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Candy has semi-flounced; I suspect it may be my fault.

The Archivist

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And I'm not sure how I feel about that.

When I say "semi-flounce," I mean she has reverted her blog (once again) to a static website that houses her past articles, but none of her blog posts.


I was posting weekly roundups of her blog posts and certain comments, because I find her fascinating and pretty amusing as well. Duh. I mean, I'm here, so of course I find fundies in general amusing. But I harbor no personal ill-will, though I am a dirty, dirty feminist who dislikes all the patriarchal b.s.

Anyway, I do feel kind of bad that she flounced, and probably due to my blog. At the same time, I'm kind of flabbergasted that she is so incredibly flighty and willing to "stop blogging" at the drop of a hat (and then inevitably take it up again once the heat is off.) And then a commenter accused me of being a bully, and I did feel a bit bad about that. I'm not trying to be a bully, though I can see how people would take it that way.

I dunno. Thoughts?

My blog is www.thecandyarchive.com if anyone wants to see the bullying in action. Tell it to me straight if you think I'm an arsehole. I need to know.

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Candy was my gateway drug.. erm fundie I mean... and she ALWAYS comes back. Seriously, give her a few months.. I think her longest has been 2 or 3 months.. then she ALWAYS comes back.

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She's probably trying to decipher Comet Elenin, The End of Her World As She Knows It on the 21st---you know she'll be in the first wave of rapture don't you?

Her wittle feelings have been hurt.


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If she shuts down her blog for good, well, that's one less fundie proselytizing on the internet. Even though it means we have one less fundie to snark at. A world without fundie blogs would be a magical place full of unicorns and rainbows and feminist ideology. Good job, Archivist.

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If she shuts down her blog for good, well, that's one less fundie proselytizing on the internet. Even though it means we have one less fundie to snark at. A world without fundie blogs would be a magical place full of unicorns and rainbows and feminist ideology. Good job, Archivist.

This. :clap:

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While Candy is definitely interesting to read, she is very dangerous. I'd miss the snark-worthy posts but good riddance to the advice to heal a brown recluse bite with hot water, or have your husband break your water with a sterilized paper clip or pair of scissors.

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I LOVE Tom Petty. He is, and always has been, hot. Didn't read past that link on your blog, since that shot took my breath away. Man, he is hot.

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I wish I had the cash to place a bet on her return. I want a big win for the upcoming holidays.

She'll be back, as everyone else has said. The run away & hide is as predictable as the return.

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Candy's always flouncing, I think because she thrives on the drama. And because she can't be arsed to come up with new content so she can flounce and recycle her content.

She had one hilarious flounce last year when she wrote some blog post about examining your excrement and even her sheeple were saying "wtf woman?"

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Now I am sad that I didn't save her amazing serial fiction. I was on tenterhooks waiting to see what happened next to Misty/Clarity.

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Now I am sad that I didn't save her amazing serial fiction. I was on tenterhooks waiting to see what happened next to Misty/Clarity.

Oh, don't you worry!! She just repackaged her blog into an "ebook" again! The first part of the book is Misty (and apparently, she was done-the "story" just ends). She has the new "ebook" on the sidebar.

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Pfft. This is, what, her fifth flounce now? She'll be back.

Candy wouldn't have nearly so many problems if only she were even a little bit teachable - but she isn't. She never, ever, ever admits error and she makes the same mistakes over and over again.

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If she shuts down her blog for good, well, that's one less fundie proselytizing on the internet. Even though it means we have one less fundie to snark at. A world without fundie blogs would be a magical place full of unicorns and rainbows and feminist ideology. Good job, Archivist.

Do you all think that people turn fundie or get deeper into fundiness by reading blogs?

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I think that people become *more fundie* by reading the blogs. You can see the way they play off each other. Some, like Lina, actually become fundie because of their internet exploration.

These blogs present QF as a viable lifestyle and not the hot mess that it is. They are a ministry as much as a blog. So, yeah, I am always happy to see one go.

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Do you all think that people turn fundie or get deeper into fundiness by reading blogs?

This is jmho, but I think that the fundies that are out there crafting blogs that make their lifestyle seem oh-so-appealing and perfect can be a little dangerous, yes. If someone out there is looking for solutions because she is unahppy, may be suffering abuse from her spouse, etc., and stumbles across these "perfect" lives, well...

Again, jmho.

Speaking of Candy, I just now realized that she is apparently not QF. Interesting...

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Is that the purpose behind all the blogs then? Maybe that is why there are so many of them!! lol!

kinda weird to think of people who wouldn't have become dragged into all the fundie stuff before the internet.

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This is jmho, but I think that the fundies that are out there crafting blogs that make their lifestyle seem oh-so-appealing and perfect can be a little dangerous, yes. If someone out there is looking for solutions because she is unahppy, may be suffering abuse from her spouse, etc., and stumbles across these "perfect" lives, well...

I just commented about this on the knight thread. The blogs were definitely instrumental in my own fundy conversion. Before we had the internet, I had no idea that this world even existed.

I went to dresses only specifically because of reading Terri Maxwell's writing on the Mom's board.

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Candy couldn't have her perfect world if she had more kids. There would have to be a lot more closets in her Clayton then.

She doesn't allow any dissenting opinions, so her minions don't have a comparison to make.

We'll see if she shows up after the "End of the World".

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