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(CW: CSA) Josh & Anna 50: Anna Breaking the Opposite of News about the Whodunnit of the Century


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Smuggar and Ofsmuggar may not look so smug on sentencing day, but in the longer run the smugness will come right back. Pa Keller knows how to get prisoners to jump for Jesus even when they never did before, so once Smuggar gets into the unit he's gonna have to live in he will 1) only be friends with people like him, and 2) have a very good knowledge of how to leverage I found Jesus in the prison system. By the end of the year he will be leading bible study classes for perverts. Anna will dutifully sigh by the fire.

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I don’t see other prisoners/perverts looking to Josh to be some kind of Bible school leader. For all we know, there could be other “men of God” in the prison rank and file who might want that position anyway. Josh brings nothing to the table. The only reason he held any kind of so called stature in his life before prison was because he lived in Duggar-dom. I mean, if you could call working in that pig sty of a car lot shed any kind of stature. Thass all gone now.


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I could see Josh smugly thinking that other prisoners will view him as a spiritual leader, but I think the reality of prison life will not be fun for Josh. He not only is a smug entitled jerk who thinks he is very clever, he is in jail for committing a horrific crime and he is trying his best to concoct elaborate stories to put someone else in jail for the crimes he committed. I just don’t see him being well liked.

A key part of most of the I found Jesus in jail redemption stories is admitting to a crime and asking for forgiveness. Josh will never do that. He will probably slip up and start bragging about how he got away with it for so long at some point, though. The raid on his car lot showed that he can’t keep his mouth shut. 

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I’m not sure why Josh-ew-uh would think other prisoners might see him as a spiritual leader. He has zero charisma. Zilch. He was no kind of leader in the free world. He wasn’t a preacher or the president or head of any organizations, clubs, associations, ect., religious or non. People were not drawn to him. And so far, religion ain’t helped him change his ways. The only thing it’s done is provide a false front for him to try to hide his crimes against children and his unfaithfulness to whats her name. Fellow prisoners will immediately see through his bs. 

The part about him not asking forgiveness claiming that he’s innocent makes sense. He may be a blabbermouth, too. If anyone in the slammer feigns interest in him, it would be to get some kind of dirt on him either to sell to a tabloid or somehow use it for their own leverage of their own sentencing. Or maybe I overloaded on Law  & Order.

Speaking of which, I didn’t know a prisoner could spend so much time every day on the phone. Prisoner phone usage on tv shows and movies always act like it’s a vert restricted and regimented privilege….most recently in Netflix’s Inventing Anna had the main character trading Cup o Noodles with other prisoners to be able to use their phone minutes.

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10 minutes ago, Cam said:

Speaking of which, I didn’t know a prisoner could spend so much time every day on the phone. Prisoner phone usage on tv shows and movies always act like it’s a vert restricted and regimented privilege….most recently in Netflix’s Inventing Anna had the main character trading Cup o Noodles with other prisoners to be able to use their phone minutes.

I think this is because, even though he's been convicted, he's still in a holding tank until he gets sentenced. Once he's in federal prison, I think the phone call rules will be less liberal. 

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36 minutes ago, Cam said:

The part about him not asking forgiveness claiming that he’s innocent makes sense. He may be a blabbermouth, too. If anyone in the slammer feigns interest in him, it would be to get some kind of dirt on him either to sell to a tabloid or somehow use it for their own leverage of their own sentencing.

He’s arrogant enough for this to happen easily. 

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31 minutes ago, Cam said:

I’m not sure why Josh-ew-uh would think other prisoners might see him as a spiritual leader. He has zero charisma. Zilch. He was no kind of leader in the free world. He wasn’t a preacher or the president or head of any organizations, clubs, associations, ect., religious or non. People were not drawn to him

We see him that way, but he has always seemed to view himself as super duper special and entitled to a leadership position just for existing. He was all set to be a politician and the only qualification he had was that his last name was Duggar. And the sad thing is that if the two scandals had not come out he probably would have been a Madison Cawthorn. 

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Sadly, these days yes without the scandals Josh could be a member of Congress. Matt Getz, Lauren Bobert, Marjorie Taylor Green, Madison Cathowrne have all shown that any ignorant, proudly bigoted, uneducated piece of crap can become a standing member of Congress. 

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Not sure how super duper special Josh felt sitting in that disgusting car lot shack every day.

