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Controversial Opinions?


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edit: just read the other posts and realized I am off topic,sorry

Stay on target topic, Red One! STAY ON TOPIC!

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Well, I'm a hardcore descriptivist, which means that I don't think any language or grammar is technically "wrong". That's just not how language works. If enough people us the "wrong" word or grammar or spelling, then it becomes right. It's not like math or history where there is an objective right or wrong. There's only "more commonly accepted" and "less commonly accepted". I know this is extremely hard for a lot of people to accept.

Oh, I totally agree with this. I can't stand it when people say, "I hate how everyone nowadays says XYZ. It's destroying the English language." It's not destroying anything. The language is changing. It happens all the time. I find it particularly annoying when the Duggars' or other funidies' use of some regional colloquialism is used as evidence of their lack of education.

I guess some of my views about education would probably be considered controversial. It's too complicated to really explain, but basically I think that the way we organize education, not to mention WHAT we actually teach kids is a complete bunch of hooey. I also don't think that public high school is a healthy environment for most teenagers.

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I don't believe in the death penalty. For anyone, for any reason. Let me tell you how popular that particular belief is...

I'm with you 100% on that one. And yeah, I get the stink eye from people for it.

ETA: Also, another radical feminist here. I am SUCH a killjoy.

ETA2: I'm also an unapologetic socialist. I think society has a moral obligation to ensure that people's basic needs are met, even if we don't approve of those people. Apparently that means I'm not a *real* American.

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I believe people fall in love with people - and can love more than one person at a time. I don't think there should be labels or names or anything that would indicate that there is something different about somebody because they don't fit the one man one woman mold ... or should I say mould? :lol: This all centers around consenting, fully informed adults using their own free will, of course.

Try explaining this to a room full of fundie relatives. :shifty:

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My controversial opinions? Well I believe that people should have a license to breed. I think people like the Duggars, who breed incessantly with little regard for the environment should pay $$$ to certain environmental organizations (yeah right, like this would ever happen). I believe that all child molesters and rapists should be castrated. I believe in gay marriage and am extremely Pro-Choice.

I'm not as nice as you with regards to molesters and rapists. I think they should be thrown in the general prison population with the guards backs turned. But, that is just me.

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Oh, so many.

I agree that the WBC church should be allowed to protest unimpeded, and they should definitely be safe while doing so. They're only doing this so they can sue when they are prevented from exercising their constitutional right to assemble, or when they're assaulted. I also think no one should ever discuss them or do any counter-protesting. I think they should just be completely ignored- maybe they'd go away then.

I am rabidly pro-choice- I have had two abortions. One was at five weeks gestation and one at twelve weeks, and while the more advanced pregnancy was kind of hard, I don't regret doing it or think that much about it. I wouldn't use abortion as a form of birth control, since it's so expensive and being pregnant makes me really sick, but I believe if that's the choice a woman makes, then that's her legal right and she should do if she so feels.

I love the idea of marriage equality, and it makes me really angry that we can't just stop wanking about it and make it legal already.

I think declawing, debarking, and backyard breeding should be illegal. I think spaying and neutering should be mandatory. I think that selling puppies, kittens, ferrets, and horses without a license should be punishable with serious fines and possibly jail time- there are too many animals being put down/sent to slaughter to be making and selling more that are just going to suffer the same fate.

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Yeah, kind of. I'm trying to decide whether or not to share them, though.

For one, I'm extremely uncomfortable with the idea of abortion. Logically, I understand why it is necessary. But I still find it distasteful, and that's putting it lightly. I'm not going to say you can't have one, because it's not my business, but the whole idea just makes me feel kind of sick to my stomach.

I'm also libertarian, so Democrats and Republicans both hate me. :lol:

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I have many that would be extremely controversial here.

In the wider world, I don't fit anywhere. So I'm always controversial about something.

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I think anyone who hurts a child or elderly person should be beaten and ass raped with a beer bottle and sterilized.

I also think you need to pass a test before you breed.

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ETA2: I'm also an unapologetic socialist. I think society has a moral obligation to ensure that people's basic needs are met, even if we don't approve of those people. Apparently that means I'm not a *real* American.

Yeah, me too. I'm open about it too, which means I get a lot of "COMMUNIST!" yelled at me.

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I'm not a true socialist, but I believe that some socialist programs are necessary. Like, I don't think every aspect of our economics should be socialized because the government is as corrupt or more so than our private institutions, but I like having the government administer certain things.

I have many controversial opinions. In many cases, I manage to alienate both sides of an issue in one single statement, something I consider somewhat of a curse. For instance, I think it's okay to declaw a completely indoor cat if that is the only alternative to putting them to sleep. Better to live without claws than to die--and I have known otherwise reasonable people who have taken pets to the pound for similar behavioral issues. I'm not familiar with the procedure, but I would make sure it is relatively pain-free before subjecting an animal family member to it. See? I just made animal lovers and people who don't give a damn about them mad in the same statement.

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Ohhhh yeah. :D

I am a revolutionary socialist and I believe the overthrow of capitalism as a system is necessary and will be violent.

I believe a woman should be able to abort a pregnancy at any time up to birth (and I get a bit Singeresque shaky about whether afterwards would be OK too. Leaning towards yes.)

For the leftnerds amongst us, I will defend Trotsky's actions re Kronstadt and I believe that the formation of the Cheka was absolutely the correct decision. (If you don't know what I'm on about here, you don't want to.)

I do not believe in the concept of "evil".

I am a very active trade union shop steward.

And don't even get me started on IVF. Or Israel/Palestine. Or...well, you get the picture.

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For the leftnerds amongst us, I will defend Trotsky's actions re Kronstadt and I believe that the formation of the Cheka was absolutely the correct decision. (If you don't know what I'm on about here, you don't want to.)

I'll see your Trotsky, and raise you Emma Goldman and Nestor Makhno. :flags-ukraine:

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I'll see your Trotsky, and raise you Emma Goldman and Nestor Makhno. :flags-ukraine:


My housemates are anarchists and I have heard the "Lenin was a bastard, Makhno was a hero and here's why"* argument from them more than I care to remember. I may be a masochist but I've started to enjoy it.


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I think anyone who hurts a child or elderly person should be beaten and ass raped with a beer bottle and sterilized.

I concur!

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I'm not sure what's going on with FloraPaste and JesusFightClub on this thread, but I sense HUAC would not approve...

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I believe that NO child should EVER have their genitals surgically altered (unless there is a life-threatening problem like an imperforate anus or urethra). This opinion is NOT popular. Try it out in discussion with your friends regarding circumcision or kids born with ambiguous genitals...

I am rabidly pro-choice.

In many situations, I am a supporter of physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia.

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I believe that all child molesters and rapists should be castrated.

Word. I also believe that the death penalty should be carried out more quickly in order to be effective. I'm pro-choice but I wish abortions were never necessary. I'm all for gay marriage, yes MARRIAGE, not civil unions. I think the public school system is completely broken. Hmmm, what else can I throw out there? :mrgreen:

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