. So what would you call that? I called it what it is," he said. "So, I'm offering a compromise today: I will buy all of the women at Georgetown University as much aspirin to put between their knees as they want."

Science fail, Rush. Birth control pills don't work the same way your Viagra does.

And speaking of, if Rush wants this:

Limbaugh concluded his sexist rant by insisting that if women want their contraception covered, they should post pornographic videos of themselves online. "So Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal," he said. "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Then I expect him to post a video of him having sex the next time he wants a Viagra prescription filled. My health insurance policy covers Viagra, so technically, I am paying for other people's Viagra prescriptions with my premiums, even though I don't use it myself. Oh wait, he doesn't get his Viagra legally, does he? :evil:

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People who see BC pills as purely a sexual aide obviously don't know much about how and what BC pills actually does. It's sad that so many people who are against it are MEN who have little understanding of female health issues yet feel qualified to make broad statements of people who do use it.

What I don't understand is why do conservative/Republican women stand for some of these demeaning comments? After all, plenty of conservative women use BC, plenty of married women use it, plenty of young teenage girls use it. Most would not consider themselves sluts for having done so. Why would anyone tolerate this type of verbal name calling?

If a bunch of women got together and decided Viagra was for losers living in their parents' basement with small penises (equivalent of calling females whores) and then railed about this for weeks and weeks, I feel a lot of men would be upset that a bunch of women were wailing on a subject they know nothing about.

People can talk all they want about religious liberty but there's a real health reason for BC medications including pregnancy prevention. People forget that pregnancy, although nature, is a health condition which can cause damage to women's bodies. Not everyone should get pregnant, and not just because they "can't keep their legs closed".

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In the past few weeks, I've heard more vitriol aimed at women than I have during the entirety of the rest of my life, and it's scaring me. Did you know that using birth control is a lifestyle choice? That's how some of these people are putting it. "Why should I have to pay for your lifestyle choice?" As if wanting to prevent pregnancy is akin to, say, deciding to smoke cigarettes or take up skydiving as a hobby.

It's making me take a second look at everyone. I sit in class or go to the store and look at people and think, "Would you try to shame me for taking the pill? Do you think I'm a slut simply because I have a vagina?" This scares me.

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In the past few weeks, I've heard more vitriol aimed at women than I have during the entirety of the rest of my life, and it's scaring me. Did you know that using birth control is a lifestyle choice? That's how some of these people are putting it. "Why should I have to pay for your lifestyle choice?" As if wanting to prevent pregnancy is akin to, say, deciding to smoke cigarettes or take up skydiving as a hobby.

It's making me take a second look at everyone. I sit in class or go to the store and look at people and think, "Would you try to shame me for taking the pill? Do you think I'm a slut simply because I have a vagina?" This scares me.

My hope is that our well-founded collective fear will spur us into collective action.

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That comment is why I said I was a birth control pill using slut in another thread, as for me, the main reason I started them was to lighten my flow and to reduce annoying cramping at the beginning of the cycle. This war against women is really scary, and some of my Facebook friends even think that our right to vote will be one of the next things to go.

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http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/0 ... 16631.html

"He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," she told Mitchell, who received permission from the White House to discuss the exchange between Fluke and Obama. "What was really personal for me was that he said to tell my parents that they should be proud. And that meant a lot because Rush Limbaugh questioned whether or not my family would be proud of me. So I just appreciated that very much."

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I called Carbonite and left a message on david friend's voicemail. He posts an anecdote about his college attending daughter being the inspiration for Carbonite, hopefully that will encourage him to stop supporting Rush.

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I keep hearing, "The conditions that doctors treat using birth control can all be treated with other things!" and "You should just NOT HAVE SEX, ever think of that?!!?????"

A. It's amazing how many secret doctors there are in the lay community, what with all these advanced medical knowledge of what every single woman with reproductive problems should do, and

B. How do I broach this subject with my husband? We've been married for four and half years, so having an abstinence-only marriage might come as a shock to him. Any suggestions?

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Just FYI, Carbonite and several of those other Rush-backers also advertise on progressive talk radio. At least, I have heard their commercials on AM1090 here in Seattle during the Stephanie Miller show and on Norman Goldman.

They're just businesses looking for customers. And the cash of a dumb Limpbaugh listener is just as green as anyone else's. I wouldn't take show sponsorship by companies as endorsement of that message; all they're trying to do is sell their products and make money.

If the companies are advertising on other shows, that's great. Their advertising on Rush's show makes him rich. The point of boycotting Rush's advertisers is that it will hurt him in his wallet. If he doesn't have enough advertisers, his show could be forced off the air. That would really be cause for celebration!

