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Lori Alexander learning less than ever- Part 7

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Keep writing, because I share these posts with others. I also like to print them for my daughter to read. As a teenager she is gets some worldly ideas, until I explain that isn't God's will for a girl.

:pb_sad: That's all I got...just :pb_sad:  And I am so glad my funny, intelligent daughter is not being raised by that woman.

Hope that kid makes it despite her mother.



What, in your opinion caused their mothers to be that way and to create horrible childhoods for there daughters? -- at a time when SAHM was the norm and movies, books, and magazines portrayed SAHMs as very loving, happy and content.. 

Is it possible that there were many, many more women like Friedan's mother than we know? That the picture of the happy SAHM was not completely accurate? I know many older women who describe their SAHM mothers as unloving and rejecting. My husband describes his mother and his childhood that way -- she has not changed.



You are correct and this is why God commands older women to LOVE their children. However, America was a much better place back then when mothers were home full-time because at least their children knew they were there for them even if they weren't great mothers. There wasn't the drug and alcohol problems, sexual immorality, divorce, debauchery, gangs, violence, mass shootings, etc. that there are today where children are being raised with no one home for them.

I despise this notion that a child would prefer a bad parent to be there for them.  I for one am grateful that my mother got us the hell away from my abusive, alcoholic father.

Also, Lori is out of her mind if she things sexual immorality, alcohol problems, violence, etc... weren't going on back in the good ol' days.  That's just ignorant.  Of course this is Lori, so...

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21 minutes ago, Koala said:

Also, Lori is out of her mind if she things sexual immorality, alcohol problems, violence, etc... weren't going on back in the good ol' days.  That's just ignorant.  Of course this is Lori, so...

The "good old days" have never existed.  There's always been sexual "immorality", alcohol problems (where does she think prohibition came from??), and violence was actually much more of a problem in the past than it is now.  The truth (the real truth) is that we live in an unprecedented era of peace and general prosperity.

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Ken's back! :Bazinga:


It is always fascinating to me how the human psyche can receive such disdain, abuse and feelings of being unloved, and all the while hating what they received, they turn around and deliver the same thing to their own family. 

The child of an alcoholic often becomes an alcoholic, divorce and abandonment begets the same in the next generation, abuse of a child also often creates an abuser who does not know how to deal with their rage. I have explored this question as to why and the answer seems to lie in the fact that as children they never were taught or developed the right training of their frontal brain and seat of emotions, so as the God's Word says, 

"The LORD is slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generations" (Numbers 14:18). 

Here Friedman and other early feminists had awful childhoods so instead of fighting for the family unit and for children, they instead took their hateful anger and perpetuated it on a whole generation of women and children... all in the name of defending women's rights. Feminism hated children so much that it chose to isolate them in Day Care or chose sudden death before the baby could even come out of the womb. All in the name of freedom and the betterment of society. 

Cannot at least the Christian parents see the the lies of Satan and how he twists God's best to wreak vengeance upon good people who are now deceived into believing that right is wrong and wrong is right. May Christian couples everywhere come to see that God's purpose and design is never wrong and ultimately proves the most fulfilling and rewarding life for parents and children. After all, our children are the greatest gifts and responsibility we will ever have here on earth, and will lead to our greatest rewards.

Hasn't lost his Wall o' Text touch, has he? 

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Ugh. Where to begin with Ken? I'll start with, in my experience, many people who suffered abuse as a child, do not abuse others.

Oh, and feminists hate children? :doh:

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Lori Alexander's School of Revisionist History is open for business, again!


Since she [Friedan] had a terrible mother with a horrible childhood and then a bad marriage, she made it her aim in life to cause many women to decide that being in their homes, married, and with children was a very bad idea. Thus began the feminist movement...

Quick & dirty women's rights history in the U.S.: It started in the 18th century with the fight for property rights for married women, and the right to receive an education, and the rights of married women to keep their own earnings, and the rights of married women to own their own businesses, and the right to vote, and the right to obtain a professional license, and the right to serve on a jury, etc. etc. The first women's rights convention was held in 1848!

