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Santorum Backer: Asprin between knees = Contraception


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They actually advertised it, for years, just to "stay fresh," not as contraception. But I guess the myth grew that it would also be a morning-after burn wash.


If you did the google, a few rows down the page, an ad came up for a gentler alternative -- Listerine! :?

It was originally a (not very effective) contraceptive. Back in the day it was illegal to give women any information about birth control, so they had to advertise it as a "hygiene" product, but that was well-known code for "will kill sperm." It was like the abortifacients that were advertised as "menstrual regulators." Lysol (or anything else) wasn't a cleansing douche until after the Pill was available (and it could no longer compete in that area).

ETA: Or, it wasn't only a cleansing douche until after the Pill. Might have been some overlap, but the contraceptive aspect definitely came first.

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In the 90s, state senator Henry Aldridge in North Carolina publicly insisted that women that were raped could not get pregnant. Specifically, "the juices don't flow", so if a woman claims she got pregnant from a rape, she secretly enjoyed it (otherwise she couldn't be pregnant). Sadly, he's not alone in this view. Obviously his argument can be countered with science, but if you think scientists are just liberal elites trying to get grant funds... sigh.

I thought it was just denial - I can not believe that some people really believe this! Are they insane?

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I thought it was just denial - I can not believe that some people really believe this! Are they insane?

Oh, I saw this the other day in the comments of a Christian "news" blog on the morning after pill. Something about trauma "blocking" ovulation. I'm sorry, maybe if you weren't so busy learning about Jesus riding the dinosaurs instead of real science, you wouldn't be such an idiot, religious nutjob!

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We learned in my Medieval peasants class last semester that people in the middle ages believed that conception could only occur if both the man and the woman orgasmed

Oh, surely not!

Not unless those mediaeval peasant women were orgasming at a rate never known since...

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Why do people want to vote for him? Do they not realise he's dragging America into Saudi Arabia?

It pains me that people that stupid get into power.

It's "different" in Saudi Arabia because Islam is not the one true religion. EVERYONE knows that Christianity...especially Santorum/Duggar Christianity is the only TRUE faith. Oh and we all know that the United States of America was founded on christian values...blah blah blah.

I wish I could sideline myself for this election cycle. :cry:

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