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Lori Alexander 45: Sensoring and Sensibility

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I just did a little looking at whiplash.  The only reference to "double whiplash" was in reference to people that have 2 separate incidents of whiplash.  Apparently, 99.2% of whiplash sufferers are completely healed in approximately 4 weeks.  

There was not information about vertebrae or fusion needs.  Whiplahs involves the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the neck.  Obviously, a car accident may well cause a fracture that can require a fusion.

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I’m still wondering exactly what kind of “parasites” she had. I mean, in the 21st century, you’d think her doctor would run some lab tests and have the results analyzed. Her father is a pathologist and presumably would know about such things.

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22 minutes ago, Curious said:

I'm certain a dr. must have explained that to her at some point.

Most likely, and she probably didn't understand the explanation-which is pretty common, sometimes medicalese seems to be its own language-but instead of asking questions she just discarded everything she was told, and formed her own conclusions without solid information on which to base a decision.  

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Lori, referring to her children:

-We trained them to be tough when they were sick or in pain

-I wouldn’t allow them to complain. I taught them to suffer in silence 

-As soon as they were able to talk clearly, I taught them to not grumble and complain when they were sick but to learn to suffer in silence and they all learned this.

-I was taught to suffer in silence and so were my children and not one of us have mental illness

-my children are tough when it comes to suffering. They have learned to suffer well and it sure makes life easier for all those around them!

THAT is what gets me.  Lori has PAGES of complaining, but her kids?  She taught them to suffer in silence.

She even bragged:


I asked Erin if Ryan was a baby when he was sick because most guys are. She responded, "I don't even know when he feels poorly because he doesn't tell me." Good job, Ry! We aren't to grumble or complain,

I guess Lori's countless pages of talk about her health aren't complaining...no, she's just "updating".

She has extended that treatment to her grandchildren.  If you watched the snake video, you heard Lori recount the following story:


Whenever my grandkids start to complain *air-headed laugh* I'll tell em', I'll say, "What did God do to the Israelites when they complained in the desert?"  And they'll go *gasp* "They sent the snakes and they...they bit em'!"  *evil laugh*


Even my little grandson was sitting here...he kind of hurt himself and he was *beyond ridiculous looking fake crying*  you know, and I, I said, "NO! Even if you're hurting, I don't want you to sit there and moan and complain. Cause just cause you're unhappy and not feeling good, doesn't mean that you have to make everyone else that way.


And this is what how I taught my children when they were in pain.  You don't have to sit and moan and groan when you're in pain.  Just you can learn to suffer in silence, and not complain, even when something's hurting.

Suffering in silence seems to work for everyone but Lori.

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I THINK Lori went back and added the underlined part in this paragraph. I remember reading it this morning and thinking how thoughtless it was for Ken to leave the state when Lori was expecting test results. Did anybody else catch this?  If she added it later, I'm sure it's because Ken made her. I think even he sees how cold hearted he appears in this story. 


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3 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I THINK Lori went back and added the underlined part in this paragraph. I remember reading it this morning and thinking how thoughtless it was for Ken to leave the state when Lori was expecting test results. Did anybody else catch this?  If she added it later, I'm sure it's because Ken made her. I think even he sees how cold hearted he appears in this story. 


I saw this post around 9:45 this morning (east coast USA time), and the underlined bit was there at that point. It may not have been there before that, though.

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"I don't even know when he feels poorly because he doesn't tell me."

Excellent communication, guys. Really, top notch.

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Just now, Loveday said:

I saw this post around 9:45 this morning (east coast USA time), and the underlined bit was there at that point. It may not have been there before that, though.

It probably was. I tend to skim her articles, anyway. I do know when I read that Ken had flown to Florida, I felt disgusted and probably moved on to something else. Probably my mistake. Thanks for the response. 

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Damn, someone get Lori a hamster bubble. That girl is a mess.

After reading @Koala's compilation of illnesses, I have some second hand embarrassment for Lori. Personally, being the center of attention for illness borders on nightmare status for me. It is difficult to understand why she would want anyone to deliberately view her as ill. I know I've harped on it in the past but it bothers me that she seems to relish the role so much. She is the woman who cries wolf. I have no doubt Lori has a brain tumor and other real health issues but many of her ailments seem to be a combination of woo and her imagination.

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She claims that neither she nor any of her children have any mental illness?

I don't mean to internet-diagnose, but I'd be very surprised if she didn't have SOMETHING diagnosable. Probably a personality disorder of some sort. And didn't one of her daughters struggle with an eating disorder? 

"Suffer in silence" Right. Sure Lori. I guess typing it out for people to read is technically "silent".

