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Donald Trump- Part 2


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1 hour ago, Hera said:

Well, that didn't take long: 


I figured it was only a matter of time before the Republicans starting calling for Hillary's death.

Literally unbelievable.

Honestly, I keep expecting to hear that one of the speakers at the RNC has called for her death during his or her speech. I'm sure that some of the audience members already have.

I'm scared for the entire Clinton family at this point. :pb_sad:

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An adviser to Donald Trump said that he thinks Hillary should be shot: 


The Trump campaign becomes more horrifying by the minute. Every time I think they can't sink any lower, they manage to find another disgusting, hateful level to sink to. I can't understand how anyone could consider voting for Trump. 

Per that link the Secret Service is investigating the threat. But, something tells me nothing will be done.
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This would not surprise me if it is actually true.


Multiple sources close to Kasich said Trump's son, Donald Jr., tried to entice Kasich with a position as the most powerful vice president in history, but he turned it down. Kasich would have been in charge of all domestic and foreign policy in a Trump White House, Kasich sources said.


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Well my FJ pals, I am back for night three of the RNC. RNC stands for Republican National Crapolozza. As much as I despise Ted Cruz, his trolling the RNC tonight was something made of dreams for me to witness. The booing, the angry shouts because he refused to endorse Trump. I almost liked him for a second, but then I came back to reality. And oh yes, behind the screens it got very heated after Ted left the stage. When Ted went into the donor seats, there were several reps that had to be physically restrained. And then good ol' Newt came out trying to calm the waters. Did not work, but it was fun to watch. 

Now I am watching paint dry. Yep, I am watching Gov. Pence. You know, the same guy that tried to ban same sex marriage in Indiana and pretty much disliked Trump up until last week. He endorsed Cruz in the primaries. He leans towards the Tea Party. ***Yawn***

Well, at least the crowd has kept their chanting of "Lock her up!" to a minimum. Oooppssss! Spoke too soon. Pence talked about Benghazi. AGAIN! Yeah, screw all those committees that think differently about Benghazi. 

Anyway, these people give me the craps. Thank goodness I have one more night to watch this clown show. I can't deal with their stupid chanting and the cowboy hats from the Texas delegates. 

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Wow. It is being reported that Heidi Cruz had to be escorted out of the building with heavy security because people started harassing her after Ted's speech. Not good.

This is just another night highlighting the dysfunction of the GOP. Anyone see Laura Ingraham's weird wave at the end of her speech? 

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1 hour ago, Mecca said:

Wow. It is being reported that Heidi Cruz had to be escorted out of the building with heavy security because people started harassing her after Ted's speech. Not good.

This is just another night highlighting the dysfunction of the GOP. Anyone see Laura Ingraham's weird wave at the end of her speech? 

Dang it! I was doing laundry, folding clothes, and doing some mending, so I listened more than I watched. I just did a search and they are saying it appeared to be a Nazi salute?!? 

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As for Ted Cruz, I knew he wasn't going to endorse Trump, and I heard the audience calling for Trump during his speech, but I didn't know about the angry confrontations after his speech.

I hadn't been keeping up on the Adelsons like I usually do in Presidential election years. I was a little surprised that find out they are Trump supporters because they are Jewish. I honestly thought all the retweeting that Trump and Trump, Jr. did of accounts owned by white supremacists/neo-nazis would have turned the Adelsons off.

Getting snubbed by the Adelsons and having angry Trump supporters up in his and Heidi's faces has got to have Ted Cruz fuming. 

For anybody like me that missed some of the Ted and Heidi Cruz/Donald Trump/Sheldon and Miriam Adelson drama tonight, here's an article from CNN with the highlights.


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Old peeps like me may remember the movie "Wild in the Streets," from 1968. That movie—which is in the "so bad, it's good" category despite a pretty good cast (including Hal Holbrook, Shelley Winters and Richard Pryor)—pretty much epitomizes the entire Trump campaign for me. Crazy ideas, huge egos, leaders without a clue, everything you thought couldn't happen does. Definitely worth a watch, not only for the laughs but for its somewhat scary relevance.


