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Dullards 63: Law School Participation Trophy


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5 minutes ago, PennySycamore said:

@louisa05,  your story about the extremely sheltered girl who didn't know one things about sex makes me think of my husband's great-aunt in England.  She got pregnant and swore she didn't know how it happened.  That may have been the case since she was kept pretty ignorant of sex as an adolescent.  She had a daughter whom she raised as a single mother.  When her daughter became a mother, one of her sons was the spit-and-image of the village gigolo 60 years earlier.

The breadth of this girl's ignorance was astonishing for the 1990s. But she was an only child with an obedient temperament and a good dose of the very unhealthy sort of the fear of the Lord. I think she was fairly certain that lightning was going to strike our dorm room as we explained the basics in that very first conversation. And I still remember how awkward it was trying to explain what a penis is to someone who has no clue at all. We didn't expect that. I think most girls have at least seen a male infant or toddler sans diaper way before age 18. 

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My grandmother's story was a lot like the sheltered girls. She grew up in London before and during the war, and her parents told her nothing, even though she had a younger brother arrive when she was seven. At fourteen, they put her to work as an apprentice hair stylist and, naturally, one of her clients was a lady of the evening. My grandmother, being naive, thought this woman was incredibly glamorous and she tipped well, so my grandmother thought she hung the moon. So my grandmother's co-workers took her into the basement and told her EVERYTHING all at once. She was understandably pretty traumatized. 

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12 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

All day long:  You are such a good dog.  Pretty girl!  Who's a pretty girl?  Do you want a snack?

Pretty sure this has someone, somewhere, wishing me to get a life.

I'm kind of surprised I'm not getting ads for Thesaurus - Curse Word edition.

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1 hour ago, louisa05 said:

When I was a junior in college, a poor little frosh in our dorm was lonely,  terrified and not fitting in so my roommate and I adopted her. She had evangelical parents who had sheltered her to the point that she went away to a not very religious campus (college was loosely affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA) without even knowing the biological aspects of sex. She literally did not know that there was a penis or that it went into a vagina. As a child and even as a teen, they had made sure she never even saw a male infant without a diaper. They only let her babysit female children. They pulled her out of every single class or presentation in school that dealt with sex and sexuality including basic high school biology's reproduction unit. 

My roommate and I explained the biology of sex to her when we had to explain to her why exactly one of the campus man-whores (who liked to prey on frosh girls who were too dumb to know what he was up to) had invited her to sneak into his dorm room after regular hours when his roommate was going to be gone for the weekend. (After hours was basically just overnight on our campus--1 a.m to 7 a.m on weekends and midnight to 6 a.m on weekdays). Basically, all this poor girl knew at 18 years old, sent away from home to college, was that there was something that a man and woman do to make a baby. But she had been told it wasn't appropriate to talk about before being married and no one did it until they were married and wanted a baby. They had even managed to scare her into leaving a room and telling them if other kids talked about it at all. So we also had to explain that sex is not just for making babies, what homosexuality was, how periods are related to pregnancy and more. It was like we were raising a child from age 4--puberty. 

ETA: Her parents eventually found out who told her all of this and hated us forever and complained to the dorm counselor. We were not punished and their precious little innocent daughter still came to ask us her questions. 

So, yes, the book may have Christian theological positions many of us disagree with here, but at least their kids are not being sheltered from that basic knowledge. 

I wish I would've had a roommate like you in college! I, too, was clueless!! I'm sure that girl really appreciated the information...I know I would have! 

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14 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:


Nah, his dad is kinda cute in that picture (I’ll see myself to the prayer closet)

I agree!  Derick looks like his dad as seen through a funhouse mirror... or half-melted in the face.

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1 hour ago, mollysmom said:

I wish I would've had a roommate like you in college! I, too, was clueless!! I'm sure that girl really appreciated the information...I know I would have! 

She was kind of traumatized initially and certain that "WE SHOULD NOT BE TALKING ABOUT THIS!". The parents had convinced her that even having such a conversation was a sin for unmarried people. 

What happened was she told us about the invitation from the man-whore and wondered why he wanted her to come to his dorm after hours and not during open hours. Knowing him (we were all in band with him and everyone in band knew how he was and that he liked to run through frosh girls as soon as they arrived), my roommate said quite nicely, "honey, he wants something besides a chat". She didn't get it. We put it nicely and euphemistically a few more times. Finally, I said "he wants to have sex". When she didn't get that, well, we didn't know where to go from there. We were shocked. My roommate was from a very evangelical family, but she hadn't been kept in absolute ignorance. 

