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Dillards 38: Still Chewing on that Foot in His Mouth

Coconut Flan

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Just checked out the ALERT website. I can see how it would appeal to young men who have never had the opportunity for boy scouts or ROTC. Manly men don't you know.

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On 8/11/2017 at 4:38 PM, Buzzard said:

Even in the context of their screwed up "mission."  How many KJV bibles can they buy with 20k?  They could fly down there and hand two to every person in town and then fly back with that money.  Hell, they could afford to give the kids in the orphanage their own damn box of crayons with "Jesús te ama. ¡ARREPENTIRSE!" (Jesus loves you. REPENT!) instead of giving them one broken one.

Or put that money towards reuniting families. JK Rowling established a charity to end orphanages after finding out the majority of children have families, but parents were tricked into giving them up due to poverty, and learning about the psychological damage orphanages can cause. This would be good for the Duggars to watch: 



On 8/13/2017 at 6:20 PM, VelociRapture said:

And can we deduct another point - simply because he's an outspokeningly bigoted asshole and I don't like him?

Sure. Can we deduct more points for failing to connect the neo-Nazis to anti-senitism and all the other shitty things they stand for? And more points for having such similar attitudes and beliefs as these white supremacists, but thinking they are better for not committing violence?

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20 hours ago, VBOY9977 said:

So do Jill and Derick work for the iblp now? Their insta posts seem to say so... is it the only place that will take them now that they're off the missioncation?

I can't wrap my head around Jill working for the same origination that condones and helped create Josh.

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4 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

I can't wrap my head around Jill working for the same origination that condones and helped create Josh.

I can. Until evidence arises to the contrary, there's no reason to believe that any adult Duggar has any critical thinking ability. Maybe Josh can get a job with IBLP too, since the group has no problem hiring and promoting serial abusers.

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42 minutes ago, HarryPotterFan said:


Sure. Can we deduct more points for failing to connect the neo-Nazis to anti-senitism and all the other shitty things they stand for? And more points for having such similar attitudes and beliefs as these white supremacists, but thinking they are better for not committing violence?

Absolutely! And I'm taking off more simply because it makes me happy.

I've lost track of where the Dillards stand in the Fundie Cup. I'm just going to go ahead and say they're all tied for last because they suck at life and their stupidity makes baby Jesus cry.

30 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

I can. Until evidence arises to the contrary, there's no reason to believe that any adult Duggar has any critical thinking ability. Maybe Josh can get a job with IBLP too, since the group has no problem hiring and promoting serial abusers.

I have a feeling the negative attention from Josh would be too much for even IBLP. They're trying to appear more like us normal people. I doubt they'd want to draw more negative attention by hiring a fairly well known child molestor and former reality tv star. Especially Gil Bates, since that kind of negative attention could possibly impact his own reality tv show.

But I've been wrong before. I won't be surprised if the idiots running IBLP pull something like this.

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We've gotten away from discussing acquisition of a foreign language, but I hope that early 60s is not too old to learn ASL.   I signed up for a continuing ed ASL class at a community college today.  

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ALERT is a giant joke, but the fact that right-wing militias (like the Three Percenters and their ilk) are a live issue right now keeps me from laughing too hard.

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Finally looked at a map and just discovered that ALERT is only about 30 minutes away from where I live. :ETONNER: Yikes.

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Is it bad that someone asks a question about "fuckface" and I'm not even sure which one we are talking about anymore.  That's impressive to have more than one candidate for "fuck face" in your family!

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Can I just say something? The last tweet Derrick posted (about our country needing the favor of God)... That's the most likes I've ever gotten on a response on Twitter before, and I feel pretty certain some of them were from you guys so thank you. :my_heart:

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Fake military boot camp programs are really creepy. It seems like the potential negatives of a military and no positives. By that I mean, military discipline and hierarchy can lend themselves towards indoctrination. Psychologists have studied how people can give over their individual decision making to a higher authority in those contexts. Of course armed forces can also put in regulations to counter this tendency and it all depends what the military is in service of. An extreme ideology (Nazis) or a moderate democracy will have very different militaries. ALERT is all about indoctrination with some cool outdoor skills. But the honour and sacrifice of defending your home is missing, and that is clearly the problem with boot camp schools. 

 I absolutely believe that the Duggars probably share conservative beliefs that deny systemic racism exists. For example, thinking that affirmative action discriminates against white people or that complaints about the criminal justice system being racially discriminatory are just a way to get out of serving sentences. They probably only think of racism as individual hatred one-on-one where a white person says something bigoted towards a person of color. But I'm not really clear on where the evidence is that they exhibit a pattern of white supremacist beliefs? To me enjoying white privilege and being complicit in systemic racism is awful but nonetheless different from neo-Nazi white nationalism. Same continuum but require different responses/remedies from anti-racist efforts. I could be totally wrong about this, both where the Duggars stand and on racism itself. 

As a white person trying to unlearn my privilege, my eyes were opened to the subtle racism of colour-blind narratives that I previously believed (but which deny that race continues to be a powerful social force). It's possible to raise awareness about complicity, history, context, empathy- for people on this part of the spectrum, to hopefully become allies rather then complicit actors in racial discrimination. But white nationalists need prosecuting, exposure, exclusion (shut down twitter accounts and websites), among many other responses. I just don't think they will ever unlearn their racism.

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3 minutes ago, VeryNikeSeamstress said:

Vanilla Isis... So tragically true.

