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BRADRICK! Divorce Part 3: Now With Remarriage?


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I've stayed in Chantilly VA many a time, and there are MANY hotels within a short distance of the airport Dulles. No excuse for not staying in a hotel... unless... cheap ass people.

I will add that several of them have airport pickup and drop off as well.

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I don't think their opposition to backscatter screening has to do with radiation but rather modesty. Won't someone please think of the women and children! *grasps pearls*

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DPIART & his VF leghumpers had major conniptions over TSA screening procedures and he waxed indignant about it on Doug's Blog at least a few times, all in the name of Murica, freedom, women & children, and -- well, the usual Doug Phillips bullshit.

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1 hour ago, hoipolloi said:

DPIART & his VF leghumpers had major conniptions over TSA screening procedures and he waxed indignant about it on Doug's Blog at least a few times, all in the name of Murica, freedom, women & children, and -- well, the usual Doug Phillips bullshit.

Ah yes, I had forgotten about the uproar over backscatter x-rays. I bet that is why they started at the airport then. I think I'd rather step naked to walk through security than spend 3 days in an airport without beds or showers though :pb_lol:

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20 hours ago, Anonymousguest said:

Ah yes, I had forgotten about the uproar over backscatter x-rays. I bet that is why they started at the airport then. I think I'd rather step naked to walk through security than spend 3 days in an airport without beds or showers though :pb_lol:

Problem with me doing that is that the sight of my unclad bod might tip a few who are in the fence, one way or another 

 HAHAHAHA that’s self-deprecating humor and not intended to imply that one or another orientation is better than another! HAHAHA

Pleassssssse don’t flame the Junebug!

On a nonflammable note : the last time I flew out, a mere 5-hour delay at the point of departure cascaded into me running about half a mile, srsly, thru the connecting airport’s terminal. And finding out how useful having online ticketing  and iPhone boarding pass can be. And the indescribable relief of hearing the passenger door being locked seconds AFTER boarding. My seat in that 40-minute flight was perfect, too. I thought about asking to stay on the plane  to its next destination,  just to continue my nap.  All worked out but it was enough that I now will drive if at all possible.  The downsides to road travel, for me, are far less odious than the lack of self-determination when I fly. I’m thankful not to have to do it for work, anymore. 

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8 minutes ago, MamaJunebug said:

The downsides to road travel, for me, are far less odious than the lack of self-determination when I fly. I’m thankful not to have to do it for work, anymore. 

Yep.  I just traveled for work and decided to drive to the destination instead of fly it (350 miles).  The coworkers who flew were stressing about getting back because of weather delays caused by the no'easter on the east coast.   One of them decided to cancel and go back with one of us who drove because he would get home in time.  And he did not want to repeat an earlier experience of being delayed in the same airport.


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Every time I fly, I think of Doug.  The TSA scanners are the only time I can adopt a WIDE STANCE without looking like a moron.

I mean, I probably still look like a moron, but it's contextually appropriate.  

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Once again fundies are full of shit on this whole protection of women and children. How is sleeping on a floor in a very public space considered safe and sanitary? They sacrifice and lay down their lives for women and children except when they um don't. Not enough eye rolls in the world for me. 

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Getting stuck at Dulles probably did really suck. There was no silver line for the metro back then. Yes there are hotels with shuttles but I would estimate it would be a minimum of $100 a night with restrictions on the max number of occupants. I hate airports in the middle of the night. It's creepy when everything is all closed up!

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Sorry but if you can afford to travel to Europe with a bunch of kids, you should have enough of an emergency fund to be able to afford a hotel room in the case of a delayed flight.

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4 hours ago, ladyamylynn said:

Sorry but if you can afford to travel to Europe with a bunch of kids, you should have enough of an emergency fund to be able to afford a hotel room in the case of a delayed flight.

$20 says that the money for the trip came from sending out support letters. 

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9 hours ago, subsaharanafrica said:

$20 says that the money for the trip came from sending out support letters.

Chances are good that the Phillips family liberally skimmed the VFI/VFM coffers to pay for these en famille travels, which were NOT cheap trips. 

In addition to criss-crossing the continental US for Faith & Freedom Tours and so on, they were in Hawaii & the South Pacific for various VF scams. These airfares had to be at least $1000-2000 a person, return, even at that time in the mid-2000s.

The European jaunts had to be in similar price ranges, even with group tour rates. While it's likely that DPIART and perhaps Be-all received comped airfares (and perhaps accommodation) from getting a minimum number of people to pay for a tour, they must still have had to pay for the kids' travel costs. 

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I wonder how difficult it is to go from top shelf Christian patriarchy borderline-celebrities and poster families for “the movement” to just.... people. Not to forgive any of these nitwits for the untold amount of pain and suffering they caused by pressuring other people to follow a deeply destructive lifestyle and damaging theology - but it had to be a pretty harsh realization that the gravy train was over.

