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Lori Alexander 37: Practicing Medicine Without a License

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7 hours ago, IntrinsicallyDisordered said:

I'm reminded of the Pat Robertson gem "Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."  I like that it seems to build to a climax of sin in his eyes, like kid killing is a lesser offense than destroying capitalism (wtf) or having no desire for the almighty penis (you know abortion isn't actually killing children in their minds because if it were shouldn't they be doing more than trying to legislate women's bodies praying, and occasionally protesting or marching when the weather is nice?  Unless they don't care about children at all, at any stage of life, despite their propaganda, which is a distinct possibility based on all available evidence...)

Sorry for the ramble, Lori makes me feel crazy and ranty.


One thing for Pat - he does like to use a lot of words in a sentence!  He's really bad, I find him to be very disgusting.

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3 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

No child wants to be with their mom 24/7. I have always had a better relationship with my dad than my mom. I was home schooled until middle school and hating spending all day with my mom and couldn’t wait for my dad to get home.

Hello! This is what I have been saying on this and other threads. This whole business of a child being at home with his mother 24/7 is pretty unrealistic. Kids like to be with other kids. Moms like to do be with *their* friends, or working on adult projects. As a child, I certainly did not need to be with my mother all day, every day. 

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2 hours ago, Hisey said:

Hello! This is what I have been saying on this and other threads. This whole business of a child being at home with his mother 24/7 is pretty unrealistic. Kids like to be with other kids. Moms like to do be with *their* friends, or working on adult projects. As a child, I certainly did not need to be with my mother all day, every day. 

Kids can’t be with other kids because they might, you know, watch porn according to Lori. 

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4 hours ago, Hisey said:

Hello! This is what I have been saying on this and other threads. This whole business of a child being at home with his mother 24/7 is pretty unrealistic. Kids like to be with other kids. Moms like to do be with *their* friends, or working on adult projects. As a child, I certainly did not need to be with my mother all day, every day. 

Homeschooling does not require isolation. Child "at home 24/7" and child "with Mom 24/7 and also never with other children" are not accurate descriptors of all homeschooling.

You conflate isolation with homeschooling, but there is plenty of homeschooling that is not isolating. That's why you've been getting pushback. Implying now that people have been disagreeing with you about isolation is disingenuous. People are disagreeing with your assertion that all homeschooling isolates.

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15 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Not a mother but seriously a mother isn't with their kids 24/7. They will be separated every once in a while. Heck kids do go to grandparents right? It's unreasonable to put that expectation on women. And there's different levels of severity. If it's extreme something might be wrong. But how often was Lori with her kids? 

As a preteen/teen, I would have gone crazy being with my mom 24/7 and to be fair, she would have gone crazy being with me 24/7 as well.  I needed time alone.  She needed time alone.  If we were together 24/7 we would have been estranged before I was even out of the house.   I enjoyed spending time with my mom and we often did crafts together, crocheted together and watched movies together.  We had a great time doing those things.   Then we both needed to go to our own corners and just have some quiet time (we usually read, so might still be in the same room, but not really interacting with each other)

She had been a working mother (a single working mother until I was 10) my whole life and I never felt neglected.   My grandma lived in the same town so sometimes I went to her house, sometimes I went to a babysitter (who I loved) and sometimes I went to her job after school and got to do stuff like shred all the stuff that needed shredding (the best time EVAH! for an elementary school kid).

I turned out (mostly) ok.  As did everyone else I know that had working moms.  Because that's how life works.  It's how life has *always* worked.  Lori would know this if she bothered to actually read anything about the perfect past she wants to go back to.  She needs to stop taking her idea of life from tv shows like Leave it to Beaver

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“Marriage is about two things: sexual satisfaction and building generations. Nothing more. Only useless people are thinking about love. The result of a love marriage is never satisfactory. Divorce, arguments, affairs. These things don’t happen in arranged marriage. Arranged marriage is always successful. Love is for useless people. But if you’re going to feel love, at the very least, make sure it’s someone of a similar income level.”

I saw this quote on the "Humans of New York" Facebook page. (They are currently in India for stories-this one came from Jaipur.) It made me think of Lori in her loveless marriage.

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7 hours ago, Petronella said:

Homeschooling does not require isolation. Child "at home 24/7" and child "with Mom 24/7 and also never with other children" are not accurate descriptors of all homeschooling.

You conflate isolation with homeschooling, but there is plenty of homeschooling that is not isolating. That's why you've been getting pushback. Implying now that people have been disagreeing with you about isolation is disingenuous. People are disagreeing with your assertion that all homeschooling isolates.

I wasnt talking about homeschooling at all! I was talking about Lori and her belief that mothers need to be “at home” with their kids all the time. 

I know all about coops, community college classes, homeschooling groups, etc. I don't think homeschooling needs to be isolating at all (though it can be for fundie families, but that's a choice they make)

Anyhow, in this case I was talking about Lori, and her belief she can't leave the house to work or do any activities of her own, because "mothers need their children."