I now have Ice Ice Baby in my head.

Me too. And I see all the pregnancy announcement photo's in my head with ice ice baby. 

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6 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

We've gotten away from discussing acquisition of a foreign language, but I hope that early 60s is not too old to learn ASL.   I signed up for a continuing ed ASL class at a community college today.  

You will be amazed at how much you learn! Practicing with others is vital and you'll love the beauty of the language. 

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8 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

We've gotten away from discussing acquisition of a foreign language, but I hope that early 60s is not too old to learn ASL.   I signed up for a continuing ed ASL class at a community college today.  

I don't think it is ever too late! My grandmother took several classes in ASL in her late 50's. She taught us some basic signing when we would stay at her house on the weekend. I went on to take 3 years of ASL in high school. I should see if our local community college has classes, I would love to brush up, I haven't used it for 20 years now. 

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8 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

We've gotten away from discussing acquisition of a foreign language, but I hope that early 60s is not too old to learn ASL.   I signed up for a continuing ed ASL class at a community college today.  

It is never to learn if you are willing to!

I wish you all the best, :) have fun and rock your classes!

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ALERT and other military style camps were quite popular where I grew up, ROTC or kids that wanted to go military after high school went (sometimes as a weight loss method). For the most part it was threat based parenting, muck up and we'll send you to the fake military high school to keep you out of juvie by showing the court you can be reasonable. Or like my neighbor, get caught with a joint, off to ALERT, come back with a sharp haircut, lots of bible verses and an accountability friend you can text. Hang out with your old friends, get corrupted, wash rinse repeat the ALERT cycle.

He's a great guy and functional adult these days, but I don't give ALERT any credit for that. He just went off to school, made different friends and grew up in the process.

On baby mittens: they are at the very bottom of baby things donated to shelters/ aid organizations, but are more than welcome and used up quickly! Plus, that thread drift shifted my scrap sewing plan :) 

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10 hours ago, Incognito22 said:

Is it bad that someone asks a question about "fuckface" and I'm not even sure which one we are talking about anymore.  That's impressive to have more than one candidate for "fuck face" in your family!

Fuckface = Josh

fuckface = pretty much anyone else in the family

The capital "F" clearly makes a difference somehow. :pb_lol:

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10 hours ago, PainfullyAware said:

But I'm not really clear on where the evidence is that they exhibit a pattern of white supremacist beliefs?

Well, they perpetuate the myth of the White Savior by going to brown countries with the idea in mind that they are going to educate and save all of the poor ignorant brown people. Which is especially disrespectful when the country is already mostly Christian. Plus there is something subtly white supremacist about the entire Quiverfull movement, that honestly reminds me a lot of Mormonism's obsession with childbearing. (And we know how they feel about being White and Delightsome) It is a dog whistle at most, but encouraging nice white families to have as many nice white babies as possible will never not feel like a quiet wink and a nod to the master race. Also, like you said, they share beliefs that deny systemic racism even exists, which is a tacit approval of the status quo.

Dickhead Dillard can tweet all day about how evil racism is, but he's the one shouting from the rooftops how dangerous and savage Central America is, where his poor white wife and little white baby are moments away from rape and murder at any moment, at the hands of some dark native fiends. Since they won't specify what country they're in on the show they are ensuring they tar all of Latin America with the same brush. He doesn't have to say it in so many words for his meaning to be plain.

Plus, there is an undercurrent of racism in some of the Duggars' rules. 'No music except classical' is basically a declaration that the only worthwhile musical contributions to our culture are made white western men.  'No dancing' always struck me as a direct condemnation of the culture of Black dance in the south, maybe not consciously by the Duggars themselves, but definitely by Gothard and/or Baptists in general. 

I mean, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that most of it comes from their sheer ignorance and complete lack of critical thinking, and not from a place of malice or hatred in their hearts. But what difference does that make when they're propping up Trump who's rhetoric has empowered white supremacists all over the country and the world? 

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1 hour ago, VelociRapture said:

Fuckface = Josh

fuckface = pretty much anyone else in the family

The capital "F" clearly makes a difference somehow. :pb_lol:

I personally like Fuckface™ for Josh. He deserves a special symbol since he is a speshul snowflake :pb_lol:

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20 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

I personally like Fuckface™ for Josh. He deserves a special symbol since he is a speshul snowflake :pb_lol:


a middle finger meme would be perfect for him 

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24 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

I personally like Fuckface™ for Josh. He deserves a special symbol since he is a speshul snowflake :pb_lol:

how do you made that simbol near his new name? i like it and would use it for him if i know how to

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14 hours ago, 2manyKidzzz said:

I went to Jill's instagram and see nothing about IBLP. Where is that and what does it say, anyone? I am so curious. 

I was referring to Jill's post about ALERT, but maybe it wasn't as direct as I made it seem. When I Google "ALERT camp," IBLP doesn't show up until the 5th link, and the ALERT website really seems to avoid IBLP references now.

Nonetheless, I really don't remember the last time any of the Duggars referred directly to an IBLP program on a platform as big as Instagram. They seem so far from the days of casually mentioning Jim Sammons' Financial Freedom and featuring the Big Sandy conference on 17KaC (in terms of PR, not beliefs).

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For what its worth, looks like Jazz got a bump in ratings.  The show wasnt in the top 25 2 weeks ago


But it was last week.


It had a 0.3 with 850,000 viewers.  Thats 150k less than the duggars, but the same rating.

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