All of those speaker fees, fancy conferences, documentaries, publishing deals, out the window. Now mom has to raise and homeschool the five or nine or eleven kids, while dad is paid about what you’d think he’d get with no credentials or degree. The grand Poobah of the movement has been exposed as a liar, rapist, and emotionally manipulative asshole, and it appears that neither he nor his darling wife actually believed what they were selling. That ship has sailed, the dream is over, and people of been raised their entire lives to believe that this is the One True Way ™are now out of the bubble and part of the real world, where they rub elbows with evil secular society and work for/with nonbelievers. The very world that they went to so much trouble to denounce is now something they desperately need to be a part of in order to pay their bills and raise their billion kids.


I mean, we know vaguely what’s going on with the Phillips family, but how many other families crashed and burned? Bradrick, clearly. The Botkin sisters are firmly on the shelf and in no position to provide advice about anything (while the word “spinster” is rarely used any more, it is oddly appropriate for them), considering the eventual fate of several daughters in their documentary. Not that that will stop them. The Coughlins went secular, IIRC. Some of the crew that wasn’t really part of the Phillips crowd managed to salvage their own brand of patriarchy, because they hadn’t hitched their wagons to his star, but that whole mess really put egg on the face of the whole movement.


I’m just wondering what it’s like. One minute, you are the poster family for an untouchable movement roaring through the fundamentalist crowd. The next minute, everybody’s in the gutter scrambling to find enough money to live on.


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I feel really sorry for the second generation kids - especially the young women.  For sure, the Botkinettes are obnoxious, but they weren't just brought up in an experimental lifestyle, they still seem to be sheltered and encouraged to think of themselves as Fundy Royalty.  But worse, all the young women who were taught to be submissive, quiverfull etc, and they'd get rewarded, and now not only has that come true, but the man they were brought up to revere has been exposed as an utter arsehole, a liar and a hypocrite.  And now they're stuck.   No one deserves that.

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On 13/04/2018 at 4:33 AM, bea said:

The Botkin sisters are firmly on the shelf and in no position to provide advice about anything (while the word “spinster” is rarely used any more, it is oddly appropriate for them), considering the eventual fate of several daughters in their documentary.

They should really move their website again, this time to botkinspinsters dot com.

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13 hours ago, CyborgKin said:

They should really move their website again, this time to botkinspinsters dot com.

And there's a ready market for their services and advice! Lots of aging SAHDs out there whose Prince Charmings never came a'courtin'.

Think of all the books they could write and sell.

I'm sure FJers could help them out with catchy titles.

No(t) Much More...

Spinsters for Our God...

God's Handmaids...

My Utmost for Dad's Highest

(I'm sure people can come up with much better titles than I can.)

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On 4/12/2018 at 3:53 PM, Lurky said:

For sure, the Botkinettes are obnoxious, but they weren't just brought up in an experimental lifestyle, they still seem to be sheltered and encouraged to think of themselves as Fundy Royalty.

Agreed, I found those two pretty annoying, I couldn't get myself through the Return of the Daughters.   I waffle between feeling sorry for them, being stuck as they are serving their dad but then I realize they preached a lot of harmful ideas, so seems a bit karmic they are living exactly what they preached.  

I am still of the opinion that both of them had suitors, most likely Daddy scared them off. I guess it's possible that they were also very picky thinking of themselves as being Fundy Princesses and all, so there was no Prince Charming that was worthy enough.


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On 4/9/2018 at 11:12 AM, Four is Enough said:

I've stayed in Chantilly VA many a time, and there are MANY hotels within a short distance of the airport Dulles. No excuse for not staying in a hotel... unless... cheap ass people.

I will add that several of them have airport pickup and drop off as well.

Yeah--what year was this? Chantilly, VA hasn't been the middle of nowhere for a long, long time. There are plenty of hotels, and even if they didn't want to do the hour drive into the city for something to do, they could have gone to Reston Town Center, Dulles Town Center, or a bunch of other family-friendly places within twenty minutes of them. That area is family-oriented suburbs for DC workers--there's plenty to occupy them that met their religious "wholesomeness" demands.

I'm guessing it was a combination of funds plus not wanting to go through the scanners again. 

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3 hours ago, nokidsmom said:

Agreed, I found those two pretty annoying, I couldn't get myself through the Return of the Daughters.   I waffle between feeling sorry for them, being stuck as they are serving their dad but then I realize they preached a lot of harmful ideas, so seems a bit karmic they are living exactly what they preached.  

I am still of the opinion that both of them had suitors, most likely Daddy scared them off. I guess it's possible that they were also very picky thinking of themselves as being Fundy Princesses and all, so there was no Prince Charming that was worthy enough.