Anyone here ever watch the comedy series “Corner Gas”. It is a lot of fun humor with numerous running jokes throughout the series.  A notable one: The show is set in the town of Dog River, and residents there  “have a pathological dislike of the residents of Wullerton, a neighbouring town, to the point that they spit on the ground whenever the rival town is mentioned.” 

That’s basically the reaction I have in my head every time someone mentions the above four ignorant, proudly bigoted, uneducated pieces of crap members of Congress. 

[Corner Gas is a cute show, if you’re looking for some clean jokes. Not sure if its still available on Amazon Prime where I watched it).

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6 hours ago, Pecansforeveryone said:

Sadly, these days yes without the scandals Josh could be a member of Congress. Matt Getz, Lauren Bobert, Marjorie Taylor Green, Madison Cathowrne have all shown that any ignorant, proudly bigoted, uneducated piece of crap can become a standing member of Congress. 

Hell at the rate things are going even with the scandal Joshly could still be in congress 

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@Cam, I love Corner Gas!  My cat Marvin is named after Marvin Drey The Tax Man from season one.


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35 minutes ago, catlady said:

@Cam, I love Corner Gas!  My cat Marvin is named after Marvin Drey The Tax Man from season one.


So happy to know someone here loves the show like me! I am a cat lover, too! Your Marvin is precious, love how he got his name!

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11 hours ago, catlady said:

@Cam, I love Corner Gas!  My cat Marvin is named after Marvin Drey The Tax Man from season one.


Thank you catlady!  I don't know the show?  you are refering to but I do think we can NEVER have enough cute cat pics on FJ - especially in this thread! And Marvin is lovely! I want snuggles!!! ❤️ 

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23 hours ago, Cam said:

 I didn’t know a prisoner could spend so much time every day on the phone. Prisoner phone usage on tv shows and movies always act like it’s a vert restricted and regimented privilege….most recently in Netflix’s Inventing Anna had the main character trading Cup o Noodles with other prisoners to be able to use their phone minutes.

I had a child in prison. He had a list of phone numbers he could call on his account. I believe it was limited to 10. He could add/delete to the list quarterly. Phone time was during their time out of their cells. So he had to decide what days he would shower, go outside to walk in the fresh air, line up for the phone, etc. Phone calls were metered. A timer started once we said "hello" to each other (after about a 30 second "do you accept this phone call?" conversation) and then could last up to 30 minutes, when an automatic cutoff would occur.  It was highly unusual for him to be able to make a second phone call directly after a first, because someone was generally waiting for the phone after him. So I don't see Josh on the phone a lot in any given day.

22 hours ago, Anne Of Gray Gables said:

I think this is because, even though he's been convicted, he's still in a holding tank until he gets sentenced. Once he's in federal prison, I think the phone call rules will be less liberal. 

I don't know if federal rules for phone are any different, but they will probably remain the same. all calls are subject to monitoring.  Whether you're accused or guilty, they're listening to you.

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1 hour ago, Four is Enough said:

I don't know if federal rules for phone are any different, but they will probably remain the same. all calls are subject to monitoring.  Whether you're accused or guilty, they're listening to you.

All phone calls are recorded. I'm not sure anyone is actually listening to Josh n' Anna's drivel. 

These are the federal prison rules:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) lets federal inmates make phone calls up to 300 minutes per month, and 400 in November in December, because of the holiday season. Each call can last no more than 15 minutes, and it will be disconnected when the allocated time expires.

Assuming 30 days in a month, this works out to an average of 10 minutes per day once he arrives in prison. It seems he's getting much more phone time in the jail. 

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"I’m not sure why Josh-ew-uh would think other prisoners might see him as a spiritual leader. He has zero charisma. Zilch. He was no kind of leader in the free world. He wasn’t a preacher or the president or head of any organizations, clubs, associations, ect., religious or non. People were not drawn to him"


All of you who pointed this out are of course right. I don't know why I wasn't thinking that the other prisoners would have to want to "take advantage" of anything Smuggar thinks he has to offer. Even the other awful pervs won't like him. Because it's just so obvious that he's a douche. And then as mentioned his crimes are especially horrific (probably a lot of people in that unit for stuff that is not nearly that bad), and then that he 1) tried to pin it on somebody that was supposedly his buddy, and is still trying and 2) is using that buddy's sex offender status (which I'm guessing will be the status of everybody in his unit) as the evidence.
I don't think Smuggar had even perv friends when he was not locked up.

Anna will still be sighing by the fire, though.

