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Lori Alexander 41: The Uninformed Wife

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45 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

We do not have to defend our choices, lifestyles or purchases to this horrible woman.

I completely understand where you're coming from. For my part, it isn't defense. I shared our car situation to illustrate Lori's stupidity. Sometimes I feel like it's not worth commenting because she is so obviously ignorant, willfully or otherwise. Then I get to thinking that opposing views must be shared because like myself and so many others, I found Lori first. While I never bought into her crap, there's no doubt that her words linger and it was good for me to find this place with people sharing real advice and information with no shame attached. 

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Ugh, she is such a broken record. An old, bitter, hypocritical, ignorant, judgmental, out-of-touch, over-privileged (is that even a word? It should be allowed when referring to Lori), mean and just plain tacky broken ass record. We’re almost due for a post about women pastors/teachers soon, right? Or how can she spin the March for Our Lives tomorrow - the working of evil feminists?

Since she really doesn’t have to put much thought into her writings, maybe she could come up with some new platitudes for the masses.  I’m sick of reading from her — in no particular order — 

You/they must hate God and His ways


Jezebel spirit 

Days of old/olden days

Stumbling block

With God ALL things are possible!

Prince of the power of the air

Organic/Grass-fed/Raw, etc - whatever her all-natural catch phrase of the moment is to tell everyone to eat “as God intended”

Gods ways are best! 


I’m sure I’m missing several but these are just the start of the nerve-grating, dismissive replies or missives she just can’t stop using. Drives me batty.  :wtsf:

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@FloraBama, I just finished reading Kathy's review of Lori's book at Spiritual Sounding Board (thanks, @KatBonD!), and I was surprised that Lori was apparently stuck on the word "nutritious" in the book.

Did she write those chapters before she discovered the word "nourishing"? Did her editor change the word? (Unlikely, since the editor couldn't even be bothered to fix the page numbers on the table of contents.) Lori has such a small vocabulary, such a small mind, and such a shriveled little heart.

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Since when is salvation based on the modesty of one's clothing!?!

I found a passage of "scripture" for that "Didn't you know that the longer the skirt (unless your husband wants it short) the closer you are to heaven? Also the more submissive you are, the more organic eating, child beating, frugal, homeschooling and comment deleting you are the closer you are to heaven. Additionally never question my commands or you will be a god hating heathen". Alexander 6:66 

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Every time I see the phrase “with God all things are possible” I just think of the Bro Gary Hawkins fuck-up, “with God all things or possibly”. /enddrift

Broken record is the right phrase. Modesty, public school, breastfeeding, organic food... lather rinse repeat... and *snore*

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4 hours ago, Koala said:

Yes, people are desperate to explain to Lori why they need two cars.  SHE AND KEN HAVE TWO CARS!!!

Her "ministry" has gone completely off the rails. 

Don't homeschool?  You're denying God.

Don't agree with Lori?  You hate God and his ways.

Don't stay with an abusive husband?  You're sending him to hell.

Don't accept Lori's teaching?  You're going to hell.

And now this comment from a reader:

Since when is salvation based on the modesty of one's clothing!?!

The Bible doesn’t specify modesty as clothing choices. The only thing the Bible says about covering is to be covered from your hip to your thigh. So underwear. Modesty is more of an attitude you should have and a way you should live. 

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Lori lies about so many things, but I think the area of her life she's most dishonest about is her child rearing. Which is easy, because she can go nutz with her retelling of the past. 

The story about each of her children having 'one tantrum each' in their whole lives is preposterous and I can't believe more followers don't pull her up on it. Remember that Christmas picture where nearly all of her grand kids are crying in her lap? Recently enough, a poster mentioned her that her grandson cries every time he's dropped at the house to be babysat. Lori replied that her grandson would do the same with her, but soon 'grew out of it'. So which is it?? Children can have age appropriate meltdowns and grow out of it, or as she said, should get one memorable spanking in infancy and never cry again? 

