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(CW: CSA) Josh & Anna 50: Anna Breaking the Opposite of News about the Whodunnit of the Century


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The way the generations and age gaps shake out in our family, we're all over the map. My older half brother is only 5 years younger than my mom, and all of his kids pretty much line up age wise with me and my siblings. I've wound up with a great-great nephew out of this deal. Eeek! Sometimes they'll joke around with my sister and call her Aunt, or when we were kids and trying to mess with other kids' minds, it was kind of fun. I also have one cousin who is significantly older that we all refer to as Aunt out of respect, but basically everyone just calls themselves cousins, uses names only and calls it a day. 

On my husband's side, I have a few nieces and nephews that have only started calling me Aunt. For their entire lives, up until about fairly recently, I was just A's mom. Hey, A's mom - can you pass the juice? 😂

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We had the first grandkids on both sides so let our parents request their names and that’s what we referred to them as when talking to the kids. So that’s what my kids now call them. Ex-MIL wanted Nonna, despite having no Italian heritage whatsoever. We tried to discourage this but she insisted so that’s what she got. My kids are now 10, 8 and 5 and she doesn’t want Nonna anymore but too bad so sad. She tries to call herself Nana and they’re like “you’re not Nana” (that’s my mum’s grandparent name).
I always assumed I’d be Aunt [realname] but it turns out I am in fact Auntie Smee ❤️

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On 2/23/2022 at 11:16 PM, Dandruff said:

I'd guess better nutrition, perhaps along with countenances unaffected by the need to avoid an in-house predator.

Good for them on getting better nutrition. I’m also glad they avoided the predator. 

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My mom was one of nine, spanning 17 years. Their kids span almost 41 years, so my youngest two first cousins are just over a year now, and my oldest first cousin is almost 42. The third generation is ages 1 to 20. It will be decades before the youngest in that generation is born. 

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12 hours ago, anjulibai said:

My mom was one of nine, spanning 17 years. Their kids span almost 41 years, so my youngest two first cousins are just over a year now, and my oldest first cousin is almost 42. The third generation is ages 1 to 20. It will be decades before the youngest in that generation is born. 

That is super interesting! 17 years, 41 years and possibly 60+ years for the third gen. I wonder what the duggars will be. 

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My mom was one of 13, spanning 22 years. My oldest cousin was born before my youngest aunt, in 1926. My youngest cousins were born in 1968.  My grandparents first great grandchild was born in 1947., my great-grandchild was born in 2014!!


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On a different end of the spectrum, my mom and aunt are about 18 months apart. My aunt got pregnant for the first time at 17, my mom got pregnant for the last time at 40. There's only 4 of us first cousins, spanning 24 years!

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My mom is only one of three girls, but she's 13 years older than the youngest sister - and I am 12 years younger than my aunt. So technically I am closer in age to my mom's youngest sister than she is. I'm the oldest first cousin, at 47. The youngest was born after I'd already graduated college. No babies for anyone in our generation so far, and menopause comes super early for us, so I'm thinking it's likely there'll only be a couple at all. None for me and my sisters. Mom's middle sister's kids are early-mid-30s and one is getting married soon, but they live in a tiny Brooklyn apartment so I'm not expecting more than 2 kids for them at absolute most. The other is still single, and doesn't really seem like a "baby" person, but we'll see. The youngest of mom's sisters has one daughter, who just moved out into her own apartment (I assume that means she finally broke up with her fiancé, who she was living with). I think she's the most likely of us to get pregnant unexpectedly, but also the least prepared to have a baby. Plus she has health issues that make pregnancy more high risk for her. 

My mom has like 60 first cousins, though, so I think there are plenty of our genes floating around. No need to pop out more of us!

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I completely forgot, my great grandberry is older than my youngest grandberry! This is insane. They are 7 almost 8, and 4. My grands are 32, 29, 27, 19, 16 and 4.

