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Lori Alexander 45: Sensoring and Sensibility

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I wonder when these "Christian" authors will stop blogging about feminists and how crazy they are? One, it's not uplifting nor godly to tear down groups of people when you don't truly know them. If they did they would realize that a vast majority don't hate men and that those who do have often suffered terribly at the hands of men. Two, it convicts almost no one. A feminist is not going to read that and say "gee, I should stop being an evil feminist". Rather it stirs up strife and anger. So really whats the point? What do these posts set to accomplish besides being self-righteous, arrogant, and condemning? Of course, that's Lori's usual style so I guess I'm not surprised. 

Also, those who think fighting for rights won't change anything only think that because they have no concept of history. I mean a group of women got together and now we have more rights. Abolitionists helped end slavery.  Psychologists and others advocated for better treatment of patients so now we have a code of ethics. Jesus anyone? He was one guy but look at the massive impact he's had. Heck even other religions often start from one individual. Or cults for that matter. We have the Cult of Lori after all. 

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3 hours ago, delphinium65 said:


There's A LOT wrong with that, but what catches my eye most is 'maybe even a PPI.'  I assume that's proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec, Prevacid, and Aciphex.  WTF does ulcer medication have to do with the rest of that list?  

I'm not even touching the rest of that, I'm really not up to that level of crazy today. 

Thanks for that.  I was trying to figure out what a PPI was and was semi-scared to google it.

I know it's been decades since I had my kids, but I don't remember them getting 70 (seriously 70!?!?!) vaccines.    I was in the hospital or snf for almost 2 years and I'm not sure *I* got poked 70 times.  That is a lot!

Have vaccines really changed that much?

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I am really really tired and at first I thought PPI  meant pokes per inch related to the vaccines. I don't know where the hell that came from. :D:D 

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I'll admit, snarking on the non-cuteness of her feet is my own BeC complex. I don't post photos of my tootsies, pedicured or otherwise. Why? Because I know dudes with foot fetishes. Live & in color... one asked me for photos once. I declined repeatedly until I couldn't take it anymore & sent him a pic of my cat's toe tufted cuteness. He stopped asking.

I kind of revel in the idea that there's some weirdo out there nekkid on a bean bag eating cheeto's loving him some Lori feet. :dance: :my_sick:  :brainbleach: 

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3 hours ago, Koala said:

Sticking out your tongue for pictures and having tooting and burping contests are common among women today. 

In what universe? Not mine.

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Brace yourself.  Christine says:

The average woman is not that pretty and not that smart.

The average woman, because she is not that pretty and not that smart, is better off on an evolutionary basis marrying the best man she can and having *many* of his children and raising them well.

This is why a Christian society, in which all those average females were doing what they were best at, led to such great technological and societal advances.

But now all the average women are running around going ‘I’m smart—look how I can be a social worker or a two bit lawyer with a highlighter pen’….’Look I’m pretty…see how many men I’ve slept with!’

And it’s just embarrassing because she’s wasting her actual talents.

Average women don’t have choices. That sounds harsh to the modern woman, but it’s
true. Realize what you are and work with it.

Ask yourself this…’Is there a man who can do what I’m doing equal to or better than me’–if the answer is yes you are better off being a Wife/Mother because No Man Can Do that.

Now there are some ‘Outlier’ women of extraordinary talents, or something that makes her just not average in some way

Outlier women were always treated well in Western European Christian societies. There was no need for feminism because men and women said ‘Ahhh she’s really masculine…let her be a silversmith or shoe horses or whatnot’ or ‘Ahhh…she’s a fabulous writer/painter I would love to buy her book’ etc etc

There’s far too many examples of rich/successful/or even just silversmith women throughout history to think feminism is necessary.

The average woman does not have a choice and outlier women were always accommodated.

(My ancestors who were materially successful…there was a dark side of sadness to their success…they were intelligent outliers making do with what they had been given…but money isn’t everything)


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47 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

Sticking out your tongue for pictures and having tooting and burping contests are common among women today. 

Her daughter-in-law has a wedding picture with her sticking her tongue out with her sister. Lori pulls no punches. 

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I will say that I have been part of burping and tooting contests...at home with my husband and sons. 

But...what I do in my house with my family is my own damn business...and Lori wouldn't know what it's like to do crazy things and laugh so hard that you're about peeing your pants and thinking how much you love these people you gave birth to or your older son' Army buddies walk up to you and salute you because your son spent a year telling crazy mama stories to his buddies...or your daughter announce to her boyfriend "if you think I'm crazy, you need to meet my mama"...or your other son tell his girlfriend that he's still a mama's boy and she'd better learn to live with it because that wasn't going to change. Or the endless laughter when it's just the two of us letting our crazy out to play. Or the calm quietness of us just watching TV and enjoying just being together. 

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41 minutes ago, fluffy said:

Her daughter-in-law has a wedding picture with her sticking her tongue out with her sister. Lori pulls no punches. 

And of course she extrapolates that to all women, and she calls them out. Lori is a heifer.

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23 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

Not to mention, she went viral.  Did you all know that? She did.

Viruses go viral and Lori is a nasty virus.   Giggle 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Outlier women were always treated well in Western European Christian societies

Huh?  Does Christine have ANY idea how exceptional, 'outlier' women as she calls them, have really been treated by those societies??! How they are treated even now? 

