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Jill, Derick and Israel- Part 19


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@Kittikatz I babysat for a kid who was obsessed with pesto. His mom had to hide the jar above the refrigerator. I temember leaving him alone for a minute and next thing I know he's pushed a chair to the fridge to stand on. He's standing on the chair, spoon in hand,  rushing to down as much pesto as possible before I returned. I should right a book about some of my crazy babysitting stories. 

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Oh, man. When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat anything unless it had a slice of yellow american cheese melted over the top. Not the white stuff, that was no good. The neon yellow American cheese. But my parents did it, because they wanted me to eat. I was also a horrible child in various other ways. A friend of mine was so obsessed with carrots and squash that she turned slightly orange (not sure if that's true, I didn't know her then). I wouldn't be surprised if Izzy was just going through a phase. Kids are weird :pb_lol:

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3 minutes ago, MargaretElliott said:

 A friend of mine was so obsessed with carrots and squash that she turned slightly orange (not sure if that's true, I didn't know her then). 

That happened to my aunt when she was a child as well. You have to eat a lot of carrots, but it's fully possible for this to happen when you consume too much beta-carotene. 

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4 minutes ago, MargaretElliott said:

A friend of mine was so obsessed with carrots and squash that she turned slightly orange (not sure if that's true, I didn't know her then). 

Are we friends?! ;) But seriously, that happened to me as a kid. Too many foods with beta carotene in them. 

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@Kittikatz, I will admit that I've eaten cream of mushroom soup straight out of the can in the last couple of years. I used to eat cream of chicken that way.  I thought it as chicken pudding.  

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Kids are definitely strange little creatures so they will eat odd things. And I don't think that there is anything horribly wrong with him eating out of a can. Rather that it's an odd selection of what he is eating and how it appears to be a thing for the Duggar family to do that. 

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@PennySycamore LMAO - chicken pudding! I love it!! My writing about it ignighted some serious food cravings, and I actually stopped at the local grocery place on my way home in hopes that they had the concentrate cream of mushroom soup cans, but they just had the premixed fancy stuff. Grrrrr... Now I have to figure out where sells the old fashioned cream of mushroom soup. Pretty sad I triggered that craving all by myself!

The pesto story is too funny! @Snarkle Motion

I also know of someone who turned herself orange due to carrot consumption :56247953c05d2_32(6):

Must be a lot of strange little kids in the world!

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I am GI weakling and some of these food choices are literally making me gag. Chicken pudding ala cream of chicken soup out the can, there is no way. Just thinking about this makes me retch.

I have also experienced the orange skin from consuming too many carrots. 

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6 hours ago, Mercer said:

That happened to my aunt when she was a child as well. You have to eat a lot of carrots, but it's fully possible for this to happen when you consume too much beta-carotene. 

Not that the Duggars are known for eating produce or really anything healthy, but maybe it wasn't self tanner! A girl can dream...

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Children have strange fixations with food.  I remember getting in a flap with Miss no. 1 as she was a very fussy eater.  She did not like mashed potatoes or any other mashed food that I tried to make.  The baby nurse reassured me that Miss no.1 drank milk and milk is a whole food.

  basically relax stressed out first time mother and enjoy your child.

This child is 20 now and much more adventurous with her food.  She still does not like mashed potatoes though.

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5 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

@Kittikatz, I will admit that I've eaten cream of mushroom soup straight out of the can in the last couple of years. I used to eat cream of chicken that way.  I thought it as chicken pudding.  

I must admit I've enjoyed a can or two of soup like that as well as vegetables....I LOVE canned potatoes both sliced and whole. Of course I think the one that most people would think is okay is pork and beans which are quite delicious  :)

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#1 son thought the height of gourmet food was raw broccoli dunked in either cheese whiz or queso con salsa. At least it was sort of healthy. #2 son will eat anything that has salsa on it. 

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I made most of my own baby food, back in stone age times. I remember they used to say not to feed baby food straight from the jar, because the enzymes from the saliva on the spoon would start to break down the food in the jar. This was only an issue if you didn't use the whole jar and wanted to refrigerate it for later use. Is this still true? Old person here.

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17 hours ago, MargaretElliott said:

Oh, man. When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat anything unless it had a slice of yellow american cheese melted over the top. Not the white stuff, that was no good. The neon yellow American cheese. But my parents did it, because they wanted me to eat. I was also a horrible child in various other ways. A friend of mine was so obsessed with carrots and squash that she turned slightly orange (not sure if that's true, I didn't know her then). I wouldn't be surprised if Izzy was just going through a phase. Kids are weird :pb_lol:

The orange food thing, is true I've seen babies that look a weird color and you find out the only thing they will eat is orange food.  I forget sometimes the things you do to get your kids to eat some days.  when my daughter was 2-4 a normal lunch for her were cheese cubes, a fruit of some kind and crackers with peanut butter on them. She hated bread, she still doesn't like sandwich bread. Not only the food combinations but the varying list of things they will eat depending on the hour of day.  

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3 hours ago, Bad Wolf said:

I made most of my own baby food, back in stone age times. I remember they used to say not to feed baby food straight from the jar, because the enzymes from the saliva on the spoon would start to break down the food in the jar. This was only an issue if you didn't use the whole jar and wanted to refrigerate it for later use. Is this still true? Old person here.

