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Tomorrow (1/19) is Sarah's 30th b-day.


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Yet another reason why birth control is evil, it causes homosexuality (as does soy)

I have to respectfully disagree Sarah. When a woman is taking birth control pills it WILL interrupt her natural hormonal balance, and if she conceives a baby shortly after going off the pill the baby will develop in a hormonally unbalanced uterus. Also keep in mind that many new moms go back on the pill while nursing as well as feed their babies copious amounts of soy-based products. (Babies are asexual of course, but I think some biological factors can increase the possibility of developing homosexual tendancies later on.)
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Yet another reason why birth control is evil, it causes homosexuality (as does soy)

Microwaves probably also cause it. And maybe dehydrating ionizing radiation. Let me go make up some studies (even though all I really need is the Bible. What book did Jesus microwave in?)...

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Yet another reason why birth control is evil, it causes homosexuality (as does soy)

Oh, Lordie. Now they're abusing the term asexual. I mean, I get what the commenter MEANT, but non-sexual would have been better, because it doesn't imply that, as an asexual, I'm infantile.

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Microwaves probably also cause it. And maybe dehydrating ionizing radiation. Let me go make up some studies (even though all I really need is the Bible. What book did Jesus microwave in?)...

Of course they do. And if you warm your soy milk in the microwave it is double bad. You offspring will grow up to be homosexuals^2.

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I now have Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" stuck in my head.

That is all I have to say about this subject.

Except that I'm sure Sarah thinks Lady Gaga is the devil herself, if she knows who she is...

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Of course they do. And if you warm your soy milk in the microwave it is double bad. You offspring will grow up to be homosexuals^2.

Thanks for the clue. As soon as I find out it's a boy, it'll be time for nuked soymilk for me.

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Microwaves probably also cause it. And maybe dehydrating ionizing radiation. Let me go make up some studies (even though all I really need is the Bible. What book did Jesus microwave in?)...

And according to Taryn phantasmagoria causes a lot of sinning as well!

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Thanks for the clue. As soon as I find out it's a boy, it'll be time for nuked soymilk for me.

It may not work. I probably nuked my son's soy based formula (I was not winning a whole lot of prizes as a young mom), and he is straight. For what it's worth, I only wanted girls too. My first was a girl, and my second, unplanned baby was a boy. I am grateful every day of my life that I did not get what I wanted. He is an amazing young man of 22 now. He was a wonderful kid, and is now a wonderful person.

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I know nots why. But then again, I only have a PhD in pharmacology.

You would probably know why if you read your Bible and got you PhD in homemaking instead.

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On the "Happy Birthday" post right before it: "We are greatly blessed as we think about all the ways you serve"

On my daughter's birthday, my first thought is how thankful I am to have her in my life, not how she is doing stuff for me and serving me. That shows what they think she's for.

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Yet another reason why birth control is evil, it causes homosexuality (as does soy)

Yes, too bad my mother stopped her bc and about 10 months later I was born. I was fed soy formula because regular formula was intolerable for me apparently. I have a rather strong preference for men in the sexual aspect. Totally not a homosexual.

And babies are asexual? Erm, never thought about babies as sexual anything. Babies aren't aware of anything. They aren't even aware they exist, let alone be aware of what their sexual preference is.

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Babies are not asexual. They have a definite sex with a physical and hormonal makeup that affects their development and behavior. Many babies discover quite early that it can be very pleasant to play with the parts normally covered by the diaper. I suppose she is referring to the fact that they are sexually innocent--not aware of sexuality nor even really of gender. But there is a distinction that needs to be made.

These ladies need to read up on their biology.

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There is no scientific evidence whatsoever for a "heterosexual gene". :roll: So why would there be a "homosexual gene"? I have never been able to understand that.

Sarah makes me sick, sick. She is even more hateful than Zsu. That says a lot actually. She is so full of hate. Damn, she must be such a miserable creature.

There is no point in arguing with an uneducated bully like Sarah. She doesn't like to think for herself. Therefore she doesn't like to be questioned.

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Babies are not asexual. They have a definite sex with a physical and hormonal makeup that affects their development and behavior. Many babies discover quite early that it can be very pleasant to play with the parts normally covered by the diaper. I suppose she is referring to the fact that they are sexually innocent--not aware of sexuality nor even really of gender. But there is a distinction that needs to be made.

These ladies need to read up on their biology.

Don't hold your breath!

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Babies are not asexual. They have a definite sex with a physical and hormonal makeup that affects their development and behavior. Many babies discover quite early that it can be very pleasant to play with the parts normally covered by the diaper. I suppose she is referring to the fact that they are sexually innocent--not aware of sexuality nor even really of gender. But there is a distinction that needs to be made.

These ladies need to read up on their biology.

Not only that but also their cold lovelessness.

