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Lori Alexander 16: Protecting Men's Jobs from the Assaults of Women


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3 hours ago, Red Jumper said:

She would be throwing the first stone and/or hand one to Ken and tell him to throw it.

To me she is everything a Christian should not be: unforgiving, holier-than-thou attitude, scripture -twisting, hypocrite, lying, sadistic , self-obsessed, unsympathetic, ... No-one should be like that. Striving to become a better person is in the core of every religion, including Christianity. I cannot see she is even trying.

Persons like that are hellish prison masters and even worse regulation setters. I am pointing to the dark times of inquisitions /witch hunts.


Jesus called such people choice words like "whitewashed tombs" and "nests of vipers".  

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Wow, today Lori writes on a woman who dared to say she likes that she has a female gynecologist! This is wrong and ungodly! Women weren't meant to be doctors, they need to be home raising children!!

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56 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Wow, today Lori writes on a woman who dared to say she likes that she has a female gynecologist! This is wrong and ungodly! Women weren't meant to be doctors, they need to be home raising children!!

She also answered my question about Paul saying people should remain unmarried (I am not the one who messaged her, I just pointed it out in this thread). Apparently that was just his opinion. And also women have to get married because men want sex. 

Perhaps Titus 2 is just an opinion. How do we tell the mere opinions from the binding teachings? Is Lori the only one privy to those distinctions? 

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Essentially you are saying that it is more important for you to have female nurses and doctors rather than their children having them home full time with them to raise, care, and train them?

I don't think the commenter said anything about the OB-GYN's marital status, whether she has children or how old she is. For all we know, she may have grown children and may have been at home, full-time, when they were little.


You see, I am sure God wants women at home because He cares a whole lot more about marriages being strong and children having a mother home full time with them to raise, nurture, and train them than for you to have female nurses and doctors.

Really? How do you know that, Lori?  Just for your information, I don't think that manipulating your husband into having another child makes for a strong marriage. I don't think that serving cold salads every day and letting your husband cook for himself (and the kids) qualifies as "providing nourishing meals".  I don't think that paying lip service to "submission" while doing whatever you please makes for a strong marriage.  

You don't know financial need. You stayed at home and had help, for goodness sakes!  I'm pretty traditional and stayed home when my kids were little. My life still revolves around caring for my home and my kids, but guess what?  I have to earn money too. It's the way it is, and I'm not going to let some old, privileged pharisee tell me that I'm less godly for using my gifts to help people while you sit behind your computer screen wasting your time pronouncing judgment after judgment. You have no clue. 

This is getting old, Lori:


 this is why God wants the older women to teach the younger women to love their children and be keepers at home.

Admit it. You've run out of things to say. Your blog is redundant. Your opinion is too narrow and judgmental. If you really care about women and children, get out there and experience people in their everyday life.  Get to know a single mother, trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over hers and her children's heads. Get to know a family struggling financially because husband has been laid off work, or is sick, and the wife has to provide for them now. 

You like your Bible? Read Proverbs 31. It sounds like that woman was busy providing for her family. Her husband trusts her and is respected in the gates, but there's nothing said about her handling his wages well, or making do with the income he provides. 


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1 hour ago, louisa05 said:

She also answered my question about Paul saying people should remain unmarried (I am not the one who messaged her, I just pointed it out in this thread). Apparently that was just his opinion. And also women have to get married because men want sex. 

Perhaps Titus 2 is just an opinion. How do we tell the mere opinions from the binding teachings? Is Lori the only one privy to those distinctions? 

See, with Lori and sin it's like the old saying about porn--"I know it when I see it."


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Kaitlin Farley says:



March 16, 2017 at 2:29 pm

Hey Lori, I know this is off topic but wasn’t sure where else to ask this. Do you have any posts on getting toddlers to eat healthy food? We have tried everything and I mean that literally and our very stubborn daughter will do everything in her will power to not eat most meat/veggie combos. We are very health minded and I make most everything from scratch (crackers, tortillas, soups, casseroles) and almost all organic food. She had issues with feeding as a child (ie lip and tongue tie/infant gerd and reflux). However, now that we fixed those things, she DOES eat all the carbs with ease…..its the veggies and meat where we battle each mouthful! Thanks!



Lori Alexander says:



March 16, 2017 at 4:16 pm

My recommendation to you, Kaitlin, is to give her a small portion every time you have them and insist that she eat them. She must sit at the table until she is done, even if it takes several hours. We had to do this with our younger daughter concerning salads. She refused to eat salad so every night, she’d sit at the table for a long time until she began to eat them. Now, she loves salad!

