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Aunt Lori Alexander 22: Criticising your poop and pining for Gilead

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1 hour ago, Joyce said:

My notes on the numbers and notes of the viral post:

I would like to add my two cents to your thoughts, if I may-

I'm in charge of the Facebook page for our spouse's club here at my husband's current duty station. Occasionally Facebook will ask me if I want to "boost" a post to get more exposure. If it's for a big fundraiser, I probably will.

To give you all an example of how much it costs to boost a post, for $300, a post would reach an estimated 13,000 people. My math skills aren't what they used to be, but I think that would come out to exactly a METRIC SHIT TON of money if Lori paid to boost her 'viral' post.

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9 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Viral -- like a vile virus.

Or like small pox  ... the plague, ......

Here are a few viral infections that may or may not be the same as Lori's drivel. I specifically marked the ones that may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth and eventual insanity. I Just tossed the warts in for fun. 


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Wait a minute...are you saying she may have paid as much as $300 to "boost" her Facebook post??  

I...I'm absolutely breathless at the thought of squandering money in such a way.  I can't even fathom doing such a thing. I know I am rambling, but my goodness...who does that?

Ken is nearing retirement age, and she is literally throwing money away to get attention.  


I wonder what her book cost him.

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Lori said:


they have no problem ridiculing and trying to destroy others. I can tell you one thing about them, they have no joy. They aren’t cheerful because they can’t be happy while being so angry. They feed on being cruel and unfeminine while going around with a scowl on their faces and hating the ways of the Lord.

Pagan that I am, I don't really know what it means to hate the ways of the Lord. But what bugs me most about Lori, outside of when her idea of  submission leads women and children into real danger, is her lack of cheer, her lack of joy, and her lack of curiosity. 

When my husband and I see hot young things with not much on--which doesn't happen as often here in the north as in San Diego, but still--we grin at each other and one of us says, "Ah, youth..." If we go out to eat, we enjoy our food and don't worry about who's at the next the next table. Sex isn't a duty for either of us, which is all I want to say about that. We like getting to know new people and people who are different from us. We lose no sleep over other people's housekeeping, or division of labor, or career choices.

Speaking just for myself, I don't think I've ever critiqued Lori's skin, cooking, housekeeping, or fashion choices, It's none of my business and I just don't care. I'm sorry she has such a limited existence, but that's not my business either. If she would just stop trying to shove real people into fake, fairy tale, harmful, biblical lives, I would have no quarrel with her.

Having written this out, I think I should give myself an Alexander vacation. I'm being aggravated to no purpose.

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You know what, y'all? I think she's leaving all those comments up because she's found out about the 'undeleted' FB page, and she figures if she doesn't delete anything else from here on, we can't add anything to the page!

Hi, Lori! :greetings-wavingyellow: How's your vacation going? :dance:

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Doing the math:

If Lori's viral post reached 1M people, and it cost $300 per 13,000 people to boost.  boosting to 1, 000,000  people would cost $23, 076.00

Do we know how many people the post reached. Or how much 'boosting" she did

(Math: 1,000,000 / 13000 = 76.92 (rounded) x 300 = 23076).

Edited to add:  Lori latest doodle is a quote from Dr. Brenda Hunter ("Home by Choice"). The quote stresses that children, including teens and young adults, need warm, loving, emotionally accessible parents in order to gain self esteem and feel secure, Mothers should be loving and nurturing.   Well ..... uh... duh.... of course.

What the quote doesn't say or even hint at is that the mother has to be at home in order to be warm, loving, emotionally accessible, and nurturing.  Lori says that.

I've not read the book -- but the title is "by choice" as in mother get to choose.

And seriously if there is a mother anywhere who was less warm, loving , nurturing and emotionally accessible than Lori, I've yet to meet her.  Lori beat her children with a leather strap, flicked their cheeks, let them scream and cry all night and admits she was controlling and that her children were afraid of her.  Not very loving and nurturing by my definition. 

Oh hi Lori  -- Thanks for dropping by.  Hope you're having a great vacation (not), you hateful .... um.......  bi......woman.

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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:

Here are a few viral infections that may or may not be the same as Lori's drivel. I specifically marked the ones that may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth and eventual insanity. I Just tossed the warts in for fun.

It checks out. Lori is a wart on the ass of humanity

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Finally came over here from the Rodrigues thread to check out who this Lori Alexander is.  And I thought Jill Rod was the craziest fundie! Good Rufus, what a rabbit hole this is going to be!

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Lori promoting this author now


From a quick search I can't even tell if she has kids. IF not, talk about the nerve to talk about the issues of "full time mothering". 

And HEY she has a phd, Lori. That involves education. She is a career woman. Why should we listen to what she says?

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Here goes, and screenshotting because of that twitchy delete finger, let's see what Aunt Lori has to say, or if it is tossed into the void: 


Note that this is from her public FB page, and I'm the one asking the question, I don't care if she knows who I am, so hiding my identity isn't really an issue. :)  

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Lori, hating your ways does not equal hating the ways of the Lord (whatever those are)!

When will you understand that you are not the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost?

Geesh, sorry yall. I read and upvote more on this thread than others because I cannot abide her sanctimonious smug and toxic religiosity. Not snarking, her and Ken are poster children for Gilead. Everybody must live, think, and act just like them, or it's off to the wall.

They both make me beyond sick, their not-Christianity but Paulism is just abhorrent.


Oh, I asked why she even allows comments since all she wants is an echo chamber. It's because she wants the adulation of the other fangirls/prospective Aunts to feed her ego. Pride goeth before a fall, Lori.