Friedan's contribution in 1963 was to encourage upper-class white women to use their Ivy League educations to pursue careers. By then most of the heavy lifting to erase inequalities in the law was done. But in the Lori-centered universe, if it doesn't affect her, it doesn't exist. So everything before 1963 was perfect. All the women were happy and well-treated, and the kids were healthy and had perfect teeth. 

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

Feminism hated children

Oh Kenny boy, I love my children and many, many other children.  I dare say I do hate some children, for example, your parent's son, I hate him. Oh and your in-law's daughter, I hate her too.

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52 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Ugh. Where to begin with Ken? I'll start with, in my experience, many people who suffered abuse as a child, do not abuse others.

Oh, and feminists hate children? :doh:

Damnnnnnn.... I knew there was something within my femiist psyque that predisposed me for hating kids. I just knew it. What an idiot. 

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From FB (this is only post worthy because of Lori's weird reply):


My mom wanted to kick me out at 16 but grew to resent me when she found out that I had to stay until I was 18, that does not even begin to include that she wanted to leave me at the church 3 to 5 different times when I was a baby.



This is so sad. I am sorry, Ann. Have you been healed from this by the Lover of your soul?

:GRONDE: Whut??



I have explored this question as to why and the answer seems to lie in the fact that as children they never were taught or developed the right training of their frontal brain and seat of emotions, so as the God's Word says, 

Heh...Is that your profession opinion, Dr. Alexander?



Feminism hated children so much that it chose to isolate them in Day Care or chose sudden death before the baby could even come out of the womb.

Here Ken, let me fix that for you:


My wife hated children so much that she chose to isolate them in their rooms and beat them with leather straps.


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@Koala, the "have you been healed by the lover of your soul," nonsense sounds like one of Gothard's sex abuse worksheets. :(

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21 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

@Koala, the "have you been healed by the lover of your soul," nonsense sounds like one of Gothard's sex abuse worksheets. :(

sounds like a post count to me.

Aspiring to it would be something to live for in my twilight years.

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have you been healed by the lover of your soul

I feel like this is a line right out of the Rachel Dratch "Lovah" SNL skits. 

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sorry to break it to you guys, but it is actually a song reference.


The real lyrics start around 1:30 give or take

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22 hours ago, seattlechic said:

This woman is horrible. Telling girls they are not being asked out cause they are not pretty or slim? Bitch, don't make me punch you in the face. How incredibly judgmental (read NOT Christ-like) is that shit? And that woman who posted bout her marriage, now, that is pure love and courage. Good for her. And Lori, fuck you. 

      To be fair, you have to consider that Lori's personality is hideous.

      Ken certainly didn't marry Because she had a warm personality, a sharp wit, or sparkling charm.

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 The first women's rights convention was held in 1848!


In my very own town![/SenecaFallsRepresent!]

Lorken are monsters.

ETA:  I humbly present myself as proof positive that not all children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves(I realize many do).

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3 hours ago, Koala said:


:pb_sad: That's all I got...just :pb_sad:  And I am so glad my funny, intelligent daughter is not being raised by that woman.

Hope that kid makes it despite her mother.



I despise this notion that a child would prefer a bad parent to be there for them.  I for one am grateful that my mother got us the hell away from my abusive, alcoholic father.

Also, Lori is out of her mind if she things sexual immorality, alcohol problems, violence, etc... weren't going on back in the good ol' days.  That's just ignorant.  Of course this is Lori, so...


I do too, Koala, and from personal experience, I can say that it leaves a person with an awful lot of emotional baggage. 

Jesus had strong words about those who would hurt the little ones ... but Lori is just fine and dandy with it. I guess that should tell us a lot about where she stands.

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3 minutes ago, polecat said:

I do too, Koala, and from personal experience, I can say that it leaves a person with an awful lot of emotional baggage. 

Jesus had strong words about those who would hurt the little ones ... but Lori is just fine and dandy with it. I guess that should tell us a lot about where she stands.

Isn't it interesting that none of the fundies we follow ever mention Jesus? I find that so telling. 

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2 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

@Koala, the "have you been healed by the lover of your soul," nonsense sounds like one of Gothard's sex abuse worksheets. :(

Some hymn titles sound so naughty. I remember having to stifle the giggles every time we had to sing "He Touched Me." Heh. 