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1 hour ago, Curious said:

As a preteen/teen, I would have gone crazy being with my mom 24/7 and to be fair, she would have gone crazy being with me 24/7 as well.  I needed time alone.  She needed time alone.  If we were together 24/7 we would have been estranged before I was even out of the house.  

Lori just wants to justify her own lifestyle. She pretends she is needed at home 24/7. In reality, it can be healthier for parents and kids to have some separation. 

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1 hour ago, Curious said:

She needs to stop taking her idea of life from tv shows like Leave it to Beaver

Her life is a TV show - idealized and not representative of reality for the vast majority of the population.

If God wants me to be a SAHNP (stay at home non-parent), He'll need to provide a winning Powerball ticket, or my husband will need to get a big promotion and a spectacular raise.

Spoiler Alert: Neither is going to happen.

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16 minutes ago, Hisey said:

I wasnt talking about homeschooling at all! I was talking about Lori and her belief that mothers need to be “at home” with their kids all the time. 

I know all about coops, community college classes, homeschooling groups, etc. I don't think homeschooling needs to be isolating at all (though it can be for fundie families, but that's a choice they make)

Anyhow, in this case I was talking about Lori, and her belief she can't leave the house to work or do any activities of her own, because "mothers need their children."

Yeah, she's crazy.

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I sometimes wonder if Lori is agoraphobic and doesn't know it or can't admit it.  Being "so sick" and "this is what God commands" are excuses to hide behind and she projects her own experience onto everyone else as normal.  I know she went away for the summer, but to another home.  Do they still go for breakfast every week, or did that stop because of the bethonged hordes?  She didn't go on vacation with Ken, she goes shopping for food or so she leads us to believe.  I don't know, it's something I have wondered about.  Her circle seems very small and the need to literally be within the walls of her house at all times is very sad and something I would urge a loved one to seek help for.  I have a chronic illness and always want to go outside but I know I get nervous if it's been awhile since I interacted with people.

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So she ran out of things to talk about and is now talking about communism? Of course it's all the left's fault too and don't forget feminists. Right=Christian/Patriotic in extremely conservative fundamental minds. Both sides have problems and it's that kind of holier than thou attitude that perpetuates the problems.  

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I had agoraphobia for 10 years off and on.  I don't think Lori is agoraphobic, I think she has no friends because she's a complete bitch who judges EVERYONE.  Can you imagine going to a cocktail party and listening to Lori hold court and quote the Bible?  I'd have to slap her.


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20 minutes ago, Carol said:

I had agoraphobia for 10 years off and on.  I don't think Lori is agoraphobic, I think she has no friends because she's a complete bitch who judges EVERYONE.  Can you imagine going to a cocktail party and listening to Lori hold court and quote the Bible?  I'd have to slap her.


I think you can be a horrible bitch and also have something else going on that would engender sympathy in other people if you weren't such a horrible bitch (I will never have sympathy for Lori).

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If this afternoon’s post is her IG doodle, she’s just hoping for a viral post. She says in the doodle that voting is in violation.

And tomorrow (per her IG), we should be prepared for a post about women preachers and women faculty at seminary. 

What is her issue with feminism, exactly? Not to mention, she gets the details and purpose wrong. Women wanting to vote doesn’t mean they thought they knew better than men. It stemmed from a belief that women aren’t property owned by men and have a right to a voice in decision making processes.

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Wow. Lori's post today is absolutely nuts. I want to pick it apart but there's so much crazy that it's impossible. Democrats are agents of Lucifer, Trump isn't racist, there's a secret plot to destroy the U.S., Obama had a communist agenda to murder babies "as they were coming out of the womb". What?

Ken needs to help Lori pack a bag, gently place her into a car, and drive her to the nearest psych facility to get a much needed break and evaluation. Her paranoia is off the charts. If she was saying these things without the umbrella of Christianity, she would have seen inpatient care a long time ago. 

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Unfortunately today's post is not the first time I've seen stuff like that. In fact, it's kinda become all too common in many conservative circles. I really wish I had the heart to study politics more but it's not really my thing. 

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President Trump just instituted a ‘National Sanctity of Human Life Day’ yesterday!

Soooo, does Lori ever wonder why the "March for Life" is in January? It's because IN 1984, then-President Regan proclaimed January 22nd as Sanctity of Human Life Day. Churches all over celebrate the 3rd Sunday in January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. They usually preach against the evils of abortion. Jeezy Petes, she is as dumb as a mud fence.

I'd eat my hat if Trump has paid for less than 12 abortions.

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@AuntKrazy I saw after I posted. I don’t follow him but saw a post from Sarah Bessey about his post and realized that was the source. 

I seriously don’t understand the interpretation of scripture in such a legalistic way. Why not show love and kindness to people- show them the way to Jesus and then leave it to him? If we are to win our husbands without a word (I hate that phrase), why can’t we win others without a word? It’s all about relationships. 

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A rock has more compassion than Lori.  I feel sorry for the victims who come to her page in good faith. And she used a diaphragm (sp), which last time  I checked was birth control. When did she start to hate it? I wish somebody would confront her ass about it. Hypocrisy, thy name is Lori.

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