If we hadn't been there and been honest with her, I think she would have been raped at some point that fall mostly for lack of understanding what kind of situation she was putting herself in (not that women are responsible for being raped--but a girl who has no idea what sex is or what a perv wants making those kinds of invitations is unknowingly putting herself in a bad situation) or what would be happening. I don't know if she would have understood that she could say no and she may have been too shocked and confused to protect herself or object. And that's where I think her parents were absolute and complete morons. Even if you want your kids to remain abstinent, you have to give them information. 

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Poor Izzy. If he is getting this ignored now just imagine what’ll be like when their quiver grows. He kinda reminds me of Jennifer when she was very little. 

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They weren't ignoring Izzy at all here...

But I still don't understand the point of uploading these videos to YouTube. I guess they're trying to make money, but how much can they possibly be making doing this?

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Ok, gotta say, I cut kid's hair for a living for a bit over a decade....yeah, fun times!  (really, it was mostly fun :) )  But in all  that time, I do not think I had ever done a baby's first haircut with a buzzer and had them just sit there.  The buzzer usually would at the least have them wiggling because it kind of tickles, or screaming because it was scarey and noisey.   I cannot recall a single time a baby sat that still.  Babies at that age move and wiggle--that's what babies do.   


Just wanted to add in my professional opinon, I don't think he really needed a haircut.  Especially with him being so fair, and with them living in the south.  Adding in I never really notice a hat on him----scalps burn y'all!

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3 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

They weren't ignoring Izzy at all here...

But I still don't understand the point of uploading these videos to YouTube. I guess they're trying to make money, but how much can they possibly be making doing this?

well he wanted to touch something I'm thinking Sam's hair and they didn't even say a word to him when he asked. but the big part was him saying sorry over and over to Jill and Sam. that just had me cringing all those sorry's do not seem normal. 

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I think he said Sorry to Jill because she said she was crying. He was showing empathy. Izzy loves attention and getting videoed. Hopefully they will do one that focuses on him. She did a workbook one with Izzy, didn’t she? 

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6 minutes ago, Markie said:

I think he said Sorry to Jill because she said she was crying. He was showing empathy. Izzy loves attention and getting videoed. Hopefully they will do one that focuses on him. She did a workbook one with Izzy, didn’t she? 

It wasn't so much the sorry to Jill, that one I understood. (Well at least the first time.) he he kept saying sorry to sam. now If Sam was crying i could see it but Sam was just sitting there.  

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34 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

They weren't ignoring Izzy at all here... 

But I still don't understand the point of uploading these videos to YouTube. I guess they're trying to make money, but how much can they possibly be making doing this?

Well first, they'd have to meet YouTube's standards to be monetized, which will be difficult since they disable commenting. They'd also need a MASSIVE amount of views. IIRC, to make $5K per month, each (new video) would need 20K views. I really can't remember the view count accurately, but I know that it has to be a very, very high number. They would also need to do a ton more sponsored content (or any). No one is sponsoring their videos as of now.

Really if they are making money it's via ad revenue from their website. They haven't said but they could have some affiliate links, however they are required to disclose that.

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1 minute ago, Ivycoveredtower said:

It wasn't so much the sorry to Jill, that one I understood. (Well at least the first time.) he he kept saying sorry to sam. now If Sam was crying i could see it but Sam was just sitting there.  

Perhaps it was that Jill said Sam was losing his curls and Izzy thought Sam would be sad about that. Kind of hard to figure out exactly what a toddler is thinking. I imagine he gets praised for being sweet to Sam, so perhaps by saying sorry he will be praised. I thought this video was one of their most innocuous.

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Izzy first said 'I'm sorry' to Jill and hugged her because she said she was sad. Jill and Derick laughed and went 'awwwww' and generally reacted to that in a positive way, which is why (in my opinion) Izzy went and did it to Sam next. Totally normal little kid behaviour, and it's also totally normal (and reasonable, and healthy) for the parents to not drop everything and immediately turn all their focus on him. I know the Dillards suck, but they seemed pretty normal in this video.

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4 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I know the Dillards suck, but they seemed pretty normal in this video.

Well considering they're the Dillards, pretty normal is about all that can be hoped to be achieved. If Jill wasn't making a surprised face or Derick wasn't completely ignoring his children while being a complete ass; it was probably a win! 

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21 hours ago, HideousGreenShirt said:

My first thought was WUT? Is she serious? And then hopefully it's not a) new baby or b) kids walking in on them. Gross, sorry. 