I so wish we had some inside scoop on the Botkinettes. I'd dearly love to know what they are truly thinking about the revelations of the past few years, not to mention their aversion to marriage. 

On 4/12/2018 at 1:33 PM, bea said:

I wonder how difficult it is to go from top shelf Christian patriarchy borderline-celebrities and poster families for “the movement” to just.... people. Not to forgive any of these nitwits for the untold amount of pain and suffering they caused by pressuring other people to follow a deeply destructive lifestyle and damaging theology - but it had to be a pretty harsh realization that the gravy train was over.

All of those speaker fees, fancy conferences, documentaries, publishing deals, out the window. Now mom has to raise and homeschool the five or nine or eleven kids, while dad is paid about what you’d think he’d get with no credentials or degree. The grand Poobah of the movement has been exposed as a liar, rapist, and emotionally manipulative asshole, and it appears that neither he nor his darling wife actually believed what they were selling. That ship has sailed, the dream is over, and people of been raised their entire lives to believe that this is the One True Way are now out of the bubble and part of the real world, where they rub elbows with evil secular society and work for/with nonbelievers. The very world that they went to so much trouble to denounce is now something they desperately need to be a part of in order to pay their bills and raise their billion kids.


I mean, we know vaguely what’s going on with the Phillips family, but how many other families crashed and burned? Bradrick, clearly. The Botkin sisters are firmly on the shelf and in no position to provide advice about anything (while the word “spinster” is rarely used any more, it is oddly appropriate for them), considering the eventual fate of several daughters in their documentary. Not that that will stop them. The Coughlins went secular, IIRC. Some of the crew that wasn’t really part of the Phillips crowd managed to salvage their own brand of patriarchy, because they hadn’t hitched their wagons to his star, but that whole mess really put egg on the face of the whole movement.


I’m just wondering what it’s like. One minute, you are the poster family for an untouchable movement roaring through the fundamentalist crowd. The next minute, everybody’s in the gutter scrambling to find enough money to live on.


Well said. I've had all these very thoughts. I will add also that Crystal "Biblical Womanhood" Paine went secular well before Doug who is a tool Phillips crashed and burned. She and her husband went the way of the Nashville fundy-lite crowd years ago. 

This whole topic would make a great subject for a young adult novel, I think. 

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On 4/11/2018 at 2:13 PM, hoipolloi said:

While it's likely that DPIART and perhaps Be-all received comped airfares (and perhaps accommodation) from getting a minimum number of people to pay for a tour, they must still have had to pay for the kids' travel costs. 

Hell no.  I remember looking at those 990 forms.  They were off and suspicious in so many ways.  VFM had a suspiciously massive slush fund for incidental and travel expenses.  I'd wager that kids and nanny sexual abuse victim traveled at VFM expense.

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1 hour ago, Palimpsest said:

I'd wager that kids and nanny sexual abuse victim traveled at VFM expense.

So would I, actually.

This probably explains why Be-All thought it was a great idea to set up a gofundme to send Liberty to Europe for her birthday.

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When you’ve been scamming the faithful for 20 years, asking 80yo veterans for money so your deadbeat unemployed kid can go to Europe probably seems totally reasonable.

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3 hours ago, bea said:

When you’ve been scamming the faithful for 20 years, asking 80yo veterans for money so your deadbeat unemployed kid can go to Europe probably seems totally reasonable.

This.  My parents would be embarrassed at their child publicly begging, particularly for "traveling to sing to and talk to veterans" money that could be alternatively spent directly helping veterans.  It really gives insight into Beall's and the daughters' mindset that they think this is not only acceptable, but promote it publicly.  I'm sure Beall, Liberty, and Attention-Seeking Evangeline all think they're doing something fabulous and helpful for "The Veterans".  They're not.  They have no education or skills to set them apart from the average person, so they come across as parasitic grifters.  

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21 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

Hell no.  I remember looking at those 990 forms.  They were off and suspicious in so many ways.  VFM had a suspiciously massive slush fund for incidental and travel expenses.  I'd wager that kids and nanny sexual abuse victim traveled at VFM expense.

I still believe the reason VFI/VFM folded soooo quickly was financial shenanigans known to those behind the scenes, namely Jim Leninger, who provided enough of the funds (and therefor held enough of the power) to ultimately call the shots, even though he was far less known to the public than Dougie's other associates.

Had it "only" been Lourdes, I think Doug would have at least attempted to worm his way out of the scandal, and/or been quietly pushed out by the VF board, ala R.C. Sproul Jr. when he finally hit his bullshit limit within Ligonier, or Gothard at IBLP. If there was money there to be had, Doug would have been exiled, and VF simply re-branded without him. The fact that it wasn't makes me suspect DPIAT was living on borrowed time and Leninger money for years. Perhaps even for VF's entire run.

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