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Rembis Fam: 11 kids, CPS, antivax, homeschool, CPS


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If I may...

We have adopted twice through the state/foster care.  CPS/DHS/whathaveyou, would desperately love to know where all this conspiracy money is coming from, and how they get a piece of it.  Just our two adoptions have cost, and are continuing to cost, CPS a medium-sized fortune.  During the foster period there were therapies (some were 5-figure expensive,) therapists, evaluations both psychological and medical, treatments, monthly stipends, extra stipends for paraprofessional and respite care workers, clothing stipends,  reimbursements to us for a bunch of shit they broke (as in, their beds, twice,) stipends for camps and a vacation....and those are just the basics.  We used to joke with our team that the faster our paperwork went through, the faster we could finalize and let our insurance take over the medical payments.    

Oh, and speaking of finalization, we paid not a single penny for our adoption.  CPS covered everything from the lawyer to the paperwork fees.. So, you know, more outgo.  

After finalization, we get a healthy stipend (our kiddos have some significant needs, so our stipend reflects that) plus they get Medicaid, all of which until they're 18.  All told, we will have "cost" CPS nearly $1million by the time they stop paying for these kids.   Seriously, tell them how they get paid for healthy white babies.  They're gonna need them dolla dolla billz by them time they're shut of just our two kids!!

TL;DR - All that money medical kidnap parents are always screaming about does pass through CPS hands, just not in the direction they assume. 

ETA: Please, foster/adopt families off all stripes, join in! I'm by no means the expert, and I'm positive I've forgotten, or not needed/used all kinds of other pricey services!

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@bea My friend's DD was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last year (after she nearly died), and she has told me about their struggles and how much she worries (the little gal is doing fine right now, but she needs intensive monitoring). My heart goes out to you and your family. Wishing your kiddos a long, healthy, happy life. :hug:

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@Rubaiyat speaks true. Three and Four were considered "special needs" just by the fact of being siblings, but they were diagnosed with other issues. We have had a small stipend for their care until they were 21, we had state insurance for them which covered more than our personal insurance, if you could get a doctor to accept it, they got therapy on the state. The state expends loads of money and care on children when they are able to do so. As was the case with a previous foster child we'd had.. all we had to do was ask.

The state did the homestudy. The state did the follow up on the witnesses to our character, etc. The state did the discovery of our jobs, income, etc. 

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My sisters 3 children are costing the state somewhere in the mid five figures every month to stay in the group home they are in.  This does not count the stipdend for clothing,  their medical exams (all basic stuff, but it adds up quickly).

These are young children without no physical and very minimal emotional needs.  They are not destructive, aggressive, or dangerous in any way.  They do not require 24/7 supervision.  I can't even imagine what a child with severe needs who requires a locked down facility must cost the state each month.
This is in addition to whatever my sister is costing the state in services so she can do nothing to get her kids back.  But according to her, yep, the state wants to sell her kids for a profit. 

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Yup the state pays an unfathomable amount of money for kids in foster care. All the stuff mentioned above plus paying the foster care agencies to recruit and train foster foster parents, complete home studies, and workers to support foster parents in maintaining placements (my old job). Also paying visitation companies/workers who transport, supervise and docement visits (also a job ive had). 

Also much money in services for parents; therapy, psych evals, gas vouchers to get to visits and appts, even deposits to rent a home. The list goes on and on. 

Some federal money comes in for adoptions. But yeah. 

Where i live cases drag on for years. As mentioned above foster families continue to get a stipend after adoption until the child reaches the age of majority. In my small state multiply all this by over 5,000 kids in care at any given time. We have one family here that involved 5 kids and has been ongoing for more than 10 years now. They had figures of this one family costing the state over $5 million and that was like 4 years ago. 

