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Lori Alexander 41: The Uninformed Wife

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Is the Wartburg Watch pretty reliable? I've read some things from there but sometimes don't have time to cross check every story. 

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10 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Is the Wartburg Watch pretty reliable? I've read some things from there but sometimes don't have time to cross check every story. 

Yes, they are. 

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AWWWW Helllllll.  Why do the crazies have to be from my damn state???  Can't we just have the drinking Baptists and the Easter/Christmas Catholics???  I was reading Beccy's blog about her husbands most recent arrest and found that he's got a little criminal history.  Seeing her pictures on FB, the look in her eye reminds me of Zsu Anderson.  Just worn down.  


Also:  Lori is a spoiled, gold-digging brat.  That is all. 

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So I didn't have time earlier to look at her most recent post but once again she draws conclusions from things that just aren't supported in the Bible. First of all, she wasn't there so she can't possible know whether these women did or did not teach in the church. Furthermore, she seems to fail to understand the church structure probably looked much different than it does today. But anyways Jezebel in Rev. Is listed as a false prophet not a preacher, even in the KJV, but she is not the only female prophet spoken of in the New Testament. Not only is it said that sons and daughters would prophesy but Philip,mentioned in Acts, has four daughters who prophesied. This was mentioned in a positive context. So technically her entire argument rapidly falls apart in my opinion. 

Deborah might not have been a deacon but she was a leader of an entire country as a judge. She would have been sought after for opinions and therefore was not only a leader but probably a teacher as well. Esther saved her people which is amazing. 

Something I learned in my psych research course is this "absence of evidence is not always evidence of absence". Just because the Bible might not specifically mention female teachers (I think it does) does not mean they weren't there. 

Nor does the creation of the New Testament church completely negate what happened in the Old Testament. Jesus draws strongly from the Old Testament several times. I think my seminary profs would have something to say about her easy dismissal of half the narrative of the Bible. 

Picture below just for you Lori. You want the Bible taken seriously? Then take it seriously and don't change the words. 


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1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

So I didn't have time earlier to look at her most recent post but once again she draws conclusions from things that just aren't supported in the Bible. First of all, she wasn't there so she can't possible know whether these women did or did not teach in the church. Furthermore, she seems to fail to understand the church structure probably looked much different than it does today. But anyways Jezebel in Rev. Is listed as a false prophet not a preacher, even in the KJV, but she is not the only female prophet spoken of in the New Testament. Not only is it said that sons and daughters would prophesy but Philip,mentioned in Acts, has four daughters who prophesied. This was mentioned in a positive context. So technically her entire argument rapidly falls apart in my opinion. 

Deborah might not have been a deacon but she was a leader of an entire country as a judge. She would have been sought after for opinions and therefore was not only a leader but probably a teacher as well. Esther saved her people which is amazing. 

Something I learned in my psych research course is this "absence of evidence is not always evidence of absence". Just because the Bible might not specifically mention female teachers (I think it does) does not mean they weren't there. 

Nor does the creation of the New Testament church completely negate what happened in the Old Testament. Jesus draws strongly from the Old Testament several times. I think my seminary profs would have something to say about her easy dismissal of half the narrative of the Bible. 

Picture below just for you Lori. You want the Bible taken seriously? Then take it seriously and don't change the words. 


The Bible was written by men. Many kings and other men have translated and edited the Bible, king James for example. Of course it’s going to look like women have to take a back seat and men lead. The best explanation I’ve ever heard about the Bible’s existence is: it’s a way for us to get to know who god is. You can’t just use the Bible as the only way to live your life. Most things don’t apply anymore. In most countries you can’t take your child outside and stone them for being rebellious, without consequences like you could in the Bible. You don’t pay; in labor, money, or animals to marry someone’s daughter. To bad Lori will never understand this. 

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1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

Jezebel in Rev. Is listed as a false prophet not a preacher

Exactly. According to Lori, Ken, Dave, and every other Bible teacher/preacher who believes every preaching woman is possessed by the "Jezebel spirit" ignores who this Jezebel in Revelation is and why she shouldn't be tolerated. I wonder what the passage would say if the woman had taught the truth.

1 hour ago, Sarah92 said:

Just because the Bible might not specifically mention female teachers (I think it does) does not mean they weren't there. 

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul has this to say to two women:


2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel

Whether they taught, prophesied or polished his lectern, the women are not commended for having sat at home, silently cooking meals from scratch and keeping their bathrooms spotless. 

Lori and company have decided that the Bible says "A", so everything they read is understood from that perspective. It doesn't matter that the Bible also says "B". 