On top of that, with hints about her sons' trouble making in school, Ken using time outs and the way her children all seem relatively .... normal. I get the impression their childhood was comfortable enough, and that the crazy retelling of it just came with the blog/book. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she was a nightmare of a mother, and did smack her children. I just don't believe she ran as tight a ship as she'd like us to think. And I'm glad of that!

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5 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Organic, organic, organic.... Why can't she just summarize it as "everything is organic!" Also I haven't really heard anyone say that more natural (the way God intended it) doesn't taste good, it's just the Oreos also taste good. Really, just drop your organic food porn pic and move on. 


Grass-fed butter/cheese is physically impossible. Anyone ever tried feeding grass to a stick of butter?

Come on Lori, you can do better than this!

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Reading here and just want to say this:  when Lori writes about something that has happened ... like the man in the park whom she advised to spank his kids ... and goes on to say he showed her scratches all over his hands??? ... I wonder because Lori has this tendency to rewrite and change things around.   

I know this because she took one statement I made:  "I want my daughters to be/do whatever they want in this life  (this was written in the context of going to school and having a career .. or not ...  AND months later Lori did a whole write up on it implying  I had said things I NEVER said.  I even wrote her about changing my words and what I said, and it was not published or responded to.  This is only one case, of course, but I have seen the deletions which make  her blog look as if everyone is agreeing.    That, too, is dishonest.   

Also, recently, I started reading the Always Learning blog and comparing it to more recent stuff and there are "inconsistencies" ... no there are LIES.  Anyone else see this or had the experience of having what you said taken out of context and lied about?  

I do believe that some people generally try to look 'better than they really are', especially on a blog where they are being "godly" and advising other women.  Sooo ... Lori is telling us some of it and probably hiding stuff as well.  jmo and maybe Im overthinking this.   I think she is hurting many women with that blog and that book, and the sad thing is that there isn't a thing we can do about it.  

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7 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Organic, organic, organic.... Why can't she just summarize it as "everything is organic!" Also I haven't really heard anyone say that more natural (the way God intended it) doesn't taste good, it's just the Oreos also taste good. Really, just drop your organic food porn pic and move on. 

She's not eating food as 'God' created it.  All that grinding wheat, mixing it with other stuff, applying heat...was there a bread tree in the garden of Eden?  Did God give Adam and Eve a butter churn?  Why haven't we ever seen a vine with cheese growing on it? Doncha know all that cooking food destroys vitamins?  Stop all that processing, Lori. Chew on those raw wheat berries. Pick that fruit off the tree yourself.  Get that milk straight from the source.  You can't make it better than 'what God created perfectly for us'! 

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17 hours ago, molecule said:

It sounds to me like Adam is actually trying to throw God under the bus, too: "You gave her to me God, so it isn't my fault." You know, he was disagreeing with God. :)

#notallmen but definately the first man. Everyone's fault but his (I'm not a misandrist I swear).

11 hours ago, Briefly said:

It took us 7 years to have our daughter. We wanted 2 kids. We only have the one, and we feel blessed with her. It was very, very hard when my female relatives and friends were all getting pregnant and I wasn't.  They were all overjoyed when we finally were able to announce that I was pregnant, and I appreciated that so much.  If I had someone tell me the crap Lori spouts while we were afraid we were never going to be able to have any, I probably would have imploded because if I had exploded it would have been fatal for someone. Lori is poisonous and she is dangerous.

I am so happy you were able to have your daughter :my_heart:  We have been trying 10 years and both adoption and IVF are not options for us at this point.  I suppose a miracle could still happen, but I am beginning to be more settled about it and now that I will be 40 and not in good health I am making peace with it being for the best.  Still it is a deep pain I don't think will ever go away.

3 hours ago, Jellybean said:

Grass-fed butter/cheese is physically impossible. Anyone ever tried feeding grass to a stick of butter?

Come on Lori, you can do better than this!

This made me laugh so hard - could I please use "feeding grass to a stick of butter" as my location?

