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Anti-Gay Pastor Accused Of Crimes Against Humanity Hires Kim Davis’ Lawyers


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welcome back everyone. looks like kim really got the good lawyers. 


Pastor Scott Lively, America’s number one exporter of violent homophobia, is finally being brought to trial for crimes against humanity for his role in crafting Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill which led to widespread, government-sanctioned violence and murder directed towards LGBT Ugandans. It’s been a long time coming. After years of legal delays, Lively will finally be heading to trial in 2016. Needless to say, the man who had no problem viciously encouraging governments around the world to persecute homosexual victims is not so keen on owning up to his actions. He rushed out to hire the best (and probably only) legal firm that would take the case: Kim Davis’ lawyers.

When not defending Kentucky country clerks who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay people, the conservative Christian-funded Liberty Counsel seeks out bigots of all stripes. And as one of the most unapologetically bigoted men in the country, Lively could use certainly use their help.

Having been dealt blow after blow to his efforts to fight gay people in America, Lively looked elsewhere. As the opinions of Americans continued to move in favor of gay rights and marriage, he chose areas of the world which were much more likely to be receptive to his brand of ugly homophobia. On several occasions over the last decade, Lively had traveled to Uganda in order to teach “workshops” on how best to fight homosexuality. His teachings were carefully calculated to inflame anti-gay sentiment in the country. The Ugandan government, eager to exploit gay people as scapegoats, loved the idea of an American pastor visiting the country to lend credibility to their hate. Lively obliged them:

“The gay movement is an evil institution (that aims) to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity,’’ he said at a 2009 conference in Uganda.

Excerpts of Lively’s talk appeared in “A Prayer for Uganda,” aired in May on HBO’s newsmagazine “Vice.” In it, Lively compares homosexuality to pedophilia and says Uganda has “become like Sodom and Gomorrah.” He equates homosexuality with Nazism and fascism, blames the 1994 Rwandan genocide on gay people and calls AIDS “just punishment” for homosexuality.

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Shouldn't he hire someone who, you know, specializes in defending those accused of crimes against humanity? I seriously doubt Mat Staver and company have any expertise on this matter.

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On 10/21/2015 at 0:37 PM, artdecades said:
Shouldn't he hire someone who, you know, specializes in defending those accused of crimes against humanity? I seriously doubt Mat Staver and company have any expertise on this matter.

But they are Christian so that's the important thing. Hopefully this will be he downfall.

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