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North Pole Reaches Melting Point


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That's not good, I'm in Northern Illinois and it's supposed to be in the 40's next week, which is weird enough, but the North Pole being so warm is BAD.  :cry:

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1 hour ago, snarkysuki1724 said:

That's not good, I'm in Northern Illinois and it's supposed to be in the 40's next week, which is weird enough, but the North Pole being so warm is BAD.  :cry:

And yet, you'll still have idiots claiming that climate change isn't real or isn't anthropogenic.

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3 minutes ago, roddma said:

Nope no such thing as global warming It' a 'liberal' idea.

I've not heard people denying global warming (but, remember, I'm the other side of the 'pond') but hear a lot of people saying that the warming is a natural change rather than caused by humanity.  I'm not saying that is what I think, it's not a topic I know a lot about, but it's definitely my husband's view (although he tends to have some unusual viewpoints in life).

I don't think there is any way to deny that climate is changing.  In the UK and Ireland there has been storm after storm after storm and it doesn't seem to have stopped raining torrentially since the beginning of December.

Not sure what the answer is but definitely agree we need to take better care of our planet.

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My dad recently informed me that he believe in global warming "to the extent that well trained scientists who are not motivated by extraneous factors have verified that global warming exists". ;)  - WTF dad for tone on that.

On the other hand, he is a very bright and well informed man.  We tend to avoid things like politics in general conversation.

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The logical part of my brain says, "this isn't good", and the irrational part says "this is fucking Alabama, and it's freezing!"

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