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Donald Trump- Part 2


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On 6/29/2016 at 9:02 AM, RoseWilder said:

New polls just came out today. Hillary is leading in 7 of the 11 battleground states. If I remember correctly, she only needs a few battleground states to win and she's ahead in SEVEN!


Polls are showing the Second Congressional District in Nebraska in Hillary's column right now and one is suggesting that the First District could be in play. Nebraska (and Maine) splits electoral votes. Two votes go to the overall winner of the state and the other three are based on the three congressional districts. Clinton likely wins one here (as did Obama in 08) and could possibly take two. 

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Donald Trump's latest tweet-gate makes me viscerally ill:



Mic discovered Sunday that Donald Trump's Twitter account wasn't the first place the meme appeared. The image was previously featured on /pol/ — an Internet message board for the alt-right, a digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Trump's rhetoric — as early as June 22, over a week before Trump's team tweeted it.         

This is unconscionable.

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Hon, you are wayyyyyyy too cynical.  That's a Sheriff's Badge logo! totes not a Mogen David. DJT said so, so it MUST be true!

Am trying hard to establish whether he's just a high-octane clueless @sshole with really lousy advisors (which doesn't bode well for his saying he'd put really capable people into play to reduce federal waste), or whether all this is trying to provide excuses for the likely outcome of the November elections.  *prays frantically for a Democratic landslide in all areas, even though not thrilled with Hilary*

Let's see: Trump has directly or indirectly insulted handicapped folk, POWs, veterans, women in general, folks of Mexican origin, Muslims, SDAs, and I gave up on counting a few weeks back.


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As Donald Trump and his advisers try to lock in on a Vice President selection for the Republican ticket, Iowa first-term Senator Joni Ernst is under consideration, according to a source close to the process who confirmed this to CNN.

Unlike some of the other vice presidential candidates the Trump campaign is vetting, it's unclear of Ernst's level of interest in joining Trump for the general election.

Ernst won her seat in the Senate in the 2014 mid-terms, beating Bruce Braley for Iowa's first open Senate Seat in 40 years.

On Nov 7 I was so disgusted if I had the financial abilities I would have moved to Minnesota from Iowa.  It's galling that the first female Iowa sent to Congress was her. 

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19 hours ago, samira_catlover said:

Hon, you are wayyyyyyy too cynical.  That's a Sheriff's Badge logo! totes not a Mogen David. DJT said so, so it MUST be true!

Yeah - and the fact that it was created by a white supremacist and posted on hate sites prior to Trump's use is just coincidence . . . . 

ETA:  The New York Times is keeping track of Trump's insults.  Check it out.



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29 minutes ago, SpoonfulOSugar said:

ETA:  The New York Times is keeping track of Trump's insults.  Check it out.



Good heavens.  I heard an old comment of "don't get into an insult war with people who buy ink by the gallon!", but the NYT?  They' probably buy ink by the railroad-car-load.  (And if they are tracking and posting comments, Weyerhauser Paper must be dancing in joy for the sales of trainloads of newsprint.)

Wonder why DJT hasn't pulled their press credentials, like he has for the Washington Post.

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On 6/26/2016 at 7:17 PM, infooverload said:

Dobson and the Trump are like two peas in a pod. Both are brash, arrogant, want things done their own way, and have a personal agenda which conforms to their whims. Should be interesting to see how things play out. What worries me is Trump doesn't have a likeable opponent. I am very curious to see who he selects as his vice president.

I suspect he wants someone who is more-than-utterly loyal to him, and who he'd be willing to have inherit his new empire (the USA) should the need unfortunately arise.

The truly religious serve a different master and so I doubt would qualify...but I believe that the appearance of religiosity would help.  A paradox.

Is there any law precluding him from selecting Ivanka?

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16 hours ago, Dandruff said:

I suspect he wants someone who is more-than-utterly loyal to him, and who he'd be willing to have inherit his new empire (the USA) should the need unfortunately arise.

The truly religious serve a different master and so I doubt would qualify...but I believe that the appearance of religiosity would help.  A paradox.

Is there any law precluding him from selecting Ivanka?

Yes. The two cannot be from the same state.

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30 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Yes. The two cannot be from the same state.



Nothing in the constitution bars presidential and vice-presidential candidates from the same state from running, being elected, or holding office together; it only bars the electors from their home state from voting for both of them. 


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That clause complicates electoral politics. It is the reason that Cheney registered to vote in Wyoming prior to the 2000 election. 

If NY were won by Trump (highly unlikely as of now) and a NY resident were his running mate, he would either lose those electoral votes or the election of the VP could be thrown to Congress, if not the whole election. 

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 10:36 AM, SpoonfulOSugar said:

Several years ago I took a poli sci class about American presidents.  My professor said that, ideally, the prez and VP candidates should be from different areas of the country, to show diversity on the ticket.  Like JFK (Mass.) and LBJ (Texas), or Obama (Illinois) and Biden (Delaware).  Or (shudder) Romney (Mass.) and Palin (well, we all know where she's from).

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2 minutes ago, JMarie said:

Several years ago I took a poli sci class about American presidents.  My professor said that, ideally, the prez and VP candidates should be from different areas of the country, to show diversity on the ticket.  Like JFK (Mass.) and LBJ (Texas), or Obama (Illinois) and Biden (Delaware).  Or (shudder) Romney (Mass.) and Palin (well, we all know where she's from).

Oh, I think all sorts of reasons exist to choose a VP from another state.  It just isn't a Constitutional requirement.

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Now Trump is threatening to campaign against Republicans who have criticized him (apparently, even when the Republican in question isn't even up for reelection, but let's not let facts get in the way here):


Is he secretly working for the Democrats?

I just don't understand how any Republican could vote for Trump when he seems hellbent on destroying the party. It baffles me. 

