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So did the Botkin marriage seminar end?


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TTBOMK meda didn't post about the "bonus" week. If she doesn't, I can't fault her. I'm in her debt as is: She paid some of her hard-earned money to attend the webinar and then took time she can never get back to liveblog the first several parts for us. OTOH if she has anything more to say, I'll owe her *two* pizzas, not one! :)

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Hi, sorry for not doing it on Monday, I have had a crazy work week. I am going through the bonus week mp3 and the powerpoint, and I was planning on posting a long recap tonight or tomorrow.

I will say that as the series went on it became harder to listen to. They are as depressing as the Maxwell's, yet but smarter, more worldly and with better packaging. I also thought it was interesting that their views on women are as repressed and reactionary as the rest of our crazies, but they do give women a lot more credit for having a brain. They make a point of rejecting the Victorian fainting couch model of "femininity" so beloved by Stacy McDonald and Co. for an older Puritan/Colonial model of intelligent, educated (by Botkin standards) women who participate in courtship and have an obligation to ask detailed, thoughtful questions of their potential headships. The purpose of such questioning is to determine whether this man is someone to whom a girl can subsume her own will, and gladly use her considerable skills to help her husband's "kingdon work". This is not the "sit on that chair in a lace dress and drink tea until daddy hands you over to a husband." courtship model.

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