Yup! Had a baby last year- Still true!

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On 13/10/2016 at 2:24 PM, feministxtian said:

Food out of cans:

I am a little "odd". I will eat corn straight out of the can (drained of course). I'll also eat anything Chef Boyardee right out of the can, forget heating it up! When they came out with pop-tops on the cans, I was beyond excited. Quick and easy snack, no dirty dishes, no waiting. 


I'll now return you all to your regularly scheduled programming....

If desperate, I will eat the food right out of the can. I will occasionally strap a can of soup or ravioli or what have you to the stack with wire, drive around for a couple hours then open it up. It's warm but not hot. The turbo cooks a lot better honestly. I ordered a salad in Oregon last week and it came back like a dressing soup, so since then I'd rather cook a can of soup on the stack lol.

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48 minutes ago, Alachantal said:

If desperate, I will eat the food right out of the can. I will occasionally strap a can of soup or ravioli or what have you to the stack with wire, drive around for a couple hours then open it up. It's warm but not hot. The turbo cooks a lot better honestly. I ordered a salad in Oregon last week and it came back like a dressing soup, so since then I'd rather cook a can of soup on the stack lol.

What does that mean strap with wire to the stack? 

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On 10/14/2016 at 0:19 PM, alba said:


The sad thing? The misconception that James VI *wrote* rather than translated the Bible wasn't the only inaccuracy in that sentence.

For one thing, James only oversaw the scholars doing the translating; he didn't do it personally. For another, this all happened after he moved to England, so it wasn't in the building in Edinburgh Jim Boob pointed to (I can't remember what building that was, but I'm guessing either the castle or the Palace of Holyrood House).

I wouldn't expect the average KJV reader to know that last bit, to be fair, but there's a difference between mistakenly believing James VI had the Bible translated in Scotland and telling your children he wrote it there.

If you're going to be wrong, don't make your wrongness contagious.

Also, on the subject of canned foods and such, I was a pretty gross kid and liked eating canned chicken pot pie soup straight from the can, but I'd never eat straight tomato sauce unless it was bolognese or chock full of veggies and I was in a low-carb kind of mood (so basically I'd be eating Italian-flavored chili) -- as far as I'm concerned, the canned stuff is just there to be a base when you're too lazy to cut up tomatoes (aka me all the time) or when tomatoes are out of season and will look/taste crappy no matter what you do. But hey, I went through a phase where sometimes I'd just put ketchup on a hamburger bun and consider that a perfectly acceptable sandwich, so I'm not going to judge Israel for eating weird shit. As long as his diet is somewhat balanced and he's getting enough to fuel his day, we're good.

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I also  (apparently) turned orange when I was a toddler because I went through a phase of only eating baby carrots.

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34 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

What does that mean strap with wire to the stack? 

Sorry! I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know! My bad!

The stack I'm referring to is the exhaust stack on a tractor. The turbo is under the hood. The picture  (if it posts) is from last year when I used to haul asbestos. I wrapped wire around the soup can and the bottom of the stack to keep the can in place to heat it. Now I pull tankers and our tractors are a lot nicer so I'm able to have a microwave inside if I choose, so no need to heat on the stack anymore lol.


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On 10/13/2016 at 9:12 AM, SassyPants said:

WTH- tomato sauce????? Is that a dry noodle on the tray? Maybe there's pasta mixed into the sauce in the can? Maybe they are cutting steps and saving time d/t overly busy schedules?

Anyone here feed their kids right out of the can?

Or plain tomato sauce?

These folks are just clueless and it's sad.



TLC- get these people into a nutrition class.

This kills me! My 4 year olds are the pickiest eaters out there (which I accept because their dad and I were the pickiest eaters out there when we were children too, so we are just reaping what we have sown (sowed? I have no idea). But at Izzy's age, omg, they still ate ANYTHING! Feed them all the veggies and good healthy food you can while they will still eat it! I mean, my kids at his age ate broccoli with no complaints, sweet potatoes with spinach mixed in, carrots, anything. Now at 4, the absolute total of fruit AND veg one of them eats is bananas with peanut butter. 

I'm a crazy lazy parent sometimes and I would still never feed them directly from a can (food from a can fo sho! but I put it in a bowl like a goddamn person).

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On 10/13/2016 at 7:43 PM, PennySycamore said:

There are varieties of pasta sauce, too, like marinara, Bolognese, puttanesca, and arrabiata.

No! Stop this! Now I really want ALL THE PASTA for dinner!! Gah!!! I looooooove pasta. 

On 10/14/2016 at 3:09 PM, Palimpsest said:

Young Izzy looks well enough nourished to me.  No signs of scurvy, beriberi, rickets or pellagra anyway. I think he will be fine even if he is fed tomato sauce straight out of cans occasionally. ;)


It is much less bad and more weird to me! I use canned tomato sauce sometimes (usually just buy a box of diced tomatoes and make my own sauce but sometimes it's just easier to get canned sauce), but I've never considered eating it from the can, sans pasta!

23 hours ago, Mercer said:

That happened to my aunt when she was a child as well. You have to eat a lot of carrots, but it's fully possible for this to happen when you consume too much beta-carotene. 

Ugh, totally did that to my twins when they were babies. Had pureed sweet potatoes at lunch, carrots at dinner for too many days in a row. Oops!!!

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