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BRADRICK! Divorce Part 3: Now With Remarriage?


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Before the rollback, we were discussing the potential for Kelly Bradrick to have remarried over the weekend, because a Bed, Bath, and Beyond? registry was found with Kelly's name on it. Hopefully someone who has a better memory of this comes by. Anyway, onward from here:


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Before the rollback, we were discussing the potential for Kelly Bradrick to have remarried over the weekend, because a Bed, Bath, and Beyond? registry was found with Kelly's name on it. Hopefully someone who has a better memory of this comes by. Anyway, onward from here:
Maybe the recent court paper filing is related to the remarriage?
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Here's the registry, the wedding was yesterday. There was a brief discussion of Kelly having a full registry despite this being a second marriage. Someone else pointed out that she may have left most of her gifts from the first wedding behind when she moved home after the divorce.


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There's a roofing contractor in Wake Forest (that's where the Brown's are located, right?) whose name matches the one on the registry. He also seems to be the subject of a post on Topix calling him a conman (though in fairness, his BBB rating seems to be A+).

Note to Kelly: I had that teak cutting board on the registry. Very pretty, and I was super careful about oiling it, etc., and it still warped within 2 or 3 weeks.

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In perusing the registry, I noticed that they had registered for 6 twin size blankets, 8 sets of towels, plates for 12 and silverware for 16. All of that would match a family with 6 kids. 

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If it is her, that very strongly points to adultery on Peter’s part.  In their world, remarriage is generally forbidden unless the marriage broke up due to adultery.

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4 minutes ago, sableduck said:

If it is her, that very strongly points to adultery on Peter’s part.  In their world, remarriage is generally forbidden unless the marriage broke up due to adultery.

Pretty sure that was fairly well established, given the peculiar wording involved in Peter's visitation rules.  

Really hope she got a better man this time, but for some reason, I lack faith in the vision of those who are supposed to shield her under the umbrella of protection.

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I lean towards this being our Kelly. 

If so, I wish her every good fortune in this marriage.  I hope she used her own judgement, not Daddy Dearest's, in deciding to marry this husband.  I hope Robert is not a Patriarchal Fundie Asshole.  I also hope that their decision to marry was based on knowing each other well.  IIRC, Peter's criteria for a good Helpmeet were limited to her being her father's daughter and her ability to roll under fences uncomplainingly.

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I hope Kelly doesn’t have a ton more kids... I wonder if Peter had an affair and wasn’t willing to work things out with her. I think she would have been pressured to be like Anna Duggar.

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Seems to be Kelly.

I hope that this husband is a decent man, kind to her and the children, and is NOT a narcissistic, patriarchal pig -- all things that are more likely the less Scott Brown and his destructive cult were involved in her decision to marry.


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Glad she's out from under her dad's roof now. Though frankly, if the Browns had been forced to support their daughter and her 500 kids for the rest of their lives it would completely serve them right, because they fucking did this to her and they should be the ones to take responsibility.

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I’m pretty sure her dad orchestrated this. He would have incentive to marry her off quickly. Also, she would need help with babysitting while getting to know someone well. Her Dad is a pastor and knew a lot of available bachelors.

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1 minute ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Good memory, @Mellowing With Age! I bet dollars to donuts that's him--IMO, that's too much of a coincidence to not be. 

I agree, it has to be him...fired from his teaching position because too much Jesus. Ya okay!

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1 minute ago, pook said:

I agree, it has to be him...fired from his teaching position because too much Jesus. Ya okay!

Loves him some Jesus, established tolerance of children (a former teacher...). That's Kelly's new headship. I hope he isn't a douche canoe, but I'm not holding my breath. 

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1 minute ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Loves him some Jesus, established tolerance of children (a former teacher...). That's Kelly's new headship. I hope he isn't a douche canoe, but I'm not holding my breath. 

I am having douche canoe leanings, just sayin'

One things for sure, those kids won't be attending public school anytime soon.

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34 minutes ago, Mellowing With Age said:

Could it be the same Robert Ziegler that was in Scott Browns movie, Indoctrination??? 

Excellent find.  Dollars to doughnuts that's him.  Yeah. Douche canoe leanings.

In the comments someone says he was a Math teacher in Nebraska.  How does one integrate Jesus into Math?

  • There were 12 apostles until Judas betrayed Jesus.  That is 12 minus 1.  How many apostles were left.
  • Jesus had 5 loaves and 2 fishes.  Divide 5 and 2 among 5,000.
  • Here's your homework.  As Jesus' Dad said, "Go forth and multiply."   No, Johnny, I didn't mean that kind of multiplication!!
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How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

(Or is that too Catholic? :pb_lol:)

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Holy moley, Daddy Scott wasted no time finding Bradrick! 2.0 for Kelly. They certainly kept this one on the down low, I haven't found anything on social media yet. 

*Excellent* detective work, @Mellowing With Age!!

The whole phenomenon of "I took a job in public service, and I'm shocked, SHOCKED that they actually take separation of church and state seriously!" never fails to amaze and amuse. The same thing happens in public library land. (No, you may not refuse to check Harry Potter books out to children because they violate your personal beliefs...)

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Wow. That was fast. I thought it'd take some time to find a mna willing to take on a woman with 6 kids.

Hopefully it's a good match and he is kind and loving to both Kelly and the kids.

On the shallow end, it appears he is a step up in looks. No more sippy cup.

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I hate fundies like this. They force their religion on their students but would have a stroke if a Muslim teacher did the exact same thing.

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