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If the companies are advertising on other shows, that's great. Their advertising on Rush's show makes him rich. The point of boycotting Rush's advertisers is that it will hurt him in his wallet. If he doesn't have enough advertisers, his show could be forced off the air. That would really be cause for celebration!

Bingo. We're asking them to stop supporting Limbaugh, not stop advertising altogether.

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Bingo. We're asking them to stop supporting Limbaugh, not stop advertising altogether.

And who they advertise with says a lot about what kind of values they hold as a company. They can advertise with whoever they want, but I'm allowed to not engage with them based on their sickening advertising choices, and making better choices in a few programs doesn't cancel out their bad advertising choices.

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I just don't get it. All other medical reasons for birth control aside, when did it become a bad thing to say now is not a time in my life where I should bring a child into this world. That's called being responsible. It's so incredibly frustrating that these nut jobs want to keep women barefoot and pregnant but oh hey once you have that child you can't afford to raise you better not ask us to help feed him.

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It's their jobs program, Mandy. Force women out of the marketplace and back to the kitchen, voila - jobs for men!

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It's their jobs program, Mandy. Force women out of the marketplace and back to the kitchen, voila - jobs for men!

The scary part is I can see that making sense in the minds of far to many people.

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Thank you for finding this article.

My question is: Why isn't viagra/ciallis/levitra not up for debate on moral grounds? Seems like if a guy can't perform, he should accept it as god's "perfect plan" for his life.....just sayin' :whistle:

Really, you can't compare birth control with sex aids. What you should compare it to is vasectomy.

My insurance paid for my husband's vasectomy.

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I take birth control for one reason: I don't want to have children.

I don't think I have to apologize or come up with some "oh, I don't take it for birth control. I take it for a totally morally correct reason. I'm innocent of taking birth control just so I can have sex without getting pregnant" reason.

I am unmarried. I have sex. With a good friend. Who I'm not dating seriously. Who I shall never marry.

If I meet someone I want to date, I will probably have sex with that person. Maybe a few months, weeks, days or hours into our relationship. I might jump someone on the first date and forgo the movie after dinner to have him fuck me in the backseat of his car. Or, I may slowly date someone for months while we get to know each other seriously, meet each other's families before we go to bed together. Or maybe I'll just go down to the Corner Bar tonight and pick up two hot guys to bring them home for a threesome.

No matter what I choose from above, no matter how I decide when to have sex, with whom, after whatever period of time I determine is correct, I don't deserve to either have to forcibly give birth to a child I do not want and it does not make me a slut.

I own every sexual experience I've ever had. I'm proud to say that every time I've had sex, no matter the man or situation, I did so because I wanted to. It was my choice and it was a valid choice. I never had sex to get someone to like me or to prove anything. I like sex. I wanted to get laid. I had sex. The end. Any man who thinks one iota less of me because I enjoyed myself sexually, on my own terms, in a safe manner is not a man, not worth my time and is probably a worthless asshole.

Rush is a totally and completely worthless human being who adds nothing of value to the world. He is one of very few people whose death would produce nothing but joy from me. I admit that. I own it. I think the world would be better off without him. He can kiss my beautiful, sexually experienced ass.

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I take birth control for one reason: I don't want to have children.

I don't think I have to apologize or come up with some "oh, I don't take it for birth control. I take it for a totally morally correct reason. I'm innocent of taking birth control just so I can have sex without getting pregnant" reason.

I am unmarried. I have sex. With a good friend. Who I'm not dating seriously. Who I shall never marry.

If I meet someone I want to date, I will probably have sex with that person. Maybe a few months, weeks, days or hours into our relationship. I might jump someone on the first date and forgo the movie after dinner to have him fuck me in the backseat of his car. Or, I may slowly date someone for months while we get to know each other seriously, meet each other's families before we go to bed together. Or maybe I'll just go down to the Corner Bar tonight and pick up two hot guys to bring them home for a threesome.

No matter what I choose from above, no matter how I decide when to have sex, with whom, after whatever period of time I determine is correct, I don't deserve to either have to forcibly give birth to a child I do not want and it does not make me a slut.

I own every sexual experience I've ever had. I'm proud to say that every time I've had sex, no matter the man or situation, I did so because I wanted to. It was my choice and it was a valid choice. I never had sex to get someone to like me or to prove anything. I like sex. I wanted to get laid. I had sex. The end. Any man who thinks one iota less of me because I enjoyed myself sexually, on my own terms, in a safe manner is not a man, not worth my time and is probably a worthless asshole.

Rush is a totally and completely worthless human being who adds nothing of value to the world. He is one of very few people whose death would produce nothing but joy from me. I admit that. I own it. I think the world would be better off without him. He can kiss my beautiful, sexually experienced ass.


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