We should have a poll about who is crazier, Lori or JRod. I used to think nobody could top JRod's crazy ass, with her memorial service for a living person. But Lori gives her a run for the money.

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24 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Lori promoting this author now


From a quick search I can't even tell if she has kids. IF not, talk about the nerve to talk about the issues of "full time mothering". 

And HEY she has a phd, Lori. That involves education. She is a career woman. Why should we listen to what she says?

I don't know why she would promote any female teacher/author (including herself).  They could be easily deceived, and then what?

Also, does anyone remember when she claimed that she was going to write something like "approved by Ken" at the end of each post, so that others would know that he had looked over everything she'd written?  Whatever happened to that?

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Trey is back. On the divorce fantasy world post he says:


The word that we translate as “separate” is the Greek word: “chorizo”

No, my dear Trey, chorizo is a spanish sausage, not a greek word. 

Trey writes in response to Jeff, who wrote in response to a post that I made and that Lori miraculously let through. I guess she only read the first sentence. 

My post (second half)


marriage does depend on two people wanting to work on it. Sadly, that’s not always the case.
I live with the damage of long-term abuse that was never seen as such (it was disguised as discipline), and the effects of a very poor marriage that should have had an intervention a lot sooner. Children suffer in bad marriages too.

Jeff says:



Physical abuse? Then it’s not abuse.

Couples should never separate unless it’s physical abuse. They should spend more time alone together. Separation has proven to lead to divorce.


My reply to Jeff that didn't make it through:



he physicaly abused the children, regularly beating them with belts, sticks, branches off trees, whatever he had at hand, for however long he deemed appropriate. He abused the whole family berating them, calling them names, failing to provide for their needs, making them beg for money, drinking, smoking, using drugs, wasting money on “business ideas”, disappearing and squandering money.
They spent a lot of time together. He demanded it. She bore him nine children and cared for his ageing mother. Still he berated her daily, threatened her, locked her in rooms and even had their phone line cut off. In the end, he’d make her sit for hours in front of a camera while he preached into it and had her read verses, dressed modestly just as he liked it, with her hair in two braids, just as he liked it.
Perhaps some people see no problem with any of the above, but I do. I live with some of the results and it’s not pretty.


Honestly, Lori should either allow a conversation or not.  I wonder what's so wrong with that post?  It explains my point: staying can be just as harmful for the children, if not more. 

Then our friend Trey steps in and tries to explain how wives are never allowed to leave their husbands, because... Spanish sausage?  I don't know...  First we have Lori declaring that the siesta is an English invention, then Trey declares that chorizo is a Greek word that has something to do with divorce or separation.  These people...

Come to think of it, not one of the apostles ever gave permission to separate on the grounds of physical abuse. They are adding to Scripture there. Instead of studying further, maybe looking at principles such as doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, or standing up for the oppressed, or confronting the brother that is sinning against someone in the church, noooo that can't be! That only applies for the men, because this greek word means bla bla bla... headship, bla bla bla, submission, bla bla bla, bottom line, ladies, you have no voice, no choice, no rights, nothing. Go home, submit, obey, and do so cheerfully!  

And no chorizo!

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1 hour ago, ChildofScience said:

 Good Rufus, what a rabbit hole this is going to be!

It truly seems to be a bottomless pit :D

Edit: chorizo :D oh my! 

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Wow...the comments on her most recent notebook doodle haven't been deleted.  Did one of her grandkids flush her i-Phone down the toilet?  

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46 minutes ago, Koala said:

Wow...the comments on her most recent notebook doodle haven't been deleted.  Did one of her grandkids flush her i-Phone down the toilet?  

She just now deleted them. 

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I'm just catching up with today's posts. I especially enjoyed the math about boosting posts. Squandering her husband's money - Shame! Shame! Shame!


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I don't get it ya'll. Lori gained about 400 followers on FB today.  I can only hope it's just people who want to snark and get a good laugh.

 Keep up with the screenshots and feel free to share them on the "Lori Alexander Undeleted" page.  

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1 minute ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I don't get it ya'll. Lori gained about 400 followers on FB today.  I can only hope it's just people who want to snark and get a good laugh.

 Keep up with the screenshots and feel free to share them on the "Lori Alexander Undeleted" page.  

I know nothing about this sort of thing, but 400 in 1 day seems like a lot.  Could she be buying "likes"?  Is that even possible?  I can't allow myself to believe that many people actually agree with what Lori says.

And now I am laughing thinking of Lori spending all of Ken's money on vitamins and Facebook likes.  "Dissipating your husband's substance", indeed.

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I swear, if I see one mo' person refer to her blog post as an "article"!!!! I might have an aneurism!! 

FFS people, they are one women's not very well educated opinions on a common topic! Not articles based in fact or researched theory!! :5624797b0697e_headbash:

Where's my chubby kitten.... and the wine... :kitty: :wine:

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Seems like she only has time to keep up with deleting on one post. Why on earth bother to post at all while on vacation?  does she think she is just that important that the world will have a loss without her twice daily posts?

I think her new followers are more following for the train wreck aspect.

I believe she would spend a lot on boosts as she would see it as promoting God's word. A worthy cause.

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7 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Why on earth bother to post at all while on vacation?  does she think she is just that important that the world will have a loss without her twice daily posts?

Exactly.  Who does that kind of shit on vacation?  If she posts, she's clearly obligated to monitor the comments every.waking.second.  Why not just wait until she's back home?

It's got to strike her family as odd that she came all that way just to sit and stare at her phone.

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