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I have a friend who is a social worker. In contrast to what parents who have had their kids taken away say, they aren't selling kids for money, and they do not enjoy taking kids away from their families. Going to foster care is never the best situation for any child, it is merely the least terrible situation for them, as their home is that bad. Families are kept together as much as possible, and if the parents cant care for the kids, priority goes to other family members who can, as foster care is a last resort. Taking kids away for silly reasons doesn't happen, because these kids need taking care of and that costs money, and more foster parents are needed to care for all of these kids. The Rembis kids are costing money to be taken care of, even if they were selling kids for adoption in some sort of dystopian version that exists only in people's imaginations, it doesn't work that way-kids their ages who have been badly neglected just wouldn't be valuable. Most people are looking to adopt sweet little babies and toddlers, and older kids with behaviour issues are less likely to be adopted. There isn't time or money to be persecuting innocent families over small things, when there are kids who are starving and eating from the trash, or being beaten or molested.


I imagine there is probably jerks in every organisation, but generally every story where a kid is taken away from loving parents for something silly, usually ends up with a way bigger story being hidden by the parents-like in pretty much every story we have followed on here-Rembis family, Nauglers, that other family that was at about the same time. Usually if a family complains their kids were taken away because they are Christian homeschoolers who spank their kids and don't vaccinate, its exaggerated. Their kids are 12 and cannot read, they beat their baby with plumbing line, they prayed over their kid instead of taking them to the hospital when they were seriously ill, the children are so starving they eat out of the trash because the dad's income cannot feed 10 kids and they refuse to accept help  from the government, the parents know their kids were  molested, but allow the person who did it to remain around the kids because he "repented of his sins", and the house is a total mess and none of the kids have real beds.

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The #freebabyholm page has a supporter who "put a comment on Trumps [sic] Facebook."

If she wanted him to look at it, it should have gone to his Twitter.

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Mommy Dearest's latest complaint? A picture of the room wher CPS does supervised visits, meetgins, etc, showing an orange "wet floor" cone stored under a table, a stain on the carpet and a dirty window. She complains that kids play on the floor. Well, yea, that's probably where the stains came from in the first place. Can I bill them for my medical care when I facepalm so hard I give myself a concussion?

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24 minutes ago, Terrie said:

Mommy Dearest's latest complaint? A picture of the room wher CPS does supervised visits, meetgins, etc, showing an orange "wet floor" cone stored under a table, a stain on the carpet and a dirty window. She complains that kids play on the floor. Well, yea, that's probably where the stains came from in the first place. Can I bill them for my medical care when I facepalm so hard I give myself a concussion?

Its probably cleaner than their own house. Wasn't there a rotting placenta hanging round? Ew, even animals don't want that shit just rotting there.

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On 12/21/2016 at 11:03 AM, ILoveJellybeans said:

Its probably cleaner than their own house. Wasn't there a rotting placenta hanging round? Ew, even animals don't want that shit just rotting there.

Yep there was a rotten placenta in a pool. Kids do play on the floor but they also get things dirty. Which the mom probably doesn't notice because she doesn't seem to clean. 

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Wow, she's really grasping at straws. Of course a building that constantly has kids and families traipsing in and out isn't going to be immaculate all the time.

She also doesn't seem to have considered the fact that showing a social services facility with wear and tear kind of undermines the "They're making tons of money selling babies!!!" claim. A picture of a swank new building would have fit her narrative better, just saying.

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If memory serves, wasn't one of the complaints against them that they had a literal garbage hole in their floor? As in, a hole in the floor of their home into which they stuffed trash and whatever else?

I can see why a stain on the floor would bring back some memories...  :pb_rollseyes:

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The Rembis want you to pray for them to get money for gas. Because that's how you get money, through praying and miracles.
From her facebook page

"Pray for us! Just got word of a miracle....

Tickets ($150 value) were just donated to us for this years' #OneThing2016 conference!

Please pray for gas $ ($75-$100) so we can attend. It's in Kansas City, me & hubby! Four days straight soaking in the presence of our Heavenly Father & BFF Jesus <3 We promise to bring you livestreaming!!!"

