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Jill and Jessa Duggar Special Sunday Dec 13 - Merge


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This show is about as scintillating as watching a field being plowed.  If it weren't for my curiosity to see how far they dig themselves into a hole, I'd have switched channels long ago.

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I was just at that "Once Upon a Child" location yesterday!! Its by the Fayetteville mall. Why'd they go there instead of the one in Rogers though? Its.....20-30 minutes south of where they live....I almost bought the purple cowboy boots for my daughter.

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1 minute ago, goldfishgoddess said:

This show is about as scintillating as watching a field being plowed.  If it weren't for my curiosity to see how far they dig themselves into a hole, I'd have switched channels long ago.

My curiosity to see what the siblings (other than Jill and Jessa) say is the only reason I'm still watching this mess

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1 minute ago, goldfishgoddess said:

This show is about as scintillating as watching a field being plowed.  If it weren't for my curiosity to see how far they dig themselves into a hole, I'd have switched channels long ago.

between Jessa's indifference, Jinger crying, and Jill going on and on 

this needs to be taken off the air 


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Jill and Jessa - spewing shit - part 2

Derrick - they're putting together a presentation of what their ministry looks like.

Jill - we have some time and we'll have an event and put together a slifeshow and talk about our ministry

Benessa puts a sheet on the crib.

Jessa - Jill had extra bed sets so this is the most gender neutral.  Things were getting back to normal... and then another big news break that shocked and suprised us all because over the years Josh worked to repair out trust in him.  He really became someone we could look up to.


"two monts after the police report surfaced, another story about Josh was released in the media."

"Josh's name and identity were linked to an account on a website that connects individuals looking to have extramarital affairs."

Jessa - Josh eneded up confessing that he had gotten addicted to pornography and he had been unfaithful to his wife. We were devastated.  it seemed like it was a bad dream. How could this happen?

Jill - Just, thinking about like, um, what josh has been speaking for and just how our family believes as a whole, it was unbelievable, it couldnt be true.

Jessa- As we, as a family, looked into the situation, you have to wonder how does this happen.  How do you get from this point to that point? How do you go from being in this wonderful marriage relationship to living in a sort of double life and being unfaithful to your spouse.

Benessa puts together the crib

Jill - everyone makes their own decisions and everyone makes their own choices but they're not the only ones who suffer the consequences. Everyone around them does.

Jill looks online...

Producer - you defended josh, were you like "how could you do this?"

Jill - (fake crying) I did thin about derrick and I talked about how earlier this year when Jessa and I were talking with Megyn Kelly we wanted to say the truth.  I feel that we did that and I feel that, looking back, I still would have said that. BUT, knowing now what josh was hiding um, I feel like, you know, it wasnt right for him to let us speak our words without having the full knowledge of what he was hiding. 

Jessa - It was one thing months before when we looked back on the situation that happened when he was a teenager and said this was so long ago, but this is an issue happeneidng right now.  The other situation we had already brought closure, it was in the past, but yeah, it was really difficult to come to grips with that.

Benessa - puts the crib together some more... There appear to be flags with pictures of benessa hanging in the baby's room.

Jill - Now I think that we just have to understand that nobody is strong enough, thats why its so important to set boundaries and be accountable and just really focus on your relationship with the lord and not being a hypocrite. Yo u have to be real, open, and so, its really caused us to re evaluate things in our own lives too.

Derrick - Whats done in secret was done when no one is around is who we really are. If we meditatie on that we know who we really are.

They joke that they have a picture of everyone in central america holding israel

Jill - I think our faith has been strengthened.  By um, you know when the boat rocks you dont jump out, you cling tighter to it.  During this time its not easy, you dont say you prayers and everything works out.  That doesnt make things all beautiful and happy and cheery.  Its a daily struggle, daily battle.  

Benessa - still putting together the crib... they're somber.