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That whole last post of hers is so hypocritical!  Lori is not silent. She's loud, boisterous, ever shouting from her blog, causing a stir, meddling in everyone else's business, teaching what she knows nothing about, quoting from extrabiblical manuals that add to the Word of God she claims to respect and revere.  




Talebearing, whispering, and backbiting should have NO place in a believer’s life. Yes, we are to speak the truth in love but we don’t share things about others that shouldn’t be shared. 


Except, of course, when we find out about a fellow female Christian leader who just had a divorce, for example. Then it's called "rebuking" and "judging sinful behavior", which is more loving, considering the alternative of an eternity in hell. 


We don’t sit in our chairs and criticize in our minds what’s wrong with the singing and the service. We don’t murmur against what we don’t like about the church to others. No, we find things to praise in our churches and focus upon these things!

Except, of course, when the women singing in the choir wear jeans, or the pastor doesn't preach on submission every Sunday, or the children are sent to Sunday School, or women are allowed to pray out loud.....


We are known as a peaceable member in our community. 

Except when the neighbor's dog barks and it bothers us. Then it's ok to go around threatening them.


Study to be quiet, women. Learn to do your own business in your home.

You lead by example, Lori, and shut down that cespool of gossip and hatred that you so carefully tend to: your blog, your facebook and your instagram accounts. 

Lori is a false teacher, leading the blind right back to the shackles Jesus came to set us free from. I wish her followers would see her for the person she is. 

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I don’t understand the hate for Sunday school? I spent most of the week with my family it was nice for me to be able to socialize. I guess if you send your kinds to Sunday school they might pick up on something they shouldn’t? Why belong to a church where you don’t trust your kids to be with other kids for an hour or so?

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8 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Just because the Bible might not specifically mention female teachers (I think it does) does not mean they weren't there. 

Lori would agree with you! Except she doesn't. 


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I haven't started reading this new thread yet, but I wanted to comment on a couple things from the old thread before I forget.

RE Facebook:   my first thought on the reason they disabled the page might be because it has Lori's full name in the group.   They *can* be futzy about that, but they can also totally ignore real name stuff.

When O p e r a R o c k s (no google alerts for you) started her ridiculous page and was using my full name a number of people reported it and were told it didn't break their rules, which I found pretty annoying.   I do not live my life in the public sphere and don't use my real name here.  Use of your real name when you are not living life in public using it, should be a clear line for FB.

We are quite well indexed here and after some thought rather than using the club what are your thoughts on simply making a thread that is pinned called Lori Alexander Undeleted.  We can recommend it on each new thread so it's at the top of every Lori thread we start.  We can make an exception to the megathread rule of 20-25 pages per thread and let it go longer or can just link them all together like we do the normal threads.  That way everything is in one place with no chance of deletion.

Perhaps SSB would be able to provide a link to it as well @KatBonD?  That would give it another boost to keep it indexed and likely relatively high on a search.

On 3/11/2018 at 7:13 PM, Lgirlrocks said:

When will they learn that gender and sex aren’t the same thing. I know they believe that god is perfect and doesn’t make mistakes but if babies can be born without limbs or with organs on the outside of their body then why can’t they be born the wrong sex? 

I would guess that Lindy and the thinkers like her believe that when babies are born "imperfect" that it's a result of something the mother did to sin while pregnant and the "imperfect" baby is her punishment.

The majority of fundies have been statistically quite lucky, but we are starting to see their incredible luck run out.  Nic Nozzler, JRod, Jill Duggar, etc.

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Or they attribute it generally to "the fall," aka Adam and Eve screwed it up for the rest of us, for eternity. 

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@Curious I like that idea. I also feel like we need to get more of Lori's rejected facebook crowd over here commenting instead. I marvel sometimes at how we are up to thread 41 (roughly 1000 pages of her crazies). Will the day come when we are at thread 200? Its just amazing. Lori is like the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends...

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3 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

I don’t understand the hate for Sunday school? I spent most of the week with my family it was nice for me to be able to socialize. I guess if you send your kinds to Sunday school they might pick up on something they shouldn’t? Why belong to a church where you don’t trust your kids to be with other kids for an hour or so

I think they just love to create as many rules and declare as many things sinful as they possibly can. Then they can use their man-made rules to judge other Christians (Lori would say "Christians"), find them wanting, and feel smug and superior. 

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I see she is dribbling on about cleaning again.  My bet is some of these SAHMs have messy houses because they have half a dozen kids.  If you are home ALL DAY, things will get messed up as soon as you're done cleaning.  

