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Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke A Slut


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Men have the right to control their health and that includes sexual. So do I as a woman. Everyone should have that right, plain and simple.

This. A thousand times this - but trying to explain it to people makes me feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall.

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I'm trying to figure out why this is happening now. Is it because it's a presidential campaign year? If so, why didn't it occur in 2008, when Hillary was running for president? Is it because there are some people who are dead-set against affordable health care that they'll do whatever to undermine it? Is it because these guys (and some women) really think women are second class? Is it because the asshats are getting old and realizing that if they don't push now, they're going to die and the world will be irreparably changed (in their minds) for the worse?

My impression is that Republicans got into this one through a major miscalculation. Following the White House directive about insurance coverage of contraception, they saw an opportunity to create this whole "war on religion" narrative (one they've tried with Obama before, but I don't think it's ever stuck). I mean I'm sure some Republicans really do believe this is all about freedom of religion; but it was certainly treated as a political opportunity too, to paint Obama as the overreaching, statist atheist that they seem to suspect he is. But unfortunately for them, opinion in the U.S. about contraceptives is NOT so divided as it is about abortion, and all the debate that has followed has given Democrats the opportunity to characterize the issue as a "war on women." The thing is, the war between the war-on-religion folks and the war-on-women folks might have continued to rage on quite nicely, with both sides believing the other was just using same-old same-old rhetoric. Only Limbaugh got involved with his disgusting horrible remarks that pretty much no reasonable person could deny were woman-hating, and yeah, pretty much openly went to war against women, at least the vast majority of them who have used contraceptives. So that's kinda torn it for Republicans.

Republicans (at least those interested in actually winning elections) must be hating Limbaugh now, and they're probably not too happy to be on the waaaaaaay losing side of an argument about contraceptives either, crap about religious freedom notwithstanding. I just dearly hope this brouhaha doesn't just fade away into last week's scandal, but has an actual impact on how people see the issue of contraceptive coverage.

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I agree with torticat, but also just wanted to add that 2 weeks ago on bill Maher one of the panelist said he thought the Obama administration had purposely come out with the BC ruling to goad the repubs into this. If he's right they're fn geniuses :-)

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Right, only the employee plan at Georgetown covers birth control pills. Obama's plan doesn't address plans for college students, it only addresses empoyee heath plans. So Fluke and other students aren't affected by this proposed legislation because they are students, not employees.

But college students can be covered under their parent's plan, and if the parent works for Georgetown...

One of the best part of the new health care plan is raising the age to 26 and not having to be in college. My kids have all been without insurance after 18 until they got established in their careers, and this has been a scary time for them.

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Why does anyone take seriously the opinion if a former drug addict on someone elses's prescription drug?

Sorry Rush - but you lose this one. and you lose it large!

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AOL has pulled out, too:

WASHINGTON -- AOL, the parent company of The Huffington Post, has become the eighth advertiser to pull its money from Rush Limbaugh's syndicated radio program since he called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, who spoke out in favor of contraception coverage, a "slut" and a "prostitute" last week, according to a high-level Huffington Post source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, but with a distinctly Greek accent.
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I'm all for free speech, but this is just disgusting. And it's even more disheartening to know it's not like any of his advertisers will pull support, or otherwise try to reign him in. I wish what happened to Imus with his racist comment about a women's basketball team and him loosing his show, would happen to Rush. Or we could just treat him to a buffet of prescription drugs and hope he ODs.

Maybe this was already posted, but according to the AOL welcome page, 8 sponsors DID drop him. He is a bag of hot polluted air and a pervert besides.

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I'm off today, and I got to see Ms. Fluke on "The View" this morning. She was very gracious, and conducted herself with true class.

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I was talking to my dad about this, after I asked him to turn off Limbaugh's program (he's a rabid Limbaugh fan). My dad insists that Fluke is lying, that she made up the "friend," since she never named her. I told my dad how offended I am by Limbaugh's statements, but my dad thinks I'm being sucked in by the "liberal news media." I hope Limbaugh loses ALL his advertisers.

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I was talking to my dad about this, after I asked him to turn off Limbaugh's program (he's a rabid Limbaugh fan). My dad insists that Fluke is lying, that she made up the "friend," since she never named her. I told my dad how offended I am by Limbaugh's statements, but my dad thinks I'm being sucked in by the "liberal news media." I hope Limbaugh loses ALL his advertisers.

Thanksgiving must be interesting around your house, JMarie!

The whole point of whether her friend exists, doesn't exist, was not at all the point of her testimony, but of course that's what Limbaugh fans will zero in on rather than have a civilized debate.

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Someone needs to start a "Send Rush Porn" campaign. If several thousand people pick up some cheap DVDs and mail them to him, that might keep him occupied and quiet for the rest of his life.

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Someone needs to start a "Send Rush Porn" campaign. If several thousand people pick up some cheap DVDs and mail them to him, that might keep him occupied and quiet for the rest of his life.

Yeah, 'cuz that will really teach him to be sensitive to women's issues and increase his respect for them. Uh-huh... :roll:

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Yeah, 'cuz that will really teach him to be sensitive to women's issues and increase his respect for them. Uh-huh... :roll:

Well, of course it wouldn't. I honestly don't think anything ever could. People that shamelessly say things like he has said, not limited to this debacle, are beyond hope. But it would annoy him and we'd get listen to him harp on about how "disgusted" he is by this attack on his virtuous Christian conservative sensabilities.

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For your viewing pleasure:


This doesn't really need an explanation. Colbert saying everything we're saying about Rush.

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well seems rush is having problems everyone is abandoning him like rats from a sinking ship (how well does not that fit with him?

Rush Limbaugh in More Trouble: 20+ Advertisers, Stations Flee Over Sandra Fluke Comments

at least two stations have dumped him.

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I was just trying to figure out exactly when I started taking birth control and calculate all the sex I've had. I'm encroaching on Gene Simmons territory apparently.

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I was just trying to figure out exactly when I started taking birth control and calculate all the sex I've had. I'm encroaching on Gene Simmons territory apparently.

Its my own personal names project every new years :lol:

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It's only the start of March, but thanks to Rush teaching me about how birth control works, I've had sex 65 times this year. Thanks, leap year! I got in an extra day of sex!

Wait ... Do the sugar pills count as sex?

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Yeah, 'cuz that will really teach him to be sensitive to women's issues and increase his respect for them. Uh-huh... :roll:

Rush plus porn, what a nauseating combination.

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