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@Fascinated I couldn't agree more. Why do people give up their right to think for themselves, and make their own decisions. I don't have to work, I want to. Who cares how many cars I have or how many square feet my house is? Also, wtf is she on about with her super special organic breakfast. How much did that cost?!

On a different note, happy Pi day!!

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4 hours ago, Jellybean said:

Grass-fed butter/cheese is physically impossible. Anyone ever tried feeding grass to a stick of butter?

Come on Lori, you can do better than this!

Not so. Nothing is impossible with God! You must hate the Lord and his ways. Tee hee.

"Read Romans 7 in context. It is sandwiched between Romans 6 and 8 in which Paul explains to us who we are in Christ and all that happened at the cross and resurrection."

In case anyone was wondering 7 is between the numbers 6 and 8. Glad she explained that.

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11 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Many of these people are so out of touch they don't realize just how much is done of the Internet. I get various emails throughout the day for school that I use my phone to check. Many job applications are online now and even schools are moving to the online realm. I did some research on this recently  for a class and I don't actually think it's that healthy or beneficial for schools to be moving so much stuff online (turning in assignments, doing tests etc) because some students don't have easy access to the tools. But that's only my opinion.

Also it is easier to have two cars when say for example you can't use the school bus (we lived too close to take the bus, but too far to walk) but your dad takes the only car you have at 6 in the morning to work. Searching for rides isn't fun. I sometimes wish we had two cars because you're always one break down away from not being able to get to work. 

Anyways even "poor" people need phones now and yes many use their smart phones as a computer so they can get through daily tasks. So until Lori knows what every single poor person uses their phones for she can just stop being so judgmental.

I've had older relatives criticize me for getting an iPhone about a year and a half ago because they know that with me working only part time, we aren't exactly wealthy. There are now apps that connect to the online sub scheduling systems. The app alerts you on your phone (or other online device) when a new job is posted online and lets you book it right away (without being on the website or waiting for the automated calling period). Subs who don't use one basically don't get jobs. So without a smartphone that will run the app (and my cheap ass Samsung phone that I had before would not even download it--or anything else for that matter because the phone was crap) and be connected 24/7 without wi-fi access, I got no jobs. I booked enough work in the first 2 hours I had my iPhone to pay for it. 

As for schools using internet...our local district learned the hard way. They piloted a 1 to 1 program with 8th grade about five years ago where each kid got an iPad and all their textbooks were online. They immediately found out that around 15% of the students didn't have wi-fi at home and couldn't access textbooks outside school. So those poor kids ended up being required to come to the teacher at the end of each day and check out a textbook if they needed it for homework. On top of that, they had the teachers put extra homework helps online--videos and information kids could access at home. Some teachers were encouraged to try the new "flipped classroom" thing where instruction was online videos and simulations and such that students were supposed to watch at home while independent and guided practice were done in the classroom.  Kids with no wi-fi at home had no access to it and were at yet another academic disadvantage--their initial solution was to tell those families to take them to the public library to access everything. Every single night. Because families can do that. 

They ended up going back to physical texts for everyone and no more flipped classrooms and using the iPads and other technology in the classroom but limiting assignments that require it to be used online outside of school--which is how the other district I work in that has a 1 to 1 program used it from the beginning. They did their research prior to implementation and knew that about a quarter of their kids would not have wi-fi access at home. 

I firmly believe that schools should be working to close the digital divide, not implementing methods that deepen it. 

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1 hour ago, IntrinsicallyDisordered said:


This made me laugh so hard - could I please use "feeding grass to a stick of butter" as my location?

I would feel honoured!

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5 minutes ago, Jellybean said:

I would feel honoured!

Thank you!

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Lori's posting about being frugal again. No self-awareness. 

Per the comments, she loved reading "The Tightwad Gazette". I'm sure she did, in a "let them eat cake" sort of way. 

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OK. I confess that I loved reading The Tightwad Gazette -- because I thought the woman who wrote it was BSC and it was amusing in a sort of horrifying way.  I never followed anything she suggested.

