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Jinger and Jeremy- God Defend New Zealand (Aotearoa)


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2 hours ago, marmalade said:

Jinger's "personal" tidbits were copied verbatim from the Duggar website, that section of which hasn't been updated in years. I can't believe that they didn't have her write something up before that site went live. Piss poor planning. 

Or she said just go with it because she has nothing new to add. 

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I haven't looked at the list in some time, but I don't even think it mentions her photography. 

Other than that, I got nothin'. They strike me as anti-intellectuals. Jessa's been married a couple of years now, and her husband is a student. Has she ever picked up a book since they have some in the house? Will Jinger? 

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12 hours ago, marmalade said:

Jinger's "personal" tidbits were copied verbatim from the Duggar website, that section of which hasn't been updated in years. I can't believe that they didn't have her write something up before that site went live. Piss poor planning. 

     She was created to be Jeremy's helpmeet so what does it matter?

I don't think he meant stupid when he called her simple and did not want to insult her but I would be insulted.

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I would be insulted too, if someone called me that.

A co worker called another co worker simple, and I was like, "how do you mean for that to be taken, co worker 1? Because that can be interpreted in a way that is insulting, and I'm not dealing with that today."

Coworker 1 quickly explained he'd meant it as a compliment, and seemed kinda surprised it could be interpreted as an insult.

Some people, myself included at times because I am so socially awkward, really aren't aware of how what they say comes across.

Like when I called a coworker a rock. I had meant it as a compliment, someone steady, reliable, etc, but my boss thought I meant they were useless and fat.

I was isolated and sheltered, but nowhere near to the level of Duggars, so take that as you will.

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23 minutes ago, Trynn said:

I would be insulted too, if someone called me that.

A co worker called another co worker simple, and I was like, "how do you mean for that to be taken, co worker 1? Because that can be interpreted in a way that is insulting, and I'm not dealing with that today."

Coworker 1 quickly explained he'd meant it as a compliment, and seemed kinda surprised it could be interpreted as an insult.

Some people, myself included at times because I am so socially awkward, really aren't aware of how what they say comes across.

Like when I called a coworker a rock. I had meant it as a compliment, someone steady, reliable, etc, but my boss thought I meant they were useless and fat.

I was isolated and sheltered, but nowhere near to the level of Duggars, so take that as you will.

Yeah I think simple is a common euphemism for dumb but I can see it meant as "low maintenance, has priorities straight, wholesome" sort of compliment.

The rock is a great example of how it can be interpreted either way. You hear people say "you are my rock" as a compliment to mean they are strong and steady and an anchoring force. But you also hear people say "dumb as a rock" as an insult to mean they are thick, dense, slow not much going on. 

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I know it's a good thing if Jinger is taking time to get to know Jeremy better, get used to her new life or even leaving Duggar-fame behind for good but I agree with everyone here who wants to see what she's up to. And I hope the next announcement isn't pregnancy but something new Jinger gets to do. I feel like being a pastor's wife could be extremely boring if she's not heavily involved and interested. Maybe she can get something to do on the side as well. Like when Jeremy's writing sermons or whatever, is she just gonna stare at the wall? There's no one else in the house anymore and the Duggars aren't known for having personal entertainment like TV or reading or hell, even daydreaming by themselves. Nevermind, maybe Jinger will enjoy the peace?

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3 hours ago, Snarkle Motion said:

Yeah I think simple is a common euphemism for dumb but I can see it meant as "low maintenance, has priorities straight, wholesome" sort of compliment.

The rock is a great example of how it can be interpreted either way. You hear people say "you are my rock" as a compliment to mean they are strong and steady and an anchoring force. But you also hear people say "dumb as a rock" as an insult to mean they are thick, dense, slow not much going on. 


If someone told me I was simple, this is how I would take it.  Because I know I'm not stupid so that interpretation would never cross my mind.  I'd be more upset if someone called me meek, although I know they will inherit the earth and all that.

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Again, I think it is in the context of their whacky religious beliefs.  IN their world, being meek, is actually powerful because as you say,  they will inherit the earth. 