Max Flatow is a precocious, social miscreant who has a way with home-made explosives. When he tires of these, he runs away from home only to emerge seven years later as Max Frost, the world's most popular entertainer. When Congressman John Fergus uses Frost as a political ploy to gain the youth vote in his run for the Senate, Frost wills himself into the system, gaining new rights for the young. Eventually, Frost runs for the presidency. Winning in a landslide, he issues his first presidential edict: All oldsters are required to live in "retirement homes" where they are forced to ingest LSD, taking the 60s catch phrase "Never trust anyone over 30" to its most extreme consequences.



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I don't tend to follow election conventions. The 1976 Democratic circus taught me enough about them, back when I was an eager naive child. They're either crazy or dull or both. But I saw a reference to the fundies supporting Trump in another thread, then came across this essay, so I am here to share it for your perusal. And yet, in Trump, the radical Religious Right has found an ideological vacuum that they have enthusiastically filled in exchange for their support in November.

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Anyone catch the interview with Trump regarding NATO? I am 100% positive this guy has not a clue about how all this works and the role the U.S plays in the world. He has no clue about security alliances and allies and looks at them like business deals. Treaties. You have to stick with them and not withhold help from others. 

If Trump gets in, not only is the U.S. screwed but so is the world. Think about that people. Really think about that. Get out and vote to make sure Trump gets nowhere near the White House. For the love of all things holy, DO IT!!

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1 minute ago, Mecca said:

I am 100% positive this guy has not a clue about how

You can put just about anything on the end of this sentence regarding being President of the United States and have it be true.

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What gets me is when people call him out on this stupid type of thinking, the Trumps claim it is a simply rookie mistake. WTH? We are not that far from the general election. Trump announced his candidacy over a year ago. He should have a better grasp on how this works. 

Sorry, but there is no way Trump is this amazing business guy. Look how disorganized he is. Isn't he still withholding tax records?

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2 hours ago, Mecca said:

Sorry, but there is no way Trump is this amazing business guy. Look how disorganized he is. Isn't he still withholding tax records?

Yup, he's the only candidate in a very, very long time to hold out this long.  The NATO stuff drives me crazy.  I've heard so many Americans say they don't think they should have to take care of Europe, forgetting that only one country has ever invoked Article 5 (that requires all countries come to another's aid) is the United States after September 11th.  It seems that a number of Trump (and to a certain extent, Bernie) supporters have forgotten everything they get out of their international policy.  Threatening your allies that you are going to back out of all trade agreements as well as NATO is probably not a great idea.

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This is an amazing indictment of Trump:



First, Trump's boorish, selfish, puerile, and repulsive character, combined with his prideful ignorance, his off-the-cuff policy making, and his neo-fascistic tendencies make him the most divisive and scary of any serious presidential candidate in American history. He is precisely "the man the founders feared," in Peter Wehner's memorable phrase. I want to be no part of this.


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Trump is gaining in the polls. I'm trying not to get upset about this. If I remember correctly, the Republicans always gain in the polls in July and then start to sink around September. But still, how can so many people be even considering voting for him when he can't even run a campaign without constant screw-ups. 

He has had screw up after screw up, insulted everyone in the country other than white, male Republicans (and he's even insulted some of them) and yet he's gaining in the polls. It's baffling.

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I am watching the film before Ivanka. Are they sure they are talking about Donald? The Donald we have seen over that last year is flat out an asshole. Who freaking cares if he built crap and ran a business. He also declared bankruptcy several times and did not pay many employees. The president is not a CEO of a private business. Trump needs to understand that he is not running a business and we have a constitution that sets forth how the branches of government work. 

Looks like they have a J Lo fan on Ivanka. They better turn it off when Trump gets up there because his hair cannot take the fan. It will look like a cat on loose. Ivanka is claiming Donald is not a bigot and he is color blind. Sure. That is why over the last year he has insulted everyone. Now she is claiming he is pro-woman. What she is talking about sounds a lot like the democratic platform on equality, yet Hillary is the jerk for wanting the same things? 

I know everyone keeps saying Donald raised awesome kids, but from what I hear he was always at the office. How can he raise kids when he is always at work? Why not give credit to the mothers of the Trump kids? I guess Trump is about to come on stage......yuck. 

