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Lori Alexander learning less than ever- Part 7

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24 minutes ago, refugee said:

What was that movie about the boy who wanted to learn ballet? His father didn't want him to, because he was afraid it would turn the boy gay? (And the boy's best friend was actually a gay kid, and he was straight.)

Was that something like Billy Elliott, by chance?

And at the end of the movie, they show him as a star, dancing, and his parents in the audience, proud of him, I think, if I'm remembering right.

It is Billy Elliott. I like that movie a lot.

ETA iirc Billy is gay, it's shown at the end of the movie. 

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9 hours ago, Koala said:

My daughter admitted that most boys/men in ballet are gay, not in Ballet Mag, of course ... Unless, they live in Jackson, MS and can be at the Ballet Mag studio their entire growing up years and end up with the company, this would be great!


It doesn't make sense because Lori has no clue how to actually write. (And she used to be a teacher!) 


Taking a stab at it with my Lori-to-English translator ... 

"My daughter claims that most boys and men in ballet are gay. Ballet Mag seems to be the exception to this rule, of course. So since I believe that gayness is learned and not innate (because I'm a hateful bigot), I'd strongly advise parents not to enroll their sons in any ballet unless they could enroll them in Ballet Mag in Jackson, Mississippi. And then stick with that one studio until their sons were adults and could choose to stay with that studio. That would be great! Anything else would send them and their sons straight to hell. And I would be standing on the sidelines cheering God on as he chucked their souls into the fiery pit. Oh, did I say that out loud? Don't tell me my delivery is the problem. YOU are the problem. Submission! 10-minutes-and-lube! White horse of truth! KEN!"


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A 'guest' had this to say:

"Where are there verses that God gives preference to children, based on their parents being divorced? I grew up with friends who came from both divorced households and had a parent die. I have seen the exact opposite. 
I've been a long time reader, but you have been making many statements that have no biblical basis. While women's roles are an important topic of study, it is not what makes a Christian. The belief in Christ is what saves us. There are 2 kinds of doctrine; the main and plain, and doctrine we will nit pick amongst ourselves until judgement day. This falls in the nit picky."

Lori's comeback is to throw a couple of verses at her that have nothing to do with the situation except that they have the words 'widow' and 'fatherless' in them:

"A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation." {Psalm 68:5} 

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." {James 1:27}

And one of her leghumpers, who has clearly learned well from Queen of the Mean Girls Lori:

"'Guest', never point the finger at someone, as you will always have four fingers pointing back at yourself. Matthew 7v1-5. That is all."  (Translation: "Neener neener neener.")


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Today's post is a "guest post" (I use that term loosely, since Lori has a history of ripping off other people's writing without their permission in order to get blog content) about simplicity.

Look, Lori. You live in an area of the country with one of the highest costs of living in America. You've employed both a housekeeper and a nanny. Your kids had extra curricular activities up the wazoo and most went to university, if not to post-university education as well. You have two cars (even though you admit you don't go anywhere in the second one...), an organic diet, and vitamins and supplements that probably cost more than my car payment that I have to pay in order to go be an evil working woman. You've done blog posts about how much you love expensive shampoo and overpriced organic cosmetics. All this said, you have well and truly lost the right to tell other people to pare their lives down. Plank. Eye. Look it up.

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She also had this to say on the "Accused of Being Ignorant" (holy passive voice Batman!) post:


My neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and OBGYNs have all been men and were great doctors. But yes, older women would be great as midwives to help young women in labor since they, most likely, have been through it before. I would have loved having a midwife but I didn't know about them when I was having babies so I was content with the doctors that I had.

I, for one, call bullshit on this. My mother lived in the same area of the country as Lori and was having children at the same time as Lori here. Midwifery and natural birth was a huge fad in California in the '70s and '80s. I refuse to believe that she had never heard of a midwife, unless she was incredibly sheltered and igno---errrr...oh.


My sister told me a few months ago that I don't have a mean bone in my body and I can't recall ever intentionally being mean to anybody.

I wonder what the cat she kicked, the children she whipped with a leather strap or, you know, the husband she admits to treating like dirt, would have anything to say about that.

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41 minutes ago, Loveday said:

A 'guest' had this to say:

"Where are there verses that God gives preference to children, based on their parents being divorced? I grew up with friends who came from both divorced households and had a parent die. I have seen the exact opposite. 
I've been a long time reader, but you have been making many statements that have no biblical basis. While women's roles are an important topic of study, it is not what makes a Christian. The belief in Christ is what saves us. There are 2 kinds of doctrine; the main and plain, and doctrine we will nit pick amongst ourselves until judgement day. This falls in the nit picky."

Lori's comeback is to throw a couple of verses at her that have nothing to do with the situation except that they have the words 'widow' and 'fatherless' in them:

"A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation." {Psalm 68:5} 

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." {James 1:27}

And one of her leghumpers, who has clearly learned well from Queen of the Mean Girls Lori:

"'Guest', never point the finger at someone, as you will always have four fingers pointing back at yourself. Matthew 7v1-5. That is all."  (Translation: "Neener neener neener.")


Actually, unless you point your thumb, only three fingers will point back towards you. And, um, leghumper, Guest is correct here. That statement should not be made towards them, but towards Lori who is forever pointing her fingers at everyone and ignoring the three staring back at her. She also continually equates herself on the level with god, which, in the churches I went to in the past and what was taught to me by my parents, was considered a form of blasphemy. 

I am with "Guest" here, I have seen more of the reverse as well. Plenty of divorced fathers are involved in their children's lives. The children do not feel abandoned. Just because a woman is a single mother does not always mean the father is not in the picture. Based on my own awareness and not on any scientific studies or date because facts be damned anyway in Lori world, children are not happier living in a two-parent home where the parents are miserable and angry than living with happier divorced parents. 