We must train our children to eat healthy. All of my children enjoy eating healthy as adults because we trained them in the way they should go! 


Someone here just recently retold this story, but I feel Lori left out some key details from the original version she told. 

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From Trey's reply to Bethadilly 


Regarding “highest callings, serving Jesus”. There is no higher calling and no way that we can better serve Jesus than being obedient to His Word and to follow His commands. In fact, the Bible teaches us that this is how we will know if we even know God (are saved); if we are obeying His commands. (1 John 2:3)

I googled "commandments Jesus gave" and found this:https://carm.org/what-commandments-did-jesus-give-us

Marry and have babies is not on that list. Make yourself available for a man is not on that list.  Lose weight, do whatever it takes to get a man is not on that list, and I don't remember ever reading anything along those lines in the Bible. 

Jesus spent time with single women or women who were following him. He never told them to go home to their children or to stop following him because he wasn't interested in marriage.  Just writing that... how silly! 

Further, the apostle Paul, who wrote most of the instructions to married couples, also had a lot of good things to say about staying single.  He gave his opinion on matters and offered advice on how to deal with problems, but not once did he tell women to make themselves available for marriage. If you want Paul's opinion on marriage, read 1st Corinthians 7! He even says that, in his opinion, a widow will be happier if she doesn't remarry!  Now, what do you do with that and 1st Timothy 5? Good question....

I don't think Lori and Trey are approaching the Bible with an open mind, allowing the Scriptures to speak to them. They're studying it for the single purpose of finding support for their very mistaken (maybe even sick) beliefs about women.

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Trey just rushed in on today's post to defend Lori. Don't shoot the messenger he proclaims!! Funny, her own husband doesn't step in  to defend her. 

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31 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Trey just rushed in on today's post to defend Lori. Don't shoot the messenger he proclaims!! Funny, her own husband doesn't step in  to defend her. 

Yes he did and she deleted my rebuttal comment to him.

I have been struggling a lot lately with my emotional health lately and I couldn't put my finger on it until today. Then, while reading through Lori's blog, I suddenly realized why. It's because she is the cold harsh bare bones face of so much of what I had been taught growing up. Oh sure, it was cloaked in nicer words when growing up, and my parents played it up a bit nicer. (Well, my Mom did. My dad yelling "AND WHEN YOU GET MARRIED YOU WILL HAVE TO OBEY YOUR HUSBAND LIKE YOU OBEY ME!" didn't help.) But in all honesty, most of what they were saying was this crap that Lori is spewing. She's the ugly naked face of so much of these teachings. Reading her blog is bringing it all back and then some, plus making me doubt myself and my life and my marriage, and God, and EVERYTHING. And I just can't anymore. I can't visit her blog anymore.



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EowynW -- big hugs from me.

Your father was wrong.  Do not doubt your life, your marriage,or your faith.  I don't know you personally, but the woman I see posting here is living her life with love and kindness, loving her husband in a real and positive way and by all that being an embodiment of Jesus' teachings and his 2 (and only 2) commandments.  

Lori is a mean, bitter, hateful, unhappy woman. I would have said beyotch but that would be rude. She is not the embodiment of Christ's commandments.  She has made up her own rules and cherry picked Scripture out of context to support them. She's done that to have power and control over other people and bend them to her will., That is her goal. She cannot beat us with a leather strap as she did her children, so she beats us with her hard judgmental words.

Do not listen to her.  Do not let her ruin your life -- because that is her goal. Do not give her power over you. Hate read her as we do and laugh at the nonsense she writes. 


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@EowynW thank you for the first comment on today's post, it's definitely one of the top things I dislike about Lori's writing. I wish I could have seen your rebuttal. 

What bothers me today is when Lori quotes Nancy Wolgemuth:


There’s an assumption that young women will get married and will have children. At the risk of being truly politically incorrect, could I say this is God’s norm? The implication is, as I look at not only this passage but the whole of Scripture, that as a rule young people are to be purposeful about getting married and about having children.”