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4 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

@crazysnark, I wouldn't take it too harshly. In this context it's mostly geared towards disagreeing with Lori.

Yeah, I didn't read it like that. I guess I filtered it through my own experience, which shows (sadly) that (some....a whole lot that I've known) attractive women purposefully dumb themselves down in order to seem not intelligent and therefore less threatening to men.

I have been identified at several points of my life as being "attractive." In HS I absolutely played dumb because I thought it was what the boys wanted. And no one really commented on this until I was in grad school, and my dissertation adviser (who was a wonderful mentor and just an all-around lovely human being) took me aside and basically said, "STAHP! Own your intelligence).

So, FWIW, that's how I read that "airhead" comment--not that the OP was stereotyping good-looking women as "dumb."

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On 4/11/2016 at 7:49 AM, Loveday said:

(Quoting Lori's response to the commenter's testimony.)

Lori sounds... truly evil.

I know it's been said before. There is no compassion. There is only smug self-righteousness. She strikes me as a pharisee of pharisees, and sadly, would probably preen herself at that description, even though Paul used the phrase to show how lifeless and dead his faith had been before the road to Damascus.

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On Facebook, continued from Lori asking the woman whose mother wanted her out of the house, quoted by @Koala, above. 



Instead of therapy, Lori suggests memorizing scripture. :angry-banghead:

How is anything Lori said helpful for someone who has suffered abuse? 

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And of course she takes the opportunity to plug her study on Romans (which based on the decided lack of comments, no one is paying attention to.  Even Ken isn't chiming in with"great post babes" anymore).

And then there was this interaction:


Please- as per the Titus verse- may I encourage one another as women, to also not be false accusers- but do everything in love and be careful- let us not accuse or pick- but build each other up to be good wives. Mothers home makers etc and be so entwined with the word that we would know who it is wise to listen to. I have good friends who gave diligently sought the Lord regarding their work and her husband is agreeing- and she is working full time as a teacher while her children go to another school- she only accepted as she was led by the Lord from much prayer and reading of the bible- God has put her in a position to bring His light into a community that does not know the Lord. Let us not be close minded and critical- sometimes he calls us to work outside the home at the right time in order to make his message heard to those who don't know him. The key is love

Lori's nasty reply:


 Mothers are to be home full-time with their children because it is their children who need them way more than the school needs them. This is the place God has called them to be.

The key is love with obedience.

Her friend clearly doesn't realize that being led by God isn't what really counts.  What matters is being led by, and in obedience to The Godly Mentor.

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16 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

On Facebook, continued from Lori asking the woman whose mother wanted her out of the house, quoted by @Koala, above. 



Instead of therapy, Lori suggests memorizing scripture. :angry-banghead:

How is anything Lori said helpful for someone who has suffered abuse? 

I might be wrong, but I kind of remember she mentioned that women abused by their husbands should go to the police. But, Kenny boy said somewhere about being opposed to domestic violence shelters. On the topic of children abused by their parents, I don't think Lori has ever said anything helpful or given out at links. Lori's response to memorize a bible verse is fucked up.

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8 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

On the topic of children abused by their parents, I don't think Lori has ever said anything helpful or given out at links.

Lori has been confronted with instances of abused children on her blog:


Not with her, we tried hand, and although I was against it belt, wooden spoon, cane everything she would just keep going, I stopped after I thought I broke her arm... And tried other ways. The shower was the only thing that gave her pause... 

So the child had been hit with a belt, caned, had her arm nearly broken, and been tortured in cold showers.

Lori's response:


A spanking will work if it is hard enough.

Another instance of abuse:


So what happens when a wife is trying to respect her husband's leadership but he's the one feeding them junk food and junk media and threatening to punch them in the face or break their arms 

She continues:


Do I stay with a man who throws fits of rage and viciously verbally abuses us while my children grow up the same way and are lost because of his example? 

Lori replies:


Since he has never followed through on his threats, he probably never will 

She further states:


 The Bible doesn't give an excuse out of marriage for a man like this.

So that's Lori's response to child abuse: Hit harder, don't take threats of violence seriously, and don't even think about leaving because:


We ALL have trials and sufferings in our lives


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