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1 minute ago, SuperNova said:

I have no doubt Lori has a brain tumor and has other real health issues but many of her ailments seem to be a combination of woo and her imagination.

Exactly.  The urinary tract and sinus infections were likely very real issues, and if Lori had treated them with antibiotics likes a normal human being, they'd have quickly resolved.  Instead, she diagnosed herself, shopped around the interwebz until she found what she though would be a sufficient cure, and then waited who knows how long for it to arrive so she could begin "treatment".

As for the parasites, she admits she had multiple doctors/test results that confirmed IT WAS ALL IN HER HEAD.  It took her (I think she said) 2 years to finally find a doctor who said it was parasites.  

Then the whole broken arm bit.  She admits in one post that she never saw a doctor, and just thought it was broken.  Then in another post she said it was definitely broken, but no worries, because she dipped it in her sink a few times, and that made it all better. :GRONDE:

There are just a lot of odd things that don't fit.

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20 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I THINK Lori went back and added the underlined part in this paragraph. I remember reading it this morning and thinking how thoughtless it was for Ken to leave the state when Lori was expecting test results. Did anybody else catch this?  If she added it later, I'm sure it's because Ken made her. I think even he sees how cold hearted he appears in this story. 


Wait a second.  If cyberknife does not remove tumors what happened to the first one that "grew back?"    I thought she had cyberknife twice.  Did she have a regular surgery the first time?

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2 minutes ago, Koala said:

The urinary tract and sinus infections were likely very real issues, and if Lori had treated them with antibiotics likes a normal human being, they'd have quickly resolved. 

I know I'm playing armchair doctor here. She mentions UTI's several times, saying that they're so bad that she bleeds. I wonder if she's aware of interstitial cystitis. It feels like a bladder infection that won't go away. So many doctors treat them like recurring infections because unless you have a culture it acts just like a UTI. It is essentially ulcers in the bladder and it can be anxiety induced. Either way, she really should be under a doctor's regular care. Not to mention that someone who's wound as tight as Lori should step away from the google machine when she has symptoms.

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10 minutes ago, Koala said:

As for the parasites, she admits she had multiple doctors/test results that confirmed IT WAS ALL IN HER HEAD.  It took her (I think she said) 2 years to finally find a doctor who said it was parasites.  

To be fair, this is something that a lot of drs used to do (probably still do, but I haven't had it happen to me in 25 years probably).

When I first started having back problems around 8th grade I was told it was all in my head, my weight, etc.   I changed drs when I turned 18 and nearly cried when the new dr. told me there was something going on, but he didn't know what exactly and he was sending me to a specialist for further testing.   Miracle of miracles, the specialist figured it out with an MRI, which no one had bothered to do in the previous 6 years.

All that being said, I still thing the "parasites" thing is weird.  The fact that a couple kids also had "parasites" makes it even stranger.

As one of the "lucky" 1% that ends up with the severe side effects and has weird things happen to me all the time, I normally cut people quite a bit of slack when they talk about medical problems.   I'm sure some people don't believe me either, though if I were inclined I could provide proof of the majority of the things that I talk about, whether it's pictures, medical bills, prescriptions, contemporaneous accounts I've told other people, etc.   I have some doubts Lori could do that with independent evidence (other than her word).

Just too much doesn't add up with her.

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Except didn't both of her daughters admit to struggling with disordered eating? That stems from mental illness. Things like anorexia are treated very seriously in the mental health community because it has a high mortality rate. So while it might not have been a full-blown eating disorder they still struggled with low self-esteem at the very least. Maybe Lori's stomach problems are anxiety related? And no wonder she's in pain! She broke an arm and put it in water. It probably didn't set right when it was healing. This woman I can't even believe it. 

Of course, I'm always leery of when doctors simply say its all in your head. That what they told my mom when she went in with stroke symptoms. Low and behold she then had a series of strokes not too soon after. But I can take a guess that the doctors suggested that Lori see a psychiatrist and she refused. Because mental health workers are evil people. 

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Oh my god, I'm going to defend Lori. First and only time, folks, I swear! 

RE: Parasites.  A huge percentage of US people have or have had parasites. The statistics are out there if you want specifics, but the number is somewhere in the 75 million, just in the US. Now, some of it is incidental parasites where humans are not the normal definitive host, and so there may not be symptoms. But there are over 50 million cases of Toxoplasma gondii, which is a parasite found in cat feces, typically. It doesn't bother everyone that has it, typically children, pregnant women, and elderly are the only ones that will experience symptoms. Parasites are also incredibly difficult to diagnose. Really, really, difficult. Fecal tests are the best way to diagnose, but not every parasite shows in a fecal floatation. Certain ones do only at certain stages, or with a sediment test, but not a smear, etc. 

