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Jill, Derick, Israel and the latest Dillard- Part 23


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It is possible to have one-off psychotic episodes and not see your first one until after thirty. I recently went through this with someone in my life. If this were to happen there would likely be some combination of mental illness in the family, unattended to emotional pain, and extreme stress. Not tying this to Derick b/c you can't arm chair this stuff, just saying it is possible.

He does appear unhappy from a far and as someone who seemed to have ambition (even if already headed in a very fundie direction) prior to tying himself to Duggarville I wouldn't be surprised if he feels very constrained.

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2 hours ago, nastyhobbitses said:

I don't think we should be armchair diagnosing something as serious and devastating as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. I do think something's wrong with Derick, but I'm not going to put a label on it; let the professionals do that, if he ever sees one, which I think he should. Even if nothing's officially mentally wrong with him, I think it would do him good to work through all the stuff he's experienced in the past couple of years; he's had a lot of upheaval in his life.

That being said, I think he's kind of an asshole and I think that's more the issue at hand than any actual mental problems.

Didn't Derick have a blog post about praying mental health issues away or something? I can't remember now.

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5 hours ago, JesusCampSongs said:

As the late, great George Carlin said:


I was raised Southern Baptist, and since becoming an adult and leaving the church, I've heard all kinds of hairy stories about what upstanding members of the various congregations I've attended were getting into...

Anyway, at 27 (will be 28 in two months), Derick's on the old side to be developing that type and degree of mental illness out of the blue. I think the cause of these outbursts is was more prosaic: he's always held these beliefs but didn't feel comfortable with trumpeting them until moving into a socially isolated echo-chamber full of people who think he's a brilliant theologian. The fact that life has been rough on him lately could also be motivating all the self-righteous lashing-out

I think this is more along the lines.  I have enough knowledge about mental illness and sociological issues to think that this is more of a immersion behavior, think of it as mob mentality.  He is now surround by bat shit crazy fundies in a cult.  For all we know Boob may be grooming him to take over the compound for when Boob kicks it or becomes to old to do so. Derick is the perfect candidates among the oldest kids, He, educated, but not TO much, he's got the skills to be financially savvy,, he's married to Jilly Muffin, perfect daughter. He isn't Smugger and Smugger is now a lot cause and NOT leader material,, but Derick could have that ability.  Derick is mired in the Kool aid and really enjoying it at the moment. 

That said they feed off of each other, they are all trying to out holy each other, be the most pure, perfect, Godly, obnoxious, mean spiteful horrible people. J & D are trying to keep past J & B, Not sure yet about J & J, we'll see if they are around that much or he's whisked her off to his own world, what ever that is going to be. J & A are a total mystery until we get to see more than 30 seconds of him on screen.  

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14 minutes ago, ClaraOswin said:

Didn't Derick have a blog post about praying mental health issues away or something? I can't remember now.

Yup. He told people with depression to cast their anxieties on the Lord and have a joyful heart or something to that effect. It comes from a popular scripture (Philippians 4: 6-7)  As a person with an anxiety disorder  and bouts of depression I hear this all the time and it never fails to make me feel guilty and/or seriously piss me off.  

Link to the blog: http://www.dillardfamily.com/life-matters blog?ID=e0811441-5f4d-4145-bf9d-3ff883a65389


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21 minutes ago, ClaraOswin said:

Didn't Derick have a blog post about praying mental health issues away or something? I can't remember now.

They are always banging on about that, and do not accept that mental problems are real physical illnesses caused by chemistry in the brain or whatever.  Often, they claim that these poor people aren't trying to get better, and are thrown away by their families. :( A mentally ill friend who was living on the streets in Dallas years ago is a good example.  A brilliant man, his family had plenty of money and could have helped him more, but they wouldn't, because he refused to take his meds and go to their holy roller church.  I lost track, nobody knows where he is now...the onset of his illness happened in his mid twenties.

Another thing: I still think Derick is in pain from the work on his jaw, he looks like he is anyway (takes one to know one :P). Continuous pain can REALLY wear on a person...

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44 minutes ago, Jinder Roles said:

Yup. He told people with depression to cast their anxieties on the Lord and have a joyful heart or something to that effect. It comes from a popular scripture (Philippians 4: 6-7)  As a person with an anxiety disorder  and bouts of depression I hear this all the time and it never fails to make me feel guilty and/or seriously piss me off.  

Link to the blog: http://www.dillardfamily.com/life-matters blog?ID=e0811441-5f4d-4145-bf9d-3ff883a65389


He is a real piece of work who thinks he has all the answers, doesn't he? That blog is infuriating. It reminds me of people who think saying snap out of it will cure depression. Derdick is the true face of the evil these a-hole spout. The Duggars keep sweet for their show, but you know they are back ing all of this idiots actions.