Now personally, I love Nancy's teaching ministry and she is definitely a gifted speaker and author. The issue I have is that I don't think that Nancy's version of purposeful is what Lori puts on her blog. For many years, Nancy has been teaching women not just what's in Titus 2, but other parts of the Bible as well. I have never heard of Nancy teaching younger women that they must be pretty and thin in order to catch a husband, or to join a different church that has a wider pool of eligible men. You know why I haven't heard that from her? BECAUSE IT'S NOT IN THE BIBLE! In fact, Nancy says


So as you think about your view of God, I want to encourage you to get so grounded in the Word of God that you're continually counseling your heart according to what is truth revealed in God's Word, the truth that:

God does love you. 

He wants only your best.

He wants only what is good for you. 

Marriage is not a reward for godliness or beauty or patience. 

Your marital status is not a measure of your worth.

God finds you desirable, and so on.

Bolded emphasis mine. 

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Since Nancy Wolgemuth married for the 1st time at age 59, isn't she a living example of a single woman who supported herself?   Writer, teacher, lecturer, radio host --  she did all those things as a single woman.  Dare I say she had a career for 30-something years doing what she felt called by God to do?

Nancy W worked outside the home. She didn't adopt; she wasn't a foster.mother.  And for 30-something years she seems not to have found a godly man to marry,  Shouldn't Lori be admonishing her for having a career instead of marrying and having lots of children?  And since Lori tells us love is a choice, shouldn't Nancy have just picked some man to love and then be thin and pretty enough to get him to marry her (for sex)?

So why does Lori condemn other women seeking to work at their calling without marrying, but praises Nancy for the exact same thing?  if anything, Nancy W is actually a role model for those single women.

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23 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

I've said this before but I don't think Lori realizes how much society benefits from working women. Her concern is about the men. I doubt that she would ever try to imagine how hospitals would run if suddenly all the female nurses, doctors, therapists, nurse's aides, administration staffers, and other female employees quit their jobs to stay at home. In Lori's post, she quoted the author mentioning male emergency workers. Lori probably hates female firefighters, cops, and EMTs/paramedics. She probably doesn't realize that there are women working as emergency dispatchers and in other support roles for law enforcement and emergency services.  I don't know the percentages of women dispatchers or in support roles, but without those women agencies would be stretched out more than probably already are.  If Lori is put into a nursing home years from now. I can imagine how much she will hate the fact that working moms would be tending to her.

That, and if she were attended by males, would she like them tending to her hygienic needs?

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From the comments of today's post, Bethadilly objects to Lori's constant yammering on about how all women are supposed to be nothing more than wives and mothers (no jobs, etc.)


Posts like these do a great disservice to single women, women who are infertile and couples that cannot have children for whatever reason.


HappyHomemaker, that lovely little ray of sunshine, responds:


Why does it do a disservice? Would you have preachers not say homosexuality is a sin because a member of the church is gay and it would hurt his feelings? Would you have us not say murder is wrong because many people have committed murder and their feelings might get hurt?


Because infertility is the EXACT SAME THING AS MURDER????? 

Lori agrees because Lori Alexander is a fucking monster:


You’re so right, HH. The bottom line is most want their ears tickled instead of the Truth. 


Yeah, because not equating infertile people and single people with MURDERERS is "ear tickling." WTFever. 


And as a side note, Lori also says:


If I were widowed and had no family or church that would support me, I would go on welfare.

I wonder if she knows that it doesn't work that way? That you can get emergency cash aid, but you HAVE to go to work? The government doesn't care if you put holes in your diaphragm or think a teacher is demon possessed. If you are able-bodied, you need to have a job or be looking for a job, and after 48 months, you're done. Good luck with that, Lori. Better hope he stays alive long enough for you to go on social security (if Trump hasn't completely looted it by then).


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And Lori just wants her ears tickled by Dave and Trey! Not to mention the fan girls. 

Hasn't she said multiple times before how evil welfare is?


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8 hours ago, polecat said:

I wonder if she knows that it doesn't work that way?

Whether she knows it or not, she refuses to see it.  These people seem to avoid looking at reality and accepting it for what it is.  They keep harping on and one "this is the way it ought to be", but reality rarely is the way they think it ought to be.  Like Debi Pearl telling mothers whose husbands are molesting the children to "have their husbands do x number of years".  You don't get to give him his sentence!  

8 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

And Lori just wants her ears tickled by Dave and Trey!

And Dave and Trey want their ears tickled by Lori and her fan girls.  Lori is teaching ear tickling doctrine to men. 

11 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

So why does Lori condemn other women seeking to work at their calling without marrying, but praises Nancy for the exact same thing? 

