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Jill Duggar Dillard Pt 7 - Y'all Wanna Pay for My Vacation?

happy atheist

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Cut right to the chase ;) it's the question that's been floating around my brain all day.


My Granny had dementia. (Made worse by careless nurses who never noticed hypoxia until just a little too late. She lost a LOT of memories that day) she was always generally a happy dementia patient. She always seemed shocked that I wasn't 11 anymore. She'd say that she was losing her marbles. I miss her so much now :(

Haha well I thought it was best to just out with it. No point in beating around the bush when one truly wants to know something!

(As for grandparents, it never gets any easier does it? I miss mine so much!) 

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OK, so they had to abstain for 80 days aftef Izzy's birth. That gives them approximately 4.5 months to be working on #2.  Three scenarios:

1.  They are using some form of bc.

2. Jill is already pregnant and chomping at the bit to upstage little sis.

3. Getting pregnant hasn't been as easy this time around.

Any other thoughts? That's all I could come up with.

Since Izzy is their first and they don't have sister moms to raise him, they are doing all the baby care at night. So maybe they are just too tired to make sure they have sex on the few days a month that give them optimal conception chances. 

I say she's either pregnant and not announcing yet, or they're just too tired for sex sometimes. 

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I'm not really surprised that there hasn't been an announcement yet. Izzy is only 7 months old. I'm pretty sure that Jill is still breastfeeding. The latest crunchy breastfeeding thing is "exclusive breastfeeding" so you basically get a gold star if you can brag that your kid never had a drop of formula. (When Michelle was younger it was more acceptable to supplement with formula so she probably did) Generally fertility returns when your kid starts getting substantial calories from something other than your milk. Another crunchy trend right now is absolutely no solids before 6 months. I bet Izzy just started solids in the past month or so and it hasn't yet become a substantial quantity of calories for him. It's completely reasonable that Jill hasn't ovulated yet.

My friend breastfeed her first and didn't use other birth control, she got pregnant when her first was 8-9 months old. She never got a period between the two kids so she got pregnant on her first ovulation.

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As for the solid foods thing...it's not exactly crunchy to hold off on food until 6 months. Most doctors say to introduce at 4-6 months. And "food before 1 is just for fun" is a common saying because pretty much all nutrition the first year should come from breast milk, formula, or a combo. 

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I breast fed both my kids, they had two bottles of formula each, that's it. Started solids at 4 months for #1 (recommended to try and help her reflux) and 6 months for #2.  I'm sure glad I believe in contraception as I had my periods back at 6 weeks (#1) and 4 months (#2).   For Izzy's sake, I hope it does take Jill a while to get pregnant again.  

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I breast fed both my kids, they had two bottles of formula each, that's it. Started solids at 4 months for #1 (recommended to try and help her reflux) and 6 months for #2.  I'm sure glad I believe in contraception as I had my periods back at 6 weeks (#1) and 4 months (#2).   For Izzy's sake, I hope it does take Jill a while to get pregnant again.  

Jill's sake too. Izzy's birth was really rough on her, and I think she should take some time to let her body recover, enjoy her gigantic baby (seriously this kid's going to be so tall), and actually make herself useful in Central America.

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Jill's sake too. Izzy's birth was really rough on her, and I think she should take some time to let her body recover, enjoy her gigantic baby (seriously this kid's going to be so tall), and actually make herself useful in Central America.


they suggest waiting a year after a c-section before getting pregnant again and I believe two years if you wanna do a VBAC. Knowing her she's gonna want a nice unassisted home birth and if there's a chance of uterine rupture then its too risky and she'll have to wait.

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they suggest waiting a year after a c-section before getting pregnant again and I believe two years if you wanna do a VBAC. Knowing her she's gonna want a nice unassisted home birth and if there's a chance of uterine rupture then its too risky and she'll have to wait.

If Jill is the mini Michelle we think she is, she'll blantantly disregard medical advice and leave it "up to the lord". I hope for her safety that she waits too, and after Jessa's birth experience I think a hospital birth would be the best choice, but fundies seem to look at home births as something to brag about. 

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If Jill is the mini Michelle we think she is, she'll blantantly disregard medical advice and leave it "up to the lord". I hope for her safety that she waits too, and after Jessa's birth experience I think a hospital birth would be the best choice, but fundies seem to look at home births as something to brag about. 

and I am sure it is - but i would never do it

apparently Cindy Crawford had two at home 

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As for the solid foods thing...it's not exactly crunchy to hold off on food until 6 months. Most doctors say to introduce at 4-6 months. And "food before 1 is just for fun" is a common saying because pretty much all nutrition the first year should come from breast milk, formula, or a combo. 

Right, the "normal" range is 4-6 months, the crunchy thing is absolutely no food before 6 months. If a baby starts at 4 months they might be eating a substantial amount before 7 months, if they start at 6 months they're probably not eating much at 7 months.

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I don't think fundies do anything crunchy aside from home births, which they aren't doing for the "crunchy" reasons. They are doing it for anti-government pro-god reasons. "I don't need no hospital or healthcare insurance, God will take care of me (and all of you too ... so no Obamacare)". It isn't about feeling more comfortable in your own home and trying to have the baby the way we were meant to evolutionarily and how our ancestors did it... which is more of the crunchy way. That requires believing in evolution and that the earth is older than 6000 years.

As for Jill not being pregnant yet, I'm sure she will do everything in her power she has to to do the deed on the days she is ovulating, no matter how sick or tired she is. Derick could be putting his foot down as the head of the household, but given his other behaviors that seems odd. My guess is she is tracking her fertility and there haven't been any good days yet / they were in the last 4-6 weeks so we haven't heard anything yet.

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Subway is pretty global.