P.S. It is been rumored some of the delegates after the Trump speech are meeting on the floor to declare they are pulling their support for Trump and backing Gary Johnson. 

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I think (in passing) I heard Ivanka say her father was "battle tested."

*cough*  No.  Fuck no.  He is not.  

(Disclaimer:  Mr. Spoon was finding something new to watch - I do NOT watch conventions.)

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So now I am listening to the Donald. I would honestly rather have a Pap smear for seven days straight than listen to him yell slowly and snort after every sentence. I mean, I really like horror, but this horror show is just too much for me. I keep telling myself this pain will be over soon. 

I can't stand the chanting from the audience. If is it not, "USA" it is, "LOCK HER UP!" Put a sock in it, goobs. I swear this speech plus the chanting from the audience sounds like something from a KKK meeting.

He is about Americanism and not globalism, y'alI. Screw the rest of the world. It is only about the U.S. He keeps talking about his big plans, but he never outlines them. He said he was going to talk about these super awesome plans, but he didn't. He just went onto something else. 

I am not sure if something happened, but people started yelling and Donald stopped and kept looking up. They showed Eric and he was looking up too. I hope we find out what that was about.

And now we are back to beating the crap out of the e-mails and Benghazi. He keeps repeating the phrase "law and order." I guess that is his favorite show? That is were he gets his info from? A show off NBC? And now he is saying he will appoint new police officials? How so? See, this is what I mean by Donald not understanding how things work and the difference between federal, state, and local jurisdictions. 

Honest to goodness, my fellow peeps. This is the most incoherent speech I have ever heard. It is like he keeps seeing a squirrel in the audience and gets side tracked. Not as much clapping and cheering coming from the audience when he does actually talk about stopping violence towards the LBGT community. They showed some of the audience and there were many delegates that did not look very pleased. Of course when he switched rapidly about kicking butt in the Midlle East, that got them all on their feet. 

He does not want Syrian refugees. They need to stay where they are and get murdered, I guess. That little film they showed prior to his speech about how caring he was is bull shit like I expected. 

Who the hell wrote this speech? Seriously? He keeps repeating the same crap over and over. Law and order. Close the boarder. Law and order. Illegal immigrants are killing people. Law and order....squirrel. He is building a wall. A wall. A WALL! How so? I know he keeps saying that, but how is he going to make this happen? 

"On January 20th, 2017. The day I take the oath of office. Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced." What? So they never were before? We just lived in a lawless country? 

Please tell me I am not the only one thinking this has got to be the weirdest speech in the history of speeches. Hell, my post does not make much sense because he is all over the place. I might as well just wrap it up here because he keeps going in circles. It is basically America first, law and order, and he hates immigrants. The end. No solutions. No nothing. 

Where is he getting that Hillary is wanting to abolish the 2nd Amendment? I am so sick of the scare tactics about this subject. 

Oh. He is thanking the fundies, y'all. They are the reason he is there tonight. Religion is under attack! "I am going to repeal that language and protect free speech!" <--- What the hell does that even mean? 

And back to the old line of "We don't win anymore!" 

I am tapping out. A fucking hour and fifteen minutes and I got nothing out of it. Not a damn thing. 



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31 minutes ago, Mecca said:

So now I am listening to the Donald. I would honestly rather have a Pap smear for seven days straight than listen to him yell slowly and snort after every sentence. I mean, I really like horror, but this horror show is just too much for me. I keep telling myself this pain will be over soon. 

I can't stand the chanting from the audience. If is it not, "USA" it is, "LOCK HER UP!" Put a sock in it, goobs. I swear this speech plus the chanting from the audience sounds like something from a KKK meeting.

He is about Americanism and not globalism, y'alI. Screw the rest of the world. It is only about the U.S. He keeps talking about his big plans, but he never outlines them. He said he was going to talk about these super awesome plans, but he didn't. He just went onto something else. 

I am not sure if something happened, but people started yelling and Donald stopped and kept looking up. They showed Eric and he was looking up too. I hope we find out what that was about.

And now we are back to beating the crap out of the e-mails and Benghazi. He keeps repeating the phrase "law and order." I guess that is his favorite show? That is were he gets his info from? A show off NBC? And now he is saying he will appoint new police officials? How so? See, this is what I mean by Donald not understanding how things work and the difference between federal, state, and local jurisdictions. 