Not sure why soaking in god's presence isn't possible elsewhere, but this is the convention page:

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11 minutes ago, Joyleaf said:

The Rembis want you to pray for them to get money for gas. Because that's how you get money, through praying and miracles.
From her facebook page

"Pray for us! Just got word of a miracle....

Tickets ($150 value) were just donated to us for this years' #OneThing2016 conference!

Please pray for gas $ ($75-$100) so we can attend. It's in Kansas City, me & hubby! Four days straight soaking in the presence of our Heavenly Father & BFF Jesus <3 We promise to bring you livestreaming!!!"

Not sure why soaking in god's presence isn't possible elsewhere, but this is the convention page:

How about they take the miracle money and put it towards rent so they have a solid place to live and get their kids back? I think that's more important than asking for money for a vacation???

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1 hour ago, Joyleaf said:

The Rembis want you to pray for them to get money for gas. Because that's how you get money, through praying and miracles.
From her facebook page

"Pray for us! Just got word of a miracle....

Tickets ($150 value) were just donated to us for this years' #OneThing2016 conference!

Please pray for gas $ ($75-$100) so we can attend. It's in Kansas City, me & hubby! Four days straight soaking in the presence of our Heavenly Father & BFF Jesus <3 We promise to bring you livestreaming!!!"

Not sure why soaking in god's presence isn't possible elsewhere, but this is the convention page:

Yikes. International House of Prayer is bad news.

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2 minutes ago, halcionne said:

Yikes. International House of Prayer is bad news.

agreed. But wait, did we know they are associated with IHOP (not pancakes)? I thought they were some other crazy sect.

Also the invitation says: "...young adults..." According to UK Daily news WIlliam Rembis is 48 and Claire is 36. Men's life expectancy in the us is 76.9 and women 81.6  (2015 data from WHO) If we just look at life expectancy, they would be considered middle age not young adults. (I usually think young adults are age 18 to about 28...maybe 30).

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Sure, they could pray for gas to get to the conference. Or they could get their shit together and try to get their kids back...

This thread makes me so angry.

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29 minutes ago, sta_sha said:

Sure, they could pray for gas to get to the conference. Or they could get their shit together and try to get their kids back...

This thread makes me so angry.

Me too! These parents shouldn't even be thinking about going to this conference. Those poor kids! :( 

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Oh, for heaven's sake!

Rembis parents, if you are reading here: You are on the verge of losing your children forever! You need to open your eyes to that, or it's going to be too late. There will always be other conferences and vacations, but you have just this one chance to keep your family together.

Making your home safe for them and getting them home is the only thing you should be focusing your time, energy, and money on. $250 would go a long way toward putting a deposit on an apartment or stocking your pantry with groceries or taking a parenting class - you know, things that would get your kids closer to home. Four days would be time you could be making progress on your case plan. Conferences and trips are so incredibly unimportant compared to what you are in danger of losing. You will find the Heavenly Father so much more in the eyes of the children you brought into the world than by going on vacation. Stop screwing around - if you believe these children are truly blessings from God, then start acting like it!

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There's something just off about these parents. Mommy Dearest routinely rewrites history to fit her current narrative, such as the  ever shifting reason they went to Colorado, or her claim that her children have never been without beds. CPS stated the kids had no beds and her previous defense was that they were still moving in. Also, her claim that her oldest "escaped" CPS through God's intervention. And here I thought it was because at 17, almost 18, CPS regulations allow him to refuse.

Meanwhile, Daddy continues to be more interested in conspiracy theories and heavy metal music than his kids.

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If David Miscavige (Scientology) and Bill Gothard (IBLP) had a baby, it would be IHOP.  Church of Wells would be a proud aunt.  The IHOP "internships" sound like Sea Org + internships at Gothard headquarters.   Every minute of each brutally long day was structured and heavily supervised.  Sleep deprivation was common. 