I also read it long after it was written and. as a sensible woman with common sense, knew that times were different, prices had gone up, houses in other parts of the country cost more, and the author was BSC in some (most) of her suggestions.  Such as wash and reuse the styrofoam tray meat from the grocery store is packaged on. Uh... no. no, never, no.

One of the things the TWG fangirls ignore is that the author sold subscriptions to her monthly Opus of Frugality -- that is she made money from it and the subsequent books. So yeah calling BS on the fact they lived completely on hubby's tiny navy pay.  The author also failed to mention when hubby left the navy he got a pension and had a civilian job.  So yeah BS on the whole living on a tiny navy pay thing.

Oh and I guess I really was a tightwad as I borrowed the book from a friend, who had been given it by someone else.

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Lori is a sanctimonious twit. The only frugal aspect of her is the way in which she uses her brain!


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8 minutes ago, samurai_sarah said:

Lori is a sanctimonious twit. The only frugal aspect of her is the way in which she uses her brain!


Very sparingly! :pb_lol:

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17 hours ago, EowynW said:

Oh E. Elliot. I have a love hate relationship with her.  

I’m not sure where Elisabeth Elliot came in, but I had a love hate relationship with her. Now it’s just disgust.

Her calm, seemingly loving tone on the radio and the way she made her take on life sound whole, healthy, and joyful, led me to adopt her as a mentor. I would credit her greatly for my diving deeply into the koolaid as well as staying longer than I might have otherwise.

Her calm, loving voice... it resonated deep down inside... the “mother” I craved but never had.

Yeah, sick, I know. It’s a learning process.

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44 minutes ago, refugee said:

I’m not sure where Elisabeth Elliot came in, but I had a love hate relationship with her. Now it’s just disgust.

Her calm, seemingly loving tone on the radio and the way she made her take on life sound whole, healthy, and joyful, led me to adopt her as a mentor. I would credit her greatly for my diving deeply into the koolaid as well as staying longer than I might have otherwise.

Her calm, loving voice... it resonated deep down inside... the “mother” I craved but never had.

Yeah, sick, I know. It’s a learning process.

Lori quoted her in her doodle yesterday. 

I emjoy some of her teachings about loneliness. But most of her stuff is just.. ick. 

It is a learning process. I grew up on her koolaid and saw her in person as a child. She was one of the last fundie teachers I was able to break free from. 

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From today's post:


you must believe that...

4 times.

Lori, STOP telling people what they "must believe".

Stop telling people they must hate God, or not "love obeying _______Bible verse".  Who on earth do you think you are?!?!  And calling everyone who disagrees with you "Christian"?  Just no.  

YOU must love gadding about and looking into the affairs of others.  Otherwise, you wouldn't busy yourself presuming to know what other people believe.  

2 Thessalonians 3:11 says:

We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies.

1 Timothy 5:13 says:
Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to.

The Lord obviously frowns on busybodies, yet you have made a lifestyle out of it.  You use your computer as a vehicle to roam from house to house, looking into the affairs of other women (and men).  You should be looking into the affairs of your own family!  

Gossiping about your neighbors/"friends"/fellow church members IS NOT what you are called/commanded to do!  You may say you don't gossip, but if that's true, how do we know about your neighbor's messy house, or your pastor's wife wearing "immodest" swimwear?  How do we know about the guy who borrowed your car and returned it in a condition you found unsatisfactory?  How do we know about the woman who sews thong swimsuits for a living, or your son's classmates who wore "immodest" dresses to homecoming?  We know because you are a busybody, who LOVES to gossip.  

You must not love God's ways. 

You pretend to like the Bible, well here is the second greatest commandment:

Matthew 22:36-40

"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

That's right.  You should love God, and love your neighbor.  Not gossip about your neighbor.  Not judge your neighbor.  Not mentor your neighbor, or teach them to clean their house.  LOVE your neighbor.  

There you have it- a sermon by an atheist.

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@Fascinated I agree that we don’t have to justify anything. When I post responses like that, it’s because there is a part of me hoping that there might be a lurker or two that needs to read something like that, and hopefully take that Loris mandates are here alone and shortsighted. 

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