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Josie and Kelton 4: Please Leave the Catholics Alone and Now Gestating

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34 minutes ago, VBOY9977 said:

Kelton and Josie are doing their sex reveal today per Lawson’s insta stories

I wonder if the July 31st due date isn't accurate, then. I know you can find out the sex that early, but it's not as common, and the Bateses tend to do gender reveals a bit later, I think.

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6 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I wonder if the July 31st due date isn't accurate, then. I know you can find out the sex that early, but it's not as common, and the Bateses tend to do gender reveals a bit later, I think.

Wasn't it Erin that did hers early as well? Something about a blood test.

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22 minutes ago, lexiloumarie said:

Wasn't it Erin that did hers early as well? Something about a blood test.

True, but I'd say Erin is an outlier because she finds out earlier due to medical issues.

Duggar Data just did a big post about on this topic and found that Bateses on average do gender reveals during week 19 of pregnancy. That said, it looks like Bradley's sex was announced during week 16, and Kade's during week 17, so some of them have done it that early.

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1 hour ago, singsingsing said:

True, but I'd say Erin is an outlier because she finds out earlier due to medical issues.

Erin's condition may also cause her sisters to get more extensive checks earlier in their pregnancies, so they may find out the sex early because if this. Personally, if I had a sibling with a genetic condition that affected pregnancy, I'd be getting checked too if I planned to or learnt I was pregnant.

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6 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Definitely, if it's a girl her middle name will be Kristine (or Krystie or something like that). Liberty Kristine, called Libb.

I doubt it, they hate the Libs! 

Also, we find out the gender of my grandchild next week and she is due in July.

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I'm guessing a middle name of either Kristine, Kelly, or Kellyn if it's a girl. No idea on first names although if she liked Brooklyn I'd guess something like London, Madison, Kaitlyn, or Aubrey.

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On 2/14/2019 at 1:08 AM, Hisey said:

It's her first baby. She probably doesn't make a lot of money to begin with. I hope she spends some time with her baby and has some fun with him/her.

 She can go back to work when the kid is 3. That time with a newborn is so fleeting. Kelton has steady job, so they're not going to starve.

Comments like this guilt trip moms who go back to work after maternity leave and some end up with PPD because of the guilt and shame. 

Sexist and misogynist comments need to be called out. 

If Ruth Bader Ginsburg can have a baby while attending Harvard Law School (and care for her sick husband), why can't Josie work after having her baby (if she desires)?

How about women do whatever the hell they want after having a baby and not be judged for it?

The SAD part is that IF 19 year old Josie WANTS to keep working, she probably won't because of sexist comments telling her to "wait until the kid is 3" and that "time with a newborn is so fleeting" (AKA how dare you consider going back to work). The shame and guilt that mothers face is intense.

I don't really care what Josie does as long as it's her own personal decision and given the fundamentalist bubble she lives in, any choice she makes is unlikely to be her own as it's probably going to be a choice that Kelton and others are going to have to approve of. Additionally, any choice other than staying at home is one she'd face shame for.

There are many things women can achieve but as a result of internalized sexism, they limit their own potential. I say that as someone who used to limit mine due to internalized misogyny. The truth is that women can achieve anything that a white male can (not without battling systemic discrimination) and we have been oppressed far too long. I woke up and decided to stop believing lies that our society has created about women (and POC). It's never too late and we are never too old to stop believing the lies and fight for progress.

We all deserve to be treated better and need to fight for other women and POC to be treated well too but it starts by calling attention to comments that are misogynistic and shameful. If I gave birth and was back on the job taking a maternity leave and came across your comment, I'd be offended. I'd be feeling sensitive to the fact that I'm not seeing my baby 24/7. Additionally, I'd be worried about the guilt-tripping and shame that I'd possibly face from colleagues and superiors.