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My dad's side of the family covers both ends of the spectrum. My dad and the next three siblings were born in less than 4 years, with gaps of 11, 14 and 20 months. Then #5 came 7 years later. With my dad being the oldest, and only being 23 when I was born, my youngest uncle is almost exactly half way between my dad and me. My aunts and uncles also had kids at a wide variety of ages, so even though my youngest cousins are the kids of an uncle who is less than 4 years younger than my dad, they are 18/20 years younger than me. 

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Josh’s defense team filed a 27-page document with the Western District of Arkansas Federal Court in Fayetteville, once again requesting an acquittal or a new trial (and once again trying to throw Caleb W. under the bus).

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3 minutes ago, AussieKrissy said:

This shit makes me nervous, I don't want that piece of shit out.

Yeah... I mean I know appeals are basically automatic, but they seem to be really pushing things. Especially considering how damning the evidence was against Josh.

I'm still hoping for a nice long sentence for him.

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6 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

Yeah... I mean I know appeals are basically automatic, but they seem to be really pushing things. Especially considering how damning the evidence was against Josh.

I'm still hoping for a nice long sentence for him.

5 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

Yeah... I mean I know appeals are basically automatic, but they seem to be really pushing things. Especially considering how damning the evidence was against Josh.

I'm still hoping for a nice long sentence for him.

It makes me wonder if it's driving the nail in the coffin for people like Jill, still seeing her parents financially support Josh (who is now guilty in a court of law). A it's a waste of (their earned) money and b, shouldn't Christians be supporting the law of the land that he was found guilty. 

This is why the sugar statement was worded so carefully after his guilty verdict they will wait until he (god I hope not) wins his appeal to announce to the world his innocence. But they didn't loose any public favour by not proclaiming his innocence in the first release. 

They hedged their by bets.

Thank duck I'm not a duggarling, I would be super pissed to see more of my hard earned cash and more of my parent's emotionally input put into this piece of shit.

Anna needs to have her righteous arse wiped  off social media if Josh gets off on a technicality. Sit back down you pedo supporting piece of crap, no one wants to hear from you. Go protect your kids. 

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"Anna needs to have her righteous arse wiped  off social media if Josh gets off on a technicality. Sit back down you pedo supporting piece of crap, no one wants to hear from you. Go protect your kids."


Anna is a total waste of functioning body parts.

back in the day, and without knowing what I know now, I was the dumbass rooting for Anna when they went to DC. I thought exposure to educated people (however right wing fundie nut job their values), working women (yeah, the women soldier thing was a phony set up, but they were still there), exposure to exotic things like subways and public libraries, would open her up to a new world.

She just wanted to bask in the glow of Josh-u-a getting his picture taken with important people--Meech 2.0, but her adoring gaze was on a hubby who out Jboobed Jboob.

If it weren't for those poor kids, I'd be happy to see Anna confined to Grandma Mary's hidey hole, with her jurisdictions being the family laundry and meal prep three meals a day and serving them, having to ask JBoob and Meech for permission and having them monitor when and if she can use her phone and SM, and always looking over her shoulder in case some other Duggar male should decide to get curious about females.

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It feels like the recent Duggar announcements of Jill expecting, Jessa snagging an endorsement deal and Jinjer publishing a children’s book are ways these women are saying publicly, “ I am more than the sins of my brother Josh.” They are showing through their actions that they all have lives of their own, separate from him, they are moving forward, they want to put his sickening chapter behind them. They’re forever attached to him, but they seem to be trying to pull ahead and put some distance between his ugliness and their lives.

That has got to piss Anna off. And make her jealous. 

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16 hours ago, AussieKrissy said:

Anna needs to have her righteous arse wiped  off social media if Josh gets off on a technicality. Sit back down you pedo supporting piece of crap, no one wants to hear from you. Go protect your kids. 

You know she is anxiously awaiting the day she can start posting on social media again  showing off her husband and children. She has zero shame. She just seems angry that people have the audacity to say her husband is a criminal who is a danger to children. 

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@Cam I’m not sure they are doing anything different though. Babies, seeking out paid partnerships and finding ways of making money by trading on their following is what all of them have done since they married.