I have always struggled with the whole Christian ethic of having to admit and graciously accept being powerless, lowly, meek, and full of sin.  Everytime, I hear sermon about that, or read about it somewhere, I just keep asking myself why is "God" so insecure that he insists his flock be meek, mild, full of guilt over their inherent sinfulness and must constantly praise him for being merciful and wise, and at the same time fear him for his righteous anger.

I am puzzled why this is our image of God.    Becoming a parent to me, really had an impact on how I related and understood "God".  We all say "God the father", so staying with that theme,  If God really is our father/mother/parent,  then as a parent, wouldn't he/she want to raise up their children? 


What kind of parent spends their time teaching their children they are worthless, meek, sinful and are not worth the dirt under their feet?  Don't decent parents teach their children that they are worthy?  that they are deserving respect?  That they are smart and clever?  That yes,  we have impulses that are selfish and we will make mistakes, but we must learn and go forward?  What kind of parent insists their children constantly fear, and praise them, all while being made to believe they are worthless sin-filled lower than snakes on the ground? 

So having this revelation really turned my own faith and insight on its ear.  While I love the mysticism of having an unseen higher power that can serve to give us a center, a collective conscience,  and a focus to help tap into our strengths and over come our weaknesses,  I just can't get on board with the megalomaniac controlling, hateful vengeful selfish God that so many idiots like the Duggars all want to follow. 


That is a dysfunctional relationship to the max.  That is, in itself, an insight into how people like HItler, Stalin, and Trump come into power.  Because from birth we have been taught that we are worthless and helpless and we need to honor a selfish angry nightmare in order to be redeemed and re-born.  It is a sickness. In fact, It is a massive form of delusion that has existed thousands of years. 

And I have to say, I have prayed and prayed about this very issues.  I have asked to have my perspective corrected if I am wrong.  I have tried to be meek to be humble, to be led, etc, and it just doesn't work for me.  So either I am past saving or I am not wrong.


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2 hours ago, calimojo said:

What kind of parent spends their time teaching their children they are worthless, meek, sinful and are not worth the dirt under their feet?  Don't decent parents teach their children that they are worthy?  that they are deserving respect?  That they are smart and clever?  That yes,  we have impulses that are selfish and we will make mistakes, but we must learn and go forward?  What kind of parent insists their children constantly fear, and praise them, all while being made to believe they are worthless sin-filled lower than snakes on the ground? 

I can see how teaching that we all sin, but that God always loves us and we are always image-bearers of God is very much in line with the concept I bolded. That being said, I have a lot of problems with the legalistic, angry, fear-based God that the Duggars seem to espouse. 

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Has anyone seen Jinger's testimony on their website yet or discussed it?


Jinger speaks of a "rebellious" streak in her early teens, when she supposedly turned against God and wanted to "live for herself" (which doesn't sound to me like she'd lost her faith at all, but simply engaged in having a personality). She presumably beat herself up at one point -- or had it beat into her -- after being "crushed under the guilt of [her] sin". (Seriously, read it.) I'm assuming (as a semi-newbie) that this references her sudden loss of spunk that made her so popular with the crowd here to begin with. Wasn't there that video too of the girls being asked where they'd like to live when they got married, Jinger expressed a preference ("City, please!"), and then was chastised for having a preference at all?

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24 minutes ago, Stormy said:

Has anyone seen Jinger's testimony on their website yet or discussed it?


Jinger speaks of a "rebellious" streak in her early teens, when she supposedly turned against God and wanted to "live for herself" (which doesn't sound to me like she'd lost her faith at all, but simply engaged in having a personality). She presumably beat herself up at one point -- or had it beat into her -- after being "crushed under the guilt of [her] sin". (Seriously, read it.) I'm assuming (as a semi-newbie) that this references her sudden loss of spunk that made her so popular with the crowd here to begin with. Wasn't there that video too of the girls being asked where they'd like to live when they got married, Jinger expressed a preference ("City, please!"), and then was chastised for having a preference at all?

ugh :my_sad: no wonder we haven't seen her anywhere, she is totally submerged in the kool-aid now...

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That's pretty mild and pretty much just church jargon for a fundie testimony.  The poor kids have to pick a point in life where they "made a decision for Christ" and have something that they repent of and turn away from.  Rebellious spirit is the fundie form of I argued with my brother in Catholic confession.  It's about as bland as you can get and just as indeterminate. 