Am I no longer valuable to the company and my boss because I'm a mother?
If I take my full amount of time of maternity leave, will they try to "push me out"?
Additionally, stay at home mothers suffer from this misogynistic thinking as well. Stay at home mothers, that have stayed at home for a few years and are now trying to go back to work, face an unfair amount of judgment during interviews.
Ultimately, we have to band together. Women have to stop putting other women down and acknowledge that internalized misogyny and limited opportunities have caused us to fight each other for decades. Working mothers and stay at home mothers need to band together and fight for progress as a team.

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On 2/16/2019 at 7:26 PM, mstee said:

I just got around to watching the wedding. I can’t get over how he stands all the damn time. 

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He looks like he has a load in his pants.

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On 2/16/2019 at 12:29 PM, TeaELSee said:

I still think it’s disturbing that a college kid was obsessed and broken over a 15 year old who he hadn’t even “dated”.

Thank you. I still cannot believe this gets glossed over so much.

Of course she is pregnant as soon as possible. All the better to make sure she never escapes.

33 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

Comments like this guilt trip moms who go back to work after maternity leave and some end up with PPD because of the guilt and shame. 

Sexist and misogynist comments need to be called out. 

How about women do whatever the hell they want after having a baby and not be judged for it?

The SAD part is that IF 19 year old Josie WANTS to keep working, she probably won't because of sexist comments telling her to "wait until the kid is 3" and that "time with a newborn is so fleeting" (AKA how dare you consider going back to work).

I don't really care what Josie does as long as it's her own personal decision and given the fundamentalist bubble she lives in, any choice she makes is one that Kelton and others are going to have to approve of.

There are many things women can achieve but as a result of internalized sexism, they limit their own potential. I say that as someone who used to limit mine due to internalized misogyny.

I agree with this. Part of feminism is CHOICE. You can choose to go to work, choose to stay home. and there should be no judgement either way.

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1 hour ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

Thank you. I still cannot believe this gets glossed over so much.

Of course she is pregnant as soon as possible. All the better to make sure she never escapes.

I agree with this. Part of feminism is CHOICE. You can choose to go to work, choose to stay home. and there should be no judgement either way.

Misogyny is what has pitted women against each other. Working mothers and stay at home mothers need to unite as a team. One day, our stay at home mom friend might want or need to go back to work and women need to "have her back" during interviews. It's not fair that stay at home mothers face an uphill battle trying to re-enter the workforce. Additionally I know women that were not fired, but were demoted from their positions after having a baby. Right now, there are companies that have been rumored to not be hiring women due to the #MeToo movement. Sexism and misogyny is at an all time high right now and it's even worse for POC.

I knew women who voted for Trump that said things such as "It's not a women's place to be the leader of our country" and they can claim not voting for Hillary Clinton wasn't sexist however, it was due to their own internalized sexism. 

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DuggarBatesFan on Tumblr has posted Instagram videos from Lawson and Arianna for the gender reveal party.  More people seemed to think it was going to be a Boy 

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18 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

The SAD part is that IF 19 year old Josie WANTS to keep working, she probably won't because of sexist comments telling her to "wait until the kid is 3" and that "time with a newborn is so fleeting" (AKA how dare you consider going back to work). The shame and guilt that mothers face is intense.

It also makes me wonder if people who say these things would be equally likely to say it to a new father. And I answer myself, of course not. I've never heard anyone say to a soon-to-be-father, oh yeah you should stay home for 3 years because that time with a newborn is so fleeting!

Just that fact alone gives away how deeply misogynist this kind of thinking is.

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When I adopted my girls I was happy as I could be, but I was also happy to get back to my work. I'm proud of what I do and the education I had to work so hard to achieve. Given how fast technology changes, I would say my ability to stay current at work is fleeting too. 

My coworker gave birth at the same time that I adopted the first time. She is a stay at home mom now and loves it. It is a choice each of us made and we support each other. When I need a hand picking up a kid or attending something at school, she's there. When her daughter was supposed to go to her mother's work for the day, she came with me. 