Honest to goodness, my fellow peeps. This is the most incoherent speech I have ever heard. It is like he keeps seeing a squirrel in the audience and gets side tracked. Not as much clapping and cheering coming from the audience when he does actually talk about stopping violence towards the LBGT community. They showed some of the audience and there were many delegates that did not look very pleased. Of course when he switched rapidly about kicking butt in the Midlle East, that got them all on their feet. 

He does not want Syrian refugees. They need to stay where they are and get murdered, I guess. That little film they showed prior to his speech about how caring he was is bull shit like I expected. 

Who the hell wrote this speech? Seriously? He keeps repeating the same crap over and over. Law and order. Close the boarder. Law and order. Illegal immigrants are killing people. Law and order....squirrel. He is building a wall. A wall. A WALL! How so? I know he keeps saying that, but how is he going to make this happen? 

"On January 20th, 2017. The day I take the oath of office. Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced." What? So they never were before? We just lived in a lawless country? 

Please tell me I am not the only one thinking this has got to be the weirdest speech in the history of speeches. Hell, my post does not make much sense because he is all over the place. I might as well just wrap it up here because he keeps going in circles. It is basically America first, law and order, and he hates immigrants. The end. No solutions. No nothing. 

Where is he getting that Hillary is wanting to abolish the 2nd Amendment? I am so sick of the scare tactics about this subject. 

Oh. He is thanking the fundies, y'all. They are the reason he is there tonight. Religion is under attack! "I am going to repeal that language and protect free speech!" <--- What the hell does that even mean? 

And back to the old line of "We don't win anymore!" 

I am tapping out. A fucking hour and fifteen minutes and I got nothing out of it. Not a damn thing. 



 I read about this earlier. Trump is talking about getting rid of the Johnson Amendment as an attempt to win over conservative Christians.

Did you catch the part where Trump's gonna go after American companies that send jobs overseas, AND get rid of all those pesky regulations that stifle business? So how does that work? Is he gonna just ask them nicely to not move their businesses out of the USA, and they'll agree to do so out of the goodness of their hearts?!?

I'm still suprised that he didn't start cussing like the proverbial sailor. Good thing I didn't bet on that outcome! 

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I am going to need a vacation after these last four days. Thank you universe that the RNC convention is over. We have the DNC convention next week. 

Stephen Miller, the guy that claims to have written Trump's speech, needs a new job and not as a speech writer. That speech sounded more like "The Purge."

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I know this week has been tough (and also hilarious if you can manage to forget what's at stake), but the line up of speakers for the Democrats looks pretty good.  I'm pretty excited to see the contrast between the two.  

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Watching all four days of the RNC is a strain on your adrenal system.

I am looking forward to Hillary's response next week. 

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3 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

 I read about this earlier. Trump is talking about getting rid of the Johnson Amendment as an attempt to win over conservative Christians.

Did you catch the part where Trump's gonna go after American companies that send jobs overseas, AND get rid of all those pesky regulations that stifle business? So how does that work? Is he gonna just ask them nicely to not move their businesses out of the USA, and they'll agree to do so out of the goodness of their hearts?!?

I'm still suprised that he didn't start cussing like the proverbial sailor. Good thing I didn't bet on that outcome! 

Yeah, he did try to talk about the amendment, but he never really made a real connection because he was very scrambled about the subject and was all over the pace. I hate the pandering to the evangelicals, but I guess he is going to have to considering how he has alienated every one else. 

I loved it when he was yammering on about the jobs being sent overseas, especially since, you know, he conducts a lot of his busniess overseas. The products he pushes within his own line are produced overseas. Is he going to sanction himself? 


4 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

Watching all four days of the RNC is a strain on your adrenal system.

I am looking forward to Hillary's response next week. 

Haha! I really need to start up the job search again. This election cycle has me mesmerized as well as horrified. I have been sitting up really late at night this week reading and listening to commentary from different sources. What a sad life I live, eh? LOL! 

I pray to the heavens the DNC brings their A game next week and shows not only the U.S., but the world they are the better solution. I don't think democrats are perfect, but dang it, Hillary is the better choice here. 

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