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When did the Maxwells go uber-fundy?


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Guest Anonymous

I think some are getting Anna and Mary confused. Anna is the one with the gummy smile (like Teri!) and it looks to me that she probably did have some orthodontia at some point, but I don't remember. Mary is the one with the unibrow who is currently in braces. I saw a post once a few years ago about a photo posted of all the kids poking their heads through the joists (is that the right word?) of the house they were building (sort of an artistic shot). The commenter said something about "wow, look at all those perfect teeth smiles -- what great genes!" or something to that effect. Stevie actually wrote back something about "unfortunately, they are a product of orthodontia".

Not confusing them at all. Am fed up of the criticisms of the physical features of both girls, especially Mary, who is a child. :roll:

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Not confusing them at all. Am fed up of the criticisms of the physical features of both girls, especially Mary, who is a child. :roll:

Well, you probably aren't old enough to remember this (I'm old!), but the media was ALL OVER Chelsea Clinton when she was 13 and entering the White House with her father's election. She was awkward-looking (uh, what 13yo girl isn't -- well, I guess some aren't, but was certainly awkward at that age). It was hard to watch. But look at the beautiful woman she became (maybe not everyone agrees with me, but I think she's just beautiful). So, yes, I agree -- picking on adolescent girls for their natural features isn't nice. But, I think the point is that Mary is old enough to pluck if someone would show her how/if she wanted to/if Stevie would allow it and Anna could have the gum surgery if she wanted to/if Stevie would allow it. All the Maxwell adolescents seem to have some acne, as well, and I wonder if Steve will allow them to be treated for that?

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Actually, I feel more sorry for Sarah than Mary. Mary is just 15, Stevie is 60. In 10 years, Mary will be 25 and Stevie 70. She's got a better chance of "escaping" as Stevie ages.

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Well, you probably aren't old enough to remember this (I'm old!), but the media was ALL OVER Chelsea Clinton when she was 13 and entering the White House with her father's election. She was awkward-looking (uh, what 13yo girl isn't -- well, I guess some aren't, but was certainly awkward at that age). It was hard to watch. But look at the beautiful woman she became (maybe not everyone agrees with me, but I think she's just beautiful). So, yes, I agree -- picking on adolescent girls for their natural features isn't nice. But, I think the point is that Mary is old enough to pluck if someone would show her how/if she wanted to/if Stevie would allow it and Anna could have the gum surgery if she wanted to/if Stevie would allow it. All the Maxwell adolescents seem to have some acne, as well, and I wonder if Steve will allow them to be treated for that?

The media was cruel to Chelsea Clinton. It was totally uncalled for. And I agree, she is a beautiful young woman now. She's also very down to earth.

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Is that the classic 'raising sons to provide for single-income families'? They might be doing better than the Duggars but I would hardly call the Maxwell boys a major success story... did they ever write one about preparing daughters for marriage?

I looked it up and it's called Preparing Sons, but yeah, that's the one!

They have a "Preparing Daughters" website but I don't know if they have a book for that. There used to be a forum for daughters, even after Titus 2 closed their board. I always thought that was very strange - kids can handle a forum but adults can't??

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They used Pearl's evil book.... check out this corner:

http://web.archive.org/web/200006011116 ... 1-96-m.htm

I hope they didn't use plumbing line on the reversal kids....

I read this Corner and it kind of made me squirm. Teri talks of being pleasant while disciplining and in my head I saw this psycho mom smiling vacantly while beating her terrified child with the plumbing line. The thought of being so...pleasant...while disciplining seems off to me. I get that what they mean is that mom or dad should not lose control and scream, but being pleasant seems like an in-your-face-kid moment to me. Is it just me? The pleasant stuff is bothersome.

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I read this Corner and it kind of made me squirm. Teri talks of being pleasant while disciplining and in my head I saw this psycho mom smiling vacantly while beating her terrified child with the plumbing line. The thought of being so...pleasant...while disciplining seems off to me. I get that what they mean is that mom or dad should not lose control and scream, but being pleasant seems like an in-your-face-kid moment to me. Is it just me? The pleasant stuff is bothersome.

I totally agree. It's troubling, like when you watch a horror movie... :evil:

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I totally agree. It's troubling, like when you watch a horror movie... :evil:


And this

If Steve has to correct me on something, I want him to be pleasant with me; I owe my children the same courtesy.
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If Steve has to correct me on something, I want him to be pleasant with me; I owe my children the same courtesy.

Teri, if you and Steve are into marital discipline more power to you, but please stop couching this stuff in Christian terms.

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One of our goals for all of our daughters is that they would remain holy and pure.

I wonder if this might be the problem Steve has with letting his daughters get married. It's okay if his sons get married, since they'll be screwing somebody else's daughters, but Steve may have some "purity" issues surrounding his daughters. Maybe he just can't handle the idea of his daughters doing the horizontal tango with some guy.