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45 minutes ago, goldengrove said:

ugh :my_sad: no wonder we haven't seen her anywhere, she is totally submerged in the kool-aid now...

I'm actually a bit worried about the lack of social media presence from both of them since the wedding. They've been married for a month now, so this is the point where Jinger should be on Twitter giving marriage advice (a whole month!) and posting swoony Instagram photos about how it's everything she dreamed of and more. At the very least, Jeremy would be showing off his trophy helpmeet pastor's wife a lot more, given that's the basis for their entire relationship. I know a lot of people assume Jinger's just enjoying her husband and the (relative) solace since going MIA -- which I hope is the case -- but, at worst, something could be amiss.

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2 minutes ago, Stormy said:

I'm actually a bit worried about the lack of social media presence from both of them since the wedding. They've been married for a month now, so this is the point where Jinger should be on Twitter giving marriage advice (a whole month!) and posting swoony Instagram photos about how it's everything she dreamed of and more. At the very least, Jeremy would be showing off his trophy helpmeet pastor's wife a lot more, given that's the basis for their entire relationship. I know a lot of people assume Jinger's just enjoying her husband and the (relative) solace since going MIA -- which I hope is the case -- but, at worst, something could be amiss.

I've been hinky about this since nothing appeared on their first month anniversary...yeah, TLC and all, but still O.o

23 hours ago, KeepingChrysanthemum said:

I can see how teaching that we all sin, but that God always loves us and we are always image-bearers of God is very much in line with the concept I bolded. That being said, I have a lot of problems with the legalistic, angry, fear-based God that the Duggars seem to espouse. 

I do too, been there :( the God that I knew as a child was not a kind one, really hurtful things were done to me in His name....this really messed me up for a very long time, but I think I have finally made peace with all of that (the last thing to go was the guilt that I felt, for just being me, then and now)

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On 11/27/2016 at 11:20 AM, fundiefan said:

They got married three weeks ago. If they're still on their honeymoon, TLC is footing one hell of a bill and I can't help but wonder what they are getting in return. 

Their first born son?

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1 hour ago, FleeJanaFree said:

I think it's nice we haven't heard from them, to be honest.

It's giving me some (minor) hope that they might be the ones to break the mold and get away from TLC to some extent (even if we just get periodic updates, if they aren't on the show constantly it will still be an improvement).

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Photography did get added to Jinger's past-times.

As to where they are, there's a post further down the page called Spiritual Stargazing. there'he's talking about viewing stars in the country and how clear and bright they are, vs in the city where everything is chaotic and you can't see thrm as well. He compares it to a relationship with God. There's a part that reads "It is no different for you, Christian. So you too must flee the “city lights” that so easily emanate into your soul from the ground of this world—the “city lights” of social media, work, responsibilities, friends, and family. Run, Christian. Run for the fields of tranquility where you can be alone with your Savior to gaze upon His beauty undistracted, attention undivided."

So maybe he and Jinger ARE taking time away to focus on their new journey together? Or they're back in AR at the TTH with no streetlights and wordly things to distract them...

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11 hours ago, FleeJanaFree said:

I think it's nice we haven't heard from them, to be honest.

It's so un-Duggarly though that it's actually concerning. 

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3 hours ago, Stormy said:

I'm actually a bit worried about the lack of social media presence from both of them since the wedding. They've been married for a month now, so this is the point where Jinger should be on Twitter giving marriage advice (a whole month!) and posting swoony Instagram photos about how it's everything she dreamed of and more. 

Because they're big time preachers now so they're going to write a book or charge you for that advice at a seminar/retreat.

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14 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

Are we sure Jeremy didn't lock her in their house and isn't allowing her to leave?

That's how you get ratings. I think dill dick is more likely to lock his wife in than Jeremy. 

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Or maybe Jinger knows that her every move will be scrutinized by fans and critics alike (she's been able to hang back and see Josh & Anna, Jill and Derick, Jessa & Ben, as well as her parents get criticized for and called out on their actions), and she'd prefer some peace and quiet for now.

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