I’m sure Anna wishes she could be part of it but probably thinks it’s only a matter of time until she is.

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On 3/1/2022 at 1:02 PM, Alisamer said:

Yeah... I mean I know appeals are basically automatic, but they seem to be really pushing things. Especially considering how damning the evidence was against Josh.

I'm still hoping for a nice long sentence for him.

I am not surprised that they are pushing things.  I mean, they threw everything at the wall pre-trial and during trial to see what would stick so that they are doing same in the appeals process is not real surprising.  Not real worried that Josh will get off on some technicality (will pissed if he does though) but if that unthinkable thing happens wouldn't it take time, possibly through a good part of his sentence?

On 3/1/2022 at 1:18 PM, AussieKrissy said:

Thank duck I'm not a duggarling, I would be super pissed to see more of my hard earned cash and more of my parent's emotionally input put into this piece of shit.

It seems that JB is willing to throw more of his money into more legal Hail Marys in getting Josh off.   And I don't think that it's because he truly believes Josh is innocent regardless of what Anna wants to think.  He knows his errant son is guilty.  I think it's more because he's pissed that he couldn't control this situation, his money and his influence didn't work.  One of his friends testified.    This was probably his worst nightmare between loss of control, reputation, and his money making TV show. 

9 hours ago, formergothardite said:

She just seems angry that people have the audacity to say her husband is a criminal who is a danger to children. 

I get that same feeling from her.   I really think she thought that Josh was going to get off, in spite of attending the trial and seeing for herself what he had done.  She really wants to just get back to her prior life in spite of everything and sees the conviction as ruining her life rather her sleazebag husband's choices that got him there.  

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Anna’s entire identity was wrapped up in being Josh’s wife and the mother of eleventy kids. She went from being from a poor family to traveling around the world, living in nice homes, on a reality show and being a celebrity in her fundy world. Facing reality is probably not an option. Anna is like an athlete whose best days are behind them or an actress whose one big role was a generation ago. She will keep clawing trying to get back to the glory days. Anna has to believe there was a miscarriage of justice that will be rectified and Josh will come home deemed innocent. I don’t think she can dream of a future any other way. 

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Good points made about Anna. She and Michelle lives are sort of mimicking each other’s, both kinda kicked in the face and kicked off their pedestals of reality tv and all its perks. Both brought down by Josh. Yeah, those glory days are behind them. 


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Thing is even if Josh gets off on appeal (I don't think he will), there are Duggar siblings who won't follow the redeeming narrative they'll go for.  Jill and Derrick won't, he said Josh was guilty before the verdict came out.  Jinger won't follow a redeeming narrative.  Nor do I think Joy will go along with it and we don't know enough about all the boys views, though I'd be shocked if all the boys supported him.

At the moment while Josh is in prison and even when he was on bail, the other Duggars didn't have to worry about Josh in relation to their kids.  From the moment the Duggar siblings found out about the CSA, he was in jail/bailed with restrictions stopping him getting near their kids.  When Josh comes out (appeal/end of sentence), his siblings are going to have to decide what to do with their children at family events.  Not all of them are going to let their kids go to places he is, some may but with with restrictions, some may think he's safe.  They aren't all going to fall into line.

Family functions are going to get worse when Josh get out and worse even for Anna.  He's not going to get out and suddenly family functions for her will go back to how they were.  Even if he gets out on appeal, things still won't be normal. I'm not sure if Anna realises this.  That even within the family a successful appeal doesn't mean lets go back to normal.

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Will he have to go back to the Rebers again if he gets his appeal. I wonder how persuasive Jb will have to be to make that happen. Or if Mr Reber will grow a pair and say no my wife says no or realise he hated it too and say no  

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5 minutes ago, AussieKrissy said:

Will he have to go back to the Rebers again if he gets his appeal. I wonder how persuasive Jb will have to be to make that happen. Or if Mr Reber will grow a pair and say no my wife says no or realise he hated it too and say no  

Aren't they like now connected even more by having their daughter married to Anna's brother? He won't say no, no matter what his wife thinks/feels. 

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