And a quick Google search reveals that Subway has 55 locations in Guatemala. And interestingly enough, 655 locations in Russia.

There are 27 Subway locations in El Salvador, the country Jill and Derrick are reportedly in.

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I don't think fundies do anything crunchy aside from home births, which they aren't doing for the "crunchy" reasons. They are doing it for anti-government pro-god reasons. "I don't need no hospital or healthcare insurance, God will take care of me (and all of you too ... so no Obamacare)". It isn't about feeling more comfortable in your own home and trying to have the baby the way we were meant to evolutionarily and how our ancestors did it... which is more of the crunchy way. That requires believing in evolution and that the earth is older than 6000 years.


maybe I am not getting this - I am from Canada - we don't get the same health insurance as people in the states.  What is wrong with their healthcare that they feel that they don't need to have healthcare?  Is it the Doctors or what? Do they really believe that God will save them ?

Do you all really think that Jessa and Ben don't have health care? or because they don't have jobs  they can't afford it.   I thought Obamacare was cheaper than regular insurance in the states?  I think there might be a difference with having your baby in your own home because you want that birth experience, but not to go to hospital after a difficult birth experience is silly and wrong imo - again -  what if JB covers everyone? can he cover married spouses? and crunchy people - evolution - I am sure if they could have had healthcare why wouldn't they ? - all silly but important questions I have 

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"they suggest waiting a year after a c-section before getting pregnant again and I believe two years if you wanna do a VBAC. Knowing her she's gonna want a nice unassisted home birth and if there's a chance of uterine rupture then its too risky and she'll have to wait."


Doctors recommend waiting 18 months before trying to conceive for any mother.



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"they suggest waiting a year after a c-section before getting pregnant again and I believe two years if you wanna do a VBAC. Knowing her she's gonna want a nice unassisted home birth and if there's a chance of uterine rupture then its too risky and she'll have to wait."


Doctors recommend waiting 18 months before trying to conceive for any mother.




Interesting, I got pregnant when my first was 15 months old and never heard that I should have waited longer. I even told my OB that I was going to be trying soon when my daughter was 13 months old and she didn't advise against it.

My friend got pregnant when her son was 9 months and was considered to be slightly higher risk because it hadn't been a year since she had given birth.

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maybe I am not getting this - I am from Canada - we don't get the same health insurance as people in the states.  What is wrong with their healthcare that they feel that they don't need to have healthcare?  Is it the Doctors or what? Do they really believe that God will save them ?

Do you all really think that Jessa and Ben don't have health care? or because they don't have jobs  they can't afford it.   I thought Obamacare was cheaper than regular insurance in the states?  I think there might be a difference with having your baby in your own home because you want that birth experience, but not to go to hospital after a difficult birth experience is silly and wrong imo - again -  what if JB covers everyone? can he cover married spouses? and crunchy people - evolution - I am sure if they could have had healthcare why wouldn't they ? - all silly but important questions I have 

Health insurance is very expensive here. If you have a decent, full time job, your employer well cover part of the cost of your insurance to make it more affordable. If Derrick was still working at Wal-Mart when izzy was born, they probably had good insurance and the hospital birth probably wasn't too expensive. I had a baby recently, vaginal birth, nothing crazy, and without insurance, the hospital costs would have been $6000+

I'm not sure about the rules of being covered under your parents. It used to be that you had to be I college full time to be covered past age 18 but I think they recently changed that to age 24. Either way, I think getting married would get you kicked off your parents plan.

I don't know if Jim Bob would carry insurance as a small business owner, if he does, he clould cover ben and jessa as employees. Generally small businesses can't negotiate great deals with insurance companies so they may end up paying a lot more. (I paid 10% of that 6000 for the birth, someone with cheaper insurance is probably paying more)

I doubt any of the duggars would participate in Obamacare. Most die hard republicans are against it.

So yea, homebirths are simply cheaper... When they go well.

Also, Google samaritan ministries, a lot of fundies use them. It's basically crowd funding other Christians for your medical bills, but you have to live by their life standards. They wouldn't exactly agree to pay for Josh's STD testing.

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If Jill is the mini Michelle we think she is, she'll blantantly disregard medical advice and leave it "up to the lord". I hope for her safety that she waits too, and after Jessa's birth experience I think a hospital birth would be the best choice, but fundies seem to look at home births as something to brag about. 

Definitely. Fundies don't want to take sound advice, they want to make risky choices just so they can say their labors were MIRACLES! 

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Michelle only had a couple of home births, probably when the Duggars lacked any medical insurance. 

It seems that Anna is the only woman in that family that has successfully pulled it off each time. I wonder if it was easier for Anna because her first was not LGA?  I think Mac was about 8 lbs at birth... Big difference for a first baby.

I really think the biggest influence for the Duggsrs is their cheapness.

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Well, so now, when I hear that either of these ladies is preggers again, and birth time arrives, I will be concerned for their lives, for all of the good that does anybody. 

But yes BecauseJesus. 

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Michelle only had a couple of home births, probably when the Duggars lacked any medical insurance. 

It seems that Anna is the only woman in that family that has successfully pulled it off each time. I wonder if it was easier for Anna because her first was not LGA?  I think Mac was about 8 lbs at birth... Big difference for a first baby.

I really think the biggest influence for the Duggsrs is their cheapness.

Sorry to be stupid, but what is LGA?

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Interesting, I got pregnant when my first was 15 months old and never heard that I should have waited longer. I even told my OB that I was going to be trying soon when my daughter was 13 months old and she didn't advise against it.


My friend got pregnant when her son was 9 months and was considered to be slightly higher risk because it hadn't been a year since she had given birth.

Did you have a c-section?

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