Jessa - we pulled together and cried together but as each week goes by theres healing in this and wer're getting through

Jill - going forward, we will come out of this fire stronger as a family unit because life is full of challenges and struggles. Its one of them in the rest of our lives arent going to be easy and I'm greatful I'm a part of a family and we all love eachother and we want whats best for eachother even if its tough sometimes.

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Buzzard, I don't know how you stand it. I'm bored just reading your recaps.

(Not to say that you're a bad writer, it's just that the Duggars are boring.)

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1 minute ago, Smoochie said:


I understand Jill feeling victimized again, after the release of the reports.  Perhaps if they weren't so hypocritical and quick to condemn others lifestyles and choices.  Maybe if they had admitted that their lifestyle hasn't led to a perfect life, there have been bumps in the road (tho molestation is hardly a bump!)  but,  felt it was the best way to raise their family, people would have been more 'forgiving'.  It's the way they preach to, look down on others with the holier than thou attitude that led to, I believe, people not letting go of the unsubstantiated rumours.   Those in glass houses and all that!

I truly don't believe that them having and talking about the victimization has anything to do with what he did to Anna and they're forgiveness of what he did to them.  Apples and oranges, however, it should show them that their way of life, clearly their relationship with the Lord is not enough to make someone live a perfect lifestyle and will something away.  Lots of nice platitudes though about plugging along and getting  thru the fire. 

Man this show is all over the place with the 'plot' lines.

I can kind of understand that feeling too, but they need to decide which angle they're taking here. Either everyone should stop talking about Josh feeling up his little sisters because it's hurting the victims...or they really weren't victims at all because it was along time ago and it was no big deal and we had all completely moved past it.

And yes, agree that Josh's behavior towards his sister had nothing to do with him cheating on Anna, except that he was likely to get away with both of them because of the miserably patriarchal way he was raised. 

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So far the girls during their individual talking heads are saying "we" felt or "our" future.   Girls you are allowed feelings, you can say I, me, my or mine!

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This is my first time with your recap! Thank you! 

*I don't know why I can't mention someone and then continue the sentence... 

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Just now, Hermen-uetics said:

So far the girls during their individual talking heads are saying "we" felt or "our" future.   Girls you are allowed feelings, you can say I, me, my or mine!

I find Jessa very insufferable for some reason 

and Jill well she has just gotten more sad and depressing 

please don't show Jinger - 

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I'm watching the show it's weird. They tried to defend what happened the first time. I'm sure they didn't want to. They were upset that someone brought up what happened and released it to the media. 

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3 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

"Josh's name and identity were linked to an account on a website that connects individuals looking to have extramarital affairs."

Jessa - Josh eneded up confessing that he had gotten addicted to pornography and he had been unfaithful to his wife. We were devastated.  it seemed like it was a bad dream. How could this happen?

This is so, so weird to me. If my brother was a shit bag and cheated on his wife and kids, I'd be pissed at him. But it doesn't involve me and who knows what issues a marriage has that lead to cheating. How on earth is Josh cheating devastating to Josh's siblings, seemingly more than him MOLESTING THEM? 

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I refuse to watch. Can someone post a pic of derricks weird face and jessas appearance in labor?  Those are the only things I'm interested in right now. 

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Jill saying Josh shouldn't have let them "speak their words" makes it sound like she's incapable of forming an opinion or voicing her feelings without a man telling her everything prior. 

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Whats really striking to me is how disorganized the show is.  Usually you'd expect them to have the Josh stuff clustered in the beginning and then start building the story of Jill and Derick with drama building about Jessa's birth.  Instead, the Josh stuff is just sprinkled throughout with random interviews and hanky moments. 

The Jessa stuff is really weak and loosely edited and very boring. 

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Jill's box hair color is driving me over the deep end. Don't like do that to your hair. Like a box of hair color should not like make me see your hair like singing a a Tom Petty song...Don't do me like that

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As crappy as this is with the girls, I am so, so happy that so far we have seen no sign of JB&M. I don't think I could handle hearing their drivel about this. If this show could stay free of them, i might be able to stomach these.

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