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There is no scientific evidence whatsoever for a "heterosexual gene". :roll: So why would there be a "homosexual gene"? I have never been able to understand that.

Sarah makes me sick, sick. She is even more hateful than Zsu. That says a lot actually. She is so full of hate. Damn, she must be such a miserable creature.

There is no point in arguing with an uneducated bully like Sarah. She doesn't like to think for herself. Therefore she doesn't like to be questioned.

There's no homosexual gene. It is a lot more complicated than that. I personally suspect that it has something to do with the hormonal cascades that happen in early sex differentiation. This would explain why boys are more likely to be gay when they have multiple older brothers.

There are physiological brain differences in gay and lesbian people, when compared to hetero people. That pretty much settles the matter for me. A fundie relative tried to argue that maybe gay behavior changes your brain structure, but I am not buying it.

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What can appear to be the fulfilling of an inherited genetic trait from adolescence through to adulthood, is really only the developing and strengthening of a habit. Some research has identified common elements in the lives of homosexuals, such as: negative relationships with the parent of the same-sex, leading to lack of gender identification, gender non-conformity (sissiness in boys and tomboyish behaviour in girls)

My first adoptive mother was an alcoholic and died when I was 10. Needless to say, I was a Daddy's girl. Also a tomboy. Also boy crazy by the 6th grade as I continued to play sports competitively WITH the boys I crushed on. I didn't have a decent relationship with Dad's second wife (who legally adopted my brother and me in our early teens) until I was 30.

None of that had any bearing on the fact that I was born as a straight woman who still likes sports and would be more athletic if my ankles and knees were more forgiving; I still KNOW more about most sports than the majority of the people with XY chromosomes. :mrgreen:

Brother and Dad never had a very strong relationship, but that's because my brother was hiding the fact he was different from a VERY early age. I've mentioned it here a thousand times that he was playing dressup with any women's clothing and makeup he could get his hands on. He could well have been straight, and tried to live as a hetero man for years, trying to pray the gay away to keep the truth from our parents so he'd be accepted by them (they went fundie-lite when I was 15 and he 12), but guess what? It didn't work, no matter how well he got along with Dad. By this person's "studies," my brother's excellent relationship as Dad's caretaker in the last few years of Dad's life should have "turned" him straight; they were, after all, bonding as men. Eh, it didn't work; brother finally came out to Dad in his drag persona during this time.

And despite the rocky relationships I had with both of my "mothers," I'm still straight...an old Cougar these days. *rowr*

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If we're going to do some matchmaking, Sarah could probably have her pick of the Ardnt men. Do the Maxwells and the Ardnts travel in the same circles?

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I'm a bisexual woman. I have no doubt that I was born this way. I like to tell this story, when I was little lik 8ish I kissed a boy and a girl and liked them both. I'm 22, my preference is still prevalent but cultural I have been conditioned to want to be with a man more than a woman but I find each appealing. In a day, I look about 50/50 on people's asses and noticed their nice rear-ends. I think these people are sexually repressed themselves and care to make the rest of us miserable. They don't understand that our culture is still hetero sexist and not a lot has changed.

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If we're going to do some matchmaking, Sarah could probably have her pick of the Ardnt men. Do the Maxwells and the Ardnts travel in the same circles?

No, totally different theologies.

At some point, Sarah is going to have to make a decision about what constitutes a tolerable life. Saying Sarah is the only one who can help Sarah isn't a judgment and it's not cruel -- it's reality. She's 30. If she wants a different life, only she can make that happen. There's nothing anyone else can do for her, aside from perhaps the more liberal members of the Maxwell extended family, who could possibly talk to her at a get together or offer to take her in if she wanted to leave. That doesn't make it an easy choice, nor does it mean I have no sympathy for her. I honestly don't know whether given the same circumstances I would leave and I don't discount a certain amount of questioning whether she even understands she has choices. (Although, I'll remind you that she actually did have a fairly normal early childhood and that she knows others live differently from her family.)

Anyway, point being -- if she made the decision to leave, there would be help available. But she has to make that decision. I don't judge her for not making it, but I recognize that is the only way her life will be different.

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My kid just got back from a street retreat in San Francisco and met plenty of homeless folks who escaped bad situations and help wasn't much there for them. A person has to decide that the possibility of being homeless is better than the current situation - for real. (And shit, let's not forget the scores of women who have been murdered by their exes after leaving.)

Sarah does need to make the decision herself. BUT to claim that help is available for the asking is simplifying things way too much. And to say that you know someone that escaped doesn't mean jack shit in another situation. I may know someone who survived breast cancer but that doesn't mean that a person that doesn't did something wrong, or didn't fight hard enough or didn't want to be cured enough. Most of the posts here didn't but the initial post by virginmojito was blaming the victim.

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