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Was Michelle Duggar told she cannot carry a pregnancy again?


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^I agree One and Done, it would be good for Michelle to be a doting grandma. But I think she will try to get pregnant again and I agree with others, she will not listen to doctors, even if they were to tell her that she could die having another baby. The only thing that will stop her is menopause.

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I don't know if Michelle could ever be a doting grandmother (especially since she isn't even a doting mother) Maybe if she only interacts with the grandbabies and not Anna.

I think the first time that Anna gets pregnant when Michelle truly believes she'll never be able to again- Michelle is going to hate her, and it'll only get worse with every subsequent grandchild. Michelle lives for being the center of attention and has fed her need for it by constantly being pregnant or taking care of a newborn/young infant. Once the QF spotlight abandons her for a pregnant Anna (and, in the future, her pregnant daughters and other daughter-in-laws), she's going to have another melt down.

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Exactly or she might conceive and then start taking progesterone like Kelly Bates did in order to sustain the pregnancy. IIRC Kelly rationalized this to herself by saying something like, "This is just medical treatment, like we would get for any other child." Her logic being that the child was conceived so therefore already exists as a person. But when you eschew any and all birth control and are still in your fertile years, pregnancy is pretty much a given. When you know you can't sustain a pregnancy naturally and will therefore need hormones...How is that "leaving it up to God". I can't swallow the fact that they are surprised by every pregnancy. They cannot be that stupid.

My daughter has PCOS and had great trouble conceiving both her first and 2nd children, who are 7 years apart. The only way she can sustain a pregnancy is to take progesterone. In her case, and thousands of other women with impaired fertility there is nothing wrong with this. In my daughter's case pregnancy is not a given despite not practicing birth control. She and her DH hope for one more. 3 is no where near 20 of course but I can't condemn using progesterone if that is needed to sustain a pregnancy. And you are right that it isn't leaving it up to God but still, I'd be hard pressed to deny someone progesterone if that is all that was needed once a pregnancy occurs. I hope to God Michelle does not conceive again. And progesterone does not prevent chromosomal abnormalities or any other birth defect. In fact many women still go on to miscarry despite being on progesterone.

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^I agree One and Done, it would be good for Michelle to be a doting grandma. But I think she will try to get pregnant again and I agree with others, she will not listen to doctors, even if they were to tell her that she could die having another baby. The only thing that will stop her is menopause.

Either that, or her death will stop her. As awful as that seems, it's still a possibility.

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Yes, but your daughter has a legitimate medical issue and was not taking the hormones to win some kind of child hoarder prize. I do think there is a distinction.

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Only menopause will stop her...

I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to do like Kelly Bates and take hormones, because the Bates are about to reach their total # of kids. I do think that these two have a competition going but that Michelle takes it much more seriously than Kelly. Although I think that the Bates seem to want some of the high level of fame, $$ and ATI-royalty status that the Duggars have. It most likely won't work with them because they don't have the cutesy J names schtick and they don't have much of anything that could be "different" for a network to make a weekly show with them. A lot of their kids are cute but none of them seem to stand out like a Johannah, a Jackson or a Jinger does. Erin seems snobbish and she's pretty much the only Bates kid that we know a bit, with Zach because of his courtship (I wonder if one of the 4 eldest D girls-Jana??-had a secret crush on Zach...But hey, now I'm way out of the subject of this thread.)

Plus they'd have to explain to America why they have that horrid portrait of Nathan Bedford Forest on their wall (I haven't seen it myself but I read about it here on another thread. If someone could tell me in which episode of "19K..." we see it in I'd be grateful)...I mean to put the image of the founder of the KKK on one of the wall in yr home tells us pretty much where you stand on equal rights for "them folks". I can understand a Confederate flag on the property of someone living in TN, but this?? :think:

Why am I talking about the Bates? Oh yeah, because of K taking hormones (the Lord provides??), which must be expensive, so yes I do believe that M and JB will try again. I don't think a live birth will occur though...M doesn't see Dr Sarver anymore (maybe she told her something that M didn't like?) and we've seen them doctor-shopping in the past.

Holy SNICKERS KU KLUX KLAN!!!! Literally just got that now. But seriously? Those people are S-C-R-E-W-E-D up!

Anyway, I think the second menopause hits, J'chelle is gonna break out Jim Boob's little black book (or she might grab the wrong one and grab Joshie's "at home porn book") and find a surrogate. I suspect she'll look exactly like her, super fundie, unmarried, and THAT will be the new Mama duggar. Or she'll force Jana into it, forcing her to :!: with Jim Butt and become the new Mama Duggar. The child won't ever know they are really Jana's of course, Jana will just be the sad big sister,

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Does anyone here suspect that Gil is a Klan member? Why else would they put that in their home?

:shock: Oooohh dear... This adds new depth to this whole topic.

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Does anyone here suspect that Gil is a Klan member? Why else would they put that in their home?

There are Nathan Bedford Forrest monuments and historical markers throughout Tennessee. I don't know why anyone would want to honor such an individual, but then again I am not from the South and on the few occasions I've been there it felt like a foreign country to me.

I don't think Gil is in the Klan, though. I can't see Gothard allowing it, not because he cares about racial equality but because the KKK would be competing with ATI for Gil's time, money, and loyalty.