I don't get why these women make such a huge deal out of cleaning anyway.  It doesn't take long to keep your home in order. I keep my house respectable enough that I would not be embarrassed if an unannounced visitor showed up (and when you are a pastor's family they will).

It's not hard. We make sure everything is put away before going to bed. My children aren't allowed to use phones or watch TV until  their rooms are  in order.  A load of laundry is put in the wash before everyone leaves in the morning to be dried that night. Then, everyone folds his/her own clothes from the pile.  Dishwasher is run at night and emptied while waiting on coffee in the morning. Dirty dishes go straight in the dishwasher.  Beds are always made. Junk mail goes straight to the shredder so clutter doesn't build up.

We deep clean bathrooms on Fri. night or Sat. My teenagers dust and keep the floors swept and vacuumed.  There really isn't much else. 

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On 3/15/2018 at 7:43 AM, Free Jana Duggar said:

I checked out Betty's FB page. It looks like her husband has been in jail. There was a link to a GoFundMe acct for legal fees. She says her husband was protecting her family from a neighbor threatening them.  Obviously   I wasn't there, but it sounds fishy that she says there were witnesses yet her husband was the one who went to jail and the one she claims threatened them is not.

I know, I know. I have too much time on my hands to be lurking and reading a stranger's FB page.  I was just thinking all the more reason for this woman to get a JOB.  Then she might have the money for the lawyer.

Based on shit they have already said about abuse and what not, I only have this say about the jail situation that was totally not his fault and he did nothing wrong...




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I wish mine were a bit better. We still aren't unpacked from the move. My husband is a bit of a pack rat. We need bookshelves but can't afford them. And my house is doubling as a greenhouse and storage facility too since we don't have storage buildings in this rent house. It's also super drafty, dusty, has dark hardwood floors that show everything. It doesn't take much to wreck this place for days.

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2 minutes ago, EowynW said:

I wish mine were a bit better. We still aren't unpacked from the move. My husband is a bit of a pack rat. We need bookshelves but can't afford them. And my house is doubling as a greenhouse and storage facility too since we don't have storage buildings in this rent house. It's also super drafty, dusty, has dark hardwood floors that show everything. It doesn't take much to wreck this place for days.

I feel your pain. Space can be a big issue. We finally bought our own house last summer and have enough space for the first time in our marriage. Once I moved into the duplex my husband was living in alone, it was so cluttered it was horrifying. And no amount of cleaning or organizing could fix it. There just wasn't room for everything. And getting rid of stuff wouldn't fix it. There wasn't room for basic things that we used. We had a cooler sitting on the floor by the kitchen table for 8 years because there was nowhere else to put it. And, yes, we use it frequently. Now we have a storage room in our basement for things like that and no extra random stuff sitting on the kitchen floor. We bought a pretty modest house and our living room and kitchen are actually smaller than we had in the duplex--but there is a lot of storage space elsewhere. 

I'm sure that some of Lori's fan girls living on one income with a herd of children have the same issue with no place to keep necessary stuff. And they won't be able to stop the clutter either. While she preaches to them about cleanliness and good housekeeping from her mansion where only two people live. Bitch. 

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37 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I see she is dribbling on about cleaning again.  My bet is some of these SAHMs have messy houses because they have half a dozen kids.  If you are home ALL DAY, things will get messed up as soon as you're done cleaning.  

I don't get why these women make such a huge deal out of cleaning anyway.  It doesn't take long to keep your home in order. I keep my house respectable enough that I would not be embarrassed if an unannounced visitor showef up (and when you are a pastor's family they will).

It's not hard. We make sure everything is put away before going to bed. My children aren't allowed to use phones or watch TV until  their rooms are  in order.  A load of laundry is put in the wash before everyone leaves in the morning to be dried that night. Then, everyone folds his/her own clothes from the pile.  Dishwasher is run at night and emptied while waiting on coffee in the morning. Dirty dishes go straight in the dishwasher.  Beds are always made. Junk mail goes straight to the shredder so clutter doesn't build up.

We deep clean bathrooms on Fri. night or Sat. My teenagers dust and keep the floors swept and vacuumed.  There really isn't much else. 

This is what I aspire to but don’t always make it. You gave a great plan for working moms, thanks!

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Will the day come when we are at thread 200? Its just amazing. Lori is like the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends...

