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Another fundie child murder?

Black Aliss

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http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/2 ... udith_Deal

I hate it that my mind immediately leaps to "fundies" when I read about a tragedy like this (10 year old girl routinely abused, finally locked in a trunk for taking a popsicle without permission), but this one has the Pearls' TTUAC all over it:

classic fundie punishments:

Deal's aunt allegedly confessed to putting hot sauce in the child's mouth, striking her with a paddle dubbed "Butt Buster" and ordering the child to sleep on the floor of a stall shower because she had a problem with wetting the bed,


Deal, who weighed just 59 pounds and was discovered in soiled clothing. . .

a shoeful of kids:

Twelve children who lived at the residence have been taken into custody by Child Protective Services,
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I remember reading this story in New Times, and I don't recall anything that was explicitly fundie about them.

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valley ... 0-year.php

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valley ... 10-yea.php

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valley ... to_bai.php

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valley ... opsicl.php

http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valley ... ed_for.php

There doesn't seem to be anything that explicitly screams fundie to me. What does scream out to me is that these bastards can rot in hell.

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Guest Anonymous

It was reported on in the Daily Mail in the UK, a few months back. I remember laughing in embarassment at this gem in the comments box:

As soon as I read the headline of this article...I had a feeling that the incident had taken place in America. What is is about these people?

- Judith, King's Lynn, England, 30/7/2011 02:52

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z1a6hn5ooa

I don't see it as being specifically fundie (or American!)...

Poor, dear little girl. :(

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Don't sound particularly fundie to me. Sometimes other people to crappy evil stuff too. We had a local case of a little girl beaten, starved, ultimately killed by her mother and stepfather, and then put in a cooler in the family's shed. She had been returned to them by CPS after previous abuse issues. :(

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Many people abuse their children, so it would be ridiculous to think that only religious extremists do those sorts of things. However, the religious aspect, such as "God says we must hit our children with a rod", adds a whole religious affirmation layer to the propensity towards violence and evil those people already possess. They can also convince others to abuse the children (such as the spouse or older children) because of the obedience to God thing, and convince others not to intervene for the same reasons. The outcomes may be the same, but because it's so hard to fathom a person doing such a thing to a child in the name of God, it's just. . . I don't know. . . somehow more disgusting. If such a thing can have levels of "disgusting".

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