I think the reluctance to talk about parasites come from a few things. One, it's kind of gross. Who wants to talk about their poop with doctors, and then give several samples...not most people. It's not covered by a lot of insurance either. Second, parasites are talked a lot in natural health communities and there are all sorts of ridiculous cures and symptoms. So they've become another topic like gut-health, vaccines, essential oils, etc. Talking about worm load to a doctor or friend probably makes people feel a little crazy. 


Anyway, apparently I am passionate about parasites. I guess that 2 year training in vet school actually made an impact! 

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I have been prone to UTIs my whole life, even having several minor surgeries as a child to try and correct the issue. The first time I had blood, I was an adult and my doctor said "Any time there is blood where there shouldn't be...I want you in here ASAP!"  Thank goodness I went in at the first sign of trouble.  

Leaving a UTI untreated when it is that severe is just crazy!  The infection can spread to the kidneys. Also, I am not snarking on her age but she is reaching the point where a UTI can really become serious even without bleeding. Elderly patients with UTIs deteriorate so quickly it becomes difficult to diagnose the initial problem. I don't consider Lori "elderly" but her refusal to seek medical attention could really backfire in the coming years. 

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Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about whether Lori's kids are vaxxed or not? Is this another issue that she changed her mind conveniently too late?

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1 hour ago, Hane said:

I’m still wondering exactly what kind of “parasites” she had

That's my question. One just doesn't "get" parasites.  Was she eating raw pork? Swimming in a swamp of stagnant water?  Visiting some region of the Amazon?  I work in health care (and have for 25+ years)...I haven't hear one extraordinary case of someone filled with parasites....

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23 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

Leaving a UTI untreated when it is that severe is just crazy!  The infection can spread to the kidneys. Also, I am not snarking on her age but she is reaching the point where a UTI can really become serious even without bleeding. Elderly patients with UTIs deteriorate so quickly it becomes difficult to diagnose the initial problem. I don't consider Lori "elderly" but her refusal to seek medical attention could really backfire in the coming years. 

Yes. We are pretty sure my grandfather died from an infection that started as a UTI. He was 90, and getting to the point of being unable to adequately communicate what was going on with him. He was getting very good care, but that's the sort of thing that can go downhill really really fast.

Also, I have visited the Amazon, eaten food grown and prepared there including fish, showered in river water, and fallen into some waist-high stagnant swamp water in the jungle there. I also grew up on a dairy farm So far, no signs of parasites! Though I'm positive if I googled it I'd find I have about a zillion parasite "symptoms" depending on how woowoo the site I landed on was. 

So maybe I have parasites and just don't know it? Does it matter? Perhaps I should go blog about it.

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4 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

That's my question. One just doesn't "get" parasites.  Was she eating raw pork? Swimming in a swamp of stagnant water?  Visiting some region of the Amazon?  I work in health care (and have for 25+ years)...I haven't hear one extraordinary case of someone filled with parasites....

You can get them by walking barefoot on farms around animals etc. it's not super uncommon to get parasites, like @Shiny mentioned in her post. 

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10 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

That's my question. One just doesn't "get" parasites.  Was she eating raw pork? Swimming in a swamp of stagnant water?  Visiting some region of the Amazon?  I work in health care (and have for 25+ years)...I haven't hear one extraordinary case of someone filled with parasites....

A common way to get parasites is through animal feces, such as from cat feces. Pork roundworms, cryptospiridum, giardia, Toxoplamsa gondii, etc. I personally haven't heard of many people "filled with parasites", but that a large majority of people are carrying a quite a worm load. 

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1 minute ago, Shiny said:

A common way to get parasites is through animal feces, mostly from cat feces. Pork roundworms, cryptospiridum, giardia, Toxoplamsa gondii, etc. I personally haven't heard of many people "filled with parasites", but that a large majority of people are carrying a quite a worm load. 

I appreciate the info!  I guess it is possible, but it just didn't seem that common, but maybe it is.  That said, in Lori's sterile little world, its seem strange for this to happen to her.  Not doubting it necessarily, but odd.  Like only these things happen to her. 


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5 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

I appreciate the info!  I guess it is possible, but it just didn't seem that common, but maybe it is.  That said, in Lori's sterile little world, its seem strange for this to happen to her.  Not doubting it necessarily, but odd.  Like only these things happen to her. 


Well, there is the little matter of those chicken juice-soaked Norwex cloths, so I'm not sure I'd call Lori's little world quite as sterile as she'd like us to believe! :pb_lol:

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