I think it is telling that both Cathy and Dick were so 'different' in the early part of us seeing them, because now they are both spouting off hateful & idiotic things. This tells me they were these people back then, they were just playing nice for the camera and the Duggar brand.

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I just stumbled upon this video. A girl named Kristina who was raised in the Quiverfull movement and all other Gothard craziness talks about it.  I am only half way through and it's pretty interesting. I do wish the interviewer would ask better & more questions. lol I can only imagine if one of us interviewed her. There is a clip of the Pearls. My my my.


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5 hours ago, Jinder Roles said:

Yup. He told people with depression to cast their anxieties on the Lord and have a joyful heart or something to that effect. It comes from a popular scripture (Philippians 4: 6-7)  As a person with an anxiety disorder  and bouts of depression I hear this all the time and it never fails to make me feel guilty and/or seriously piss me off.  

Link to the blog: http://www.dillardfamily.com/life-matters blog?ID=e0811441-5f4d-4145-bf9d-3ff883a65389


Telling a person with depression to "just be happy" is like telling a person with cancer to just stop growing tumors.

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On 1/7/2017 at 11:34 AM, ClaraOswin said:

It is my understanding that the noninvasive test doesn't actually detect down syndrome. It just tells you if there is a higher risk that your child could have down syndrome. I believe only invasive tests can truly detect it. (Just wanted to put this out there in case any pregnant ladies are reading here.)

There are different tests. 

The first one does just assess risk. There is another that looks for fetal DNA within the mother's blood. It will actually detect chromosomal abnormalities. It's also why some people can find out the sec of the baby early. If there's a Y chromosome present, it comes from a boy

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2 hours ago, GotCaughtDancing said:

I just stumbled upon this video. A girl named Kristina who was raised in the Quiverfull movement and all other Gothard craziness talks about it.  I am only half way through and it's pretty interesting. I do wish the interviewer would ask better & more questions. lol I can only imagine if one of us interviewed her. There is a clip of the Pearls. My my my.


I discovered FreeJinger thanks to that video :-) That's the first time I heard about blanket training and seeing the Pearls... what a horrible movement....

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2 hours ago, GotCaughtDancing said:

I just stumbled upon this video. A girl named Kristina who was raised in the Quiverfull movement and all other Gothard craziness talks about it.  I am only half way through and it's pretty interesting. I do wish the interviewer would ask better & more questions. lol I can only imagine if one of us interviewed her. There is a clip of the Pearls. My my my.


You can read the Free Jinger thread about her video here:



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8 hours ago, Jinder Roles said:

Yup. He told people with depression to cast their anxieties on the Lord and have a joyful heart or something to that effect. It comes from a popular scripture (Philippians 4: 6-7)  As a person with an anxiety disorder  and bouts of depression I hear this all the time and it never fails to make me feel guilty and/or seriously piss me off.  

Link to the blog: http://www.dillardfamily.com/life-matters blog?ID=e0811441-5f4d-4145-bf9d-3ff883a65389


Brethren and sisstren!  I, MJB, a diagnosed chronic depressive, am here to testeefy:

i *cast* mah anxieties upon the Lord in prayer and He told me, "I've provided psychiatrists! Go find one!"

And lo and behold, I followed the command and the physician prescribed medications and now, on most most most days, I am so happy to be alive that I actually contribute to society!

Hear my words, Derick o'Tontitown!!!!!

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I keep hearing from my psychiatrist that its really hard to distinguish bi-polar from depression when you have a lack of consistent manic episodes because the pathology is so similar. Hubby has had depression as long as I've known him (10 years in April) but only had his first manic episode (lasted 3 days, scared the shit out of me!) in the last 6 months. He's 32. Changing his SSRI and adding a mood stabilizer has worked wonders.

I'm in agreement that I think Derick is deeply unhappy with the direction his life has taken and is now lashing out. He's backed himself into a nasty little corner with no easy way to escape. He, like Trump, needs to back away from the Twitter.

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**All aboard the speculation bus!!"

Painkillers (and I don't even necessarily mean addiction, here...) are also an option. We know he's had major surgery and people have speculated about continuing pain issues. His fundamentalist beliefs could be ramped up a notch with chemical help  

I think we've all had that person on our Facebook page that posts too soon after surgery and it makes little sense. 

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A side effect (although rare, I experience it) of anti-inflammatory drugs is anger and irritability so that could be the culprit.  It's super hard to control. If he's only lashing out on twitter and no where else, then I'll allow it.  