Yeah, good question.  My guess is Nancy teaches what Lori wants to hear, or Lori doesn't want to say anything negative about Nancy because she needs her on her side.... who knows? 

But it is true, Nancy was a single career woman, and I doubt she's set aside that career now that she's married.  

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I am really struggling to understand Lori admitting she would go on welfare if she were widowed. The way I understand the Bible (but I'm a working mother who eventually resisted Lori's teachings so even though I'm a Christian I'm clearly a heathen) being on welfare long-term when you are physically able, but refusing, to work, is sin. 

Being on welfare temporarily between jobs, or having no choice but to rely on welfare because you're unable to work due to illness or disability etc. are totally different to being capable of working, but choosing not to. 

What a disgusting, un-Christian-like attitude!!

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@KDA I totally agree re: refusing to work. Even though Lori says that GCC (John MacArthur's church) provides financially for widows, I would be very surprised if it's full financial support for the (able-bodied) widow to stay home. 


Here's a lovely definition of love from Trey: 


Sometimes it’s a parent spanking a child, a shepherd breaking the leg of a wayward sheep, a husband instructing his wife to weigh herself each week in front of him to give her accountability with her weight, laying down your life for a friend, and many other unpleasant things.

Um.......WHAT?!  :angry-banghead:

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2 hours ago, Showtunesgirl said:

@KDA I totally agree re: refusing to work. Even though Lori says that GCC (John MacArthur's church) provides financially for widows, I would be very surprised if it's full financial support for the (able-bodied) widow to stay home. 


Here's a lovely definition of love from Trey: 

Um.......WHAT?!  :angry-banghead:



I am just about speechless...

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4 hours ago, KDA said:

Being on welfare temporarily between jobs, or having no choice but to rely on welfare because you're unable to work due to illness or disability etc. are totally different to being capable of working, but choosing not to

Yes, there is indeed a difference. Welfare is there as a safety net to keep people from losing everything, but an able-bodied adult shouldn't make living off welfare a lifestyle.  The goal should be to use the support welfare offers to get on your feet and provide for yourself and your family. Sadly, at least here in Germany, too many people abuse it.  48 months (4 years!) ought to be long enough to get on your feet, but someone like Lori would probably run out of time unless she were willing to face the reality that she, as an able bodied adult, should now take on the responsibility of providing for herself and her children.  

I'm all for churches helping. A good church that is functioning as a family will want to help, but there is a huge difference between helping and creating dependency. 

I think Trey, Dave, Ken, Lori and company should be shipped off to a lonely and incommunicated island. Let them love each other and take care of each other. Shudder....

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5 hours ago, Showtunesgirl said:

@KDA I totally agree re: refusing to work. Even though Lori says that GCC (John MacArthur's church) provides financially for widows, I would be very surprised if it's full financial support for the (able-bodied) widow to stay home. 


Here's a lovely definition of love from Trey: 

Um.......WHAT?!  :angry-banghead:

A shepherd would break the leg of a sheep? Fucking seriously?? What kind of stuff is this twat smoking? 

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Its not much of a leap to go from a shepherd breaking the leg of a sheep to a husband breaking the leg of a wife. After all, as head of the house the man is the shepherd...why not just break the leg of your wayward wife too? Tough love and all. I can totally see them thinking this.

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On March 15, 2017 at 8:44 AM, jadis87 said:

The more Lori prattles on about men being strong, women are the weaker vessel shit, the more I'm convinced she (and Ken) are closet fetishists.

I don't think Lori has ANY fun in the bedroom, EVER. I've never heard a woman who enjoys sex talk so much about "giving it" to her husband as if it's an unbearable chore. I mean, yes, occasionally I "give it" to my husband, when he really wants it and I'm more "meh" on the topic. But I'd never describe our sex life that way because I'm an active and willing participant most of the time. We "have sex" because we both want and enjoy it. Nobody has to "give it" to the other as if it's a sacrifice.

Those who said Lori and Ken make them appreciate their partners are right on. My marriage is not all rainbows and unicorns, but it's a fairy tale compared to the Alexanders!

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4 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Here is a good explanation of where the breaking the sheep's leg thing came from and why it is nonsense.  I have heard it preached from Calvinist types who want to emphasize how God breaks and destroys and punishes everyone into submission. 


I followed that link and when I got there I realized I recognize the site. Lori linked to it a couple of weeks ago, to an article where both husbands and wives are called to love the wayward spouse, as Christ loved the Chuch.

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