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I'd get a lot more humor watching this whole clusterfuck of a situation the GOP is in if it didn't terrify me that this man has a legitimate chance of becoming president.

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@RoseWilder: Think Trump is wayyyyyyy too freaking weird for even the oddest.Democrat to consider.  They're NOT that desperate!

(VERY LONG COMMENT) Speaking here as immigrant granddaughter (US-born, to US-born parents, FWIW) of Ebil Wicked Nasty Hun Foreigners (Germans, and we caught hell in both world wars, and never mind all the kinfolk who lived in the US for years and who identified as "American", and who bought war bonds, and/or served in the US Armed Forces, any era). You see, we ate funny alien food, and some of us had accents, and some of us talked to the Deity during prayer in High German instead of solid US English, so therefore we were bad and dangerous and Other and Scary.

My immigrant relatives (German, Swedish, Norwegian) begged for the privilege to renounce their native lands and become US citizens---"first citizen" and "second citizen" days were grounds for celebrations for years! 

[First citizen: you file your declaration of intent to be permitted to have the honor to PERHAPS become a US citizen.  Be nice, keep the laws, work hard, and you might be allowed to take US citizenship. Second citizenship: hooray!----the US government now considers you worthy: take your oath, and you ARE a citizen of the US, and you can do anything except become President.  Groom your kids, ok: they can do better!  DEFINITELY major partying!}

As someone who has identified as a pro-choice, pro-female, pro-minority-rights fiscally moderate Republican since 1976 (first old enough to vote in federal elections), this by-all-the-Gods-be-damned Trump fool terrifies me, and NOT just for the sake of Mai Sacred Political Party.

What's even scarier is that the Republican Party isn't trampling themselves to death shouting "run away, run away!"

*Let's change defamation laws so we can sue the news media lots, and win lots of money!" (paraphrased)  Uhhh.  Ever hear of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts, or NYT v. Sullivan? (very high bar for defamation of public officials)-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Times_Co._v._Sullivan.  Oh, and let's forget about the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights and the fact that an active and free press tends to expose wrongdoing very nicely, given enough time and ink.

"Absolutely no choice" but to close places of religious worship (mosques)?!?  THIS, in my beloved country that has enshrined freedom of religious practice (and from religious practice!) within the blessed First Amendment of our dear Constitution?---http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/trump-close-mosques-216008.  

Oh, and let's not forget the call for registration of those Scary Non-Us sorts who don't worship Deity correctly:-- http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/20/opinions/obeidallah-trump-anti-muslim/

All Deities damn it: Executive Order 9066 that OKd internment of Issei and Nisei Americans was an insult to all free people, and ESPECIALLY to us in the USA.

Someone who thinks the genocidal maniac Saddam Hussein (may his name be forever cursed because of his evil!) is a good guy, mostly because he killed terrorists so well?--http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jul/07/donald-trump/was-saddam-hussein-good-killing-terrorists-donald-/

Can I please get an Amen from ANY available Hallelujah Choir, or at least a promise to pray for the freedom and safety of my dear land?

*Mods" sorry for all the format changes---do links with underscores tend to break the board?---better way to ppst them?*






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well they uncovered more details about the trump lawsuits. 


Donald Trump is someone who abuses the judicial system to help enrich himself. In fact, USA Today has uncovered that Trump is or has been involved in an eye-popping 4,000 lawsuits.

USA Today has been covering this for a while. As of May, they had uncovered over 100 lawsuits. In June, that number went up to over 3,500. Now, he’s up to more than 4,000 and many are as frivolous as you might imagine.

Trump is an argument for why rich people should pay more in taxes. Every single lawsuit that Trump engages in to protect his business costs taxpayers money and he spends a hell of a lot of taxpayer money in the courts. He uses them to renegotiate his bills, to defend his refusal to pay taxes, to iron out personal beefs (and we all know how he racks those up) and whatever floats his litigious boat on any given day.


The bulk of the cases involve his casinos. There are 1,863 casino cases and overwhelmingly, Trump is the one suing.

There are 79 cases involving branding or trademark disputes.

There are 206 contract dispute cases and in more than 2/3 of them, Trump is being sued.

There are also 130 employment cases, and in the vast majority, he’s being sued.

61 of them are related to his golf resorts.

191 of them are either Trump suing the government or the government suing him.

There are six cases involving his presidential campaign, including a class action suit over bulk text messages directed toward people who never signed up.

Surprisingly, there are only 12 defamation cases, despite the fact that he constantly threatens to sue.

He’s a defendant in 694 personal injury cases and a plaintiff in one.

There are 621 real estate lawsuits, where he is generally the defendant.


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Trump appears to be catching up to Clinton in a lot of the polls, but I'm not going to panic because they're reflecting people's immediate reactions to the email scandal. They aren't yet reflecting Bernie Sanders endorsing and campaigning for her, which I think will help. I'm also still hopeful that her VP pick will be a good one that will boost her in the polls. 

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20 minutes ago, PsyD2013 said:

This is unreal.  Mike Pence , governor of Indiana for VEEP.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trump-names-indiana-governor-mike-pence-as-vice-presidential-pick-reports-w213065

Please let this be a hoax.  


At this point, all I can hope is that the possibility of a Trump presidency inspires as many poc, women, and all-round progressives to come out in droves. As awful as the GWB years were, I can't imagine eight years of Trump-Pence.

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I'm interested to see how this affects voting in Indiana. Everyone I know that lives here in Indiana hates Pence. Even Republicans. Even people who voted for him. 

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At least he didn't pick Brownback.  

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7 minutes ago, FloraKitty35 said:

At least he didn't pick Brownback.  

Or Chris Christie . . . 

Or Paul LePage . . . 

Or for that matter, Sarah Palin.

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