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Josh will have "friends" in gaol 

Pedos stick together cause no one else wants to be near them 

Plus they like each other cause they have the same perverse nature. 

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2 hours ago, AussieKrissy said:

Josh will have "friends" in gaol

My sense is he'll want a lot of attention and will run at the mouth to get it.  This could be counterproductive.  If he continues to claim he's innocent then what's the common interest? 

I guess I could see him trying to pull together prayer parties, for company and to create an impression of piety.  He does have some experience in that area.  It's possible others may want to learn how to fake saved, in order to potentially serve less time.

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In my experience finding religion or being (christian) religious in gaol gets you very little of anything in the way of perks  maybe a few more out of cell clergy visits and gatherings. In our system the salvos's hand out packs and stuff for Xmas but everyone gets them.

We have a lot of blokes that convert to Isalm for many reasons but one can be the protection and perks offered by the other Islamic inmates. 


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Josh isn’t an alpha male. People won’t follow him because he isn’t charismatic nor does he have an imposing manner of which to be fearful. At the end of the day, Josh is a coward and a follower. He has never taken the lead on anything in life. He has always followed the path set for him, albeit disastrously. I think in prison, Josh will be a model prisoner. He won’t cause problems and will try to keep his head down so he doesn’t have to stay incarcerated longer than the minimum expected of him. Josh has always deferred to other men. My bet is he will do the same to the male guards, and the same with the female guards since he is likely afraid of any woman who is not subservient and who has power over him. 

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12 hours ago, socalrules said:

Josh isn’t an alpha male. People won’t follow him because he isn’t charismatic nor does he have an imposing manner of which to be fearful. At the end of the day, Josh is a coward and a follower. He has never taken the lead on anything in life. He has always followed the path set for him, albeit disastrously. I think in prison, Josh will be a model prisoner. He won’t cause problems and will try to keep his head down so he doesn’t have to stay incarcerated longer than the minimum expected of him. Josh has always deferred to other men. My bet is he will do the same to the male guards, and the same with the female guards since he is likely afraid of any woman who is not subservient and who has power over him. 

I see Josh as 100% apathetic. I also wonder about how, as an adult in a male centric cult, a grown man doesn’t lead the kind of life he desires to lead. This man is all kinds of damaged.

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On 3/6/2022 at 6:47 AM, Hazelbunny said:

Thank you catlady!  I don't know the show?  you are refering to but I do think we can NEVER have enough cute cat pics on FJ - especially in this thread! And Marvin is lovely! I want snuggles!!! ❤️ 

Marvin is a cutie! And since you say we can never have enough cute cat pics...




This guy has chosen me as his person. He still mostly lives outside but likes to come in and nap ON me while I relax after work. He must have snuggles before I am allowed to do anything else. He'll sit up on my bed and yell until I come snuggle him, even before heading for the food bowl. His snuggles are generally pretty agressive, too - he puts his paws around my neck and pushes his nose against my chin and into my neck. He's sweet. 

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14 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

His snuggles are generally pretty agressive, too - he puts his paws around my neck and pushes his nose against my chin and into my neck. He's sweet. 

He wants hugs and kisses mama!! IME, when cats want (demand) affection they can be quite insistent. I get cold noses in my armpits, the back of my neck, my ear...all places they know I won't ignore. Leia's trick is a gentle head bonk then walk around you, then a second bonk, a little harder, walk around again, then the third bonk feels like she's trying to crack your skull. That's the DEMAND (Dammit mama, I told you 3 times I needed pets, get your ass in gear!!) Luke will grab my hand and put it on his chest. "Mama, you haz hands, I haz fur. I must haz hands on fur". 

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18 minutes ago, Hazelbunny said:

@Alisamer He is gorgeous!! What is his name?

I've been calling him Buddy - because I didn't want to give him a "real name" when he first started showing up at my back door wanting food but being scared to come near me. But it's now stuck. I tend to call him "Buddybeans" and "Sweetiebeans" and "Cutiebean" as well. But Buddy is officially his name. 

@feministxtian He definitely loves hugs and pets. He really wants lots of attention, and is snugglier than any cat I've ever had before. He yells until I snuggle him then purrs and purrs.

He's also HUGE. So big. He's a large cat. 

He has not shown any interest in using the litter box, he just asks to go outside. So he's not allowed in the house unsupervised yet. I have a cat door that only opens with a magnet that he has on his collar, so I'm going to build an enclosure for it so it can sit in the window that opens onto my front porch, then he can come and go as he pleases.

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