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I wonder if this might be the problem Steve has with letting his daughters get married. It's okay if his sons get married, since they'll be screwing somebody else's daughters, but Steve may have some "purity" issues surrounding his daughters. Maybe he just can't handle the idea of his daughters doing the horizontal tango with some guy.

They had a very hard time when Nathan got married. They came home from the wedding and cried. It was very difficult for them that he was living in his own house accross the street.

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I don't know when really. But I found their forums at Titus2 way back in 2001/2002. It was mentioned on another message board. They were quite out there at that point IMO. To the point that I mentioned it that night to my dh and some friends and they were all sitting there with their mouths practically hanging open. None of us had ever heard of people outside say the Amish, living this way.

I do remember reading something from Sarah (not sure if it was on the forums or the preparing daughters site) saying that she had been allowed to wear make-up. In fact I think Teri took her or told her to go to Merle Norman so she would be taught how to properly apply it without looking trashy. However apparently she didn't think it necessary or felt called not to wear it and when she stopped the whole family told her how much better she looked without it. Of course lol. Though she really is quite attractive even without it. Not sure if after that it was not allowed or what.

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I think it's been quite a long time. Looking at the corners, it says that they homeschooled the kids from 1996. They were probably fundie-lite at the very least then and it's gone downhill ever since. I don't think for a moment that Sarah has ever seen a normal life and then had it whipped away from her. She doesn't miss what she never had.

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Damn the wimmin folk.

I'd bet my last dollar that Steve has had an affair at some point. The "aggressive women" bullshit sounds like the line Steve tried to sell Terri in the aftermath.

I also love how they say they are trying to help the kids reach their own goals, yet instead of stating the children's goals, they go on to state their goals for their children - which pretty much involves never leaving the house.

Oh, and they don't want their daughters to develop "independent spirits" in college or work? :evil: Crazy fundies...some of us actually VALUE our children having independent spirits!

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They used Pearl's evil book.... check out this corner:

http://web.archive.org/web/200006011116 ... 1-96-m.htm

I hope they didn't use plumbing line on the reversal kids.... :(

She sounds like an effing psychopath. I absolutely shuddered to think of her hitting those kids (and we all know that's what she's talking about) with those blank eyes of hers and a giant assed smile on her face. God I hate fundies...I just absolutely hate them :cry: :cry: :cry:

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I'd bet my last dollar that Steve has had an affair at some point. The "aggressive women" bullshit sounds like the line Steve tried to sell Terri in the aftermath.

I also love how they say they are trying to help the kids reach their own goals, yet instead of stating the children's goals, they go on to state their goals for their children - which pretty much involves never leaving the house.

Oh, and they don't want their daughters to develop "independent spirits" in college or work? :evil: Crazy fundies...some of us actually VALUE our children having independent spirits!


I see it as the most important job I have in raising my children - teaching them to be independent, responsible and able to think for themselves. If any of my children is sitting around my house, waiting for life to happen to them at age 30, I'll know for sure that I've failed as a parent.

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I'd bet my last dollar that Steve has had an affair at some point. The "aggressive women" bullshit sounds like the line Steve tried to sell Terri in the aftermath.

Yep, probably after he was snipped.

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I'll bet there are some little "half Steve's" running around Asia from his Air Force days.....

No doubt. He was stationed in Thailand. I was in the military then and I didn't know a single service man who either was stationed in Thailand or took R&R there who didn't have sex with the Thai girls. Yes, I say girls, most were teenagers. And I gave my share of penicillin shots for the gonorrhea they came back with.

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I see it as the most important job I have in raising my children - teaching them to be independent, responsible and able to think for themselves. If any of my children is sitting around my house, waiting for life to happen to them at age 30, I'll know for sure that I've failed as a parent.

Totally agree.

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No doubt. He was stationed in Thailand. I was in the military then and I didn't know a single service man who either was stationed in Thailand or took R&R there who didn't have sex with the Thai girls. Yes, I say girls, most were teenagers. And I gave my share of penicillin shots for the gonorrhea they came back with.

I've long thought that Stevie was far from celibate when he was in service. Whether he did or did not cheat after he married Terri, I'd bet my bottom dollar he was attracted to other women and it scared him shitless, so he overcame his fear by becoming a tyrannical patriarch. And let's not forget his refusal to work with a female, when he had a real job. Probably couldn't be around her 'cuz he had a boner the size of Texas....or however large his little needle-prick could get.

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No doubt. He was stationed in Thailand. I was in the military then and I didn't know a single service man who either was stationed in Thailand or took R&R there who didn't have sex with the Thai girls. Yes, I say girls, most were teenagers. And I gave my share of penicillin shots for the gonorrhea they came back with.

I love that Steve spent his youth doing whatever the hell he wanted, but his children have to stay home for the rest of their natural lives being "holy and pure" and following his every command.

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