In the link I posted upthread http://www.solasisters.com/2011/06/former-ihop-member-explains-why-ihop.html an ex IHOP intern who left the church cult reports that she PAID $4500 for an internship of six months. 



There was always an underlying pressure to bring people into IHOP. We were encouraged to invite others and get them to join what we were doing. IHOP campaigns big time to recruit new interns. At every conference, advertising and marketing videos are used to this day to promote the internships. They are played on large TV screens like presidential campaigns and are just part of the propaganda used to "sell" young people on this new version of what walking with God is supposed to look like.

Each intern paid $4,500 to attend a 6 month internship. This covered some books/teaching material we were given as well as food, lodging etc. Check this out though: Every intern lived in the Hernhutt apartments (located next door) which IHOP owned anyway so the only expense was utilities and general upkeep. There was no rent. Plus when there was a mandatory fasting day, weekend, week, etc. no meals were served. So those who didn’t choose to fast had to go out and buy food and no interns were not allowed to have jobs so this got to be a big expense since there wasn't extra money to live on.

I lived in a 2-bedroom apartment. It housed 6 girls from the ages of 20-23. 4 of us shared one room and 2 shared another. The prayer room costs nothing to attend and is free and open to the public. So hmmm….$4,500 for meals, my electric bill and some IHOP books. I currently live in my own apartment, pay all of my own bills including rent, food, gasoline, renter’s insurance, credit card bills, student loans, electric, cell phone, etc etc and ALL of that costs me approximately $1,500 a month. So basic math says that someone was getting a big paycheck because my expenses would have never cost that in an internship program where we were given so little.


The woman who wrote this article also noted that IHOP focuses intensely on young people, telling them that “YOU are called to be on the cutting edge. Come here and join a community of other people who are like you, called to what you’re called to. We understand you. You’ve been mis-understood in the church. You’ve had your wings clipped, your gifts misunderstood. Here you can fulfill your forerunner calling that your family just hasn’t understood about you. You might feel like you don’t fit back home, you’re on the outside, no one understands the fire in you. Well we get it. You are the leaders that G-d is raising up in these end times and you will be kings and queens on the earth—reigning with Him. You were made for this place. IHOP is an incubator for people like you.”

There's an element of these huge IHOP gatherings that sounds like a form of mass hysteria/mass hypnosis. 


3 hours ago, Terrie said:

Meanwhile, Daddy continues to be more interested in conspiracy theories and heavy metal music than his kids.

I just put something together.  At least one of the people who reported the Rembis' to CPS reported loud metal music blaring at night.  I assumed that was related too having two teenaged boys in the household, but it sounds like dad.  So you have a houseful of kids, from infant on up, and you play earsplitting heavy metal at all hours of the night.  WTF, Rembis dad?

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These people don't want their children. They just don't want to look bad. "Based on results, you create what you intend". It looks like they intend to be child free until she gets knocked up again...

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The mother really seems to have an attitude that fasting an prayer will get her kids back, instead of, oh, I don't know, working her case plan. But at least she seems to want the kids back. The father really doesn't seem to care if he gets the kids back or not. He seems almost proud to have been a "victim" of CPS, because it boosts his conspiracy-mongering status, but without the pictures on FB, I would never assume I'd found the right William Rembis. They both baffle me in completely different ways. 

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14 minutes ago, Terrie said:

The mother really seems to have an attitude that fasting an prayer will get her kids back, instead of, oh, I don't know, working her case plan. But at least she seems to want the kids back. The father really doesn't seem to care if he gets the kids back or not. He seems almost proud to have been a "victim" of CPS, because it boosts his conspiracy-mongering status, but without the pictures on FB, I would never assume I'd found the right William Rembis. They both baffle me in completely different ways. 

I think the dad just wants money, I don't think he cares about those kids at all. Probably in the mindset of "Oh we'll make more." 

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