I also feel compelled to say the following. My mother was a SAHM for several years to three children, just one less than Lori. She did not have a nanny or a housekeeper. She did not homeschool us and she never sent us to our rooms for a few hours each day so she could have quiet time. I can only think of one time she ever laid a hand to me when I sassed her really bad a teenager and she later apologized for the knee-jerk reaction. My dad did occasionally spank, but it was very, very rare, and unlike Lori he never took any pleasure in it. Normal parents, no matter how they discipline their children, do not take pleasure in doing so. My sister was actually never spanked. All you had to do was give her a "look" and she would instantly stop. There was never any holding us down and beating us with objects. There was never hours long battles to pick up items. Yet none of us has ever been involved with any drugs or were pregnant/got someone pregnant as teens. We all went to college and got good jobs. I plan on pursuing a masters, my sister is doing her nurse prac and my brother plans to go med school (still in undergrad college). My sister recently married and my BIL works for a large company. My mother also went back to work part-time when my brother started school and once he was a teen she started working full time. So, no nanny, no housekeeper, rarely if ever spanked, public school educated, mother who was both a SAHM and WM, yet all children turned out successful so far. Can Lori explain this? Besides calling it a Fluke? Detractor? Red Herring? 

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10 minutes ago, dairyfreelife said:

I also feel compelled to say the following. My mother was a SAHM for several years to three children, just one less than Lori. She did not have a nanny or a housekeeper. She did not homeschool us and she never sent us to our rooms for a few hours each day so she could have quiet time. I can only think of one time she ever laid a hand to me when I sassed her really bad a teenager and she later apologized for the knee-jerk reaction. My dad did occasionally spank, but it was very, very rare, and unlike Lori he never took any pleasure in it. Normal parents, no matter how they discipline their children, do not take pleasure in doing so. My sister was actually never spanked. All you had to do was give her a "look" and she would instantly stop. There was never any holding us down and beating us with objects. There was never hours long battles to pick up items. Yet none of us has ever been involved with any drugs or were pregnant/got someone pregnant as teens. We all went to college and got good jobs. I plan on pursuing a masters, my sister is doing her nurse prac and my brother plans to go med school (still in undergrad college). My sister recently married and my BIL works for a large company. My mother also went back to work part-time when my brother started school and once he was a teen she started working full time. So, no nanny, no housekeeper, rarely if ever spanked, public school educated, mother who was both a SAHM and WM, yet all children turned out successful so far. Can Lori explain this? Besides calling it a Fluke? Detractor? Red Herring? 

Probably #1 if your mother wasn't beating you (or... didn't do anything the way Lori/Ken did it) she just wasn't doing it right, no matter how you and your sibs turned out, and/or #2 it doesn't matter how you turned out anyway, since you're probably not a Good Christian (like they are).  

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1 hour ago, gWife said:

Probably #1 if your mother wasn't beating you (or... didn't do anything the way Lori/Ken did it) she just wasn't doing it right, no matter how you and your sibs turned out, and/or #2 it doesn't matter how you turned out anyway, since you're probably not a Good Christian (like they are).  

Well, two of the three children consider themselves Christians, but No True Scotsman. Of course, my mom was not submissive to my dad so clearly they could not have a proper "godly" marriage despite having a rather happy long marriage (more than 30 years and no plans for divorce, can't see them doing so especially since my father's health has declined). My family is clearly just a fluke, a detractor to her message, a red herring. 

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My sister told me a few months ago that I don't have a mean bone in my body and I can't recall ever intentionally being mean to anybody.



I would also like to call total bullshit on the fact that Lori's readers seem to think she wrote this article and she can't be bothered to correct them:


 I set down for just a minute to read your article what a blessing it was to see. 



You're welcome, Karla!


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11 minutes ago, Koala said:



You're welcome, Karla!


:laughing-rolling: I misread this and thought it said "You're welcome, Koala!"

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

I went back and looked at that article and a few others from around that time. Those posts weren't nearly as bad as the ones now are. They still send the same message about submitting, but she is sharing her own experiences and giving examples of other wives--but she does it without tearing down anyone who disagrees with her. When did her posts start to be so mean?

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1 hour ago, molecule said:

I went back and looked at that article and a few others from around that time. Those posts weren't nearly as bad as the ones now are. They still send the same message about submitting, but she is sharing her own experiences and giving examples of other wives--but she does it without tearing down anyone who disagrees with her. When did her posts start to be so mean?

Sometimes I think that the reason Lori can't remember ever being "intentionally mean" to anyone is because her default mode is already on the meanest setting.   

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4 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:


Is there a FJ thread discussing this blog? Just came across it


Oh, dear. I went to that blog and poked around a bit, and also looked at the old FJ thread about it. No, this guy is definitely not a troll. This article, for example:


"Now am I saying being smart is a defect because you are woman? No.

But an intelligent woman can use her intelligence in many ways.  An intelligent woman can write books from her home, write a blog, teach women’s Bible classes, teach and home school her children and when her children are grown and gone perhaps help other women in teaching their children. In some cases a woman may be able to run some type of small business out of her home if she has the intelligence, energy and will to do so."

(ETA: bolding mine)

This is *exactly* the teaching about a woman's role from our former church. When I told them that "Titus 2" worship was a form of idolatry, they said the same thing this guy says: "We're not saying that a woman can *only* be a wife and a homemaker!"

No. That's right. So long as she constrains herself to the limited role, as outlined above in the quoted paragraph, even a genius-IQ woman can honor god with her choices.

(But brain surgery is definitely out. I don't think that's the sort of business you can conduct out of your home.)

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