5 hours ago, louisa05 said:

If we hadn't been there and been honest with her, I think she would have been raped at some point that fall mostly for lack of understanding what kind of situation she was putting herself in (not that women are responsible for being raped--but a girl who has no idea what sex is or what a perv wants making those kinds of invitations is unknowingly putting herself in a bad situation) or what would be happening. I don't know if she would have understood that she could say no and she may have been too shocked and confused to protect herself or object. And that's where I think her parents were absolute and complete morons. Even if you want your kids to remain abstinent, you have to give them information. 

This! How would she even know what was happening? Such irresponsible parenting! Lucky for her you were there. 

1 hour ago, xlurker said:

Ok, gotta say, I cut kid's hair for a living for a bit over a decade....yeah, fun times!  (really, it was mostly fun :) )  But in all  that time, I do not think I had ever done a baby's first haircut with a buzzer and had them just sit there.  The buzzer usually would at the least have them wiggling because it kind of tickles, or screaming because it was scarey and noisey.   I cannot recall a single time a baby sat that still.  Babies at that age move and wiggle--that's what babies do.   

Just wanted to add in my professional opinon, I don't think he really needed a haircut.  Especially with him being so fair, and with them living in the south.  Adding in I never really notice a hat on him----scalps burn y'all!

That just makes me wonder what they did to make him that obidient. I probably don’t want to know. :my_confused:

When Miniway had his first haircut we took him to a hairdresser that had a motorcycle for the kids to sit on (like from a carousel). We put a phone with his favourite video in front of him and fed him a lolly every time he moved. He never wanted to leave. :my_biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, Iamtheway said:

That just makes me wonder what they did to make him that obidient

That was my thought also.  When I did children's haircuts they had baskets of toys, kids movies to watch, "rides" to sit on (horse/motorcycle/trains/cars etc) the hairdressers being silly and the promise of a lollypop and balloon.  Cutting a child's hair is not the same as being an adult hairdresser--although if you can cut a kid's hair you can do just about anything!  The kid's we cut were allowed to move and wiggle--we just had to move with them.  We all we trained in not only the fastest way to cut a child's hair, but more importantly the safest way.  

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10 minutes ago, xlurker said:

Cutting a child’s hair is not the same

Jill has likely been cutting kids’ hair for a dozen (or more) years. I don’t think they “did” anything to him to get him to sit still. My daughter sat still for hair cuts from a young age, and so do my daughter’s BFF’s twin boys. 

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I should have phrased that differently, cutting a child's hair safely and well is different from cutting an adult's hair.  previous to running the child's salon I had spent at least a decade in full service adult salons, so I have experienced both :)  And I did not mean to imply that all children are kicking and screaming (although, some do)  But in my experience even the best kids usually are not stone still, especially for a first haircut.  Especially with a buzzer which in many cases is pretty scary for kids 2 and under.  Now, my salon was known for being able to give quality haircuts to kids, and a good 70-80 % of our clientele were special needs children, so maybe that is clouding my recollection.  

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I’m surprised jill doesn’t  have the kids double stacked in a stroller, waiting outside every lecture Derick goes to and walking him to the next one. She must be having severe separation anxiety now he’s at school. I’m predicting a big increase in her social media activity and/or Johanna being installed on a semipermanent basis as company/indentured servitude 

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27 minutes ago, BlessingsVonFundiePants said:

I’m surprised jill doesn’t  have the kids double stacked in a stroller, waiting outside every lecture Derick goes to and walking him to the next one. She must be having severe separation anxiety now he’s at school. I’m predicting a big increase in her social media activity and/or Johanna being installed on a semipermanent basis as company/indentured servitude 

It might be different now that she has kids to take care of. When Derick was at Walmart, wasn't she just pregnant with Izzy? We've seen her entertain herself and the boys before while Derick was doing "missionary" stuff. Remember her long walk to Chick-fil-a while the boys had a cold?

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3 minutes ago, Gillyweed said:

It might be different now that she has kids to take care of. When Derick was at Walmart, wasn't she just pregnant with Izzy? We've seen her entertain herself and the boys before while Derick was doing "missionary" stuff. Remember her long walk to Chick-fil-a while the boys had a cold?

ah yes that long walk. well if she wasn't so co-dependent on Derick she wouldn't have even been on that trip with him. yes maybe she can go two hours without him but more then that I wouldn't hold my breath. 

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She was the only spouse that elbowed her way into the missionary school graduation group photo. 

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