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Really Christine? Really? And you call yourself a Christian? Who are you to determine what's average and what's not? How about try looking at people like they're fearfully and wonderfully made . That doesn't sound average does it? Beauty is fleeting,  why should women be concerned that they're only averagely pretty by some random woman's standards? God doesn't just use the outliers, literally everyone God has used throughout the entire Bible have been average people. Many of the disciples were average fishermen. Do not project your feelings on inadequacy on other people. Were you one of those average people? If so I'm sorry you got that message and believed it. However, that message is not from God. 

I know she's not on here but man I wish I could comment on these things. 

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2 hours ago, Koala said:

One of our fundie-lite acquaintances posted a link to Beth Moore's blog post, today.  Wonder if The Godly Mentor will have a post about it.  I can't see her passing up a chance like this.

She's been hitting this hard already. The acolytes are angry at how wimpy the church is and how it's become "feminized." Those preacher men should shut Beth Moore's pie hole, don't ya know. 

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Christine is an amusing little twit. I absolutely love the level of stupidity displayed in her strange ramblings. We women are meant to strive toward mediocrity! Notice that there is a small elite group of "outliers" that are above the average masses of ugly, unintelligent women and her family just so happens to be a part of it. But alas, there is a dark side to the curse of greatness bestowed upon Christine's lineage. If we uglies could only understand the burden. *a single tear rolls down my cheek.

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Poor Christine.  She seems to have been told all her life she isn't anything special (not necessarily a bad thing, but fundies lack tact) and has deeply internalized that.  Quite sad that she feels the need to put other women down to make herself feel better about her "averageness."   The majority of the population is average (hence the term average).  You can be average and still do great things.

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11 hours ago, Curious said:

Thanks for that.  I was trying to figure out what a PPI was and was semi-scared to google it.

I know it's been decades since I had my kids, but I don't remember them getting 70 (seriously 70!?!?!) vaccines.    I was in the hospital or snf for almost 2 years and I'm not sure *I* got poked 70 times.  That is a lot!

Have vaccines really changed that much?

Nope. I'm sitting here with my kid's shot record right now because we had to get some legal stuff done yesterday. He has had a total of 11 different vaccines. Sure, he had to have multiples of different ones and some were combined vaccines (like DTAP), but even at that, the total isn't near 70 unless some extremely creative math is involved.

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So my father has myeloma.  My father, who served in the US Army for 25 years, never wore nail polish.  Logic fail again for Lori.  

Also, her feet look terrible.  I see hangnails, badly cut nails.  She really needs to take care of her feet.  I suppose that Ken doesn't have a foot fetish. 

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18 minutes ago, jerkit said:

Lori's brain tumor is apparently getting smaller, which is not at all shocking.


My feet look pretty terrible right now, but I'm not putting photos of them online, either. 

Also, exceptional women in the past STRUGGLED. They were treated like freaks, feared, some may have been burned at the stake... and many of them did the exact same as all the "average" women (many of whom were also struggling). How many truly exceptional women never made their mark, because they were never allowed to? How many were accused of "hysteria" or other made up diseases and locked away in asylums? How many pretended to be male and went to sea? (Way more than you'd think, actually!) 

Lori and her leghumpers are vile. If they want to revel in their mediocrity, they should have at it, but leave the rest of the world out of it. Most people want to better themselves. Their lazy asses just want to sit at home and be served, and never ever have to think or make a decision.

I wish Lori would use some of the "hours and hours a day" of "research" she does to actually do some critical research. She could read more than the handful of verses she knows in the Bible. She could read about how Jesus actually treated people including women. She could read some actual history before putting on her rosy glasses and pining for the good old days. She could research some of the stupid woo she spouts, and not on websites advertising their specific brand of woo that they want you to buy.

But that all would require THINKING. Something she's just not that good at.

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27 minutes ago, jerkit said:

Lori's brain tumor is apparently getting smaller, which is shocking.

Only the tumor?  

Seriously, if Lori got good news then I'm happy for her.  :)  

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11 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

Sticking out your tongue for pictures and having tooting and burping contests are common among women today. 

I just sent out the invitations for my tongue sticking  out/tooting/burping  girlfriends after work party today!   I'm serving Mexican and Sangria.  Should give us plenty of ammunition if you know what I mean!! :pb_lol:

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*Disclaimer* What I am about to write is going to seem incredibly callous.  

Lori first told readers that her mom had been diagnosed with cancer- September 16, 2016.


After that point, not much (if anything) was said about her mom's condition.

Less than 2 months later, on November 2, 2016, Lori issued an update on her own health, making no mention whatsoever of her mom.


Then in January 2017, she uploaded a video to YouTube, again, an update on her own health:

The on April 21st Lori posted the infamous "beathbed" (<---Lori's words) salad Instagram, telling readers that her mother had entered hospice care.

And now, 2 weeks later (as if on queue), we get an update on Lori's health.  No mention of her mother.  

This may sound incredibly cynical, but am I the only one who notices a pattern here?  It's kind of like Lori's thing with weddings/bridal showers/graduations.  Anytime someone else is the center of attention, Lori has a health crisis or does a health update.

It just seems very strange to me.  According to her own update, Lori is just fine.  Why do a seemingly pointless update on herself, while her mom is in what appears to be the final stages of a terminal illness?

I noticed this pattern right at the start, but I didn't say anything.  That said, when she posted the salad picture, I thought to myself, just watch...she'll update on her own health in no time at all.  And she did.  Because she's Lori, and she doesn't like sharing the attention.  With anyone.

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