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4 hours ago, nastyhobbitses said:

Telling a person with depression to "just be happy" is like telling a person with cancer to just stop growing tumors.

A now former friend, who got enamored with The Secret and The Prosperity Gospel, explained to me while my dad was fighting cancer that tumors are caused by "negativity" so if my father, mother and I (and everyone else around dad) would focus on happy thoughts and "stop believing in cancer", the tumors would go away. 

So, sadly, there are people out there almost telling cancer patients the same thing. 

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What if we stop the armchair diagnosis and we assume he is just being an ass?

Seriously, even if he is actually sick we won't be able to see it on Twitter until he is at Kanye West level of crazy (and we couldn't even be sure then, it would have to be Amanda Bynes to be clear)

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16 hours ago, nastyhobbitses said:

Well, they pray to the Lord on high and Derick believes that sinners should be stoned...

With apologies to Bob Dylan:


Well, they'll stone you when you're prosetlyzing tweets,

They'll stone you when you're not acting sweet,

They'll stone you when you're driving in your car, (with an improperly buckled kid)

They'll stone you 'fore you get too far. (Cintral Murica is TOO FAR)

Well, I would not feel so all alone,

EVERYBODY must get stoned!

They'll stone you when you're sledding over cats,

They'll stone you for getting slightly fat,

They'll stone you for having lots of babies,

They'll stone you and I really don't mean maybe

And I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned!

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5 hours ago, KnittingOwl said:

There are different tests. 

The first one does just assess risk. There is another that looks for fetal DNA within the mother's blood. It will actually detect chromosomal abnormalities. It's also why some people can find out the sec of the baby early. If there's a Y chromosome present, it comes from a boy

Interesting. I haven't seen that one before. Do you know the name of it? I find it all really interesting even though I'm done having kids.

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I'm of the opinion that Derrick has probably always been this crazy and self-righteous. He reminds me of a few people of my acquaintance (Friends from my very secular state college and relatives of the second cousin variety) who I always knew were really into Jesus and all that, but I never knew just how extremely right-wing they were until I saw them sharing and liking things on Facebook very similar to the things that Derrick tweets. They can hide their extreme beliefs pretty well (As Derrick, or more likely the TLC editors, kind of did in his early appearances on the show when some people thought he maybe kinda sorta wasn't too bad) but when faced with the shiny allure of social media, when all they have to do is press "like" or shoot off a hellfire and damnation tweet without having to look someone in the eye, they just can't help themselves from letting their crazy flag fly.

Derrick's Mom publicly proclaimed that she wanted the end of abortion for her birthday. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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1 hour ago, Screamapillar said:

I'm of the opinion that Derrick has probably always been this crazy and self-righteous. He reminds me of a few people of my acquaintance (Friends from my very secular state college and relatives of the second cousin variety) who I always knew were really into Jesus and all that, but I never knew just how extremely right-wing they were until I saw them sharing and liking things on Facebook very similar to the things that Derrick tweets. They can hide their extreme beliefs pretty well (As Derrick, or more likely the TLC editors, kind of did in his early appearances on the show when some people thought he maybe kinda sorta wasn't too bad) but when faced with the shiny allure of social media, when all they have to do is press "like" or shoot off a hellfire and damnation tweet without having to look someone in the eye, they just can't help themselves from letting their crazy flag fly.

Derrick's Mom publicly proclaimed that she wanted the end of abortion for her birthday. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Agreed, especially when met with the super satisfying reinforcement of racking up likes and retweets. All of sudden he is creating his own echo chamber in which he can block people who disagree with him (like the girls do on instagram) and surround himself by digital leghumpers who encourage him to post more and more of that crazy mess.

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5 minutes ago, evolutionbaby said:

So...I guess Derick does have some kind of illness. There's a new Counting on promo. Finally they address Derick's health problem....but you have to wait for the first episode of the season, of course.


Great so we get to watch him throw up? Quality tv there.


I think that the last season was just a preview for this season. Is is still a flashback if it's an expansion of what we already saw last season?

Actually, I think I have figured it out.  They couldn't pay Josh to be on camera so they set up a side company that they can pay Josh through to "produce/edit" all the footage. Thats why its kind of like amature hour.

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6 minutes ago, evolutionbaby said:

So...I guess Derick does have some kind of illness. There's a new Counting on promo. Finally they address Derick's health problem....but you have to wait for the first episode of the season, of course.


That bit with the Dillards was painful to watch. I know TLC shows some gross Duggar stuff (Josie's health issues come to mind), but Derick gagging is a bit much, producers.

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