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When did the Maxwells go uber-fundy?


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Or quite possible they wouldn't want it. Gum contouring is not shaving your legs and putting on some lip gloss. It is painful.

Sometimes I think ya'll you tease me mercilessly if you saw me even if I have a live and let live attitude. I don't wear makeup every day, I suck at actually doing my hair and wear it up a lot. I have a super gummy smile and finishing up 2.5 years of braces right now. I didn't do the less obvious braces because I am cheap and did not want to pay for it.

I want the Maxwell women to feel like the choices they have are not between Steve's way and sin, I don't want to dictate what the right sort of beauty is.

A-effin-men. Thank you.

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I want the Maxwell women to feel like the choices they have are not between Steve's way and sin, I don't want to dictate what the right sort of beauty is.


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Confirms my suspicions that Steve is a grumpy old fart who wants to go back to his 1950s childhood.

If that was the case, then the Maxwell kids would have attended public schools. They would have made friends there as well as in their neighborhood and in church. They would have been allowed to play sports. To be sure, girls in the 1950s didn't have the same opportunities to play sports as boys, but even at my mother's tiny rural high school they at least had a girls' basketball team. In a similar vein, women in the 1950s had limited career opportunities, but Sarah and Anna would have had more options at that time than they do now living under Steve's headship. And Jesse and Mary would probably be hanging out at the local malt shop with the rest of the 50s teens.

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I think it's been quite a long time. Looking at the corners, it says that they homeschooled the kids from 1996. They were probably fundie-lite at the very least then and it's gone downhill ever since. I don't think for a moment that Sarah has ever seen a normal life and then had it whipped away from her. She doesn't miss what she never had.

So did the kids (the ones old enough to attend school) attend a public school before they started the SOTDRT? What culture shock that must have been! If this was true, you'd think Sarah would be a better writer- she would have had a chance to be around regular kids and have her writing corrected by a teacher. Maybe I'm totally off base on this, but that is what I think. Unless Stevie and Teri deprogrammed them for months and months after taking them out of school.

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The pre-reversal kids have some church, school, and sports experience, yeah.

In fact there's a picture on the internet of Sarah Maxwell as a child wearing PANTS. I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it (I suspect it was linked up to a Corner I found on the Wayback Machine).

...so I tried a quick google image search (for "Steve Maxwell" titus2) and did not have instant luck, not surprised. But I DID discover that:

(1) There exists a DVD called "Spartan Series: Steve Maxwell - Cruel and Unusual 2" (it's of course by that OTHER Steve Maxwell, the bodybuilder)

(2) Scarily enough, in a search on Steve Maxwell, a few pages in... my own avatar comes up. That maybe says something!

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