Wouldn't surprise me, something like:  'Lori Alexander 200, Still Uninformed, Uneducated, and Still Going On and Ooooooon' 

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43 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

I feel your pain. Space can be a big issue. We finally bought our own house last summer and have enough space for the first time in our marriage. Once I moved into the duplex my husband was living in alone, it was so cluttered it was horrifying. And no amount of cleaning or organizing could fix it. There just wasn't room for everything. And getting rid of stuff wouldn't fix it. There wasn't room for basic things that we used. We had a cooler sitting on the floor by the kitchen table for 8 years because there was nowhere else to put it. And, yes, we use it frequently. Now we have a storage room in our basement for things like that and no extra random stuff sitting on the kitchen floor. We bought a pretty modest house and our living room and kitchen are actually smaller than we had in the duplex--but there is a lot of storage space elsewhere. 

I'm sure that some of Lori's fan girls living on one income with a herd of children have the same issue with no place to keep necessary stuff. And they won't be able to stop the clutter either. While she preaches to them about cleanliness and good housekeeping from her mansion where only two people live. Bitch. 

Our ice chests sit in the kitchen. We love to camp. 

I'm glad someone understands. It does drive me to tears some days though. 

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I am struck by how much effort Lori puts into keeping women inside their homes.  

Do not leave except to buy groceries...Do not go outside...Keep you doors locked...Draw your drapes...Pray all the time that you aren't busy cleaning...The only joy comes from a clean home...Don't let your kids outside...Don't have fun with your kids or play with them...Don't talk to them about feelings or emotions...Make sure they mind at all times...Second requests require beatings.  

She hates women.  She hates Ken.  She hates life.  She is mentally and emotionally unstable.  She is cruel.  

And she's got all these truly ignorant followers...

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16 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Our ice chests sit in the kitchen. We love to camp. 

I'm glad someone understands. It does drive me to tears some days though. 

My in-laws blamed it all on me. SiL especially (shocking, I know), but the parents, too. But Mr 05 is a pack rat, too, plus he has a large collection of vintage beer cans, bottles and memorabilia and an even larger collection of model tractors and other farm equipment. So we had two bedrooms there, but one was taken up entirely by his desk and computer and all of the collections. Both collections also spilled over into every other room of the house as well. There were also large tractors on our kitchen floor, one on the microwave cart, some on top of the refrigerator along with beer glasses and bottles.... There were two closets in the master bedroom so he gave me one when I moved in. Except it also had the Christmas tree and all the decorations, an entire (unused) aquarium and all the accessories, the leaves for the dining room table, and more stored in it. In order to fit a queen sized bed in the room (he had a weird 3/4 sized bed--between a single and double before we were married and I had a twin), we had to put his dresser in his closet. So that left me with a closet that was nearly full already. So I constantly got from him (because they were a family of neat freaks): "Why can't you organize your closet at all?". Because my shoes are stacked on top of the Christmas tree box. What do you want from me??? Not to mention that I have more clothes because I am a woman and because I have a job that requires professional clothes so I have those plus casual clothes. His job is a t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans job, so he has two dress shirts and one pair of dress pants for special occasions. 

And this stuff gave his sister fuel for telling absolutely everyone that her poor brother, who is the neatest person on earth (besides her), had his whole house destroyed by his slob of a wife. 

There is a happy ending: when we moved, the beer stuff and all the tractors got their own home in the basement. During moving weekend, they were all just put in the bigger room--just sat down there on the floor waiting for him to reorganize them and get the shelves in the room we put them all in. His idiot sister was here and helped me take some stuff downstairs at one point and saw it all. Her eyes got wide and she said, "wow, I didn't know he had that much". I said, "that's not all of it" as it was not. And she, miraculously, concluded that perhaps that had something to do with the constant clutter at our old place. Of course, I'm sure she has forgotten that by now. 

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The thing is though...how does Lori KNOW that young women today have messy homes?  Do they all tell her this?  I’m guessing no. It’s her usual bullshit about ‘women’. She knows nothing and she’s an asshole. 

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As one of those young ladies that this is being directed at my apartment is a bit messy. But I'll be cleaning it today. Right now I'm sitting in a coffee shop embroidering all lady like while my car is getting fixed. I know how to clean. Most of my friends in my age range know how to clean. *gasps* Lori I know you probably don't get to know many young ladies but I'd say a good percentage of us know how to clean, it's not actually that hard. What I don't know I Pinterest. For goodness sakes it quite literally not rocket science. Also guys need to learn how to clean, no guarantee that they'll get married and have a second mother, I mean wife. 

And seriously, a college degree does not somehow make you unable to pick us a dust rag. Since going off to college, I've actually learned how to cook better. But really I'm probably just a deceived feminist. 

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