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Does anyone here suspect that Gil is a Klan member? Why else would they put that in their home?

I didn't want to write this when I brought up the NBF shrine, but that was the 1st thing that popped into my mind...

Not saying that he is, not saying that he is. Maybe NBF is an ancestor?

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I didn't want to write this when I brought up the NBF shrine, but that was the 1st thing that popped into my mind...

Not saying that he is, not saying that he is. Maybe NBF is an ancestor?

Whoa, I wouldn't exactly brag about being related to the founder of a homicidal cult. But then again, my family wasn't around the US in the 1800s so I wouldn't really know.

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Neither would I, but I'm trying to think of reasons why one who is not a member would put that pic on the wall...

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It does make sense, especially considering they did not mention George Washington Carver's former slave status. They made it sound like he was just an average guy who had a calling to praise God through experimenting with plants. I think it would have made a great SODT teaching opportunity and could have made him seem to be the a recent Moses figure - triumph from slavery.

I think Michelle Duggar will get pregnant again, if she doesn't embark on another world tour. A transalantic flight has the same amount of radiation as a chest Xray. That tour was stupid considering her high risk status. She should have been allowed to relax at home. John-David and Jana's pregancy where she was juggling running a car lot, a convince store and a toddler and all the stress before Josie's show she cannot handle stress during pregnancy.

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I don't know if Michelle could ever be a doting grandmother (especially since she isn't even a doting mother) Maybe if she only interacts with the grandbabies and not Anna.

I think the first time that Anna gets pregnant when Michelle truly believes she'll never be able to again- Michelle is going to hate her, and it'll only get worse with every subsequent grandchild. Michelle lives for being the center of attention and has fed her need for it by constantly being pregnant or taking care of a newborn/young infant. Once the QF spotlight abandons her for a pregnant Anna (and, in the future, her pregnant daughters and other daughter-in-laws), she's going to have another melt down.


Michelle was clearly angry and upset during Anna's labor with Michael and this was before the womb had closed.

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Michelle was clearly angry and upset during Anna's labor with Michael and this was before the womb had closed.

ITA, I would have assumed she would have lectured Josh on his responsibility, after all Anna didn't pregnant alone. She was having the Duggar heir, for goodness sake!!!!!!

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There are Nathan Bedford Forrest monuments and historical markers throughout Tennessee. I don't know why anyone would want to honor such an individual, but then again I am not from the South and on the few occasions I've been there it felt like a foreign country to me.

I don't think Gil is in the Klan, though. I can't see Gothard allowing it, not because he cares about racial equality but because the KKK would be competing with ATI for Gil's time, money, and loyalty.

I bet it's another "Southern thing." It's the same with the Confederate flag. They are still proud of that. I don't understand that mindset AT ALL.

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ITA, I would have assumed she would have lectured Josh on his responsibility, after all Anna didn't pregnant alone. She was having the Duggar heir, for goodness sake!!!!!!

Maybe this is contributing to keeping the J'Slaves at home when there are probably tons of fundy guys who would marry pretty QF royalty like them.

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I bet it's another "Southern thing." It's the same with the Confederate flag. They are still proud of that. I don't understand that mindset AT ALL.

A long-ago boyfriend of mine was from Tennessee, and he was a descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Growing up, his family even had a painting of Forrest hanging in their dining room.

And he admitted that was kind of an odd thing for him--as a Southerner, he'd been raised to be proud of his ancestry, but at the same time he knew about Forrest's role in founding the Klan. By the time I met him, he'd spent half his life living on the West Coast and had long since rejected many of the ideas about race he'd grown up with. But when he eventually told me about being descended from NBF, I could tell he still felt a bit of pride about that, even if he didn't really want to.

However, he would never have displayed a picture of NBF, even in the privacy of his bedroom, and for a non-descendant to hang one in their living room for anyone to see? He would have assumed that even if they weren't Klan members they were most certainly sympathizers.

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A long-ago boyfriend of mine was from Tennessee, and he was a descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Growing up, his family even had a painting of Forrest hanging in their dining room.

And he admitted that was kind of an odd thing for him--as a Southerner, he'd been raised to be proud of his ancestry, but at the same time he knew about Forrest's role in founding the Klan. By the time I met him, he'd spent half his life living on the West Coast and had long since rejected many of the ideas about race he'd grown up with. But when he eventually told me about being descended from NBF, I could tell he still felt a bit of pride about that, even if he didn't really want to.

However, he would never have displayed a picture of NBF, even in the privacy of his bedroom, and for a non-descendant to hang one in their living room for anyone to see? He would have assumed that even if they weren't Klan members they were most certainly sympathizers.

Yeah, if Gil or Kelly don't have NBF as an ancestor, why put his pic up unless they agree with you-know-what??

It almost seem like a secret handshake or something. So that they recognize each other without the white sheet get-up.

But I don't want to accuse him of being a member, as it borders on defamation... :doh:

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I think Michelle knows she is done with the live births. That is why she is now "counting" the miscarriage. She is obsessed with adding to her numbers and has found a way to extend it.

We can plan on seeing more funerals every time her period is late. Uggh.

This! Completely.

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