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For a girl, I'm going to go Melynda Kristyne. All the Y's! (My first thought was Madisyn but Baby Name Wizard informs me that it's soooo 2010, so let's go with something relatively rare.)

For a boy, Melvin George, just because.

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Josie posted a new ultrasound. You can see the 2-16 date on the right side and she’s 17w2d on the top left. So she was 17 weeks on Valentine’s Day. Meaning she is due July 25th? 


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4 minutes ago, 19tacos&counting said:

Josie posted a new ultrasound. You can see the 2-16 date on the right side and she’s 17w2d on the top left. So she was 17 weeks on Valentine’s Day. Meaning she is due July 25th? 


Yeah, I was about to post this and the due date would be July 25th. People thought it was July 31st based on her announcement ultrasound, so maybe they couldn’t see it properly because it was kinda blurry, or maybe they changed her due date 


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She look a lot like Alyssa at first I think it was Alyssa...according to duggar data Josie and Kelton are now aspect to have 21 children!!! Yekes

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She is younger than Alyssa was. Josie turned 19 in August. It would’ve been nice if she had waited until at least 24 like Erin...

Maybe Josie will surprise us and pull a Jill Dillard who despite having a honeymoon baby, has been (apparently?) delaying her pregnancies. However, if she’s doing it deliberately, it’s probably because of her c-sections.

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On 2/17/2019 at 9:31 PM, luv2laugh said:

Misogyny is what has pitted women against each other. Working mothers and stay at home mothers need to unite as a team. One day, our stay at home mom friend might want or need to go back to work and women need to "have her back" during interviews. It's not fair that stay at home mothers face an uphill battle trying to re-enter the workforce. Additionally I know women that were not fired, but were demoted from their positions after having a baby. Right now, there are companies that have been rumored to not be hiring women due to the #MeToo movement. Sexism and misogyny is at an all time high right now and it's even worse for POC.

I knew women who voted for Trump that said things such as "It's not a women's place to be the leader of our country" and they can claim not voting for Hillary Clinton wasn't sexist however, it was due to their own internalized sexism. 

To go off of this, we also can’t forget to include all women in this - including Transgender women. Black Trans women especially are at risk of serious violence and prejudice. 

(Not saying you forgot, but I’ve seen so many people purposely or accidentally overlook Trans women when discussing women’s rights and I want to be sure they aren’t overlooked.)

And my name suggestions are all NYC inspired because I could 100% see them doing this:

Girls -

SoHo Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Chelsea Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Carnegie (Carnegie Hall) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Shea (name of the Mets’ old stadium) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Ellis (Ellis Island) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Gracie (Gracie Manor) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Liberty (Statue of Liberty) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Madison (Madison Square Garden) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Tiffany (the store AND for the Trumps) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

 Macy (the store) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Brooklyn the Second (now with less adorable grump face) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

Astoria (Queens neighborhood) Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn


Boys -

Hudson (Hudson River) Kelton/Edward

Kelton Edward Jr.

Vanderbilt Kelton/Edward

Lincoln (Lincoln Center) Kelton/Edward

Fordham (Fordham University) Kelton/Edward

Rikers (just because I think it’s be funny if they didn’t realize this was the island with the prison on it) Kelton/Edward

Donald (because Kelton is a supporter and we all know it’s all about Kelton) Kelton/Edward

Stuyvesant (various links to the city) Kelton/Edward 

Juniors (they make cheesecake) Kelton/Edward 


Bonus name suggestion idea -

Anything to do with coffee, especially if it’s NYC inspired. 

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47 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

SoHo Kristine/Krystyne/Kellyn

? This would be amazing!!

Stuyvesant or Fordham would be kind of hilarious because for most people here the first thought for Stuyvesant would be the (terrible, heathen, secular) high school, and Fordham is a Jesuit school.

I could actually see some of those though - Macy, Hudson, Chelsea, Liberty, and Madison are all pretty good guesses, I think.

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